#include "quakedef.h" static byte menuplyr_pixels[4096]; void CL_Screen_Init(void) { qpic_t *dat; // HACK HACK HACK // load the image data for the player image in the config menu dat = (qpic_t *)COM_LoadFile ("gfx/menuplyr.lmp", false); if (!dat) Sys_Error("unable to load gfx/menuplyr.lmp"); SwapPic (dat); if (dat->width*dat->height <= 4096) memcpy (menuplyr_pixels, dat->data, dat->width * dat->height); else Con_Printf("gfx/menuplyr.lmp larger than 4k buffer"); free(dat); } void DrawQ_Clear(void) { r_refdef.drawqueuesize = 0; } void DrawQ_Pic(float x, float y, char *picname, float width, float height, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags) { int size; drawqueue_t *dq; if (alpha < (1.0f / 255.0f)) return; size = sizeof(*dq) + ((strlen(picname) + 1 + 3) & ~3); if (r_refdef.drawqueuesize + size > MAX_DRAWQUEUE) return; red = bound(0, red, 1); green = bound(0, green, 1); blue = bound(0, blue, 1); alpha = bound(0, alpha, 1); dq = (void *)(r_refdef.drawqueue + r_refdef.drawqueuesize); dq->size = size; dq->command = DRAWQUEUE_PIC; dq->flags = flags; dq->color = ((unsigned int) (red * 255.0f) << 24) | ((unsigned int) (green * 255.0f) << 16) | ((unsigned int) (blue * 255.0f) << 8) | ((unsigned int) (alpha * 255.0f)); dq->x = x; dq->y = y; // if these are not zero, they override the pic's size dq->scalex = width; dq->scaley = height; strcpy((char *)(dq + 1), picname); r_refdef.drawqueuesize += dq->size; } void DrawQ_String(float x, float y, char *string, int maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags) { int size, len; drawqueue_t *dq; char *out; if (alpha < (1.0f / 255.0f)) return; if (maxlen < 1) len = strlen(string); else for (len = 0;len < maxlen && string[len];len++); for (;len > 0 && string[0] == ' ';string++, x += scalex, len--); for (;len > 0 && string[len - 1] == ' ';len--); if (len < 1) return; if (x >= vid.conwidth || y >= vid.conheight || x < (-scalex * maxlen) || y < (-scaley)) return; size = sizeof(*dq) + ((len + 1 + 3) & ~3); if (r_refdef.drawqueuesize + size > MAX_DRAWQUEUE) return; red = bound(0, red, 1); green = bound(0, green, 1); blue = bound(0, blue, 1); alpha = bound(0, alpha, 1); dq = (void *)(r_refdef.drawqueue + r_refdef.drawqueuesize); dq->size = size; dq->command = DRAWQUEUE_STRING; dq->flags = flags; dq->color = ((unsigned int) (red * 255.0f) << 24) | ((unsigned int) (green * 255.0f) << 16) | ((unsigned int) (blue * 255.0f) << 8) | ((unsigned int) (alpha * 255.0f)); dq->x = x; dq->y = y; dq->scalex = scalex; dq->scaley = scaley; out = (char *)(dq + 1); memcpy(out, string, len); out[len] = 0; r_refdef.drawqueuesize += dq->size; } void DrawQ_Fill (float x, float y, float w, float h, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags) { int size; drawqueue_t *dq; if (alpha < (1.0f / 255.0f)) return; size = sizeof(*dq) + 4; if (r_refdef.drawqueuesize + size > MAX_DRAWQUEUE) return; red = bound(0, red, 1); green = bound(0, green, 1); blue = bound(0, blue, 1); alpha = bound(0, alpha, 1); dq = (void *)(r_refdef.drawqueue + r_refdef.drawqueuesize); dq->size = size; dq->command = DRAWQUEUE_PIC; dq->flags = flags; dq->color = ((unsigned int) (red * 255.0f) << 24) | ((unsigned int) (green * 255.0f) << 16) | ((unsigned int) (blue * 255.0f) << 8) | ((unsigned int) (alpha * 255.0f)); dq->x = x; dq->y = y; dq->scalex = w; dq->scaley = h; // empty pic name *((char *)(dq + 1)) = 0; r_refdef.drawqueuesize += dq->size; } //only used for the player color selection menu void DrawQ_PicTranslate (int x, int y, char *picname, byte *translation) { int i, c; unsigned int trans[4096]; cachepic_t *pic; pic = Draw_CachePic(picname); if (pic == NULL) return; c = pic->width * pic->height; if (c > 4096) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_PicTranslate: image larger than 4k buffer\n"); return; } for (i = 0;i < c;i++) trans[i] = d_8to24table[translation[menuplyr_pixels[i]]]; // FIXME: this is renderer stuff? R_UpdateTexture (pic->tex, (byte *)trans); DrawQ_Pic(x, y, picname, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } void V_CalcRefdef (void); void CL_UpdateScreen(void) { DrawQ_Clear(); SHOWLMP_drawall(); V_UpdateBlends(); V_CalcRefdef (); SCR_UpdateScreen(); } void CL_Screen_NewMap(void) { SHOWLMP_clear(); } //============================================================================= // LordHavoc: SHOWLMP stuff #define SHOWLMP_MAXLABELS 256 typedef struct showlmp_s { qboolean isactive; float x; float y; char label[32]; char pic[128]; } showlmp_t; showlmp_t showlmp[SHOWLMP_MAXLABELS]; void SHOWLMP_decodehide(void) { int i; byte *lmplabel; lmplabel = MSG_ReadString(); for (i = 0;i < SHOWLMP_MAXLABELS;i++) if (showlmp[i].isactive && strcmp(showlmp[i].label, lmplabel) == 0) { showlmp[i].isactive = false; return; } } void SHOWLMP_decodeshow(void) { int i, k; byte lmplabel[256], picname[256]; float x, y; strcpy(lmplabel,MSG_ReadString()); strcpy(picname, MSG_ReadString()); if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) // LordHavoc: nasty old legacy junk { x = MSG_ReadByte(); y = MSG_ReadByte(); } else { x = MSG_ReadShort(); y = MSG_ReadShort(); } k = -1; for (i = 0;i < SHOWLMP_MAXLABELS;i++) if (showlmp[i].isactive) { if (strcmp(showlmp[i].label, lmplabel) == 0) { k = i; break; // drop out to replace it } } else if (k < 0) // find first empty one to replace k = i; if (k < 0) return; // none found to replace // change existing one showlmp[k].isactive = true; strcpy(showlmp[k].label, lmplabel); strcpy(showlmp[k].pic, picname); showlmp[k].x = x; showlmp[k].y = y; } void SHOWLMP_drawall(void) { int i; if (cl.worldmodel) for (i = 0;i < SHOWLMP_MAXLABELS;i++) if (showlmp[i].isactive) DrawQ_Pic(showlmp[i].x, showlmp[i].y, showlmp[i].pic, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } void SHOWLMP_clear(void) { int i; for (i = 0;i < SHOWLMP_MAXLABELS;i++) showlmp[i].isactive = false; }