//*********************** //QUAKE 1 ENTITIES - So people can play quake1 maps with the voretournament weapons //*********************** void spawnfunc_weapon_nailgun (void) {spawnfunc_weapon_grabber();} void spawnfunc_weapon_supernailgun (void) {spawnfunc_weapon_grabber();} void spawnfunc_weapon_supershotgun (void) {spawnfunc_weapon_grabber();} void spawnfunc_item_spikes (void) {spawnfunc_item_fuel();} //void spawnfunc_item_armor1 (void) {spawnfunc_item_armor_medium;} // FIXME: in Quake this is green armor, in Voretournament maps it is an armor shard void spawnfunc_item_armor2 (void) {spawnfunc_item_armor_large();} void item_armorInv (void) {spawnfunc_item_armor_large();} void spawnfunc_item_health (void) {if (self.spawnflags & 2) spawnfunc_item_health_mega();else spawnfunc_item_health_medium();} //spawnfunc_item_spikes //spawnfunc_item_health // garbage function to reduce warnings in compiling about unused variables void junk_function () { self.exteriormodeltoclient = world; self.glow_trail = 0; self.tag_entity = world; self.BUTTON_JETPACK = 0; self.BUTTON_INFO = 0; self.button8 = 0; self.pitch_speed = 0; self.drawonlytoclient = world; self.nodrawtoclient = world; self.cursor_active = 0; self.cursor_screen = '0 0 0'; self.cursor_trace_start = '0 0 0'; self.cursor_trace_endpos = '0 0 0'; self.ping = 0; self.roomtype = 0; self.radius = 0; self.pitch = 0; self.renderamt = 0; self.rendermode = 0; self.rendercolor = '0 0 0'; self.light_lev = 0; self.color = '0 0 0'; self.style = 0; self.jumppadsused[0] = world; self.disableclientprediction = 0; self.contentstransition = null; self.dphitcontentsmask = 0; self.modelflags = 0; self.attack_finished_for[0] = 0; // why is this even valid? Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike! self.notsingle = 0; trace_dphittexturename = ""; require_spawnfunc_prefix = 1; self.movetypesteplandevent = null; self.viewzoom = 0; self.cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[0] = ""; self.scores[0] = 0; self.teamscores[0] = 0; gettaginfo_parent = 0; gettaginfo_name = ""; gettaginfo_offset = '0 0 0'; gettaginfo_forward = '0 0 0'; gettaginfo_right = '0 0 0'; gettaginfo_up = '0 0 0'; self.mass = 0; }