#ifndef GL_BACKEND_H #define GL_BACKEND_H #define MAX_TEXTUREUNITS 16 #define POLYGONELEMENTS_MAXPOINTS 258 extern int polygonelements[(POLYGONELEMENTS_MAXPOINTS-2)*3]; #define QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS 128 extern int quadelements[QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS*6]; void GL_SetupView_Orientation_Identity(void); void GL_SetupView_Orientation_FromEntity(matrix4x4_t *matrix); void GL_SetupView_Mode_Perspective(double frustumx, double frustumy, double zNear, double zFar); void GL_SetupView_Mode_PerspectiveInfiniteFarClip(double frustumx, double frustumy, double zNear); void GL_SetupView_Mode_Ortho(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double zNear, double zFar); void GL_BlendFunc(int blendfunc1, int blendfunc2); void GL_DepthMask(int state); void GL_DepthTest(int state); void GL_ColorMask(int r, int g, int b, int a); void GL_Color(float cr, float cg, float cb, float ca); void GL_ShowTrisColor(float cr, float cg, float cb, float ca); void GL_TransformToScreen(const vec4_t in, vec4_t out); void GL_LockArrays(int first, int count); void GL_ActiveTexture(unsigned int num); void GL_ClientActiveTexture(unsigned int num); void GL_Scissor(int x, int y, int width, int height); void GL_ScissorTest(int state); void GL_Clear(int mask); unsigned int GL_Backend_CompileProgram(int vertexstrings_count, const char **vertexstrings_list, int fragmentstrings_count, const char **fragmentstrings_list); void GL_Backend_FreeProgram(unsigned int prog); extern cvar_t gl_lockarrays; extern cvar_t gl_mesh_copyarrays; extern cvar_t gl_paranoid; extern cvar_t gl_printcheckerror; //input to R_Mesh_State typedef struct rmeshstate_s { // textures int tex1d[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; int tex[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; int tex3d[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; int texcubemap[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // texture combine settings int texrgbscale[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // used only if COMBINE is present int texalphascale[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // used only if COMBINE is present int texcombinergb[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // works with or without combine for some operations int texcombinealpha[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // does nothing without combine // matrices matrix4x4_t texmatrix[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // pointers const float *pointer_texcoord[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // 2D const float *pointer_texcoord3f[MAX_TEXTUREUNITS]; // 3D // other state set by this const float *pointer_vertex; const float *pointer_color; } rmeshstate_t; // adds console variables and registers the render module (only call from GL_Init) void gl_backend_init(void); // starts mesh rendering for the frame void R_Mesh_Start(void); // ends mesh rendering for the frame // (only valid after R_Mesh_Start) void R_Mesh_Finish(void); // sets up the requested vertex transform matrix void R_Mesh_Matrix(const matrix4x4_t *matrix); // sets the vertex array pointer void R_Mesh_VertexPointer(const float *vertex3f); // sets the color array pointer (GL_Color only works when this is NULL) void R_Mesh_ColorPointer(const float *color4f); // sets the texcoord array pointer for an array unit void R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(unsigned int unitnum, unsigned int numcomponents, const float *texcoord); // sets all textures bound to an image unit (multiple can be non-zero at once, according to OpenGL rules the highest one overrides the others) void R_Mesh_TexBindAll(unsigned int unitnum, int tex1d, int tex2d, int tex3d, int texcubemap); // sets these are like TexBindAll with only one of the texture indices non-zero // (binds one texture type and unbinds all other types) void R_Mesh_TexBind1D(unsigned int unitnum, int texnum); void R_Mesh_TexBind(unsigned int unitnum, int texnum); void R_Mesh_TexBind3D(unsigned int unitnum, int texnum); void R_Mesh_TexBindCubeMap(unsigned int unitnum, int texnum); // sets the texcoord matrix for a texenv unit void R_Mesh_TexMatrix(unsigned int unitnum, const matrix4x4_t *matrix); // sets the combine state for a texenv unit void R_Mesh_TexCombine(unsigned int unitnum, int combinergb, int combinealpha, int rgbscale, int alphascale); // set up the requested entire rendering state void R_Mesh_State(const rmeshstate_t *m); // renders a mesh void R_Mesh_Draw(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const int *elements); // renders a mesh as lines void R_Mesh_Draw_ShowTris(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const int *elements); // saves a section of the rendered frame to a .tga or .jpg file qboolean SCR_ScreenShot(char *filename, unsigned char *buffer1, unsigned char *buffer2, unsigned char *buffer3, int x, int y, int width, int height, qboolean flipx, qboolean flipy, qboolean flipdiagonal, qboolean jpeg, qboolean gammacorrect); // used by R_Envmap_f and internally in backend, clears the frame void R_ClearScreen(void); // invoke refresh of frame void SCR_UpdateScreen(void); // invoke refresh of loading plaque (nothing else seen) void SCR_UpdateLoadingScreen(void); #endif