# VoreTournament rcon2irc plugin by Merlijn Hofstra licensed under GPL - joinmessage.pl # Place this file inside the same directory as rcon2irc.pl and add the full filename to the plugins. # Do not use more than 5 lines here, as they will be cut off by the client. my @jmtext = ( "Welcome to this VoreTournament server", "Have fun but please behave.", ); $store{plugin_joinmessage} = \@jmtext; sub out($$@); [ dp => q{:join:(\d+):(\d+):([^:]*):(.*)} => sub { my ($id, $slot, $ip, $nick) = @_; my $text = $store{plugin_joinmessage}; return 0 if ( $ip =~ m/^bot$/i ); return 0 if defined $store{"playerid_byslot_$slot"}; foreach ( @{ $text } ) { out dp => 0, "tell #$slot " . $_; } return 0; } ], [ dp => q{:part:(\d+)} => sub { my ($id) = @_; my $slot = $store{"playerslot_byid_$id"}; $store{"playerid_byslot_$slot"} = undef; return 0; } ],