/* Copyright (C) 2002 Mathieu Olivier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "jpeg.h" /* ================================================================= Minimal set of definitions from the JPEG lib WARNING: for a matter of simplicity, several pointer types are casted to "void*", and most enumerated values are not included ================================================================= */ // jboolean is qbyte instead of int on Win32 #ifdef WIN32 typedef qbyte jboolean; #else typedef int jboolean; #endif #define JPEG_LIB_VERSION 62 // Version 6b typedef void *j_common_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_compress_struct *j_compress_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_decompress_struct *j_decompress_ptr; typedef enum { JCS_UNKNOWN, JCS_GRAYSCALE, JCS_RGB, JCS_YCbCr, JCS_CMYK, JCS_YCCK } J_COLOR_SPACE; typedef enum {JPEG_DUMMY1} J_DCT_METHOD; typedef enum {JPEG_DUMMY2} J_DITHER_MODE; typedef unsigned int JDIMENSION; #define JPOOL_PERMANENT 0 // lasts until master record is destroyed #define JPOOL_IMAGE 1 // lasts until done with image/datastream #define JPEG_EOI 0xD9 // EOI marker code #define JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX 80 #define DCTSIZE2 64 #define NUM_QUANT_TBLS 4 #define NUM_HUFF_TBLS 4 #define NUM_ARITH_TBLS 16 #define MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN 4 #define C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU 10 #define D_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU 10 struct jpeg_memory_mgr { void* (*alloc_small) (j_common_ptr cinfo, int pool_id, size_t sizeofobject); void (*alloc_large) (); void (*alloc_sarray) (); void (*alloc_barray) (); void (*request_virt_sarray) (); void (*request_virt_barray) (); void (*realize_virt_arrays) (); void (*access_virt_sarray) (); void (*access_virt_barray) (); void (*free_pool) (); void (*self_destruct) (); long max_memory_to_use; long max_alloc_chunk; }; struct jpeg_error_mgr { void (*error_exit) (j_common_ptr cinfo); void (*emit_message) (j_common_ptr cinfo, int msg_level); void (*output_message) (j_common_ptr cinfo); void (*format_message) (j_common_ptr cinfo, char * buffer); void (*reset_error_mgr) (j_common_ptr cinfo); int msg_code; union { int i[8]; char s[JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX]; } msg_parm; int trace_level; long num_warnings; const char * const * jpeg_message_table; int last_jpeg_message; const char * const * addon_message_table; int first_addon_message; int last_addon_message; }; struct jpeg_source_mgr { const qbyte *next_input_byte; size_t bytes_in_buffer; void (*init_source) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo); jboolean (*fill_input_buffer) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo); void (*skip_input_data) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes); jboolean (*resync_to_restart) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired); void (*term_source) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo); }; struct jpeg_decompress_struct { struct jpeg_error_mgr *err; // USED struct jpeg_memory_mgr *mem; // USED void *progress; void *client_data; jboolean is_decompressor; int global_state; struct jpeg_source_mgr *src; // USED JDIMENSION image_width; // USED JDIMENSION image_height; // USED int num_components; J_COLOR_SPACE jpeg_color_space; J_COLOR_SPACE out_color_space; unsigned int scale_num, scale_denom; double output_gamma; jboolean buffered_image; jboolean raw_data_out; J_DCT_METHOD dct_method; jboolean do_fancy_upsampling; jboolean do_block_smoothing; jboolean quantize_colors; J_DITHER_MODE dither_mode; jboolean two_pass_quantize; int desired_number_of_colors; jboolean enable_1pass_quant; jboolean enable_external_quant; jboolean enable_2pass_quant; JDIMENSION output_width; JDIMENSION output_height; // USED int out_color_components; int output_components; // USED int rec_outbuf_height; int actual_number_of_colors; void *colormap; JDIMENSION output_scanline; // USED int input_scan_number; JDIMENSION input_iMCU_row; int output_scan_number; JDIMENSION output_iMCU_row; int (*coef_bits)[DCTSIZE2]; void *quant_tbl_ptrs[NUM_QUANT_TBLS]; void *dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS]; void *ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS]; int data_precision; void *comp_info; jboolean progressive_mode; jboolean arith_code; qbyte arith_dc_L[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; qbyte arith_dc_U[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; qbyte arith_ac_K[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; unsigned int restart_interval; jboolean saw_JFIF_marker; qbyte JFIF_major_version; qbyte JFIF_minor_version; qbyte density_unit; unsigned short X_density; unsigned short Y_density; jboolean saw_Adobe_marker; qbyte Adobe_transform; jboolean CCIR601_sampling; void *marker_list; int max_h_samp_factor; int max_v_samp_factor; int min_DCT_scaled_size; JDIMENSION total_iMCU_rows; void *sample_range_limit; int comps_in_scan; void *cur_comp_info[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN]; JDIMENSION MCUs_per_row; JDIMENSION MCU_rows_in_scan; int blocks_in_MCU; int MCU_membership[D_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU]; int Ss, Se, Ah, Al; int unread_marker; void *master; void *main; void *coef; void *post; void *inputctl; void *marker; void *entropy; void *idct; void *upsample; void *cconvert; void *cquantize; }; struct jpeg_compress_struct { struct jpeg_error_mgr *err; struct jpeg_memory_mgr *mem; void *progress; void *client_data; jboolean is_decompressor; int global_state; void *dest; JDIMENSION image_width; JDIMENSION image_height; int input_components; J_COLOR_SPACE in_color_space; double input_gamma; int data_precision; int num_components; J_COLOR_SPACE jpeg_color_space; void *comp_info; void *quant_tbl_ptrs[NUM_QUANT_TBLS]; void *dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS]; void *ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS]; qbyte arith_dc_L[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; qbyte arith_dc_U[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; qbyte arith_ac_K[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; int num_scans; const void *scan_info; jboolean raw_data_in; jboolean arith_code; jboolean optimize_coding; jboolean CCIR601_sampling; int smoothing_factor; J_DCT_METHOD dct_method; unsigned int restart_interval; int restart_in_rows; jboolean write_JFIF_header; qbyte JFIF_major_version; qbyte JFIF_minor_version; qbyte density_unit; unsigned short X_density; unsigned short Y_density; jboolean write_Adobe_marker; JDIMENSION next_scanline; jboolean progressive_mode; int max_h_samp_factor; int max_v_samp_factor; JDIMENSION total_iMCU_rows; int comps_in_scan; void *cur_comp_info[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN]; JDIMENSION MCUs_per_row; JDIMENSION MCU_rows_in_scan; int blocks_in_MCU; int MCU_membership[C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU]; int Ss, Se, Ah, Al; void *master; void *main; void *prep; void *coef; void *marker; void *cconvert; void *downsample; void *fdct; void *entropy; void *script_space; int script_space_size; }; struct jpeg_destination_mgr { qbyte* next_output_byte; size_t free_in_buffer; void (*init_destination) (j_compress_ptr cinfo); jboolean (*empty_output_buffer) (j_compress_ptr cinfo); void (*term_destination) (j_compress_ptr cinfo); }; /* ================================================================= DarkPlaces definitions ================================================================= */ // Functions exported from libjpeg #define qjpeg_create_compress(cinfo) \ qjpeg_CreateCompress((cinfo), JPEG_LIB_VERSION, (size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_compress_struct)) #define qjpeg_create_decompress(cinfo) \ qjpeg_CreateDecompress((cinfo), JPEG_LIB_VERSION, (size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_decompress_struct)) static void (*qjpeg_CreateCompress) (j_compress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize); static void (*qjpeg_CreateDecompress) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize); static void (*qjpeg_destroy_compress) (j_compress_ptr cinfo); static void (*qjpeg_destroy_decompress) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo); static void (*qjpeg_finish_compress) (j_compress_ptr cinfo); static jboolean (*qjpeg_finish_decompress) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo); static jboolean (*qjpeg_resync_to_restart) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired); static int (*qjpeg_read_header) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jboolean require_image); static JDIMENSION (*qjpeg_read_scanlines) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, qbyte** scanlines, JDIMENSION max_lines); static void (*qjpeg_set_defaults) (j_compress_ptr cinfo); static void (*qjpeg_set_quality) (j_compress_ptr cinfo, int quality, jboolean force_baseline); static jboolean (*qjpeg_start_compress) (j_compress_ptr cinfo, jboolean write_all_tables); static jboolean (*qjpeg_start_decompress) (j_decompress_ptr cinfo); static struct jpeg_error_mgr* (*qjpeg_std_error) (struct jpeg_error_mgr *err); static JDIMENSION (*qjpeg_write_scanlines) (j_compress_ptr cinfo, qbyte** scanlines, JDIMENSION num_lines); static dllfunction_t jpegfuncs[] = { {"jpeg_CreateCompress", (void **) &qjpeg_CreateCompress}, {"jpeg_CreateDecompress", (void **) &qjpeg_CreateDecompress}, {"jpeg_destroy_compress", (void **) &qjpeg_destroy_compress}, {"jpeg_destroy_decompress", (void **) &qjpeg_destroy_decompress}, {"jpeg_finish_compress", (void **) &qjpeg_finish_compress}, {"jpeg_finish_decompress", (void **) &qjpeg_finish_decompress}, {"jpeg_resync_to_restart", (void **) &qjpeg_resync_to_restart}, {"jpeg_read_header", (void **) &qjpeg_read_header}, {"jpeg_read_scanlines", (void **) &qjpeg_read_scanlines}, {"jpeg_set_defaults", (void **) &qjpeg_set_defaults}, {"jpeg_set_quality", (void **) &qjpeg_set_quality}, {"jpeg_start_compress", (void **) &qjpeg_start_compress}, {"jpeg_start_decompress", (void **) &qjpeg_start_decompress}, {"jpeg_std_error", (void **) &qjpeg_std_error}, {"jpeg_write_scanlines", (void **) &qjpeg_write_scanlines}, {NULL, NULL} }; // Handle for JPEG DLL dllhandle_t jpeg_dll = NULL; static qbyte jpeg_eoi_marker [2] = {0xFF, JPEG_EOI}; static qboolean error_in_jpeg; // Our own output manager for JPEG compression typedef struct { struct jpeg_destination_mgr pub; qfile_t* outfile; qbyte* buffer; } my_destination_mgr; typedef my_destination_mgr* my_dest_ptr; /* ================================================================= DLL load & unload ================================================================= */ /* ==================== JPEG_OpenLibrary Try to load the JPEG DLL ==================== */ qboolean JPEG_OpenLibrary (void) { const char* dllname; const dllfunction_t *func; // Already loaded? if (jpeg_dll) return true; #ifdef WIN32 dllname = "libjpeg.dll"; #else dllname = "libjpeg.so.62"; #endif // Initializations for (func = jpegfuncs; func && func->name != NULL; func++) *func->funcvariable = NULL; // Load the DLL if (! (jpeg_dll = Sys_LoadLibrary (dllname))) { Con_DPrintf("Can't find %s. JPEG support disabled\n", dllname); return false; } // Get the function adresses for (func = jpegfuncs; func && func->name != NULL; func++) if (!(*func->funcvariable = (void *) Sys_GetProcAddress (jpeg_dll, func->name))) { Con_Printf("missing function \"%s\" - broken JPEG library!\n", func->name); JPEG_CloseLibrary (); return false; } Con_DPrintf("%s loaded. JPEG support enabled\n", dllname); return true; } /* ==================== JPEG_CloseLibrary Unload the JPEG DLL ==================== */ void JPEG_CloseLibrary (void) { if (!jpeg_dll) return; Sys_UnloadLibrary (jpeg_dll); jpeg_dll = NULL; } /* ================================================================= JPEG decompression ================================================================= */ static void JPEG_Noop (j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {} static jboolean JPEG_FillInputBuffer (j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { // Insert a fake EOI marker cinfo->src->next_input_byte = jpeg_eoi_marker; cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = 2; return TRUE; } static void JPEG_SkipInputData (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) { if (cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer <= (unsigned long)num_bytes) { cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = 0; return; } cinfo->src->next_input_byte += num_bytes; cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer -= num_bytes; } static void JPEG_MemSrc (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, qbyte *buffer) { cinfo->src = cinfo->mem->alloc_small ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT, sizeof (struct jpeg_source_mgr)); cinfo->src->next_input_byte = buffer; cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = fs_filesize; cinfo->src->init_source = JPEG_Noop; cinfo->src->fill_input_buffer = JPEG_FillInputBuffer; cinfo->src->skip_input_data = JPEG_SkipInputData; cinfo->src->resync_to_restart = qjpeg_resync_to_restart; // use the default method cinfo->src->term_source = JPEG_Noop; } static void JPEG_ErrorExit (j_common_ptr cinfo) { ((struct jpeg_decompress_struct*)cinfo)->err->output_message (cinfo); error_in_jpeg = true; } /* ==================== JPEG_LoadImage Load a JPEG image into a RGBA buffer ==================== */ qbyte* JPEG_LoadImage (qbyte *f, int matchwidth, int matchheight) { struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; qbyte *image_rgba, *scanline; unsigned int line; // No DLL = no JPEGs if (!jpeg_dll) return NULL; cinfo.err = qjpeg_std_error (&jerr); qjpeg_create_decompress (&cinfo); JPEG_MemSrc (&cinfo, f); qjpeg_read_header (&cinfo, TRUE); qjpeg_start_decompress (&cinfo); image_width = cinfo.image_width; image_height = cinfo.image_height; if ((matchwidth && image_width != matchwidth) || (matchheight && image_height != matchheight)) { qjpeg_finish_decompress (&cinfo); qjpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo); return NULL; } if (image_width > 4096 || image_height > 4096 || image_width <= 0 || image_height <= 0) { Con_Printf("JPEG_LoadImage: invalid image size %ix%i\n", image_width, image_height); return NULL; } image_rgba = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, image_width * image_height * 4); scanline = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, image_width * cinfo.output_components); if (!image_rgba || !scanline) { if (!image_rgba) Mem_Free (image_rgba); Con_Printf("JPEG_LoadImage: not enough memory for %i by %i image\n", image_width, image_height); qjpeg_finish_decompress (&cinfo); qjpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo); return NULL; } // Decompress the image, line by line line = 0; while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) { qbyte *buffer_ptr; int ind; qjpeg_read_scanlines (&cinfo, &scanline, 1); // Convert the image to RGBA switch (cinfo.output_components) { // RGB images case 3: buffer_ptr = &image_rgba[image_width * line * 4]; for (ind = 0; ind < image_width * 3; ind += 3, buffer_ptr += 4) { buffer_ptr[0] = scanline[ind]; buffer_ptr[1] = scanline[ind + 1]; buffer_ptr[2] = scanline[ind + 2]; buffer_ptr[3] = 255; } break; // Greyscale images (default to it, just in case) case 1: default: buffer_ptr = &image_rgba[image_width * line * 4]; for (ind = 0; ind < image_width; ind++, buffer_ptr += 4) { buffer_ptr[0] = scanline[ind]; buffer_ptr[1] = scanline[ind]; buffer_ptr[2] = scanline[ind]; buffer_ptr[3] = 255; } } line++; } Mem_Free (scanline); qjpeg_finish_decompress (&cinfo); qjpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo); return image_rgba; } /* ================================================================= JPEG compression ================================================================= */ #define JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE 4096 static void JPEG_InitDestination (j_compress_ptr cinfo) { my_dest_ptr dest = (my_dest_ptr)cinfo->dest; dest->buffer = (qbyte*)cinfo->mem->alloc_small ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(qbyte)); dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer; dest->pub.free_in_buffer = JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE; } static jboolean JPEG_EmptyOutputBuffer (j_compress_ptr cinfo) { my_dest_ptr dest = (my_dest_ptr)cinfo->dest; if (FS_Write (dest->outfile, dest->buffer, JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE) != (size_t) JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE) { error_in_jpeg = true; return false; } dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer; dest->pub.free_in_buffer = JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE; return true; } static void JPEG_TermDestination (j_compress_ptr cinfo) { my_dest_ptr dest = (my_dest_ptr)cinfo->dest; size_t datacount = JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE - dest->pub.free_in_buffer; // Write any data remaining in the buffer if (datacount > 0) if (FS_Write (dest->outfile, dest->buffer, datacount) != datacount) error_in_jpeg = true; } static void JPEG_MemDest (j_compress_ptr cinfo, qfile_t* outfile) { my_dest_ptr dest; // First time for this JPEG object? if (cinfo->dest == NULL) cinfo->dest = (struct jpeg_destination_mgr *)(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT, sizeof(my_destination_mgr)); dest = (my_dest_ptr)cinfo->dest; dest->pub.init_destination = JPEG_InitDestination; dest->pub.empty_output_buffer = JPEG_EmptyOutputBuffer; dest->pub.term_destination = JPEG_TermDestination; dest->outfile = outfile; } /* ==================== JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped Save a preflipped JPEG image to a file ==================== */ qboolean JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped (const char *filename, int width, int height, qbyte *data) { struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; qbyte *scanline; unsigned int offset, linesize; qfile_t* file; // No DLL = no JPEGs if (!jpeg_dll) { Con_Printf ("You need the libjpeg library to save JPEG images\n"); return false; } // Open the file file = FS_Open (filename, "wb", true); if (!file) return false; cinfo.err = qjpeg_std_error (&jerr); cinfo.err->error_exit = JPEG_ErrorExit; error_in_jpeg = false; qjpeg_create_compress (&cinfo); JPEG_MemDest (&cinfo, file); // Set the parameters for compression cinfo.image_width = width; cinfo.image_height = height; cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; cinfo.input_components = 3; qjpeg_set_defaults (&cinfo); qjpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality.value * 100, TRUE); qjpeg_start_compress (&cinfo, true); // Compress each scanline linesize = cinfo.image_width * 3; offset = linesize * (cinfo.image_height - 1); while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) { scanline = &data[offset - cinfo.next_scanline * linesize]; qjpeg_write_scanlines (&cinfo, &scanline, 1); if (error_in_jpeg) break; } qjpeg_finish_compress (&cinfo); qjpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo); FS_Close (file); return true; }