cvar_t shownetgraph = {CVAR_SAVE, "shownetgraph", "0", "shows a graph of packet sizes and other information, 0 = off, 1 = show client netgraph, 2 = show client and server netgraphs (when hosting a server)"};
cvar_t cl_demo_mousegrab = {0, "cl_demo_mousegrab", "0", "Allows reading the mouse input while playing demos. Useful for camera mods developed in csqc. (0: never, 1: always)"};
cvar_t timedemo_screenshotframelist = {0, "timedemo_screenshotframelist", "", "when performing a timedemo, take screenshots of each frame in this space-separated list - example: 1 201 401"};
+cvar_t vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha = {0, "vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha", "0.25", "opacity of touchscreen area outlines"};
+cvar_t vid_touchscreen_overlayalpha = {0, "vid_touchscreen_overlayalpha", "0.25", "opacity of touchscreen area icons"};
extern cvar_t v_glslgamma;
extern cvar_t sbar_info_pos;
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&vid_touchscreen_overlayalpha);
Cmd_AddCommand ("sizeup",SCR_SizeUp_f, "increase view size (increases viewsize cvar)");
Cmd_AddCommand ("sizedown",SCR_SizeDown_f, "decrease view size (decreases viewsize cvar)");
+int scr_numtouchscreenareas;
+scr_touchscreenarea_t scr_touchscreenareas[16];
+static void SCR_DrawTouchscreenOverlay(void)
+ int i;
+ scr_touchscreenarea_t *a;
+ cachepic_t *pic;
+ for (i = 0, a = scr_touchscreenareas;i < scr_numtouchscreenareas;i++, a++)
+ {
+ if (vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha.value > 0 && a->rect[0] >= 0 && a->rect[1] >= 0 && a->rect[2] >= 4 && a->rect[3] >= 4)
+ {
+ DrawQ_Fill(a->rect[0] + 2, a->rect[1] , a->rect[2] - 4, 1 , 1, 1, 1, vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha.value * (0.5f + 0.5f * a->active), 0);
+ DrawQ_Fill(a->rect[0] + 1, a->rect[1] + 1, a->rect[2] - 2, 1 , 1, 1, 1, vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha.value * (0.5f + 0.5f * a->active), 0);
+ DrawQ_Fill(a->rect[0] , a->rect[1] + 2, 2 , a->rect[3] - 2, 1, 1, 1, vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha.value * (0.5f + 0.5f * a->active), 0);
+ DrawQ_Fill(a->rect[0] + a->rect[2] - 2, a->rect[1] + 2, 2 , a->rect[3] - 2, 1, 1, 1, vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha.value * (0.5f + 0.5f * a->active), 0);
+ DrawQ_Fill(a->rect[0] + 1, a->rect[1] + a->rect[3] - 2, a->rect[2] - 2, 1 , 1, 1, 1, vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha.value * (0.5f + 0.5f * a->active), 0);
+ DrawQ_Fill(a->rect[0] + 2, a->rect[1] + a->rect[3] - 1, a->rect[2] - 4, 1 , 1, 1, 1, vid_touchscreen_outlinealpha.value * (0.5f + 0.5f * a->active), 0);
+ }
+ pic = a->pic ? Draw_CachePic(a->pic) : NULL;
+ if (pic && pic->tex != r_texture_notexture)
+ DrawQ_Pic(a->rect[0], a->rect[1], Draw_CachePic(a->pic), a->rect[2], a->rect[3], 1, 1, 1, vid_touchscreen_overlayalpha.value * (0.5f + 0.5f * a->active), 0);
+ }
extern void R_UpdateFogColor(void);
void R_ClearScreen(qboolean fogcolor)
+ SCR_DrawTouchscreenOverlay();
if (r_timereport_active)
case SDLK_INSERT: return K_INS;
case SDLK_HOME: return K_HOME;
case SDLK_PAGEUP: return K_PGUP;
+#ifdef __IPHONEOS__
case SDLK_DELETE: return K_DEL;
case SDLK_END: return K_END;
case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: return K_PGDN;
-void VID_SetMouse(qboolean fullscreengrab, qboolean relative, qboolean hidecursor)
+#ifdef __IPHONEOS__
+int SDL_iPhoneKeyboardShow(SDL_Window * window); // reveals the onscreen keyboard. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
+int SDL_iPhoneKeyboardHide(SDL_Window * window); // hides the onscreen keyboard. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
+SDL_bool SDL_iPhoneKeyboardIsShown(SDL_Window * window); // returns whether or not the onscreen keyboard is currently visible.
+int SDL_iPhoneKeyboardToggle(SDL_Window * window); // toggles the visibility of the onscreen keyboard. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
+void VID_ShowKeyboard(qboolean show)
#ifdef __IPHONEOS__
- if (key_consoleactive || key_dest != key_game)
+ if (show)
if (!SDL_iPhoneKeyboardIsShown(window))
if (SDL_iPhoneKeyboardIsShown(window))
+qboolean VID_ShowingKeyboard(void)
+#ifdef __IPHONEOS__
+ return SDL_iPhoneKeyboardIsShown(window);
+void VID_SetMouse(qboolean fullscreengrab, qboolean relative, qboolean hidecursor)
+#ifndef __IPHONEOS__
#ifdef MACOSX
if(vid_usingmouse && (vid_usingnoaccel != !!apple_mouse_noaccel.integer))
return false;
+// multitouch[10][] represents the mouse pointer
+// X and Y coordinates are 0-32767 as per SDL spec
+#define MAXFINGERS 11
+int multitouch[MAXFINGERS][3];
+qboolean VID_TouchscreenArea(float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *icon, float *resultmove, qboolean *resultbutton, keynum_t key)
+ int finger;
+ float rel[3];
+ qboolean button = false;
+ VectorClear(rel);
+ if (width > 0 && height > 0 && (key == '`' || key == K_ESCAPE || !VID_ShowingKeyboard()))
+ {
+ x *= 32768.0f / 320.0f;
+ y *= 32768.0f / 480.0f;
+ width *= 32768.0f / 320.0f;
+ height *= 32768.0f / 480.0f;
+ for (finger = 0;finger < MAXFINGERS;finger++)
+ {
+ if (multitouch[finger][0] && multitouch[finger][1] >= x && multitouch[finger][2] >= y && multitouch[finger][1] < x + width && multitouch[finger][2] < y + height)
+ {
+ rel[0] = (multitouch[finger][1] - (x + 0.5f * width)) * (2.0f / width);
+ rel[1] = (multitouch[finger][2] - (y + 0.5f * height)) * (2.0f / height);
+ rel[2] = 0;
+ button = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (scr_numtouchscreenareas < 16)
+ {
+ scr_touchscreenareas[scr_numtouchscreenareas].pic = icon;
+ scr_touchscreenareas[scr_numtouchscreenareas].rect[0] = x * vid_conwidth.value / 32768.0f;
+ scr_touchscreenareas[scr_numtouchscreenareas].rect[1] = y * vid_conheight.value / 32768.0f;
+ scr_touchscreenareas[scr_numtouchscreenareas].rect[2] = width * vid_conwidth.value / 32768.0f;
+ scr_touchscreenareas[scr_numtouchscreenareas].rect[3] = height * vid_conheight.value / 32768.0f;
+ scr_touchscreenareas[scr_numtouchscreenareas].active = button;
+ scr_numtouchscreenareas++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (resultmove)
+ {
+ if (button)
+ VectorCopy(rel, resultmove);
+ else
+ VectorClear(resultmove);
+ }
+ if (resultbutton)
+ {
+ if (*resultbutton != button && (int)key > 0)
+ Key_Event(key, 0, button);
+ *resultbutton = button;
+ }
+ return button;
// Movement handling
static int stuck = 0;
int x, y, numaxes, numballs;
- if (vid_usingmouse)
+ scr_numtouchscreenareas = 0;
+ if (vid_touchscreen.integer)
- if (vid_touchscreen.integer)
+ vec3_t move, aim, click;
+ static qboolean buttons[16];
+ static int oldkeydest;
+ keydest_t keydest = (key_consoleactive & KEY_CONSOLEACTIVE_USER) ? key_console : key_dest;
+ multitouch[MAXFINGERS-1][0] = SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
+ multitouch[MAXFINGERS-1][1] = x * 32768 / vid.width;
+ multitouch[MAXFINGERS-1][2] = y * 32768 / vid.height;
+ if (oldkeydest != keydest)
- // touchscreen controls...
- if (SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&x,&y))
+ switch(keydest)
- in_mouse_x = x;
- in_mouse_y = y;
+ case key_game: VID_ShowKeyboard(false);break;
+ case key_console: VID_ShowKeyboard(true);break;
+ case key_message: VID_ShowKeyboard(true);break;
+ default: break;
- else
+ }
+ oldkeydest = keydest;
+ // top of screen is toggleconsole and K_ESCAPE
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 0, 50, 50, NULL , NULL, &buttons[13], '`');
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 50, 0, 270, 50, "gfx/touch_menu.tga" , NULL, &buttons[14], K_ESCAPE);
+ switch(keydest)
+ {
+ case key_console:
+ if (!VID_ShowingKeyboard())
+ {
+ // user entered a command, close the console now
+ Con_ToggleConsole_f();
+ }
+ break;
+ case key_game:
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 380, 100, 100, "gfx/touch_movebutton.tga" , move, &buttons[0], K_MOUSE4);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea(220, 380, 100, 100, "gfx/touch_aimbutton.tga" , aim, &buttons[1], K_MOUSE5);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea(110, 380, 100, 100, "gfx/touch_attackbutton.tga" , NULL, &buttons[2], K_MOUSE1);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 330, 100, 50, "gfx/touch_jumpbutton.tga" , NULL, &buttons[3], K_SPACE);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea(220, 330, 100, 50, "gfx/touch_attack2button.tga", NULL, &buttons[4], K_MOUSE2);
+ buttons[15] = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // in menus, an icon in the corner activates keyboard
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 430, 50, 50, "gfx/touch_keyboard.tga" , NULL, &buttons[15], 0);
+ if (buttons[15])
+ VID_ShowKeyboard(true);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL , move, &buttons[0], K_MOUSE4);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL , aim, &buttons[1], K_MOUSE5);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea(-320,-480,640, 960, NULL , click,&buttons[2], K_MOUSE1);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL , NULL, &buttons[3], K_SPACE);
+ VID_TouchscreenArea( 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL , NULL, &buttons[4], K_MOUSE2);
+ if (buttons[2])
- in_mouse_x = 0;
- in_mouse_y = 0;
+ in_windowmouse_x = x;
+ in_windowmouse_y = y;
+ break;
- else if (vid_stick_mouse.integer)
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove -= move[1] * cl_forwardspeed.value;
+ cl.cmd.sidemove += move[0] * cl_sidespeed.value;
+ cl.viewangles[0] += aim[1] * cl_pitchspeed.value * cl.realframetime;
+ cl.viewangles[1] -= aim[0] * cl_yawspeed.value * cl.realframetime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (vid_usingmouse)
- // have the mouse stuck in the middle, example use: prevent expose effect of beryl during the game when not using
- // window grabbing. --blub
- // we need 2 frames to initialize the center position
- if(!stuck)
+ if (vid_stick_mouse.integer)
+ // have the mouse stuck in the middle, example use: prevent expose effect of beryl during the game when not using
+ // window grabbing. --blub
+ // we need 2 frames to initialize the center position
+ if(!stuck)
+ {
- SDL_WarpMouse(win_half_width, win_half_height);
+ SDL_WarpMouse(win_half_width, win_half_height);
- SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, win_half_width, win_half_height);
+ SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, win_half_width, win_half_height);
- SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
- SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&x, &y);
- ++stuck;
- } else {
- SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&x, &y);
- in_mouse_x = x + old_x;
- in_mouse_y = y + old_y;
- SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
- old_x = x - win_half_width;
- old_y = y - win_half_height;
+ SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
+ SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&x, &y);
+ ++stuck;
+ } else {
+ SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&x, &y);
+ in_mouse_x = x + old_x;
+ in_mouse_y = y + old_y;
+ SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
+ old_x = x - win_half_width;
+ old_y = y - win_half_height;
- SDL_WarpMouse(win_half_width, win_half_height);
+ SDL_WarpMouse(win_half_width, win_half_height);
- SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, win_half_width, win_half_height);
+ SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, win_half_width, win_half_height);
+ }
+ } else {
+ SDL_GetRelativeMouseState( &x, &y );
+ in_mouse_x = x;
+ in_mouse_y = y;
- } else {
- SDL_GetRelativeMouseState( &x, &y );
- in_mouse_x = x;
- in_mouse_y = y;
- }
- SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
- in_windowmouse_x = x;
- in_windowmouse_y = y;
+ SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
+ in_windowmouse_x = x;
+ in_windowmouse_y = y;
+ }
if (vid_numjoysticks && joy_enable.integer && joy_index.integer >= 0 && joy_index.integer < vid_numjoysticks)
void Sys_SendKeyEvents( void )
static qboolean sound_active = true;
+ static qboolean missingunicodehack = true;
int keycode;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int unicode;
SDL_Event event;
while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
keycode = MapKey(event.key.keysym.sym);
if (!IN_JoystickBlockDoubledKeyEvents(keycode))
+#ifdef __IPHONEOS__
+ // the virtual keyboard seems to produce no unicode values...
+ if (missingunicodehack && keycode >= ' ' && keycode < 0x7F && event.key.keysym.unicode == 0)
+ {
+ Con_DPrintf("SDL hack: no unicode value reported, substituting ascii value %i\n", keycode);
+ Key_Event(keycode, keycode, (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED));
+ }
+ else
Key_Event(keycode, 0, (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED));
+#ifndef __IPHONEOS__
if (event.button.button <= 18)
Key_Event( buttonremap[event.button.button - 1], 0, event.button.state == SDL_PRESSED );
if (!joy_enable.integer)
// we have some characters to parse
+ missingunicodehack = false;
- int unicode;
- int i;
- int j;
unicode = 0;
for (i = 0;event.text.text[i];)
+ Con_DPrintf("SDL_FINGERDOWN for finger %i\n", (int)event.tfinger.fingerId);
+ for (i = 0;i < MAXFINGERS-1;i++)
+ {
+ if (!multitouch[i][0])
+ {
+ multitouch[i][0] = event.tfinger.fingerId;
+ multitouch[i][1] = event.tfinger.x;
+ multitouch[i][2] = event.tfinger.y;
+ // TODO: use event.tfinger.pressure?
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == MAXFINGERS-1)
+ Con_DPrintf("Too many fingers at once!\n");
+ break;
+ Con_DPrintf("SDL_FINGERUP for finger %i\n", (int)event.tfinger.fingerId);
+ for (i = 0;i < MAXFINGERS-1;i++)
+ {
+ if (multitouch[i][0] == event.tfinger.fingerId)
+ {
+ multitouch[i][0] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == MAXFINGERS-1)
+ Con_DPrintf("No SDL_FINGERDOWN event matches this SDL_FINGERMOTION event\n");
+ break;
+ Con_DPrintf("SDL_FINGERMOTION for finger %i\n", (int)event.tfinger.fingerId);
+ for (i = 0;i < MAXFINGERS-1;i++)
+ {
+ if (multitouch[i][0] == event.tfinger.fingerId)
+ {
+ multitouch[i][1] = event.tfinger.x;
+ multitouch[i][2] = event.tfinger.y;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == MAXFINGERS-1)
+ Con_DPrintf("No SDL_FINGERDOWN event matches this SDL_FINGERMOTION event\n");
+ break;
+ // not sure what to do with this...
+ break;
+ // not sure what to do with this...
+ break;
+ // we poll the joystick instead
+ break;
+ // we poll the joystick instead
+ break;
+ // we poll the joystick instead
+ break;
Con_DPrintf("Received unrecognized SDL_Event type 0x%x\n", event.type);
vid_hidden = false;
vid_activewindow = false;
+ vid_hasfocus = true;
vid_usingmouse = false;
vid_usinghidecursor = false;
vid_hidden = false;
vid_activewindow = false;
+ vid_hasfocus = true;
vid_usingmouse = false;
vid_usinghidecursor = false;