sub out($$@); sub markmap($$$$;$) { my ($state, $map, $pro, $total, $who) = @_; open my $fh, '>>', "$ENV{HOME}/.voretournament/__votelog.$config{irc_nick}.txt" or die "votelog open: $!"; print $fh "@{[time()]} $config{irc_nick} $state $map $pro $total" . (defined $who ? " $who" : "") . "\n"; close $fh; } # the AOL calendar [ dp => q{\001(.*?)\^7: d} => sub { my $aoltime = time() - 746748000; my $day = int($aoltime / 86400); my $wday = [qw[Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon]]->[$day % 7]; my $hour = int($aoltime / 3600) % 24; my $minute = int($aoltime / 60) % 60; my $second = int($aoltime / 1) % 60; out dp => 0, sprintf 'rcon2irc_say_as "AOL service" "The time is %3s Sep %2d %02d:%02d:%02d 1993"', $wday, $day, $hour, $minute, $second; return 1; } ], # map vote logging [ dp => q{:vote:suggestion_accepted:(.*)} => sub { my ($map) = @_; markmap suggestion_accepted => $map, $store{rbi_winvotes}, $store{rbi_totalvotes}; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{:vote:suggested:(.*?):\d+:(.*)} => sub { my ($map, $who) = @_; markmap suggested => $map, 1, 1, $who; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{\001\^2\* .*'s vote for \^1gotomap (.*)\^2 was accepted} => sub { my ($map) = @_; markmap voted => $map, 1, 1; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{\001\^2\* .*'s vote for \^1timelimit -1\^2 was accepted} => sub { markmap cancelled => $store{map}, 1, 1; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{:vote:(keeptwo|finished):(.*)} => sub { my ($status, $result) = @_; my @result = split /:/, $result; my $totalvotes = 0; my $cutoff = -1; my @allmaps = map { $cutoff = $_ if $result[2*$_] eq ''; $totalvotes += int($result[2*$_+1] || 0); [$result[2*$_], int($result[2*$_+1] || 0)] } 0..((@result-1)/2); die "Invalid vote result: $result" unless $cutoff >= 0; my @winners = @allmaps[0..($cutoff-1)]; my @losers = @allmaps[($cutoff+1)..(@allmaps-1)]; my $winvotes = 0; $winvotes += $_->[1] for @winners; if($status eq 'keeptwo') { markmap irrelevant_relative => $_->[0], $winvotes, $totalvotes for @losers; } elsif($status eq 'finished') { markmap((@losers == 1 ? 'duel_winner' : 'winner_absolute') => $_->[0], $_->[1], $totalvotes) for @winners; markmap((@losers == 1 ? 'duel_loser' : 'irrelevant_absolute') => $_->[0], $winvotes, $totalvotes) for @losers; } $store{rbi_winvotes} = $winvotes; $store{rbi_totalvotes} = $totalvotes; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{pure: -(\S+) (.*)} => sub { my ($status, $nick) = @_; $nick = color_dp2irc $nick; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION thinks $nick is $status\001" unless $status eq 'MODIFIED'; # in this case, either DETAIL_TIMEOUT or DETAIL_MISMATCH follows return 0; } ], [ dp => q{pure: \*DETAIL_MISMATCH (.*) (\S+)$} => sub { my ($nick, $file) = @_; $nick = color_dp2irc $nick; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION thinks $nick has a modified $file\001"; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{pure: \*DETAIL_TIMEOUT (.*)} => sub { my ($nick) = @_; $nick = color_dp2irc $nick; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION thinks $nick refuses to tell us which file is modified\001"; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{pure: \*DETAIL_CVAR (.*) (\S+) (.*)$} => sub { my ($nick, $cvar, $value) = @_; $nick = color_dp2irc $nick; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION thinks $nick has changed $cvar to $value\001"; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{:recordset:(\d+):.*} => sub { my ($id) = @_; my $ip = $store{"playerip_byid_$id"}; my $slot = $store{"playerslot_byid_$id"}; my $name = $config{irc_nick}; $name =~ s/Nex//; # haggerNexCTF -> haggerCTF $name =~ s/^rm/hagger/g; # rmRace -> haggerRace my $map = $store{map}; $map =~ s/^[a-z]*_//; $ip =~ s/\./-/g; my $pattern = "/home/voretournament/home-$name/data/sv_autodemos/????-??-??_??-??_${map}_${slot}_${ip}-*.dem"; if(my @result = glob $pattern) { for(@result) { my @l = stat $_; next if $l[9] < time() - 60; # too old print "Cleaning up demos: protecting $_\n"; chmod 0444, $_; open my $fh, ">", "$_.nick"; printf $fh "%s\n", color_dp2none($store{"playernickraw_byid_$id"}); close $fh; chmod 0444, "$_.nick"; } } else { print "Record set but could not find the demo using $pattern\n"; } return 0; } ], # delete demos at the end of the match [ dp => q{:end} => sub { my $name = $config{irc_nick}; $name =~ s/Nex//; # haggerNexCTF -> haggerCTF my $pattern = "/home/voretournament/data/home-$name/data/sv_autodemos/*.dem"; print "Checking $pattern...\n"; for(glob $pattern) { next if not -w $_; # protected demo (by record, or other markers) my @l = stat $_; next if $l[9] >= time() - 60; # too new print "Cleaning up demos: deleting $_\n"; unlink $_; } return 0; } ],