set g_balance_vore_load_pred_speedcap 800 "when a predator is going faster than this (at full stomach capacity), their prey is squeezed out of them"\r
set g_balance_vore_load_prey_mass 30 "prey mass, influenced by player size"\r
set g_balance_vore_swallow_range 140 "distance below which you can swallow another player when facing them"\r
+set g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_item_fill 0.01 "how long it takes to swallow a health item, offset by item health, 0 is instant"\r
set g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill 2 "how long it takes to swallow a player, 0 is instant"\r
set g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill_scalediff 0.5 "fill rate depends on predator size compared to prey size by this amount"\r
set g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill_stomachload 1 "fill rate is influenced by the prey's stomach load by this amount"\r
return FALSE;\r
- item.swallow_progress_prey = min(item.swallow_progress_prey + 0.02, 1);\r
+ item.swallow_progress_prey = item.swallow_progress_prey + cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_item_fill") * ( /;\r
player.swallow_progress_pred = item.swallow_progress_prey;\r
if(item.swallow_progress_prey < 1)\r
return FALSE; // swallow progress not full yet\r