#include "quakedef.h" cvar_t r_render = {0, "r_render", "1"}; cvar_t gl_dither = {CVAR_SAVE, "gl_dither", "1"}; // whether or not to use dithering int lightscalebit; float lightscale; float overbrightscale; void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void); static void R_Envmap_f (void); static int max_meshs; static int max_batch; static int max_verts; // always max_meshs * 3 #define TRANSDEPTHRES 4096 //static cvar_t gl_mesh_maxtriangles = {0, "gl_mesh_maxtriangles", "21760"}; static cvar_t gl_mesh_maxtriangles = {0, "gl_mesh_maxtriangles", "8192"}; static cvar_t gl_mesh_batchtriangles = {0, "gl_mesh_batchtriangles", "1024"}; static cvar_t gl_mesh_merge = {0, "gl_mesh_merge", "1"}; static cvar_t gl_mesh_floatcolors = {0, "gl_mesh_floatcolors", "0"}; static cvar_t gl_mesh_dupetransverts = {0, "gl_mesh_dupetransverts", "0"}; static cvar_t gl_mesh_sorttransbymesh = {0, "gl_mesh_sorttransbymesh", "1"}; typedef struct buf_mesh_s { //struct buf_mesh_s *next; int depthmask; int depthtest; int blendfunc1, blendfunc2; int textures[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; float texturergbscale[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; int firsttriangle; int triangles; int firstvert; int lastvert; struct buf_mesh_s *chain; struct buf_transtri_s *transchain; //struct buf_transtri_s **transchainpointer; } buf_mesh_t; typedef struct buf_transtri_s { struct buf_transtri_s *next; struct buf_transtri_s *meshsortchain; buf_mesh_t *mesh; int index[3]; } buf_transtri_t; typedef struct buf_tri_s { int index[3]; } buf_tri_t; typedef struct { float v[4]; } buf_vertex_t; typedef struct { float c[4]; } buf_fcolor_t; typedef struct { byte c[4]; } buf_bcolor_t; typedef struct { float t[2]; } buf_texcoord_t; static float meshfarclip; static int currentmesh, currenttriangle, currentvertex, backendunits, backendactive, meshmerge, transranout; static buf_mesh_t *buf_mesh; static buf_tri_t *buf_tri; static buf_vertex_t *buf_vertex; static buf_fcolor_t *buf_fcolor; static buf_bcolor_t *buf_bcolor; static buf_texcoord_t *buf_texcoord[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; static int currenttransmesh, currenttransvertex, currenttranstriangle; static buf_mesh_t *buf_transmesh; static buf_transtri_t *buf_transtri; static buf_transtri_t **buf_transtri_list; static buf_vertex_t *buf_transvertex; static buf_fcolor_t *buf_transfcolor; static buf_texcoord_t *buf_transtexcoord[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; static mempool_t *gl_backend_mempool; static int resizingbuffers = false; static void gl_backend_start(void) { int i; max_verts = max_meshs * 3; if (!gl_backend_mempool) gl_backend_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("GL_Backend"); #define BACKENDALLOC(var, count, sizeofstruct)\ {\ var = Mem_Alloc(gl_backend_mempool, count * sizeof(sizeofstruct));\ if (var == NULL)\ Sys_Error("gl_backend_start: unable to allocate memory\n");\ memset(var, 0, count * sizeof(sizeofstruct));\ } BACKENDALLOC(buf_mesh, max_meshs, buf_mesh_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_tri, max_meshs, buf_tri_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_vertex, max_verts, buf_vertex_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_fcolor, max_verts, buf_fcolor_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_bcolor, max_verts, buf_bcolor_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_transmesh, max_meshs, buf_mesh_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_transtri, max_meshs, buf_transtri_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_transtri_list, TRANSDEPTHRES, buf_transtri_t *) BACKENDALLOC(buf_transvertex, max_verts, buf_vertex_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_transfcolor, max_verts, buf_fcolor_t) for (i = 0;i < MAX_TEXTUREUNITS;i++) { // only allocate as many texcoord arrays as we need if (i < gl_textureunits) { BACKENDALLOC(buf_texcoord[i], max_verts, buf_texcoord_t) BACKENDALLOC(buf_transtexcoord[i], max_verts, buf_texcoord_t) } else { buf_texcoord[i] = NULL; buf_transtexcoord[i] = NULL; } } backendunits = min(MAX_TEXTUREUNITS, gl_textureunits); backendactive = true; } static void gl_backend_shutdown(void) { //int i; /* #define BACKENDFREE(var)\ if (var)\ {\ Mem_Free(var);\ var = NULL;\ } */ /* #define BACKENDFREE(var) var = NULL; BACKENDFREE(buf_mesh) BACKENDFREE(buf_tri) BACKENDFREE(buf_vertex) BACKENDFREE(buf_fcolor) BACKENDFREE(buf_bcolor) BACKENDFREE(buf_transmesh) BACKENDFREE(buf_transtri) BACKENDFREE(buf_transtri_list) BACKENDFREE(buf_transvertex) BACKENDFREE(buf_transfcolor) for (i = 0;i < MAX_TEXTUREUNITS;i++) { BACKENDFREE(buf_texcoord[i]) BACKENDFREE(buf_transtexcoord[i]) } */ if (resizingbuffers) Mem_EmptyPool(gl_backend_mempool); else Mem_FreePool(&gl_backend_mempool); backendunits = 0; backendactive = false; } static void gl_backend_bufferchanges(int init) { // 21760 is (65536 / 3) rounded off to a multiple of 128 if (gl_mesh_maxtriangles.integer < 256) Cvar_SetValue("gl_mesh_maxtriangles", 256); if (gl_mesh_maxtriangles.integer > 21760) Cvar_SetValue("gl_mesh_maxtriangles", 21760); if (gl_mesh_batchtriangles.integer < 0) Cvar_SetValue("gl_mesh_batchtriangles", 0); if (gl_mesh_batchtriangles.integer > gl_mesh_maxtriangles.integer) Cvar_SetValue("gl_mesh_batchtriangles", gl_mesh_maxtriangles.integer); max_batch = gl_mesh_batchtriangles.integer; if (max_meshs != gl_mesh_maxtriangles.integer) { max_meshs = gl_mesh_maxtriangles.integer; if (!init) { resizingbuffers = true; gl_backend_shutdown(); gl_backend_start(); resizingbuffers = false; } } } float r_farclip, r_newfarclip; static void gl_backend_newmap(void) { r_farclip = r_newfarclip = 2048.0f; } int polyindexarray[768]; void gl_backend_init(void) { int i; Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_render); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_dither); #ifdef NORENDER Cvar_SetValue("r_render", 0); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("screenshot",SCR_ScreenShot_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("envmap", R_Envmap_f); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_mesh_maxtriangles); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_mesh_batchtriangles); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_mesh_merge); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_mesh_floatcolors); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_mesh_dupetransverts); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_mesh_sorttransbymesh); R_RegisterModule("GL_Backend", gl_backend_start, gl_backend_shutdown, gl_backend_newmap); gl_backend_bufferchanges(true); for (i = 0;i < 256;i++) { polyindexarray[i*3+0] = 0; polyindexarray[i*3+1] = i + 1; polyindexarray[i*3+2] = i + 2; } } static void MYgluPerspective(GLdouble fovx, GLdouble fovy, GLdouble aspect, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar ) { GLdouble xmax, ymax; xmax = zNear * tan( fovx * M_PI / 360.0 ) * aspect; ymax = zNear * tan( fovy * M_PI / 360.0 ); glFrustum(-xmax, xmax, -ymax, ymax, zNear, zFar ); } /* ============= GL_SetupFrame ============= */ static void GL_SetupFrame (void) { if (!r_render.integer) return; // glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // LordHavoc: moved to SCR_UpdateScreen gldepthmin = 0; gldepthmax = 1; glDepthFunc (GL_LEQUAL); glDepthRange (gldepthmin, gldepthmax); // update farclip based on previous frame r_farclip = r_newfarclip; // set up viewpoint glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity (); // y is weird beause OpenGL is bottom to top, we use top to bottom glViewport(r_refdef.x, vid.realheight - (r_refdef.y + r_refdef.height), r_refdef.width, r_refdef.height); // yfov = 2*atan((float)r_refdef.height/r_refdef.width)*180/M_PI; MYgluPerspective (r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y, r_refdef.width/r_refdef.height, 4, r_farclip); glCullFace(GL_FRONT); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity (); glRotatef (-90, 1, 0, 0); // put Z going up glRotatef (90, 0, 0, 1); // put Z going up glRotatef (-r_refdef.viewangles[2], 1, 0, 0); glRotatef (-r_refdef.viewangles[0], 0, 1, 0); glRotatef (-r_refdef.viewangles[1], 0, 0, 1); glTranslatef (-r_refdef.vieworg[0], -r_refdef.vieworg[1], -r_refdef.vieworg[2]); // glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, r_world_matrix); // // set drawing parms // // if (gl_cull.integer) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); // else // glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); // was Disable glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(1); } static float viewdist; int c_meshs, c_meshtris, c_transmeshs, c_transtris; // called at beginning of frame void R_Mesh_Clear(void) { if (!backendactive) Sys_Error("R_Mesh_Clear: called when backend is not active\n"); gl_backend_bufferchanges(false); currentmesh = 0; currenttriangle = 0; currentvertex = 0; currenttransmesh = 0; currenttranstriangle = 0; currenttransvertex = 0; meshfarclip = 0; meshmerge = gl_mesh_merge.integer; transranout = false; viewdist = DotProduct(r_origin, vpn); c_meshs = 0; c_meshtris = 0; c_transmeshs = 0; c_transtris = 0; GL_SetupFrame(); } #ifdef DEBUGGL void GL_PrintError(int errornumber, char *filename, int linenumber) { switch(errornumber) { case GL_INVALID_ENUM: Con_Printf("GL_INVALID_ENUM at %s:%i\n", filename, linenumber); break; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: Con_Printf("GL_INVALID_VALUE at %s:%i\n", filename, linenumber); break; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Con_Printf("GL_INVALID_OPERATION at %s:%i\n", filename, linenumber); break; case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: Con_Printf("GL_STACK_OVERFLOW at %s:%i\n", filename, linenumber); break; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: Con_Printf("GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW at %s:%i\n", filename, linenumber); break; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Con_Printf("GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY at %s:%i\n", filename, linenumber); break; #ifdef GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE case GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE: Con_Printf("GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE at %s:%i\n", filename, linenumber); break; #endif default: Con_Printf("GL UNKNOWN (%i) at %s:%i\n", errornumber, filename, linenumber); break; } } int errornumber = 0; #endif // renders mesh buffers, called to flush buffers when full void R_Mesh_Render(void) { int i, k, blendfunc1, blendfunc2, blend, depthmask, depthtest, unit = 0, clientunit = 0, firsttriangle, triangles, firstvert, lastvert, texture[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; float farclip, texturergbscale[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; buf_mesh_t *mesh; // float to byte color conversion int *icolor; float *fcolor; byte *bcolor; if (!backendactive) Sys_Error("R_Mesh_Render: called when backend is not active\n"); if (!currentmesh) return; CHECKGLERROR // push out farclip based on vertices for (i = 0;i < currentvertex;i++) { farclip = DotProduct(buf_vertex[i].v, vpn); if (meshfarclip < farclip) meshfarclip = farclip; } farclip = meshfarclip + 256.0f - viewdist; // + 256 just to be safe // push out farclip for next frame if (farclip > r_newfarclip) r_newfarclip = ceil((farclip + 255) / 256) * 256 + 256; for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) texturergbscale[i] = 1; glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); CHECKGLERROR glCullFace(GL_FRONT); CHECKGLERROR depthtest = true; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); CHECKGLERROR blendfunc1 = GL_ONE; blendfunc2 = GL_ZERO; glBlendFunc(blendfunc1, blendfunc2); CHECKGLERROR blend = 0; glDisable(GL_BLEND); CHECKGLERROR depthmask = true; glDepthMask((GLboolean) depthmask); CHECKGLERROR glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(buf_vertex_t), buf_vertex); CHECKGLERROR glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR if (gl_mesh_floatcolors.integer) { glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(buf_fcolor_t), buf_fcolor); CHECKGLERROR } else { // shift float to have 8bit fraction at base of number for (i = 0, fcolor = &buf_fcolor->c[0];i < currentvertex;i++) { *fcolor++ += 32768.0f; *fcolor++ += 32768.0f; *fcolor++ += 32768.0f; *fcolor++ += 32768.0f; } // then read as integer and kill float bits... for (i = 0, icolor = (int *)&buf_fcolor->c[0], bcolor = &buf_bcolor->c[0];i < currentvertex;i++) { k = (*icolor++) & 0x7FFFFF;*bcolor++ = k > 255 ? 255 : k; k = (*icolor++) & 0x7FFFFF;*bcolor++ = k > 255 ? 255 : k; k = (*icolor++) & 0x7FFFFF;*bcolor++ = k > 255 ? 255 : k; k = (*icolor++) & 0x7FFFFF;*bcolor++ = k > 255 ? 255 : k; } glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(buf_bcolor_t), buf_bcolor); CHECKGLERROR } glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR if (backendunits > 1) { for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) { qglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (unit = i)); CHECKGLERROR glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (texture[i] = 0)); CHECKGLERROR glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR if (gl_combine.integer) { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_COMBINE_ARB); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB, GL_MODULATE); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB, GL_TEXTURE); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB, GL_PREVIOUS_ARB); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB, GL_CONSTANT_ARB); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB, GL_SRC_COLOR); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB, GL_SRC_COLOR); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB, GL_SRC_ALPHA); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB, GL_MODULATE); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB, GL_TEXTURE); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB, GL_PREVIOUS_ARB); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB, GL_CONSTANT_ARB); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB, GL_SRC_ALPHA); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB, GL_SRC_ALPHA); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB, GL_SRC_ALPHA); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_RGB_SCALE_ARB, 1.0f); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f); CHECKGLERROR } else { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); CHECKGLERROR } qglClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (clientunit = i)); CHECKGLERROR glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(buf_texcoord_t), buf_texcoord[i]); CHECKGLERROR glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } } else { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (texture[0] = 0)); CHECKGLERROR glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); CHECKGLERROR glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(buf_texcoord_t), buf_texcoord[0]); CHECKGLERROR glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } // lock as early as possible GL_LockArray(0, currentvertex); CHECKGLERROR for (k = 0;k < currentmesh;) { mesh = &buf_mesh[k]; if (backendunits > 1) { // int topunit = 0; for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) { if (texture[i] != mesh->textures[i]) { if (unit != i) { qglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (unit = i)); CHECKGLERROR } if (texture[i] == 0) { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR // have to disable texcoord array on disabled texture // units due to NVIDIA driver bug with // compiled_vertex_array if (clientunit != i) { qglClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (clientunit = i)); CHECKGLERROR } glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (texture[i] = mesh->textures[i])); CHECKGLERROR if (texture[i] == 0) { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR // have to disable texcoord array on disabled texture // units due to NVIDIA driver bug with // compiled_vertex_array if (clientunit != i) { qglClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (clientunit = i)); CHECKGLERROR } glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } } if (texturergbscale[i] != mesh->texturergbscale[i]) { if (unit != i) { qglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (unit = i)); CHECKGLERROR } glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_RGB_SCALE_ARB, (texturergbscale[i] = mesh->texturergbscale[i])); CHECKGLERROR } // if (texture[i]) // topunit = i; } // if (unit != topunit) // { // qglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (unit = topunit)); //CHECKGLERROR // } } else { if (texture[0] != mesh->textures[0]) { if (texture[0] == 0) { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (texture[0] = mesh->textures[0])); CHECKGLERROR if (texture[0] == 0) { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } } } if (blendfunc1 != mesh->blendfunc1 || blendfunc2 != mesh->blendfunc2) { blendfunc1 = mesh->blendfunc1; blendfunc2 = mesh->blendfunc2; glBlendFunc(blendfunc1, blendfunc2); CHECKGLERROR if (blendfunc2 == GL_ZERO) { if (blendfunc1 == GL_ONE) { if (blend) { blend = 0; glDisable(GL_BLEND); CHECKGLERROR } } else { if (!blend) { blend = 1; glEnable(GL_BLEND); CHECKGLERROR } } } else { if (!blend) { blend = 1; glEnable(GL_BLEND); CHECKGLERROR } } } if (depthtest != mesh->depthtest) { depthtest = mesh->depthtest; if (depthtest) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); else glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } if (depthmask != mesh->depthmask) { depthmask = mesh->depthmask; glDepthMask((GLboolean) depthmask); CHECKGLERROR } firsttriangle = mesh->firsttriangle; triangles = mesh->triangles; firstvert = mesh->firstvert; lastvert = mesh->lastvert; mesh = &buf_mesh[++k]; if (meshmerge) { #if MAX_TEXTUREUNITS != 4 #error update this code #endif while (k < currentmesh && mesh->blendfunc1 == blendfunc1 && mesh->blendfunc2 == blendfunc2 && mesh->depthtest == depthtest && mesh->depthmask == depthmask && mesh->textures[0] == texture[0] && mesh->textures[1] == texture[1] && mesh->textures[2] == texture[2] && mesh->textures[3] == texture[3] && mesh->texturergbscale[0] == texturergbscale[0] && mesh->texturergbscale[1] == texturergbscale[1] && mesh->texturergbscale[2] == texturergbscale[2] && mesh->texturergbscale[3] == texturergbscale[3]) { triangles += mesh->triangles; if (firstvert > mesh->firstvert) firstvert = mesh->firstvert; if (lastvert < mesh->lastvert) lastvert = mesh->lastvert; mesh = &buf_mesh[++k]; } } #ifdef WIN32 // FIXME: dynamic link to GL so we can get DrawRangeElements on WIN32 glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, triangles * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (unsigned int *)&buf_tri[firsttriangle]); #else glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, firstvert, lastvert + 1, triangles * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (unsigned int *)&buf_tri[firsttriangle]); #endif CHECKGLERROR } currentmesh = 0; currenttriangle = 0; currentvertex = 0; GL_UnlockArray(); CHECKGLERROR if (backendunits > 1) { for (i = backendunits - 1;i >= 0;i--) { qglActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (unit = i)); CHECKGLERROR glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); CHECKGLERROR if (gl_combine.integer) { glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_RGB_SCALE_ARB, 1.0f); CHECKGLERROR } if (i > 0) { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR } else { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); CHECKGLERROR qglClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + (clientunit = i)); CHECKGLERROR glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } } else { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); CHECKGLERROR glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); CHECKGLERROR glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR } glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); CHECKGLERROR glDisable(GL_BLEND); CHECKGLERROR glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); CHECKGLERROR glDepthMask(true); CHECKGLERROR glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); CHECKGLERROR } void R_Mesh_AddTransparent(void) { if (gl_mesh_sorttransbymesh.integer) { int i, j, k; float viewdistcompare, centerscaler, dist1, dist2, dist3, center, maxdist; buf_vertex_t *vert1, *vert2, *vert3; buf_transtri_t *tri; buf_mesh_t *mesh, *transmesh; // process and add transparent mesh triangles if (!currenttranstriangle) return; // map farclip to 0-4095 list range centerscaler = (TRANSDEPTHRES / r_farclip) * (1.0f / 3.0f); viewdistcompare = viewdist + 4.0f; memset(buf_transtri_list, 0, TRANSDEPTHRES * sizeof(buf_transtri_t *)); k = 0; for (j = 0;j < currenttranstriangle;j++) { tri = &buf_transtri[j]; vert1 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[0]]; vert2 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[1]]; vert3 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[2]]; dist1 = DotProduct(vert1->v, vpn); dist2 = DotProduct(vert2->v, vpn); dist3 = DotProduct(vert3->v, vpn); maxdist = max(dist1, max(dist2, dist3)); if (maxdist < viewdistcompare) continue; center = (dist1 + dist2 + dist3) * centerscaler - viewdist; #if SLOWMATH i = (int) center; i = bound(0, i, (TRANSDEPTHRES - 1)); #else if (center < 0.0f) center = 0.0f; center += 8388608.0f; i = *((long *)¢er) & 0x7FFFFF; i = min(i, (TRANSDEPTHRES - 1)); #endif tri->next = buf_transtri_list[i]; buf_transtri_list[i] = tri; k++; } #ifndef TRANSBATCH if (currentmesh + k > max_meshs || currenttriangle + k > max_batch || currentvertex + currenttransvertex > max_verts) R_Mesh_Render(); // note: can't batch these because they can be rendered in any order // there can never be more transparent triangles than fit in main buffers memcpy(&buf_vertex[currentvertex], &buf_transvertex[0], currenttransvertex * sizeof(buf_vertex_t)); memcpy(&buf_fcolor[currentvertex], &buf_transfcolor[0], currenttransvertex * sizeof(buf_fcolor_t)); for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) memcpy(&buf_texcoord[i][currentvertex], &buf_transtexcoord[i][0], currenttransvertex * sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)); #endif for (i = 0;i < currenttransmesh;i++) { buf_transmesh[i].transchain = NULL; //buf_transmesh[i].transchainpointer = &buf_transmesh[i].transchain; buf_transmesh[i].triangles = 0; } transmesh = NULL; for (j = 0;j < TRANSDEPTHRES;j++) { if ((tri = buf_transtri_list[j])) { for (;tri;tri = tri->next) { if (!tri->mesh->transchain) { tri->mesh->chain = transmesh; transmesh = tri->mesh; } tri->meshsortchain = tri->mesh->transchain; tri->mesh->transchain = tri; /* *tri->mesh->transchainpointer = tri; tri->meshsortchain = NULL; tri->mesh->transchainpointer = &tri->meshsortchain; */ tri->mesh->triangles++; } } } #if TRANSBATCH for (;transmesh;transmesh = transmesh->chain) { int meshvertexadjust; int numverts = transmesh->lastvert - transmesh->firstvert + 1; if (currentmesh >= max_meshs || currenttriangle + transmesh->triangles > max_batch || currentvertex + numverts > max_verts) R_Mesh_Render(); memcpy(&buf_vertex[currentvertex], &buf_transvertex[transmesh->firstvert], numverts * sizeof(buf_vertex_t)); memcpy(&buf_fcolor[currentvertex], &buf_transfcolor[transmesh->firstvert], numverts * sizeof(buf_fcolor_t)); for (i = 0;i < backendunits && transmesh->textures[i];i++) memcpy(&buf_texcoord[i][currentvertex], &buf_transtexcoord[i][transmesh->firstvert], numverts * sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)); mesh = &buf_mesh[currentmesh++]; *mesh = *transmesh; // copy mesh properties mesh->firstvert = currentvertex; mesh->lastvert = currentvertex + numverts - 1; currentvertex += numverts; meshvertexadjust = mesh->firstvert - transmesh->firstvert; mesh->firsttriangle = currenttriangle; for (tri = transmesh->transchain;tri;tri = tri->meshsortchain) { buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0] = tri->index[0] + meshvertexadjust; buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1] = tri->index[1] + meshvertexadjust; buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2] = tri->index[2] + meshvertexadjust; /* if (tri->mesh != transmesh) Sys_Error("!?!"); if ((unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0] < (unsigned int) mesh->firstvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0] > (unsigned int) mesh->lastvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1] < (unsigned int) mesh->firstvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1] > (unsigned int) mesh->lastvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2] < (unsigned int) mesh->firstvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2] > (unsigned int) mesh->lastvert) Sys_Error("!?"); */ currenttriangle++; } /* if (mesh->triangles != currenttriangle - mesh->firsttriangle) Sys_Error("!"); */ } #else for (;transmesh;transmesh = transmesh->chain) { mesh = &buf_mesh[currentmesh++]; *mesh = *transmesh; // copy mesh properties mesh->firstvert += currentvertex; mesh->lastvert += currentvertex; mesh->firsttriangle = currenttriangle; for (tri = transmesh->transchain;tri;tri = tri->meshsortchain) { buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0] = tri->index[0] + currentvertex; buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1] = tri->index[1] + currentvertex; buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2] = tri->index[2] + currentvertex; /* if (tri->mesh != transmesh) Sys_Error("!?!"); if ((unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0] < (unsigned int) mesh->firstvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0] > (unsigned int) mesh->lastvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1] < (unsigned int) mesh->firstvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1] > (unsigned int) mesh->lastvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2] < (unsigned int) mesh->firstvert || (unsigned int) buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2] > (unsigned int) mesh->lastvert) Sys_Error("!?"); */ currenttriangle++; } /* if (mesh->triangles != currenttriangle - mesh->firsttriangle) Sys_Error("!"); */ } currentvertex += currenttransvertex; #endif currenttransmesh = 0; currenttranstriangle = 0; currenttransvertex = 0; } else if (gl_mesh_dupetransverts.integer) { int i, j, k, index; float viewdistcompare, centerscaler, dist1, dist2, dist3, center, maxdist; buf_vertex_t *vert1, *vert2, *vert3; buf_transtri_t *tri; buf_mesh_t *mesh; // process and add transparent mesh triangles if (!currenttranstriangle) return; // map farclip to 0-4095 list range centerscaler = (TRANSDEPTHRES / r_farclip) * (1.0f / 3.0f); viewdistcompare = viewdist + 4.0f; memset(buf_transtri_list, 0, TRANSDEPTHRES * sizeof(buf_transtri_t *)); // process in reverse because transtri_list adding code is in reverse as well k = 0; for (j = currenttranstriangle - 1;j >= 0;j--) { tri = &buf_transtri[j]; vert1 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[0]]; vert2 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[1]]; vert3 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[2]]; dist1 = DotProduct(vert1->v, vpn); dist2 = DotProduct(vert2->v, vpn); dist3 = DotProduct(vert3->v, vpn); maxdist = max(dist1, max(dist2, dist3)); if (maxdist < viewdistcompare) continue; center = (dist1 + dist2 + dist3) * centerscaler - viewdist; #if SLOWMATH i = (int) center; i = bound(0, i, (TRANSDEPTHRES - 1)); #else if (center < 0.0f) center = 0.0f; center += 8388608.0f; i = *((long *)¢er) & 0x7FFFFF; i = min(i, (TRANSDEPTHRES - 1)); #endif tri->next = buf_transtri_list[i]; buf_transtri_list[i] = tri; k++; } if (currentmesh + k > max_meshs || currenttriangle + k > max_batch || currentvertex + k * 3 > max_verts) R_Mesh_Render(); currenttransmesh = 0; currenttranstriangle = 0; currenttransvertex = 0; // note: can't batch these because they can be rendered in any order // there can never be more transparent triangles than fit in main buffers for (j = TRANSDEPTHRES - 1;j >= 0;j--) { if ((tri = buf_transtri_list[j])) { while(tri) { mesh = &buf_mesh[currentmesh++]; *mesh = *tri->mesh; // copy mesh properties mesh->firstvert = currentvertex; mesh->lastvert = currentvertex + 2; mesh->firsttriangle = currenttriangle; mesh->triangles = 1; for (k = 0;k < 3;k++) { index = tri->index[k]; buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[k] = currentvertex; memcpy(buf_vertex[currentvertex].v, buf_transvertex[index].v, sizeof(buf_vertex_t)); memcpy(buf_fcolor[currentvertex].c, buf_transfcolor[index].c, sizeof(buf_fcolor_t)); for (i = 0;i < backendunits && tri->mesh->textures[i];i++) memcpy(buf_texcoord[i][currentvertex].t, buf_transtexcoord[i][index].t, sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)); currentvertex++; } currenttriangle++; tri = tri->next; } } } } else { int i, j, k; float viewdistcompare, centerscaler, dist1, dist2, dist3, center, maxdist; buf_vertex_t *vert1, *vert2, *vert3; buf_transtri_t *tri; buf_mesh_t *mesh; // process and add transparent mesh triangles if (!currenttranstriangle) return; // map farclip to 0-4095 list range centerscaler = (TRANSDEPTHRES / r_farclip) * (1.0f / 3.0f); viewdistcompare = viewdist + 4.0f; memset(buf_transtri_list, 0, TRANSDEPTHRES * sizeof(buf_transtri_t *)); // process in reverse because transtri_list adding code is in reverse as well k = 0; for (j = currenttranstriangle - 1;j >= 0;j--) { tri = &buf_transtri[j]; vert1 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[0]]; vert2 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[1]]; vert3 = &buf_transvertex[tri->index[2]]; dist1 = DotProduct(vert1->v, vpn); dist2 = DotProduct(vert2->v, vpn); dist3 = DotProduct(vert3->v, vpn); maxdist = max(dist1, max(dist2, dist3)); if (maxdist < viewdistcompare) continue; center = (dist1 + dist2 + dist3) * centerscaler - viewdist; #if SLOWMATH i = (int) center; i = bound(0, i, (TRANSDEPTHRES - 1)); #else if (center < 0.0f) center = 0.0f; center += 8388608.0f; i = *((long *)¢er) & 0x7FFFFF; i = min(i, (TRANSDEPTHRES - 1)); #endif tri->next = buf_transtri_list[i]; buf_transtri_list[i] = tri; k++; } if (currentmesh + k > max_meshs || currenttriangle + k > max_batch || currentvertex + currenttransvertex > max_verts) R_Mesh_Render(); // note: can't batch these because they can be rendered in any order // there can never be more transparent triangles than fit in main buffers memcpy(&buf_vertex[currentvertex], &buf_transvertex[0], currenttransvertex * sizeof(buf_vertex_t)); memcpy(&buf_fcolor[currentvertex], &buf_transfcolor[0], currenttransvertex * sizeof(buf_fcolor_t)); for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) memcpy(&buf_texcoord[i][currentvertex], &buf_transtexcoord[i][0], currenttransvertex * sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)); for (j = TRANSDEPTHRES - 1;j >= 0;j--) { if ((tri = buf_transtri_list[j])) { while(tri) { mesh = &buf_mesh[currentmesh++]; *mesh = *tri->mesh; // copy mesh properties buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0] = tri->index[0] + currentvertex; buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1] = tri->index[1] + currentvertex; buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2] = tri->index[2] + currentvertex; mesh->firstvert = min(buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0], min(buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1], buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2])); mesh->lastvert = max(buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[0], max(buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[1], buf_tri[currenttriangle].index[2])); mesh->firsttriangle = currenttriangle++; mesh->triangles = 1; tri = tri->next; } } } currentvertex += currenttransvertex; currenttransmesh = 0; currenttranstriangle = 0; currenttransvertex = 0; } } void R_Mesh_Draw(const rmeshinfo_t *m) { // these are static because gcc runs out of virtual registers otherwise static int i, j, *index, overbright; static float *in, scaler; static float cr, cg, cb, ca; static buf_mesh_t *mesh; static buf_vertex_t *vert; static buf_fcolor_t *fcolor; static buf_texcoord_t *texcoord[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; static buf_transtri_t *tri; if (m->index == NULL || !m->numtriangles || m->vertex == NULL || !m->numverts) return; // ignore meaningless alpha meshs if (!m->depthwrite && m->blendfunc1 == GL_SRC_ALPHA && (m->blendfunc2 == GL_ONE || m->blendfunc2 == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)) { if (m->color) { for (i = 0, in = m->color + 3;i < m->numverts;i++, (int)in += m->colorstep) if (*in >= 0.01f) break; if (i == m->numverts) return; } else if (m->ca < 0.01f) return; } if (!backendactive) Sys_Error("R_Mesh_Draw: called when backend is not active\n"); scaler = 1; if (m->blendfunc2 == GL_SRC_COLOR) { if (m->blendfunc1 == GL_DST_COLOR) // 2x modulate with framebuffer scaler *= 0.5f; } else { if (m->tex[0]) { overbright = gl_combine.integer; if (overbright) scaler *= 0.25f; } scaler *= overbrightscale; } if (m->transparent) { if (currenttransmesh >= max_meshs || (currenttranstriangle + m->numtriangles) > max_meshs || (currenttransvertex + m->numverts) > max_verts) { if (!transranout) { Con_Printf("R_Mesh_Draw: ran out of room for transparent meshs\n"); transranout = true; } return; } c_transmeshs++; c_transtris += m->numtriangles; vert = &buf_transvertex[currenttransvertex]; fcolor = &buf_transfcolor[currenttransvertex]; for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) texcoord[i] = &buf_transtexcoord[i][currenttransvertex]; // transmesh is only for storage of transparent meshs until they // are inserted into the main mesh array mesh = &buf_transmesh[currenttransmesh++]; // transparent meshs are broken up into individual triangles which can // be sorted by depth index = m->index; for (i = 0;i < m->numtriangles;i++) { tri = &buf_transtri[currenttranstriangle++]; tri->mesh = mesh; tri->index[0] = *index++ + currenttransvertex; tri->index[1] = *index++ + currenttransvertex; tri->index[2] = *index++ + currenttransvertex; } mesh->firstvert = currenttransvertex; mesh->lastvert = currenttransvertex + m->numverts - 1; currenttransvertex += m->numverts; } else { if (m->numtriangles > max_meshs || m->numverts > max_verts) { Con_Printf("R_Mesh_Draw: mesh too big for buffers\n"); return; } if (currentmesh >= max_meshs || (currenttriangle + m->numtriangles) > max_batch || (currentvertex + m->numverts) > max_verts) R_Mesh_Render(); c_meshs++; c_meshtris += m->numtriangles; vert = &buf_vertex[currentvertex]; fcolor = &buf_fcolor[currentvertex]; for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) texcoord[i] = &buf_texcoord[i][currentvertex]; mesh = &buf_mesh[currentmesh++]; // opaque meshs are rendered directly index = (int *)&buf_tri[currenttriangle]; mesh->firsttriangle = currenttriangle; currenttriangle += m->numtriangles; for (i = 0;i < m->numtriangles * 3;i++) index[i] = m->index[i] + currentvertex; mesh->firstvert = currentvertex; mesh->lastvert = currentvertex + m->numverts - 1; currentvertex += m->numverts; } // code shared for transparent and opaque meshs mesh->blendfunc1 = m->blendfunc1; mesh->blendfunc2 = m->blendfunc2; mesh->depthmask = (m->blendfunc2 == GL_ZERO || m->depthwrite); mesh->depthtest = !m->depthdisable; mesh->triangles = m->numtriangles; j = -1; for (i = 0;i < backendunits;i++) { if ((mesh->textures[i] = m->tex[i])) j = i; mesh->texturergbscale[i] = m->texrgbscale[i]; if (mesh->texturergbscale[i] != 1 && mesh->texturergbscale[i] != 2 && mesh->texturergbscale[i] != 4) mesh->texturergbscale[i] = 1; } if (overbright && j >= 0) mesh->texturergbscale[j] = 4; if (m->vertexstep != sizeof(buf_vertex_t)) { for (i = 0, in = m->vertex;i < m->numverts;i++, (int)in += m->vertexstep) { vert[i].v[0] = in[0]; vert[i].v[1] = in[1]; vert[i].v[2] = in[2]; } } else memcpy(vert, m->vertex, m->numverts * sizeof(buf_vertex_t)); if (m->color) { for (i = 0, in = m->color;i < m->numverts;i++, (int)in += m->colorstep) { fcolor[i].c[0] = in[0] * scaler; fcolor[i].c[1] = in[1] * scaler; fcolor[i].c[2] = in[2] * scaler; fcolor[i].c[3] = in[3]; } } else { cr = m->cr * scaler; cg = m->cg * scaler; cb = m->cb * scaler; ca = m->ca; for (i = 0;i < m->numverts;i++) { fcolor[i].c[0] = cr; fcolor[i].c[1] = cg; fcolor[i].c[2] = cb; fcolor[i].c[3] = ca; } } for (j = 0;j < MAX_TEXTUREUNITS && m->tex[j];j++) { if (j >= backendunits) Sys_Error("R_Mesh_Draw: texture %i supplied when there are only %i texture units\n", j + 1, backendunits); if (m->texcoordstep[j] != sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)) { for (i = 0, in = m->texcoords[j];i < m->numverts;i++, (int)in += m->texcoordstep[j]) { texcoord[j][i].t[0] = in[0]; texcoord[j][i].t[1] = in[1]; } } else memcpy(&texcoord[j][0].t[0], m->texcoords[j], m->numverts * sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)); } #if 0 for (;j < backendunits;j++) memset(&texcoord[j][0].t[0], 0, m->numverts * sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)); #endif } void R_Mesh_DrawPolygon(rmeshinfo_t *m, int numverts) { m->index = polyindexarray; m->numverts = numverts; m->numtriangles = numverts - 2; if (m->numtriangles < 1) { Con_Printf("R_Mesh_DrawPolygon: invalid vertex count\n"); return; } if (m->numtriangles >= 256) { Con_Printf("R_Mesh_DrawPolygon: only up to 256 triangles (258 verts) supported\n"); return; } R_Mesh_Draw(m); } // LordHavoc: this thing is evil, but necessary because decals account for so much overhead void R_Mesh_DrawDecal(const rmeshinfo_t *m) { // these are static because gcc runs out of virtual registers otherwise static int i, *index, overbright; static float scaler; static float cr, cg, cb, ca; static buf_mesh_t *mesh; static buf_vertex_t *vert; static buf_fcolor_t *fcolor; static buf_texcoord_t *texcoord; static buf_transtri_t *tri; if (!backendactive) Sys_Error("R_Mesh_Draw: called when backend is not active\n"); scaler = 1; if (m->tex[0]) { overbright = gl_combine.integer; if (overbright) scaler *= 0.25f; } scaler *= overbrightscale; if (m->transparent) { if (currenttransmesh >= max_meshs || (currenttranstriangle + 2) > max_meshs || (currenttransvertex + 4) > max_verts) { if (!transranout) { Con_Printf("R_Mesh_Draw: ran out of room for transparent meshs\n"); transranout = true; } return; } c_transmeshs++; c_transtris += 2; vert = &buf_transvertex[currenttransvertex]; fcolor = &buf_transfcolor[currenttransvertex]; texcoord = &buf_transtexcoord[0][currenttransvertex]; // transmesh is only for storage of transparent meshs until they // are inserted into the main mesh array mesh = &buf_transmesh[currenttransmesh++]; mesh->blendfunc1 = m->blendfunc1; mesh->blendfunc2 = m->blendfunc2; mesh->depthmask = false; mesh->depthtest = true; mesh->triangles = 2; mesh->textures[0] = m->tex[0]; mesh->texturergbscale[0] = overbright ? 4 : 1; for (i = 1;i < backendunits;i++) { mesh->textures[i] = 0; mesh->texturergbscale[i] = 1; } mesh->chain = NULL; // transparent meshs are broken up into individual triangles which can // be sorted by depth index = m->index; tri = &buf_transtri[currenttranstriangle++]; tri->mesh = mesh; tri->index[0] = 0 + currenttransvertex; tri->index[1] = 1 + currenttransvertex; tri->index[2] = 2 + currenttransvertex; tri = &buf_transtri[currenttranstriangle++]; tri->mesh = mesh; tri->index[0] = 0 + currenttransvertex; tri->index[1] = 2 + currenttransvertex; tri->index[2] = 3 + currenttransvertex; mesh->firstvert = currenttransvertex; mesh->lastvert = currenttransvertex + 3; currenttransvertex += 4; } else { if (2 > max_meshs || 4 > max_verts) { Con_Printf("R_Mesh_Draw: mesh too big for buffers\n"); return; } if (currentmesh >= max_meshs || (currenttriangle + 2) > max_batch || (currentvertex + 4) > max_verts) R_Mesh_Render(); c_meshs++; c_meshtris += 2; vert = &buf_vertex[currentvertex]; fcolor = &buf_fcolor[currentvertex]; texcoord = &buf_texcoord[0][currentvertex]; mesh = &buf_mesh[currentmesh++]; mesh->blendfunc1 = m->blendfunc1; mesh->blendfunc2 = m->blendfunc2; mesh->depthmask = false; mesh->depthtest = !m->depthdisable; mesh->firsttriangle = currenttriangle; mesh->triangles = 2; mesh->textures[0] = m->tex[0]; mesh->texturergbscale[0] = overbright ? 4 : 1; for (i = 1;i < backendunits;i++) { mesh->textures[i] = 0; mesh->texturergbscale[i] = 1; } // opaque meshs are rendered directly index = (int *)&buf_tri[currenttriangle]; index[0] = 0 + currentvertex; index[1] = 1 + currentvertex; index[2] = 2 + currentvertex; index[3] = 0 + currentvertex; index[4] = 2 + currentvertex; index[5] = 3 + currentvertex; mesh->firstvert = currentvertex; mesh->lastvert = currentvertex + 3; currenttriangle += 2; currentvertex += 4; } // buf_vertex_t must match the size of the decal vertex array (or vice versa) memcpy(vert, m->vertex, 4 * sizeof(buf_vertex_t)); cr = m->cr * scaler; cg = m->cg * scaler; cb = m->cb * scaler; ca = m->ca; fcolor[0].c[0] = cr; fcolor[0].c[1] = cg; fcolor[0].c[2] = cb; fcolor[0].c[3] = ca; fcolor[1].c[0] = cr; fcolor[1].c[1] = cg; fcolor[1].c[2] = cb; fcolor[1].c[3] = ca; fcolor[2].c[0] = cr; fcolor[2].c[1] = cg; fcolor[2].c[2] = cb; fcolor[2].c[3] = ca; fcolor[3].c[0] = cr; fcolor[3].c[1] = cg; fcolor[3].c[2] = cb; fcolor[3].c[3] = ca; // buf_texcoord_t must be the same size as the decal texcoord array (or vice versa) memcpy(&texcoord[0].t[0], m->texcoords[0], 4 * sizeof(buf_texcoord_t)); } /* ============================================================================== SCREEN SHOTS ============================================================================== */ float CalcFov (float fov_x, float width, float height); void R_ClearScreen(void); void SCR_ScreenShot(char *filename, int x, int y, int width, int height) { int i; byte *buffer; buffer = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, width*height*3); glReadPixels (x, y, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); CHECKGLERROR // LordHavoc: compensate for v_overbrightbits when using hardware gamma if (v_hwgamma.integer) for (i = 0;i < width * height * 3;i++) buffer[i] <<= v_overbrightbits.integer; Image_WriteTGARGB_preflipped(filename, width, height, buffer); Mem_Free(buffer); } /* ================== SCR_ScreenShot_f ================== */ void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void) { int i; char filename[16]; char checkname[MAX_OSPATH]; // // find a file name to save it to // strcpy(filename, "dp0000.tga"); for (i=0 ; i<=9999 ; i++) { filename[2] = (i/1000)%10 + '0'; filename[3] = (i/ 100)%10 + '0'; filename[4] = (i/ 10)%10 + '0'; filename[5] = (i/ 1)%10 + '0'; sprintf (checkname, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, filename); if (Sys_FileTime(checkname) == -1) break; // file doesn't exist } if (i==10000) { Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a TGA file\n"); return; } SCR_ScreenShot(filename, vid.realx, vid.realy, vid.realwidth, vid.realheight); Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", filename); } /* =============== R_Envmap_f Grab six views for environment mapping tests =============== */ struct { float angles[3]; char *name; } envmapinfo[6] = { {{ 0, 0, 0}, "ft"}, {{ 0, 90, 0}, "rt"}, {{ 0, 180, 0}, "bk"}, {{ 0, 270, 0}, "lf"}, {{-90, 90, 0}, "up"}, {{ 90, 90, 0}, "dn"} }; static void R_Envmap_f (void) { int j, size; char filename[256], basename[256]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 3) { Con_Printf ("envmap : save out 6 cubic environment map images, usable with loadsky, note that size must one of 128, 256, 512, or 1024 and can't be bigger than your current resolution\n"); return; } if (!r_render.integer) return; strcpy(basename, Cmd_Argv(1)); size = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); if (size != 128 && size != 256 && size != 512 && size != 1024) { Con_Printf("envmap: size must be one of 128, 256, 512, or 1024\n"); return; } if (size > vid.realwidth || size > vid.realheight) { Con_Printf("envmap: your resolution is not big enough to render that size\n"); return; } envmap = true; r_refdef.x = 0; r_refdef.y = 0; r_refdef.width = size; r_refdef.height = size; r_refdef.fov_x = 90; r_refdef.fov_y = 90; for (j = 0;j < 6;j++) { sprintf(filename, "env/%s%s.tga", basename, envmapinfo[j].name); VectorCopy(envmapinfo[j].angles, r_refdef.viewangles); R_ClearScreen(); R_RenderView (); SCR_ScreenShot(filename, vid.realx, vid.realy, size, size); } envmap = false; } //============================================================================= void R_ClearScreen(void) { if (r_render.integer) { glClearColor(0,0,0,0); CHECKGLERROR glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // LordHavoc: clear the screen (around the view as well) CHECKGLERROR if (gl_dither.integer) glEnable(GL_DITHER); else glDisable(GL_DITHER); CHECKGLERROR } } /* ================== SCR_UpdateScreen This is called every frame, and can also be called explicitly to flush text to the screen. ================== */ void SCR_UpdateScreen (void) { //Mem_CheckSentinelsGlobal(); //R_TimeReport("memtest"); glFinish (); CHECKGLERROR VID_Finish (); R_TimeReport("finish"); if (gl_combine.integer && !gl_combine_extension) Cvar_SetValue("gl_combine", 0); lightscalebit = v_overbrightbits.integer; if (gl_combine.integer && r_multitexture.integer) lightscalebit += 2; lightscale = 1.0f / (float) (1 << lightscalebit); overbrightscale = 1.0f / (float) (1 << v_overbrightbits.integer); R_TimeReport("setup"); R_ClearScreen(); R_TimeReport("clear"); if (scr_conlines < vid.conheight) R_RenderView(); // draw 2D stuff R_DrawQueue(); }