<%inherit file="base.mako"/> <%namespace name="nav" file="nav.mako" /> <%namespace file="scoreboard.mako" import="scoreboard" /> <%namespace file="accuracy.mako" import="accuracy" /> <%block name="navigation"> ${nav.nav('games')} <%block name="css"> ${parent.css()} <%block name="foundation"> <%block name="title"> Game Information % if game is None:

Sorry, that game wasn't found!

% else:

Game #${game.game_id}

Played ${game.fuzzy_date()}
Server: ${server.name}
Map: ${map.name}
% if game.duration is not None: Duration: ${"%s:%02d" % (game.duration.seconds/60, game.duration.seconds%60)} % endif

% if teamscores:
% for ts in teamscores: % endfor
Team Score
% endif
##### Games that have team scores push the scoreboard table to the right by ##### one column. % if len(tgstats) == len(stats_by_team): % for tgstat in tgstats:
% if game.game_type_cd == 'ctf': ${tgstat.caps} % elif game.game_type_cd == 'ca': ${tgstat.rounds} % else: ${tgstat.score} % endif
${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, stats_by_team[tgstat.team], show_elo, show_latency)}
% endfor ##### Games that do not have team scores use the full width % else: % for team in stats_by_team.keys():
${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, stats_by_team[team], show_elo, show_latency)}
% endfor % endif % if len(captimes) > 0:

Best Flag Capture Times

% for pgs in captimes: % endfor
Nick Captime
% if pgs.player_id > 2: ${pgs.nick_html_colors()|n} % else: ${pgs.nick_html_colors()|n} % endif ${round(float(pgs.fastest.seconds) + (pgs.fastest.microseconds/1000000.0), 2)}
% endif % if len(pgstats) > 0 and len(pwstats) > 0:
% endif % endif