/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "image.h" #include "mprogdefs.h" #define TYPE_DEMO 1 #define TYPE_GAME 2 #define TYPE_BOTH 3 mempool_t *menu_mempool; int NehGameType; enum m_state_e m_state; void M_Menu_Main_f (void); void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (void); void M_Menu_Load_f (void); void M_Menu_Save_f (void); void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void); void M_Menu_Setup_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_Effects_f (void); void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f (void); void M_Menu_Keys_f (void); void M_Menu_Video_f (void); void M_Menu_Help_f (void); void M_Menu_Quit_f (void); void M_Menu_LanConfig_f (void); void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void); void M_Menu_ServerList_f (void); void M_Main_Draw (void); void M_SinglePlayer_Draw (void); void M_Load_Draw (void); void M_Save_Draw (void); void M_MultiPlayer_Draw (void); void M_Setup_Draw (void); void M_Options_Draw (void); void M_Options_Effects_Draw (void); void M_Options_ColorControl_Draw (void); void M_Keys_Draw (void); void M_Video_Draw (void); void M_Help_Draw (void); void M_Quit_Draw (void); void M_LanConfig_Draw (void); void M_GameOptions_Draw (void); void M_ServerList_Draw (void); void M_Main_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_SinglePlayer_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Load_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Save_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_MultiPlayer_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Setup_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Options_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Options_Effects_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Options_ColorControl_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Keys_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Video_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Help_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_Quit_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_LanConfig_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_GameOptions_Key (int key, char ascii); void M_ServerList_Key (int key, char ascii); qboolean m_entersound; // play after drawing a frame, so caching // won't disrupt the sound char m_return_reason [32]; #define StartingGame (m_multiplayer_cursor == 1) #define JoiningGame (m_multiplayer_cursor == 0) // Nehahra #define NumberOfNehahraDemos 34 typedef struct { char *name; char *desc; } nehahrademonames_t; nehahrademonames_t NehahraDemos[NumberOfNehahraDemos] = { {"intro", "Prologue"}, {"genf", "The Beginning"}, {"genlab", "A Doomed Project"}, {"nehcre", "The New Recruits"}, {"maxneh", "Breakthrough"}, {"maxchar", "Renewal and Duty"}, {"crisis", "Worlds Collide"}, {"postcris", "Darkening Skies"}, {"hearing", "The Hearing"}, {"getjack", "On a Mexican Radio"}, {"prelude", "Honor and Justice"}, {"abase", "A Message Sent"}, {"effect", "The Other Side"}, {"uhoh", "Missing in Action"}, {"prepare", "The Response"}, {"vision", "Farsighted Eyes"}, {"maxturns", "Enter the Immortal"}, {"backlot", "Separate Ways"}, {"maxside", "The Ancient Runes"}, {"counter", "The New Initiative"}, {"warprep", "Ghosts to the World"}, {"counter1", "A Fate Worse Than Death"}, {"counter2", "Friendly Fire"}, {"counter3", "Minor Setback"}, {"madmax", "Scores to Settle"}, {"quake", "One Man"}, {"cthmm", "Shattered Masks"}, {"shades", "Deal with the Dead"}, {"gophil", "An Unlikely Hero"}, {"cstrike", "War in Hell"}, {"shubset", "The Conspiracy"}, {"shubdie", "Even Death May Die"}, {"newranks", "An Empty Throne"}, {"seal", "The Seal is Broken"} }; float menu_x, menu_y, menu_width, menu_height; void M_Background(int width, int height) { menu_width = width; menu_height = height; menu_x = (vid.conwidth - menu_width) * 0.5; menu_y = (vid.conheight - menu_height) * 0.5; //DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y, menu_width, menu_height, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0); DrawQ_Fill(0, 0, vid.conwidth, vid.conheight, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0); } /* ================ M_DrawCharacter Draws one solid graphics character ================ */ void M_DrawCharacter (float cx, float cy, int num) { char temp[2]; temp[0] = num; temp[1] = 0; DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, temp, 1, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } void M_Print(float cx, float cy, const char *str) { DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } void M_PrintRed (float cx, float cy, const char *str) { DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0); } void M_ItemPrint(float cx, float cy, char *str, int unghosted) { if (unghosted) DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); else DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1, 0); } void M_DrawPic (float cx, float cy, char *picname) { DrawQ_Pic (menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, picname, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } qbyte identityTable[256]; qbyte translationTable[256]; void M_BuildTranslationTable(int top, int bottom) { int j; qbyte *dest, *source; for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) identityTable[j] = j; dest = translationTable; source = identityTable; memcpy (dest, source, 256); // LordHavoc: corrected skin color ranges if (top < 128 || (top >= 224 && top < 240)) // the artists made some backwards ranges. sigh. memcpy (dest + TOP_RANGE, source + top, 16); else for (j=0 ; j<16 ; j++) dest[TOP_RANGE+j] = source[top+15-j]; // LordHavoc: corrected skin color ranges if (bottom < 128 || (bottom >= 224 && bottom < 240)) memcpy (dest + BOTTOM_RANGE, source + bottom, 16); else for (j=0 ; j<16 ; j++) dest[BOTTOM_RANGE+j] = source[bottom+15-j]; } void M_DrawTextBox (float x, float y, float width, float height) { int n; float cx, cy; // draw left side cx = x; cy = y; M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tl.lmp"); for (n = 0; n < height; n++) { cy += 8; M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_ml.lmp"); } M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, "gfx/box_bl.lmp"); // draw middle cx += 8; while (width > 0) { cy = y; M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tm.lmp"); for (n = 0; n < height; n++) { cy += 8; if (n >= 1) M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_mm2.lmp"); else M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_mm.lmp"); } M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, "gfx/box_bm.lmp"); width -= 2; cx += 16; } // draw right side cy = y; M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tr.lmp"); for (n = 0; n < height; n++) { cy += 8; M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_mr.lmp"); } M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, "gfx/box_br.lmp"); } //============================================================================= //int m_save_demonum; /* ================ M_ToggleMenu_f ================ */ void M_ToggleMenu_f (void) { m_entersound = true; if (key_dest != key_menu || m_state != m_main) M_Menu_Main_f (); else { key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; } } int demo_cursor; void M_Demo_Draw (void) { int i; M_Background(320, 200); for (i = 0;i < NumberOfNehahraDemos;i++) M_Print(16, 16 + 8*i, NehahraDemos[i].desc); // line cursor M_DrawCharacter (8, 16 + demo_cursor*8, 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_Menu_Demos_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_demo; m_entersound = true; } void M_Demo_Key (int k, char ascii) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_ENTER: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav", true); m_state = m_none; key_dest = key_game; Cbuf_AddText (va ("playdemo %s\n", NehahraDemos[demo_cursor].name)); return; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); demo_cursor--; if (demo_cursor < 0) demo_cursor = NumberOfNehahraDemos-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); demo_cursor++; if (demo_cursor >= NumberOfNehahraDemos) demo_cursor = 0; break; } } //============================================================================= /* MAIN MENU */ int m_main_cursor; int MAIN_ITEMS = 4; // Nehahra: Menu Disable void M_Menu_Main_f (void) { if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { if (NehGameType == TYPE_DEMO) MAIN_ITEMS = 4; else if (NehGameType == TYPE_GAME) MAIN_ITEMS = 5; else MAIN_ITEMS = 6; } else MAIN_ITEMS = 5; /* if (key_dest != key_menu) { m_save_demonum = cls.demonum; cls.demonum = -1; } */ key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_main; m_entersound = true; } void M_Main_Draw (void) { int f; cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_main.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/ttl_main.lmp"); // Nehahra if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { if (NehGameType == TYPE_BOTH) M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/mainmenu.lmp"); else if (NehGameType == TYPE_GAME) M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/gamemenu.lmp"); else M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/demomenu.lmp"); } else M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/mainmenu.lmp"); f = (int)(realtime * 10)%6; M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_main_cursor * 20, va("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f+1)); } void M_Main_Key (int key, char ascii) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; //cls.demonum = m_save_demonum; //if (cls.demonum != -1 && !cls.demoplayback && cls.state != ca_connected) // CL_NextDemo (); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); if (++m_main_cursor >= MAIN_ITEMS) m_main_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); if (--m_main_cursor < 0) m_main_cursor = MAIN_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { switch (NehGameType) { case TYPE_BOTH: switch (m_main_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (); break; case 1: M_Menu_Demos_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case 3: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case 4: key_dest = key_game; if (sv.active) Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("playdemo endcred\n"); break; case 5: M_Menu_Quit_f (); break; } break; case TYPE_GAME: switch (m_main_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (); break; case 1: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case 3: key_dest = key_game; if (sv.active) Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("playdemo endcred\n"); break; case 4: M_Menu_Quit_f (); break; } break; case TYPE_DEMO: switch (m_main_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_Demos_f (); break; case 1: key_dest = key_game; if (sv.active) Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("playdemo endcred\n"); break; case 2: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case 3: M_Menu_Quit_f (); break; } break; } } else { switch (m_main_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (); break; case 1: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case 3: M_Menu_Help_f (); break; case 4: M_Menu_Quit_f (); break; } } } } //============================================================================= /* SINGLE PLAYER MENU */ int m_singleplayer_cursor; #define SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS 3 void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_singleplayer; m_entersound = true; } void M_SinglePlayer_Draw (void) { cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp"); // Transfusion doesn't have a single player mode if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION || gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ || gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2 || gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH) { M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, "gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp"); M_DrawTextBox (60, 8 * 8, 23, 4); if (gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ) M_Print(95, 10 * 8, "Nexuiz is for"); else if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) M_Print(95, 10 * 8, "Good Vs Bad 2 is for"); else if (gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH) M_Print(95, 10 * 8, "Battlemech is for"); else M_Print(95, 10 * 8, "Transfusion is for"); M_Print(83, 11 * 8, "multiplayer play only"); } else { int f; M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp"); M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/sp_menu.lmp"); f = (int)(realtime * 10)%6; M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_singleplayer_cursor * 20, va("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f+1)); } } void M_SinglePlayer_Key (int key, char ascii) { if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION || gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ || gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2 || gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH) { if (key == K_ESCAPE || key == K_ENTER) m_state = m_main; return; } switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); if (++m_singleplayer_cursor >= SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS) m_singleplayer_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); if (--m_singleplayer_cursor < 0) m_singleplayer_cursor = SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (m_singleplayer_cursor) { case 0: key_dest = key_game; if (sv.active) Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("maxplayers 1\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("deathmatch 0\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("coop 0\n"); if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) Cbuf_AddText ("map nehstart\n"); else Cbuf_AddText ("map start\n"); break; case 1: M_Menu_Load_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Save_f (); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* LOAD/SAVE MENU */ int load_cursor; // 0 < load_cursor < MAX_SAVEGAMES #define MAX_SAVEGAMES 12 char m_filenames[MAX_SAVEGAMES][SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH+1]; int loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES]; void M_ScanSaves (void) { int i, j; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; char *str; qfile_t *f; int version; for (i=0 ; iwidth)/2, 4, "gfx/p_load.lmp"); for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) M_Print(16, 32 + 8*i, m_filenames[i]); // line cursor M_DrawCharacter (8, 32 + load_cursor*8, 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_Save_Draw (void) { int i; cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 200); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_save.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/p_save.lmp"); for (i=0 ; i= MAX_SAVEGAMES) load_cursor = 0; break; } } void M_Save_Key (int k, char ascii) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (); break; case K_ENTER: m_state = m_none; key_dest = key_game; Cbuf_AddText (va("save s%i\n", load_cursor)); return; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); load_cursor--; if (load_cursor < 0) load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); load_cursor++; if (load_cursor >= MAX_SAVEGAMES) load_cursor = 0; break; } } //============================================================================= /* MULTIPLAYER MENU */ int m_multiplayer_cursor; #define MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS 3 void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_multiplayer; m_entersound = true; } void M_MultiPlayer_Draw (void) { int f; cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/mp_menu.lmp"); f = (int)(realtime * 10)%6; M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_multiplayer_cursor * 20, va("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f+1)); } void M_MultiPlayer_Key (int key, char ascii) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); if (++m_multiplayer_cursor >= MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS) m_multiplayer_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); if (--m_multiplayer_cursor < 0) m_multiplayer_cursor = MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (m_multiplayer_cursor) { case 0: case 1: M_Menu_LanConfig_f (); break; case 2: M_Menu_Setup_f (); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* SETUP MENU */ int setup_cursor = 4; int setup_cursor_table[] = {40, 64, 88, 124, 140}; char setup_myname[32]; int setup_oldtop; int setup_oldbottom; int setup_top; int setup_bottom; int setup_rate; int setup_oldrate; #define NUM_SETUP_CMDS 5 void M_Menu_Setup_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_setup; m_entersound = true; strcpy(setup_myname, cl_name.string); setup_top = setup_oldtop = cl_color.integer >> 4; setup_bottom = setup_oldbottom = cl_color.integer & 15; setup_rate = cl_rate.integer; } static int menuplyr_width, menuplyr_height, menuplyr_top, menuplyr_bottom, menuplyr_load; static qbyte *menuplyr_pixels; static unsigned int *menuplyr_translated; typedef struct ratetable_s { int rate; char *name; } ratetable_t; #define RATES ((int)(sizeof(setup_ratetable)/sizeof(setup_ratetable[0]))) static ratetable_t setup_ratetable[] = { {1000, "28.8 bad"}, {1500, "28.8 mediocre"}, {2000, "28.8 good"}, {2500, "33.6 mediocre"}, {3000, "33.6 good"}, {3500, "56k bad"}, {4000, "56k mediocre"}, {4500, "56k adequate"}, {5000, "56k good"}, {7000, "64k ISDN"}, {15000, "128k ISDN"}, {25000, "broadband"} }; static int setup_rateindex(int rate) { int i; for (i = 0;i < RATES;i++) if (setup_ratetable[i].rate > setup_rate) break; return bound(1, i, RATES) - 1; } void M_Setup_Draw (void) { int i; cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_Print(64, 40, "Your name"); M_DrawTextBox (160, 32, 16, 1); M_Print(168, 40, setup_myname); if (gamemode != GAME_GOODVSBAD2) { M_Print(64, 64, "Shirt color"); M_Print(64, 88, "Pants color"); } M_Print(64, 124-8, "Network speed limit"); M_Print(168, 124, va("%i (%s)", setup_rate, setup_ratetable[setup_rateindex(setup_rate)].name)); M_DrawTextBox (64, 140-8, 14, 1); M_Print(72, 140, "Accept Changes"); // LordHavoc: rewrote this code greatly if (menuplyr_load) { qbyte *data, *f; menuplyr_load = false; menuplyr_top = -1; menuplyr_bottom = -1; if ((f = FS_LoadFile("gfx/menuplyr.lmp", tempmempool, true))) { data = LoadLMPAs8Bit (f, 0, 0); menuplyr_width = image_width; menuplyr_height = image_height; Mem_Free(f); menuplyr_pixels = Mem_Alloc(menu_mempool, menuplyr_width * menuplyr_height); menuplyr_translated = Mem_Alloc(menu_mempool, menuplyr_width * menuplyr_height * 4); memcpy(menuplyr_pixels, data, menuplyr_width * menuplyr_height); Mem_Free(data); } } if (menuplyr_pixels) { if (menuplyr_top != setup_top || menuplyr_bottom != setup_bottom) { menuplyr_top = setup_top; menuplyr_bottom = setup_bottom; M_BuildTranslationTable(menuplyr_top*16, menuplyr_bottom*16); for (i = 0;i < menuplyr_width * menuplyr_height;i++) menuplyr_translated[i] = palette_complete[translationTable[menuplyr_pixels[i]]]; Draw_NewPic("gfx/menuplyr.lmp", menuplyr_width, menuplyr_height, true, (qbyte *)menuplyr_translated); } M_DrawPic(160, 48, "gfx/bigbox.lmp"); M_DrawPic(172, 56, "gfx/menuplyr.lmp"); } if (setup_cursor == 0) M_DrawCharacter (168 + 8*strlen(setup_myname), setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); else M_DrawCharacter (56, setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_Setup_Key (int k, char ascii) { int l; switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); setup_cursor--; if (setup_cursor < 0) setup_cursor = NUM_SETUP_CMDS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); setup_cursor++; if (setup_cursor >= NUM_SETUP_CMDS) setup_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: if (setup_cursor < 1) return; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); if (setup_cursor == 1) setup_top = setup_top - 1; if (setup_cursor == 2) setup_bottom = setup_bottom - 1; if (setup_cursor == 3) { l = setup_rateindex(setup_rate) - 1; if (l < 0) l = RATES - 1; setup_rate = setup_ratetable[l].rate; } break; case K_RIGHTARROW: if (setup_cursor < 1) return; forward: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); if (setup_cursor == 1) setup_top = setup_top + 1; if (setup_cursor == 2) setup_bottom = setup_bottom + 1; if (setup_cursor == 3) { l = setup_rateindex(setup_rate) + 1; if (l >= RATES) l = 0; setup_rate = setup_ratetable[l].rate; } break; case K_ENTER: if (setup_cursor == 0) return; if (setup_cursor == 1 || setup_cursor == 2 || setup_cursor == 3) goto forward; // setup_cursor == 4 (Accept changes) if (strcmp(cl_name.string, setup_myname) != 0) Cbuf_AddText ( va ("name \"%s\"\n", setup_myname) ); if (setup_top != setup_oldtop || setup_bottom != setup_oldbottom) Cbuf_AddText( va ("color %i %i\n", setup_top, setup_bottom) ); if (setup_rate != setup_oldrate) Cbuf_AddText(va("rate %i\n", setup_rate)); m_entersound = true; M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_BACKSPACE: if (setup_cursor == 0) { if (strlen(setup_myname)) setup_myname[strlen(setup_myname)-1] = 0; } break; default: if (ascii < 32 || ascii > 126) break; if (setup_cursor == 0) { l = strlen(setup_myname); if (l < 15) { setup_myname[l+1] = 0; setup_myname[l] = ascii; } } } if (setup_top > 15) setup_top = 0; if (setup_top < 0) setup_top = 15; if (setup_bottom > 15) setup_bottom = 0; if (setup_bottom < 0) setup_bottom = 15; } //============================================================================= /* OPTIONS MENU */ #define SLIDER_RANGE 10 void M_DrawSlider (int x, int y, float num, float rangemin, float rangemax) { char text[16]; int i; float range; range = bound(0, (num - rangemin) / (rangemax - rangemin), 1); M_DrawCharacter (x-8, y, 128); for (i = 0;i < SLIDER_RANGE;i++) M_DrawCharacter (x + i*8, y, 129); M_DrawCharacter (x+i*8, y, 130); M_DrawCharacter (x + (SLIDER_RANGE-1)*8 * range, y, 131); if (fabs((int)num - num) < 0.01) sprintf(text, "%i", (int)num); else sprintf(text, "%.2f", num); M_Print(x + (SLIDER_RANGE+2) * 8, y, text); } void M_DrawCheckbox (int x, int y, int on) { if (on) M_Print(x, y, "on"); else M_Print(x, y, "off"); } #define OPTIONS_ITEMS 37 int options_cursor; void M_Menu_Options_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_options; m_entersound = true; } extern cvar_t snd_staticvolume; extern cvar_t gl_delayfinish; extern cvar_t slowmo; extern dllhandle_t jpeg_dll; extern cvar_t gl_texture_anisotropy; void M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders (int dir) { int optnum; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); optnum = 6; if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_conwidth, bound(320, vid_conwidth.value + dir * 64, 2048)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_conheight, bound(240, vid_conheight.value + dir * 48, 1536)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_conspeed, bound(0, scr_conspeed.value + dir * 100, 1000)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_conalpha, bound(0, scr_conalpha.value + dir * 0.2, 1)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_conbrightness, bound(0, scr_conbrightness.value + dir * 0.2, 1)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_viewsize, bound(30, scr_viewsize.value + dir * 10, 120)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_fov, bound(1, scr_fov.integer + dir * 1, 170)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_screenshot_jpeg, !scr_screenshot_jpeg.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality, bound(0, scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_sky, !r_sky.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&gl_combine, !gl_combine.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&gl_dither, !gl_dither.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&gl_delayfinish, !gl_delayfinish.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&gl_texture_anisotropy, bound(1, gl_texture_anisotropy.integer + dir, gl_max_anisotropy)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&slowmo, bound(0, slowmo.value + dir * 0.25, 5)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&bgmvolume, bound(0, bgmvolume.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&volume, bound(0, volume.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&snd_staticvolume, bound(0, snd_staticvolume.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&crosshair, bound(0, crosshair.integer + dir, 5)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&crosshair_size, bound(1, crosshair_size.value + dir, 5)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&crosshair_static, !crosshair_static.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&showfps, !showfps.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&showtime, !showtime.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&showdate, !showdate.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) { if (cl_forwardspeed.value > 200) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_forwardspeed, 200); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_backspeed, 200); } else { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_forwardspeed, 400); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_backspeed, 400); } } else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&lookspring, !lookspring.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&lookstrafe, !lookstrafe.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&sensitivity, bound(1, sensitivity.value + dir * 0.5, 50)); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&freelook, !freelook.integer); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&m_pitch, -m_pitch.value); else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_mouse, !vid_mouse.integer); } int optnum; int opty; int optcursor; void M_Options_PrintCommand(char *s, int enabled) { if (opty >= 32) { DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y + opty, 320, 8, optnum == optcursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0); M_ItemPrint(0, opty, s, enabled); } opty += 8; optnum++; } void M_Options_PrintCheckbox(char *s, int enabled, int yes) { if (opty >= 32) { DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y + opty, 320, 8, optnum == optcursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0); M_ItemPrint(0, opty, s, enabled); M_DrawCheckbox(0 + strlen(s) * 8 + 8, opty, yes); } opty += 8; optnum++; } void M_Options_PrintSlider(char *s, int enabled, float value, float minvalue, float maxvalue) { if (opty >= 32) { DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y + opty, 320, 8, optnum == optcursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0); M_ItemPrint(0, opty, s, enabled); M_DrawSlider(0 + strlen(s) * 8 + 8, opty, value, minvalue, maxvalue); } opty += 8; optnum++; } void M_Options_Draw (void) { int visible; cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 240); M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_option.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp"); optnum = 0; optcursor = options_cursor; visible = (vid.conheight - 32) / 8; opty = 32 - bound(0, optcursor - (visible >> 1), max(0, OPTIONS_ITEMS - visible)) * 8; M_Options_PrintCommand( "Customize controls", true); M_Options_PrintCommand( " Go to console", true); M_Options_PrintCommand( " Reset to defaults", true); M_Options_PrintCommand( " Video", true); M_Options_PrintCommand( " Effects", true); M_Options_PrintCommand( " Color Control", true); M_Options_PrintSlider( " 2D Screen Width ", true, vid_conwidth.value, 320, 2048); M_Options_PrintSlider( " 2D Screen Height", true, vid_conheight.value, 240, 1536); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Console Speed", true, scr_conspeed.value, 0, 1000); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Console Alpha", true, scr_conalpha.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( "Conback Brightness", true, scr_conbrightness.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Screen size", true, scr_viewsize.value, 30, 120); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Field of View", true, scr_fov.integer, 1, 170); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" JPEG screenshots", jpeg_dll != NULL, scr_screenshot_jpeg.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " JPEG quality", jpeg_dll != NULL, scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Sky", true, r_sky.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Texture Combine", true, gl_combine.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Dithering", true, gl_dither.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox("Delay gfx (faster)", true, gl_delayfinish.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( "Anisotropic Filter", gl_support_anisotropy, gl_texture_anisotropy.integer, 1, gl_max_anisotropy); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Game Speed", sv.active, slowmo.value, 0, 5); M_Options_PrintSlider( " CD Music Volume", cdaudioinitialized.integer, bgmvolume.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Sound Volume", snd_initialized.integer, volume.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider(gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2 ? " Music Volume" : " Ambient Volume", snd_initialized.integer, snd_staticvolume.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Crosshair", true, crosshair.value, 0, 5); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Crosshair Size", true, crosshair_size.value, 1, 5); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Static Crosshair", true, crosshair_static.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Show Framerate", true, showfps.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Show Time", true, showtime.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Show Date", true, showdate.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Always Run", true, cl_forwardspeed.value > 200); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Lookspring", true, lookspring.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Lookstrafe", true, lookstrafe.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Mouse Speed", true, sensitivity.value, 1, 50); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Mouse Look", true, freelook.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Invert Mouse", true, m_pitch.value < 0); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Use Mouse", true, vid_mouse.integer); } void M_Options_Key (int k, char ascii) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (options_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_Keys_f (); break; case 1: m_state = m_none; key_dest = key_game; Con_ToggleConsole_f (); break; case 2: Cbuf_AddText ("exec default.cfg\n"); break; case 3: M_Menu_Video_f (); break; case 4: M_Menu_Options_Effects_f (); break; case 5: M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f (); break; default: M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders (1); break; } return; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); options_cursor--; if (options_cursor < 0) options_cursor = OPTIONS_ITEMS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); options_cursor++; if (options_cursor >= OPTIONS_ITEMS) options_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders (-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders (1); break; } } #define OPTIONS_EFFECTS_ITEMS 33 int options_effects_cursor; void M_Menu_Options_Effects_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_options_effects; m_entersound = true; } extern cvar_t r_detailtextures; extern cvar_t cl_particles; extern cvar_t cl_explosions; extern cvar_t cl_stainmaps; extern cvar_t cl_decals; extern cvar_t r_explosionclip; extern cvar_t r_modellights; extern cvar_t r_coronas; extern cvar_t gl_flashblend; extern cvar_t cl_particles_quality; extern cvar_t cl_particles_bulletimpacts; extern cvar_t cl_particles_smoke; extern cvar_t cl_particles_sparks; extern cvar_t cl_particles_bubbles; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_alpha; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_bloodhack; extern cvar_t r_lightningbeam_thickness; extern cvar_t r_lightningbeam_scroll; extern cvar_t r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance; extern cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_red; extern cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_green; extern cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_blue; extern cvar_t r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture; void M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders (int dir) { int optnum; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); optnum = 0; if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_modellights, bound(0, r_modellights.value + dir, 8)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_coronas, bound(0, r_coronas.value + dir * 0.125, 4)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&gl_flashblend, !gl_flashblend.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles, !cl_particles.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_quality, bound(1, cl_particles_quality.value + dir * 0.5, 4)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_explosions, !cl_explosions.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_explosionclip, !r_explosionclip.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_stainmaps, !cl_stainmaps.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_decals, !cl_decals.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_detailtextures, !r_detailtextures.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_bulletimpacts, !cl_particles_bulletimpacts.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_smoke, !cl_particles_smoke.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_sparks, !cl_particles_sparks.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_bubbles, !cl_particles_bubbles.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_blood, !cl_particles_blood.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_blood_alpha, bound(0.2, cl_particles_blood_alpha.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&cl_particles_blood_bloodhack, !cl_particles_blood_bloodhack.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lightningbeam_thickness, bound(1, r_lightningbeam_thickness.integer + dir, 10)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lightningbeam_scroll, bound(0, r_lightningbeam_scroll.integer + dir, 10)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance, bound(64, r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance.integer + dir * 64, 1024)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lightningbeam_color_red, bound(0, r_lightningbeam_color_red.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lightningbeam_color_green, bound(0, r_lightningbeam_color_green.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lightningbeam_color_blue, bound(0, r_lightningbeam_color_blue.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture, !r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lerpmodels, !r_lerpmodels.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lerpsprites, !r_lerpsprites.integer); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&gl_polyblend, bound(0, gl_polyblend.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_skyscroll1, bound(-8, r_skyscroll1.value + dir * 0.1, 8)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_skyscroll2, bound(-8, r_skyscroll2.value + dir * 0.1, 8)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_waterwarp, bound(0, r_waterwarp.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_wateralpha, bound(0, r_wateralpha.value + dir * 0.1, 1)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_waterscroll, bound(0, r_waterscroll.value + dir * 0.5, 10)); else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_watershader, bound(0, r_watershader.value + dir * 0.25, 10)); } void M_Options_Effects_Draw (void) { int visible; cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_option.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp"); optcursor = options_effects_cursor; optnum = 0; visible = (vid.conheight - 32) / 8; opty = 32 - bound(0, optcursor - (visible >> 1), max(0, OPTIONS_EFFECTS_ITEMS - visible)) * 8; M_Options_PrintSlider( " Lights Per Model", true, r_modellights.value, 0, 8); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Corona Intensity", true, r_coronas.value, 0, 4); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Use Only Coronas", true, gl_flashblend.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Particles", true, cl_particles.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Particles Quality", true, cl_particles_quality.value, 1, 4); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Explosions", true, cl_explosions.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Explosion Clipping", true, r_explosionclip.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Stainmaps", true, cl_stainmaps.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Decals", true, cl_decals.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Detail Texturing", true, r_detailtextures.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Bullet Impacts", true, cl_particles_bulletimpacts.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Smoke", true, cl_particles_smoke.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Sparks", true, cl_particles_sparks.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Bubbles", true, cl_particles_bubbles.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Blood", true, cl_particles_blood.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Blood Opacity", true, cl_particles_blood_alpha.value, 0.2, 1); M_Options_PrintCheckbox("Force New Blood Effect", true, cl_particles_blood_bloodhack.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Lightning Thickness", true, r_lightningbeam_thickness.integer, 1, 10); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Lightning Scroll", true, r_lightningbeam_scroll.integer, 0, 10); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Lightning Repeat Dist", true, r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance.integer, 64, 1024); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Lightning Color Red", true, r_lightningbeam_color_red.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Lightning Color Green", true, r_lightningbeam_color_green.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Lightning Color Blue", true, r_lightningbeam_color_blue.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Lightning QMB Texture", true, r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Model Interpolation", true, r_lerpmodels.integer); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Sprite Interpolation", true, r_lerpsprites.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " View Blend", true, gl_polyblend.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( "Upper Sky Scroll Speed", true, r_skyscroll1.value, -8, 8); M_Options_PrintSlider( "Lower Sky Scroll Speed", true, r_skyscroll2.value, -8, 8); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Underwater View Warp", true, r_waterwarp.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Water Alpha (opacity)", true, r_wateralpha.value, 0, 1); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Water Movement", true, r_waterscroll.value, 0, 10); M_Options_PrintSlider( " GeForce3 Water Shader", true, r_watershader.value, 0, 10); } void M_Options_Effects_Key (int k, char ascii) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case K_ENTER: M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders (1); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); options_effects_cursor--; if (options_effects_cursor < 0) options_effects_cursor = OPTIONS_EFFECTS_ITEMS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); options_effects_cursor++; if (options_effects_cursor >= OPTIONS_EFFECTS_ITEMS) options_effects_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders (-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders (1); break; } } #define OPTIONS_COLORCONTROL_ITEMS 18 int options_colorcontrol_cursor; // intensity value to match up to 50% dither to 'correct' quake cvar_t menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue = {0, "menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue", "0.25"}; void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_options_colorcontrol; m_entersound = true; } void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders (int dir) { int optnum; float f; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); optnum = 1; if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_hwgamma, !v_hwgamma.integer); else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_gamma, bound(1, v_gamma.value + dir * 0.125, 5)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_contrast, bound(1, v_contrast.value + dir * 0.125, 5)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_brightness, bound(0, v_brightness.value + dir * 0.05, 0.8)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, !v_color_enable.integer); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_black_r, bound(0, v_color_black_r.value + dir * 0.0125, 0.8)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_black_g, bound(0, v_color_black_g.value + dir * 0.0125, 0.8)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_black_b, bound(0, v_color_black_b.value + dir * 0.0125, 0.8)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); f = bound(0, (v_color_black_r.value + v_color_black_g.value + v_color_black_b.value) / 3 + dir * 0.0125, 0.8); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_black_r, f); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_black_g, f); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_black_b, f); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_grey_r, bound(0, v_color_grey_r.value + dir * 0.0125, 0.95)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_grey_g, bound(0, v_color_grey_g.value + dir * 0.0125, 0.95)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_grey_b, bound(0, v_color_grey_b.value + dir * 0.0125, 0.95)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); f = bound(0, (v_color_grey_r.value + v_color_grey_g.value + v_color_grey_b.value) / 3 + dir * 0.0125, 0.95); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_grey_r, f); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_grey_g, f); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_grey_b, f); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_white_r, bound(1, v_color_white_r.value + dir * 0.125, 5)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_white_g, bound(1, v_color_white_g.value + dir * 0.125, 5)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_white_b, bound(1, v_color_white_b.value + dir * 0.125, 5)); } else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++) { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_enable, 1); f = bound(1, (v_color_white_r.value + v_color_white_g.value + v_color_white_b.value) / 3 + dir * 0.125, 5); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_white_r, f); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_white_g, f); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_color_white_b, f); } } void M_Options_ColorControl_Draw (void) { int visible; float x, c, s, t, u, v; cachepic_t *p; M_Background(320, 256); M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_option.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp"); optcursor = options_colorcontrol_cursor; optnum = 0; visible = (vid.conheight - 32) / 8; opty = 32 - bound(0, optcursor - (visible >> 1), max(0, OPTIONS_COLORCONTROL_ITEMS - visible)) * 8; M_Options_PrintCommand( " Reset to defaults", true); M_Options_PrintCheckbox("Hardware Gamma Control", vid_hardwaregammasupported.integer, v_hwgamma.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Gamma", !v_color_enable.integer && vid_hardwaregammasupported.integer && v_hwgamma.integer, v_gamma.value, 1, 5); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Contrast", !v_color_enable.integer, v_contrast.value, 1, 5); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Brightness", !v_color_enable.integer, v_brightness.value, 0, 0.8); M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Color Level Controls", true, v_color_enable.integer); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Black: Red ", v_color_enable.integer, v_color_black_r.value, 0, 0.8); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Black: Green", v_color_enable.integer, v_color_black_g.value, 0, 0.8); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Black: Blue ", v_color_enable.integer, v_color_black_b.value, 0, 0.8); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Black: Grey ", v_color_enable.integer, (v_color_black_r.value + v_color_black_g.value + v_color_black_b.value) / 3, 0, 0.8); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Grey: Red ", v_color_enable.integer && vid_hardwaregammasupported.integer && v_hwgamma.integer, v_color_grey_r.value, 0, 0.95); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Grey: Green", v_color_enable.integer && vid_hardwaregammasupported.integer && v_hwgamma.integer, v_color_grey_g.value, 0, 0.95); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Grey: Blue ", v_color_enable.integer && vid_hardwaregammasupported.integer && v_hwgamma.integer, v_color_grey_b.value, 0, 0.95); M_Options_PrintSlider( " Grey: Grey ", v_color_enable.integer && vid_hardwaregammasupported.integer && v_hwgamma.integer, (v_color_grey_r.value + v_color_grey_g.value + v_color_grey_b.value) / 3, 0, 0.95); M_Options_PrintSlider( " White: Red ", v_color_enable.integer, v_color_white_r.value, 1, 5); M_Options_PrintSlider( " White: Green", v_color_enable.integer, v_color_white_g.value, 1, 5); M_Options_PrintSlider( " White: Blue ", v_color_enable.integer, v_color_white_b.value, 1, 5); M_Options_PrintSlider( " White: Grey ", v_color_enable.integer, (v_color_white_r.value + v_color_white_g.value + v_color_white_b.value) / 3, 1, 5); opty += 4; DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y + opty, 320, 4 + 64 + 8 + 64 + 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);opty += 4; s = (float) 312 / 2 * vid.realwidth / vid.conwidth; t = (float) 4 / 2 * vid.realheight / vid.conheight; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 312, 4, 0,0, 1,0,0,1, s,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,t, 1,0,0,1, s,t, 1,0,0,1, 0);opty += 4; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 1,0,0,1, 0);opty += 4; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 312, 4, 0,0, 0,1,0,1, s,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,t, 0,1,0,1, s,t, 0,1,0,1, 0);opty += 4; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 0,1,0,1, 0);opty += 4; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,1,1, s,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,t, 0,0,1,1, s,t, 0,0,1,1, 0);opty += 4; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 0,0,1,1, 0);opty += 4; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 312, 4, 0,0, 1,1,1,1, s,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,t, 1,1,1,1, s,t, 1,1,1,1, 0);opty += 4; DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 1,1,1,1, 0);opty += 4; c = menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue.value; // intensity value that should be matched up to a 50% dither to 'correct' quake s = (float) 48 / 2 * vid.realwidth / vid.conwidth; t = (float) 48 / 2 * vid.realheight / vid.conheight; u = s * 0.5; v = t * 0.5; opty += 8; x = 4; DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + opty, 64, 48, c, 0, 0, 1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 1,0,0,1, s,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,t, 1,0,0,1, s,t, 1,0,0,1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 1,0,0,1, u,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,v, 1,0,0,1, u,v, 1,0,0,1, 0); x += 80; DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + opty, 64, 48, 0, c, 0, 1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 0,1,0,1, s,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,t, 0,1,0,1, s,t, 0,1,0,1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 0,1,0,1, u,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,v, 0,1,0,1, u,v, 0,1,0,1, 0); x += 80; DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + opty, 64, 48, 0, 0, c, 1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 0,0,1,1, s,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,t, 0,0,1,1, s,t, 0,0,1,1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 0,0,1,1, u,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,v, 0,0,1,1, u,v, 0,0,1,1, 0); x += 80; DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + opty, 64, 48, c, c, c, 1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 1,1,1,1, s,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,t, 1,1,1,1, s,t, 1,1,1,1, 0); DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + opty + 16, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern.tga", 16, 16, 0,0, 1,1,1,1, u,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,v, 1,1,1,1, u,v, 1,1,1,1, 0); } void M_Options_ColorControl_Key (int k, char ascii) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (options_colorcontrol_cursor) { case 0: Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_hwgamma, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_gamma, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_contrast, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_brightness, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_enable, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_black_r, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_black_g, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_black_b, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_grey_r, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_grey_g, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_grey_b, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_white_r, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_white_g, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_color_white_b, 1); break; default: M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders (1); break; } return; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); options_colorcontrol_cursor--; if (options_colorcontrol_cursor < 0) options_colorcontrol_cursor = OPTIONS_COLORCONTROL_ITEMS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); options_colorcontrol_cursor++; if (options_colorcontrol_cursor >= OPTIONS_COLORCONTROL_ITEMS) options_colorcontrol_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders (-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders (1); break; } } //============================================================================= /* KEYS MENU */ char *quakebindnames[][2] = { {"+attack", "attack"}, {"impulse 10", "next weapon"}, {"impulse 12", "previous weapon"}, {"+jump", "jump / swim up"}, {"+forward", "walk forward"}, {"+back", "backpedal"}, {"+left", "turn left"}, {"+right", "turn right"}, {"+speed", "run"}, {"+moveleft", "step left"}, {"+moveright", "step right"}, {"+strafe", "sidestep"}, {"+lookup", "look up"}, {"+lookdown", "look down"}, {"centerview", "center view"}, {"+mlook", "mouse look"}, {"+klook", "keyboard look"}, {"+moveup", "swim up"}, {"+movedown", "swim down"} }; char *transfusionbindnames[][2] = { {"", "Movement"}, // Movement commands {"+forward", "walk forward"}, {"+back", "backpedal"}, {"+left", "turn left"}, {"+right", "turn right"}, {"+moveleft", "step left"}, {"+moveright", "step right"}, {"+jump", "jump / swim up"}, {"+movedown", "swim down"}, {"", "Combat"}, // Combat commands {"impulse 1", "Pitch Fork"}, {"impulse 2", "Flare Gun"}, {"impulse 3", "Shotgun"}, {"impulse 4", "Machine Gun"}, {"impulse 5", "Incinerator"}, {"impulse 6", "Bombs (TNT)"}, {"impulse 35", "Proximity Bomb"}, {"impulse 36", "Remote Detonator"}, {"impulse 7", "Aerosol Can"}, {"impulse 8", "Tesla Cannon"}, {"impulse 9", "Life Leech"}, {"impulse 10", "Voodoo Doll"}, {"impulse 21", "next weapon"}, {"impulse 22", "previous weapon"}, {"+attack", "attack"}, {"+button3", "altfire"}, {"", "Inventory"}, // Inventory commands {"impulse 40", "Dr.'s Bag"}, {"impulse 41", "Crystal Ball"}, {"impulse 42", "Beast Vision"}, {"impulse 43", "Jump Boots"}, {"impulse 23", "next item"}, {"impulse 24", "previous item"}, {"impulse 25", "use item"}, {"", "Misc"}, // Misc commands {"+button4", "use"}, {"impulse 50", "add bot (red)"}, {"impulse 51", "add bot (blue)"}, {"impulse 52", "kick a bot"}, {"impulse 26", "next armor type"}, {"impulse 27", "identify player"}, {"impulse 55", "voting menu"}, {"impulse 56", "observer mode"}, {"", "Taunts"}, // Taunts {"impulse 70", "taunt 0"}, {"impulse 71", "taunt 1"}, {"impulse 72", "taunt 2"}, {"impulse 73", "taunt 3"}, {"impulse 74", "taunt 4"}, {"impulse 75", "taunt 5"}, {"impulse 76", "taunt 6"}, {"impulse 77", "taunt 7"}, {"impulse 78", "taunt 8"}, {"impulse 79", "taunt 9"} }; char *goodvsbad2bindnames[][2] = { {"impulse 69", "Power 1"}, {"impulse 70", "Power 2"}, {"impulse 71", "Power 3"}, {"+jump", "jump / swim up"}, {"+forward", "walk forward"}, {"+back", "backpedal"}, {"+left", "turn left"}, {"+right", "turn right"}, {"+speed", "run"}, {"+moveleft", "step left"}, {"+moveright", "step right"}, {"+strafe", "sidestep"}, {"+lookup", "look up"}, {"+lookdown", "look down"}, {"centerview", "center view"}, {"+mlook", "mouse look"}, {"kill", "kill yourself"}, {"+moveup", "swim up"}, {"+movedown", "swim down"} }; int numcommands; char *(*bindnames)[2]; /* typedef struct binditem_s { char *command, *description; struct binditem_s *next; } binditem_t; typedef struct bindcategory_s { char *name; binditem_t *binds; struct bindcategory_s *next; } bindcategory_t; bindcategory_t *bindcategories = NULL; void M_ClearBinds (void) { for (c = bindcategories;c;c = cnext) { cnext = c->next; for (b = c->binds;b;b = bnext) { bnext = b->next; Z_Free(b); } Z_Free(c); } bindcategories = NULL; } void M_AddBindToCategory(bindcategory_t *c, char *command, char *description) { for (b = &c->binds;*b;*b = &(*b)->next); *b = Z_Alloc(sizeof(binditem_t) + strlen(command) + 1 + strlen(description) + 1); *b->command = (char *)((*b) + 1); *b->description = *b->command + strlen(command) + 1; strcpy(*b->command, command); strcpy(*b->description, description); } void M_AddBind (char *category, char *command, char *description) { for (c = &bindcategories;*c;c = &(*c)->next) { if (!strcmp(category, (*c)->name)) { M_AddBindToCategory(*c, command, description); return; } } *c = Z_Alloc(sizeof(bindcategory_t)); M_AddBindToCategory(*c, command, description); } void M_DefaultBinds (void) { M_ClearBinds(); M_AddBind("movement", "+jump", "jump / swim up"); M_AddBind("movement", "+forward", "walk forward"); M_AddBind("movement", "+back", "backpedal"); M_AddBind("movement", "+left", "turn left"); M_AddBind("movement", "+right", "turn right"); M_AddBind("movement", "+speed", "run"); M_AddBind("movement", "+moveleft", "step left"); M_AddBind("movement", "+moveright", "step right"); M_AddBind("movement", "+strafe", "sidestep"); M_AddBind("movement", "+lookup", "look up"); M_AddBind("movement", "+lookdown", "look down"); M_AddBind("movement", "centerview", "center view"); M_AddBind("movement", "+mlook", "mouse look"); M_AddBind("movement", "+klook", "keyboard look"); M_AddBind("movement", "+moveup", "swim up"); M_AddBind("movement", "+movedown", "swim down"); M_AddBind("weapons", "+attack", "attack"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 10", "next weapon"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 12", "previous weapon"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 1", "select weapon 1 (axe)"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 2", "select weapon 2 (shotgun)"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 3", "select weapon 3 (super )"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 4", "select weapon 4 (nailgun)"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 5", "select weapon 5 (super nailgun)"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 6", "select weapon 6 (grenade launcher)"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 7", "select weapon 7 (rocket launcher)"); M_AddBind("weapons", "impulse 8", "select weapon 8 (lightning gun)"); } */ int keys_cursor; int bind_grab; void M_Menu_Keys_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_keys; m_entersound = true; } #define NUMKEYS 5 void M_FindKeysForCommand (char *command, int *keys) { int count; int j; char *b; for (j = 0;j < NUMKEYS;j++) keys[j] = -1; count = 0; for (j = 0; j < (int)sizeof (keybindings[0]) / (int)sizeof (keybindings[0][0]); j++) { b = keybindings[0][j]; if (!b) continue; if (!strcmp (b, command) ) { keys[count++] = j; if (count == NUMKEYS) break; } } } void M_UnbindCommand (char *command) { int j; char *b; for (j = 0; j < (int)sizeof (keybindings[0]) / (int)sizeof (keybindings[0][0]); j++) { b = keybindings[0][j]; if (!b) continue; if (!strcmp (b, command)) Key_SetBinding (j, 0, ""); } } void M_Keys_Draw (void) { int i, j; int keys[NUMKEYS]; int y; cachepic_t *p; char keystring[1024]; M_Background(320, 48 + 8 * numcommands); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp"); if (bind_grab) M_Print(12, 32, "Press a key or button for this action"); else M_Print(18, 32, "Enter to change, backspace to clear"); // search for known bindings for (i=0 ; i 0) strcat(keystring, " or "); strcat(keystring, Key_KeynumToString (keys[j])); } } } M_Print(150, y, keystring); } if (bind_grab) M_DrawCharacter (140, 48 + keys_cursor*8, '='); else M_DrawCharacter (140, 48 + keys_cursor*8, 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_Keys_Key (int k, char ascii) { char cmd[80]; int keys[NUMKEYS]; if (bind_grab) { // defining a key S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); if (k == K_ESCAPE) { bind_grab = false; } else //if (k != '`') { sprintf (cmd, "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", Key_KeynumToString (k), bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); Cbuf_InsertText (cmd); } bind_grab = false; return; } switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case K_LEFTARROW: case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); do { keys_cursor--; if (keys_cursor < 0) keys_cursor = numcommands-1; } while (bindnames[keys_cursor][0][0] == '\0'); // skip sections break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); do { keys_cursor++; if (keys_cursor >= numcommands) keys_cursor = 0; } while (bindnames[keys_cursor][0][0] == '\0'); // skip sections break; case K_ENTER: // go into bind mode M_FindKeysForCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0], keys); S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav", true); if (keys[NUMKEYS - 1] != -1) M_UnbindCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); bind_grab = true; break; case K_BACKSPACE: // delete bindings case K_DEL: // delete bindings S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav", true); M_UnbindCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); break; } } //============================================================================= /* VIDEO MENU */ #define VIDEO_ITEMS 4 int video_cursor = 0; int video_cursor_table[] = {56, 68, 80, 100}; // note: if modes are added to the beginning of this list, update the // video_resolution = x; in M_Menu_Video_f below unsigned short video_resolutions[][2] = {{320,240}, {400,300}, {512,384}, {640,480}, {800,600}, {1024,768}, {1152,864}, {1280,960}, {1280,1024}, {1600,1200}, {1792,1344}, {1920,1440}, {2048,1536}, {0,0}}; // this is the number of the 640x480 mode in the list #define VID_640 3 #define VID_RES_COUNT ((int)(sizeof(video_resolutions) / sizeof(video_resolutions[0])) - 1) int video_resolution; extern int current_vid_fullscreen; extern int current_vid_width; extern int current_vid_height; extern int current_vid_bitsperpixel; void M_Menu_Video_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_video; m_entersound = true; // Look for the current resolution for (video_resolution = 0; video_resolution < VID_RES_COUNT; video_resolution++) { if (video_resolutions[video_resolution][0] == current_vid_width && video_resolutions[video_resolution][1] == current_vid_height) break; } // Default to VID_640 if we didn't find it if (video_resolution == VID_RES_COUNT) { // may need to update this number if mode list changes video_resolution = VID_640; Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_width, video_resolutions[video_resolution][0]); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_height, video_resolutions[video_resolution][1]); } } void M_Video_Draw (void) { cachepic_t *p; const char* string; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/vidmodes.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/vidmodes.lmp"); // Resolution M_Print(16, video_cursor_table[0], " Resolution"); string = va("%dx%d", video_resolutions[video_resolution][0], video_resolutions[video_resolution][1]); M_Print(220, video_cursor_table[0], string); // Bits per pixel M_Print(16, video_cursor_table[1], " Bits per pixel"); M_Print(220, video_cursor_table[1], (vid_bitsperpixel.integer == 32) ? "32" : "16"); // Fullscreen M_Print(16, video_cursor_table[2], " Fullscreen"); M_DrawCheckbox(220, video_cursor_table[2], vid_fullscreen.integer); // "Apply" button M_Print(220, video_cursor_table[3], "Apply"); // Cursor M_DrawCharacter(200, video_cursor_table[video_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); } void M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders (int dir) { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); switch (video_cursor) { // Resolution case 0: { int new_resolution = video_resolution + dir; if (gamemode == GAME_FNIGGIUM ? new_resolution < VID_640 : new_resolution < 0) video_resolution = VID_RES_COUNT - 1; else if (new_resolution > VID_RES_COUNT - 1) video_resolution = gamemode == GAME_FNIGGIUM ? VID_640 : 0; else video_resolution = new_resolution; Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_width, video_resolutions[video_resolution][0]); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_height, video_resolutions[video_resolution][1]); break; } // Bits per pixel case 1: Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_bitsperpixel, (vid_bitsperpixel.integer == 32) ? 16 : 32); break; case 2: Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_fullscreen, !vid_fullscreen.integer); break; } } void M_Video_Key (int key, char ascii) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: // vid_shared.c has a copy of the current video config. We restore it Cvar_SetValueQuick(&vid_fullscreen, current_vid_fullscreen); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&vid_width, current_vid_width); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&vid_height, current_vid_height); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&vid_bitsperpixel, current_vid_bitsperpixel); S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); M_Menu_Options_f (); break; case K_ENTER: m_entersound = true; switch (video_cursor) { case 3: Cbuf_AddText ("vid_restart\n"); M_Menu_Options_f (); break; default: M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders (1); } break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); video_cursor--; if (video_cursor < 0) video_cursor = VIDEO_ITEMS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); video_cursor++; if (video_cursor >= VIDEO_ITEMS) video_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders (-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders (1); break; } } //============================================================================= /* HELP MENU */ int help_page; #define NUM_HELP_PAGES 6 void M_Menu_Help_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_help; m_entersound = true; help_page = 0; } void M_Help_Draw (void) { M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic (0, 0, va("gfx/help%i.lmp", help_page)); } void M_Help_Key (int key, char ascii) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_Main_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: m_entersound = true; if (++help_page >= NUM_HELP_PAGES) help_page = 0; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: m_entersound = true; if (--help_page < 0) help_page = NUM_HELP_PAGES-1; break; } } //============================================================================= /* QUIT MENU */ char *m_quit_message[9]; int m_quit_prevstate; qboolean wasInMenus; int M_QuitMessage(char *line1, char *line2, char *line3, char *line4, char *line5, char *line6, char *line7, char *line8) { m_quit_message[0] = line1; m_quit_message[1] = line2; m_quit_message[2] = line3; m_quit_message[3] = line4; m_quit_message[4] = line5; m_quit_message[5] = line6; m_quit_message[6] = line7; m_quit_message[7] = line8; m_quit_message[8] = NULL; return 1; } int M_ChooseQuitMessage(int request) { switch (gamemode) { case GAME_NORMAL: case GAME_HIPNOTIC: case GAME_ROGUE: case GAME_NEHAHRA: if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Are you gonna quit","this game just like","everything else?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Milord, methinks that","thou art a lowly","quitter. Is this true?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Do I need to bust your","face open for trying","to quit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Man, I oughta smack you","for trying to quit!","Press Y to get","smacked out.",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y to quit like a","big loser in life.","Press N to stay proud","and successful!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("If you press Y to","quit, I will summon","Satan all over your","hard drive!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Um, Asmodeus dislikes","his children trying to","quit. Press Y to return","to your Tinkertoys.",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("If you quit now, I'll","throw a blanket-party","for you next time!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); break; case GAME_GOODVSBAD2: if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Yes To Quit","...","Yes",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Do you really want to","Quit?","Play Good vs bad 3!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("All your quit are","belong to long duck","dong",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y to quit","","But are you too legit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("This game was made by","e@chip-web.com","It is by far the best","game ever made.",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Even I really dont","know of a game better","Press Y to quit","like rougue chedder",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("After you stop playing","tell the guys who made","counterstrike to just","kill themselves now",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y to exit to DOS","","SSH login as user Y","to exit to Linux",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y like you","were waanderers","from Ys'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("This game was made in","Nippon like the SS","announcer's saying ipon",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("you","want to quit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Please stop playing","this stupid game",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); break; case GAME_BATTLEMECH: if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("? WHY ?","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Leave now and your mech is scrap!","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Accept Defeat?","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Wait! There are more mechs to destroy!","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Where's your bloodlust?","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Your mech here is way more impressive","than your car out there...","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Quitting won't reduce your debt","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); break; case GAME_OPENQUARTZ: if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("There is nothing like free beer!","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("GNU is not Unix!","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("You prefer free beer over free speech?","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Is OpenQuartz Propaganda?","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); break; default: if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Tired of fragging already?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Quit now and forfeit your bodycount?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Are you sure you want to quit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Off to do something constructive?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); break; } return 0; }; void M_Menu_Quit_f (void) { int n; if (m_state == m_quit) return; wasInMenus = (key_dest == key_menu); key_dest = key_menu; m_quit_prevstate = m_state; m_state = m_quit; m_entersound = true; // count how many there are for (n = 0;M_ChooseQuitMessage(n);n++); // choose one M_ChooseQuitMessage(rand() % n); } void M_Quit_Key (int key, char ascii) { switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: case 'n': case 'N': if (wasInMenus) { m_state = m_quit_prevstate; m_entersound = true; } else { key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; } break; case 'Y': case 'y': Host_Quit_f (); break; default: break; } } void M_Quit_Draw (void) { int i, l, linelength, firstline, lastline, lines; for (i = 0, linelength = 0, firstline = 9999, lastline = -1;m_quit_message[i];i++) { if ((l = strlen(m_quit_message[i]))) { if (firstline > i) firstline = i; if (lastline < i) lastline = i; if (linelength < l) linelength = l; } } lines = (lastline - firstline) + 1; M_Background(linelength * 8 + 16, lines * 8 + 16); M_DrawTextBox(0, 0, linelength, lines); for (i = 0, l = firstline;i < lines;i++, l++) M_Print(8 + 4 * (linelength - strlen(m_quit_message[l])), 8 + 8 * i, m_quit_message[l]); } //============================================================================= /* LAN CONFIG MENU */ int lanConfig_cursor = -1; int lanConfig_cursor_table [] = {56, 76, 112}; #define NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS 3 int lanConfig_port; char lanConfig_portname[6]; char lanConfig_joinname[22]; void M_Menu_LanConfig_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_lanconfig; m_entersound = true; if (lanConfig_cursor == -1) { if (JoiningGame) lanConfig_cursor = 1; } if (StartingGame) lanConfig_cursor = 1; lanConfig_port = 26000; sprintf(lanConfig_portname, "%u", lanConfig_port); m_return_reason[0] = 0; } void M_LanConfig_Draw (void) { cachepic_t *p; int basex; char *startJoin; char *protocol; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); basex = (320-p->width)/2; M_DrawPic (basex, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); if (StartingGame) startJoin = "New Game"; else startJoin = "Join Game"; protocol = "TCP/IP"; M_Print(basex, 32, va ("%s - %s", startJoin, protocol)); basex += 8; M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port"); M_DrawTextBox (basex+8*8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0]-8, 6, 1); M_Print(basex+9*8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], lanConfig_portname); if (JoiningGame) { M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "Search for games..."); M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[2]-16, "Join game at:"); M_DrawTextBox (basex+8, lanConfig_cursor_table[2]-8, 22, 1); M_Print(basex+16, lanConfig_cursor_table[2], lanConfig_joinname); } else { M_DrawTextBox (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1]-8, 2, 1); M_Print(basex+8, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "OK"); } M_DrawCharacter (basex-8, lanConfig_cursor_table [lanConfig_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) M_DrawCharacter (basex+9*8 + 8*strlen(lanConfig_portname), lanConfig_cursor_table [0], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) M_DrawCharacter (basex+16 + 8*strlen(lanConfig_joinname), lanConfig_cursor_table [2], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (*m_return_reason) M_Print(basex, 168, m_return_reason); } void M_LanConfig_Key (int key, char ascii) { int l; switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); lanConfig_cursor--; if (lanConfig_cursor < 0) lanConfig_cursor = NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); lanConfig_cursor++; if (lanConfig_cursor >= NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS) lanConfig_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) break; m_entersound = true; Cbuf_AddText ("stopdemo\n"); Cvar_SetValue("port", lanConfig_port); if (lanConfig_cursor == 1) { if (StartingGame) { M_Menu_GameOptions_f (); break; } M_Menu_ServerList_f(); break; } if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) Cbuf_AddText ( va ("connect \"%s\"\n", lanConfig_joinname) ); break; case K_BACKSPACE: if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) { if (strlen(lanConfig_portname)) lanConfig_portname[strlen(lanConfig_portname)-1] = 0; } if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) { if (strlen(lanConfig_joinname)) lanConfig_joinname[strlen(lanConfig_joinname)-1] = 0; } break; default: if (ascii < 32 || ascii > 126) break; if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) { l = strlen(lanConfig_joinname); if (l < 21) { lanConfig_joinname[l+1] = 0; lanConfig_joinname[l] = ascii; } } if (ascii < '0' || ascii > '9') break; if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) { l = strlen(lanConfig_portname); if (l < 5) { lanConfig_portname[l+1] = 0; lanConfig_portname[l] = ascii; } } } if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2) { if (key == K_UPARROW) lanConfig_cursor = 1; else lanConfig_cursor = 0; } l = atoi(lanConfig_portname); if (l <= 65535) lanConfig_port = l; sprintf(lanConfig_portname, "%u", lanConfig_port); } //============================================================================= /* GAME OPTIONS MENU */ typedef struct { char *name; char *description; } level_t; typedef struct { char *description; int firstLevel; int levels; } episode_t; typedef struct { char *gamename; level_t *levels; episode_t *episodes; int numepisodes; } gamelevels_t; level_t quakelevels[] = { {"start", "Entrance"}, // 0 {"e1m1", "Slipgate Complex"}, // 1 {"e1m2", "Castle of the Damned"}, {"e1m3", "The Necropolis"}, {"e1m4", "The Grisly Grotto"}, {"e1m5", "Gloom Keep"}, {"e1m6", "The Door To Chthon"}, {"e1m7", "The House of Chthon"}, {"e1m8", "Ziggurat Vertigo"}, {"e2m1", "The Installation"}, // 9 {"e2m2", "Ogre Citadel"}, {"e2m3", "Crypt of Decay"}, {"e2m4", "The Ebon Fortress"}, {"e2m5", "The Wizard's Manse"}, {"e2m6", "The Dismal Oubliette"}, {"e2m7", "Underearth"}, {"e3m1", "Termination Central"}, // 16 {"e3m2", "The Vaults of Zin"}, {"e3m3", "The Tomb of Terror"}, {"e3m4", "Satan's Dark Delight"}, {"e3m5", "Wind Tunnels"}, {"e3m6", "Chambers of Torment"}, {"e3m7", "The Haunted Halls"}, {"e4m1", "The Sewage System"}, // 23 {"e4m2", "The Tower of Despair"}, {"e4m3", "The Elder God Shrine"}, {"e4m4", "The Palace of Hate"}, {"e4m5", "Hell's Atrium"}, {"e4m6", "The Pain Maze"}, {"e4m7", "Azure Agony"}, {"e4m8", "The Nameless City"}, {"end", "Shub-Niggurath's Pit"}, // 31 {"dm1", "Place of Two Deaths"}, // 32 {"dm2", "Claustrophobopolis"}, {"dm3", "The Abandoned Base"}, {"dm4", "The Bad Place"}, {"dm5", "The Cistern"}, {"dm6", "The Dark Zone"} }; episode_t quakeepisodes[] = { {"Welcome to Quake", 0, 1}, {"Doomed Dimension", 1, 8}, {"Realm of Black Magic", 9, 7}, {"Netherworld", 16, 7}, {"The Elder World", 23, 8}, {"Final Level", 31, 1}, {"Deathmatch Arena", 32, 6} }; //MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic levels level_t hipnoticlevels[] = { {"start", "Command HQ"}, // 0 {"hip1m1", "The Pumping Station"}, // 1 {"hip1m2", "Storage Facility"}, {"hip1m3", "The Lost Mine"}, {"hip1m4", "Research Facility"}, {"hip1m5", "Military Complex"}, {"hip2m1", "Ancient Realms"}, // 6 {"hip2m2", "The Black Cathedral"}, {"hip2m3", "The Catacombs"}, {"hip2m4", "The Crypt"}, {"hip2m5", "Mortum's Keep"}, {"hip2m6", "The Gremlin's Domain"}, {"hip3m1", "Tur Torment"}, // 12 {"hip3m2", "Pandemonium"}, {"hip3m3", "Limbo"}, {"hip3m4", "The Gauntlet"}, {"hipend", "Armagon's Lair"}, // 16 {"hipdm1", "The Edge of Oblivion"} // 17 }; //MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes episode_t hipnoticepisodes[] = { {"Scourge of Armagon", 0, 1}, {"Fortress of the Dead", 1, 5}, {"Dominion of Darkness", 6, 6}, {"The Rift", 12, 4}, {"Final Level", 16, 1}, {"Deathmatch Arena", 17, 1} }; //PGM 01/07/97 added rogue levels //PGM 03/02/97 added dmatch level level_t roguelevels[] = { {"start", "Split Decision"}, {"r1m1", "Deviant's Domain"}, {"r1m2", "Dread Portal"}, {"r1m3", "Judgement Call"}, {"r1m4", "Cave of Death"}, {"r1m5", "Towers of Wrath"}, {"r1m6", "Temple of Pain"}, {"r1m7", "Tomb of the Overlord"}, {"r2m1", "Tempus Fugit"}, {"r2m2", "Elemental Fury I"}, {"r2m3", "Elemental Fury II"}, {"r2m4", "Curse of Osiris"}, {"r2m5", "Wizard's Keep"}, {"r2m6", "Blood Sacrifice"}, {"r2m7", "Last Bastion"}, {"r2m8", "Source of Evil"}, {"ctf1", "Division of Change"} }; //PGM 01/07/97 added rogue episodes //PGM 03/02/97 added dmatch episode episode_t rogueepisodes[] = { {"Introduction", 0, 1}, {"Hell's Fortress", 1, 7}, {"Corridors of Time", 8, 8}, {"Deathmatch Arena", 16, 1} }; level_t nehahralevels[] = { {"nehstart", "Welcome to Nehahra"}, {"neh1m1", "Forge City1: Slipgates"}, {"neh1m2", "Forge City2: Boiler"}, {"neh1m3", "Forge City3: Escape"}, {"neh1m4", "Grind Core"}, {"neh1m5", "Industrial Silence"}, {"neh1m6", "Locked-Up Anger"}, {"neh1m7", "Wanderer of the Wastes"}, {"neh1m8", "Artemis System Net"}, {"neh1m9", "To the Death"}, {"neh2m1", "The Gates of Ghoro"}, {"neh2m2", "Sacred Trinity"}, {"neh2m3", "Realm of the Ancients"}, {"neh2m4", "Temple of the Ancients"}, {"neh2m5", "Dreams Made Flesh"}, {"neh2m6", "Your Last Cup of Sorrow"}, {"nehsec", "Ogre's Bane"}, {"nehahra", "Nehahra's Den"}, {"nehend", "Quintessence"} }; episode_t nehahraepisodes[] = { {"Welcome to Nehahra", 0, 1}, {"The Fall of Forge", 1, 9}, {"The Outlands", 10, 7}, {"Dimension of the Lost", 17, 2} }; // Map list for Transfusion level_t transfusionlevels[] = { {"bb1", "The Stronghold"}, {"bb2", "Winter Wonderland"}, {"bb3", "Bodies"}, {"bb4", "The Tower"}, {"bb5", "Click!"}, {"bb6", "Twin Fortress"}, {"bb7", "Midgard"}, {"bb8", "Fun With Heads"}, {"e1m1", "Cradle to Grave"}, {"e1m2", "Wrong Side of the Tracks"}, {"e1m7", "Altar of Stone"}, {"e2m8", "The Lair of Shial"}, {"e3m7", "The Pit of Cerberus"}, {"e4m1", "Butchery Loves Company"}, {"e4m7", "In the Flesh"}, {"e4m8", "The Hall of the Epiphany"}, {"e4m9", "Mall of the Dead"}, {"dm1", "Monolith Building 11"}, {"dm2", "Power!"}, {"dm3", "Area 15"}, {"e6m1", "Welcome to Your Life"}, {"e6m8", "Beauty and the Beast"}, {"e6m9", "Forgotten Catacombs"}, {"cpbb01", "Crypt of Despair"}, {"cpbb03", "Unholy Cathedral"}, {"b2a15", "Area 15 (B2)"}, {"barena", "Blood Arena"}, {"bkeep", "Blood Keep"}, {"bstar", "Brown Star"}, {"crypt", "The Crypt"}, {"bb3_2k1", "Bodies Infusion"}, {"captasao", "Captasao"}, {"curandero", "Curandero"}, {"dcamp", "DeathCamp"}, {"highnoon", "HighNoon"}, {"qbb1", "The Confluence"}, {"qbb2", "KathartiK"}, {"qbb3", "Caleb's Woodland Retreat"}, {"dranzbb6", "Black Coffee"}, {"fragm", "Frag'M"}, {"maim", "Maim"}, {"qe1m7", "The House of Chthon"}, {"qmorbias", "Dm-Morbias"}, {"simple", "Dead Simple"} }; episode_t transfusionepisodes[] = { {"Blood", 0, 8}, {"Blood Single Player", 8, 9}, {"Plasma Pack", 17, 6}, {"Cryptic Passage", 23, 2}, {"Blood 2", 25, 5}, {"Transfusion", 30, 8}, {"Conversions", 38, 6} }; level_t goodvsbad2levels[] = { {"rts", "Many Paths"}, // 0 {"chess", "Chess, Scott Hess"}, // 1 {"dot", "Big Wall"}, {"city2", "The Big City"}, {"bwall", "0 G like Psychic TV"}, {"snow", "Wireframed"}, {"telep", "Infinite Falling"}, {"faces", "Facing Bases"}, {"island", "Adventure Islands"}, }; episode_t goodvsbad2episodes[] = { {"Levels? Bevels!", 0, 8}, }; level_t battlemechlevels[] = { {"start", "Parking Level"}, {"dm1", "Hot Dump"}, // 1 {"dm2", "The Pits"}, {"dm3", "Dimber Died"}, {"dm4", "Fire in the Hole"}, {"dm5", "Clubhouses"}, {"dm6", "Army go Underground"}, }; episode_t battlemechepisodes[] = { {"Time for Battle", 0, 7}, }; level_t openquartzlevels[] = { {"start", "Welcome to Openquartz"}, {"void1", "The center of nowhere"}, // 1 {"void2", "The place with no name"}, {"void3", "The lost supply base"}, {"void4", "Past the outer limits"}, {"void5", "Into the nonexistance"}, {"void6", "Void walk"}, {"vtest", "Warp Central"}, {"box", "The deathmatch box"}, {"bunkers", "Void command"}, {"house", "House of chaos"}, {"office", "Overnight office kill"}, {"am1", "The nameless chambers"}, }; episode_t openquartzepisodes[] = { {"Single Player", 0, 1}, {"Void Deathmatch", 1, 6}, {"Contrib", 7, 6}, }; gamelevels_t sharewarequakegame = {"Shareware Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 2}; gamelevels_t registeredquakegame = {"Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 7}; gamelevels_t hipnoticgame = {"Scourge of Armagon", hipnoticlevels, hipnoticepisodes, 6}; gamelevels_t roguegame = {"Dissolution of Eternity", roguelevels, rogueepisodes, 4}; gamelevels_t nehahragame = {"Nehahra", nehahralevels, nehahraepisodes, 4}; gamelevels_t transfusiongame = {"Transfusion", transfusionlevels, transfusionepisodes, 7}; gamelevels_t goodvsbad2game = {"Good Vs. Bad 2", goodvsbad2levels, goodvsbad2episodes, 1}; gamelevels_t battlemechgame = {"Battlemech", battlemechlevels, battlemechepisodes, 1}; gamelevels_t openquartzgame = {"OpenQuartz", openquartzlevels, openquartzepisodes, 3}; typedef struct { int gameid; gamelevels_t *notregistered; gamelevels_t *registered; } gameinfo_t; gameinfo_t gamelist[] = { {GAME_NORMAL, &sharewarequakegame, ®isteredquakegame}, {GAME_HIPNOTIC, &hipnoticgame, &hipnoticgame}, {GAME_ROGUE, &roguegame, &roguegame}, {GAME_NEHAHRA, &nehahragame, &nehahragame}, {GAME_TRANSFUSION, &transfusiongame, &transfusiongame}, {GAME_GOODVSBAD2, &goodvsbad2game, &goodvsbad2game}, {GAME_BATTLEMECH, &battlemechgame, &battlemechgame}, {GAME_OPENQUARTZ, &openquartzgame, &openquartzgame}, {-1, &sharewarequakegame, ®isteredquakegame} // final fallback }; gamelevels_t *lookupgameinfo(void) { int i; for (i = 0;gamelist[i].gameid >= 0 && gamelist[i].gameid != gamemode;i++); if (registered.integer) return gamelist[i].registered; else return gamelist[i].notregistered; } int startepisode; int startlevel; int maxplayers; qboolean m_serverInfoMessage = false; double m_serverInfoMessageTime; extern cvar_t sv_public; void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_gameoptions; m_entersound = true; if (maxplayers == 0) maxplayers = svs.maxclients; if (maxplayers < 2) maxplayers = min(8, MAX_SCOREBOARD); } int gameoptions_cursor_table[] = {40, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 132, 152, 160}; #define NUM_GAMEOPTIONS 11 int gameoptions_cursor; void M_GameOptions_Draw (void) { cachepic_t *p; int x; gamelevels_t *g; M_Background(320, 200); M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawTextBox (152, 32, 10, 1); M_Print(160, 40, "begin game"); M_Print(0, 56, " Max players"); M_Print(160, 56, va("%i", maxplayers) ); if (gamemode != GAME_GOODVSBAD2) { M_Print(0, 64, " Game Type"); if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION) { if (!deathmatch.integer) Cvar_SetValue("deathmatch", 1); if (deathmatch.integer == 2) M_Print(160, 64, "Capture the Flag"); else M_Print(160, 64, "Blood Bath"); } else if (gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH) { if (!deathmatch.integer) Cvar_SetValue("deathmatch", 1); if (deathmatch.integer == 2) M_Print(160, 64, "Rambo Match"); else M_Print(160, 64, "Deathmatch"); } else { if (!coop.integer && !deathmatch.integer) Cvar_SetValue("deathmatch", 1); if (coop.integer) M_Print(160, 64, "Cooperative"); else M_Print(160, 64, "Deathmatch"); } M_Print(0, 72, " Teamplay"); if (gamemode == GAME_ROGUE) { char *msg; switch((int)teamplay.integer) { case 1: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break; case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break; case 3: msg = "Tag"; break; case 4: msg = "Capture the Flag"; break; case 5: msg = "One Flag CTF"; break; case 6: msg = "Three Team CTF"; break; default: msg = "Off"; break; } M_Print(160, 72, msg); } else { char *msg; switch (teamplay.integer) { case 0: msg = "Off"; break; case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break; default: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break; } M_Print(160, 72, msg); } M_Print(0, 80, " Skill"); if (skill.integer == 0) M_Print(160, 80, "Easy difficulty"); else if (skill.integer == 1) M_Print(160, 80, "Normal difficulty"); else if (skill.integer == 2) M_Print(160, 80, "Hard difficulty"); else M_Print(160, 80, "Nightmare difficulty"); M_Print(0, 88, " Frag Limit"); if (fraglimit.integer == 0) M_Print(160, 88, "none"); else M_Print(160, 88, va("%i frags", fraglimit.integer)); M_Print(0, 96, " Time Limit"); if (timelimit.integer == 0) M_Print(160, 96, "none"); else M_Print(160, 96, va("%i minutes", timelimit.integer)); } M_Print(0, 104, " Public server"); M_Print(160, 104, (sv_public.integer == 0) ? "no" : "yes"); M_Print(0, 120, " Server name"); M_DrawTextBox (0, 124, 38, 1); M_Print(8, 132, hostname.string); g = lookupgameinfo(); if (gamemode != GAME_GOODVSBAD2) { M_Print(0, 152, " Episode"); M_Print(160, 152, g->episodes[startepisode].description); } M_Print(0, 160, " Level"); M_Print(160, 160, g->levels[g->episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].description); M_Print(160, 168, g->levels[g->episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name); // line cursor if (gameoptions_cursor == 8) M_DrawCharacter (8 + 8 * strlen(hostname.string), gameoptions_cursor_table[gameoptions_cursor], 10+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); else M_DrawCharacter (144, gameoptions_cursor_table[gameoptions_cursor], 12+((int)(realtime*4)&1)); if (m_serverInfoMessage) { if ((realtime - m_serverInfoMessageTime) < 5.0) { x = (320-26*8)/2; M_DrawTextBox (x, 138, 24, 4); x += 8; M_Print(x, 146, " More than 64 players?? "); M_Print(x, 154, " First, question your "); M_Print(x, 162, " sanity, then email "); M_Print(x, 170, " havoc@telefragged.com "); } else m_serverInfoMessage = false; } } void M_NetStart_Change (int dir) { gamelevels_t *g; int count; switch (gameoptions_cursor) { case 1: maxplayers += dir; if (maxplayers > MAX_SCOREBOARD) { maxplayers = MAX_SCOREBOARD; m_serverInfoMessage = true; m_serverInfoMessageTime = realtime; } if (maxplayers < 2) maxplayers = 2; break; case 2: if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) break; if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION) { if (deathmatch.integer == 2) // changing from CTF to BloodBath Cvar_SetValueQuick (&deathmatch, 0); else // changing from BloodBath to CTF Cvar_SetValueQuick (&deathmatch, 2); } else if (gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH) { if (deathmatch.integer == 2) // changing from Rambo to Deathmatch Cvar_SetValueQuick (&deathmatch, 0); else // changing from Deathmatch to Rambo Cvar_SetValueQuick (&deathmatch, 2); } else { if (deathmatch.integer) // changing from deathmatch to coop { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&coop, 1); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&deathmatch, 0); } else // changing from coop to deathmatch { Cvar_SetValueQuick (&coop, 0); Cvar_SetValueQuick (&deathmatch, 1); } } break; case 3: if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) break; if (gamemode == GAME_ROGUE) count = 6; else count = 2; Cvar_SetValueQuick (&teamplay, teamplay.integer + dir); if (teamplay.integer > count) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&teamplay, 0); else if (teamplay.integer < 0) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&teamplay, count); break; case 4: if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) break; Cvar_SetValueQuick (&skill, skill.integer + dir); if (skill.integer > 3) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&skill, 0); if (skill.integer < 0) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&skill, 3); break; case 5: if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) break; Cvar_SetValueQuick (&fraglimit, fraglimit.integer + dir*10); if (fraglimit.integer > 100) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&fraglimit, 0); if (fraglimit.integer < 0) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&fraglimit, 100); break; case 6: if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) break; Cvar_SetValueQuick (&timelimit, timelimit.value + dir*5); if (timelimit.value > 60) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&timelimit, 0); if (timelimit.value < 0) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&timelimit, 60); break; case 7: Cvar_SetValueQuick (&sv_public, !sv_public.integer); break; case 8: break; case 9: if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) break; startepisode += dir; g = lookupgameinfo(); if (startepisode < 0) startepisode = g->numepisodes - 1; if (startepisode >= g->numepisodes) startepisode = 0; startlevel = 0; break; case 10: startlevel += dir; g = lookupgameinfo(); if (startlevel < 0) startlevel = g->episodes[startepisode].levels - 1; if (startlevel >= g->episodes[startepisode].levels) startlevel = 0; break; } } void M_GameOptions_Key (int key, char ascii) { gamelevels_t *g; int l; char hostnamebuf[128]; switch (key) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); gameoptions_cursor--; if (gameoptions_cursor < 0) gameoptions_cursor = NUM_GAMEOPTIONS-1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav", true); gameoptions_cursor++; if (gameoptions_cursor >= NUM_GAMEOPTIONS) gameoptions_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: if (gameoptions_cursor == 0) break; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); M_NetStart_Change (-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: if (gameoptions_cursor == 0) break; S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav", true); M_NetStart_Change (1); break; case K_ENTER: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav", true); if (gameoptions_cursor == 0) { if (sv.active) Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText ( va ("maxplayers %u\n", maxplayers) ); g = lookupgameinfo(); Cbuf_AddText ( va ("map %s\n", g->levels[g->episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name) ); return; } M_NetStart_Change (1); break; case K_BACKSPACE: if (gameoptions_cursor == 8) { l = strlen(hostname.string); if (l) { l = min(l - 1, 37); memcpy(hostnamebuf, hostname.string, l); hostnamebuf[l] = 0; Cvar_Set("hostname", hostnamebuf); } } break; default: if (ascii < 32 || ascii > 126) break; if (gameoptions_cursor == 8) { l = strlen(hostname.string); if (l < 37) { memcpy(hostnamebuf, hostname.string, l); hostnamebuf[l] = ascii; hostnamebuf[l+1] = 0; Cvar_Set("hostname", hostnamebuf); } } } } //============================================================================= /* SLIST MENU */ int slist_cursor; void M_Menu_ServerList_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_slist; m_entersound = true; slist_cursor = 0; m_return_reason[0] = 0; Net_Slist_f(); } void M_ServerList_Draw (void) { int n, y, visible, start, end; cachepic_t *p; const char *s; // use as much vertical space as available M_Background(640, vid.conheight); // scroll the list as the cursor moves s = va("%i/%i masters %i/%i servers", masterreplycount, masterquerycount, serverreplycount, serverquerycount); M_PrintRed((640 - strlen(s) * 8) / 2, 32, s); if (*m_return_reason) M_Print(16, vid.conheight - 8, m_return_reason); y = 48; visible = (vid.conheight - 16 - y) / 8; start = bound(0, slist_cursor - (visible >> 1), hostCacheCount - visible); end = min(start + visible, hostCacheCount); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic((640 - p->width) / 2, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); if (end > start) { for (n = start;n < end;n++) { DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y + y, 640, 16, n == slist_cursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0); M_Print(0, y, hostcache[n].line1);y += 8; M_Print(0, y, hostcache[n].line2);y += 8; } } else if (realtime - masterquerytime < 3) { if (masterquerycount) M_Print(0, y, "No servers found"); else M_Print(0, y, "No master servers found (network problem?)"); } } void M_ServerList_Key(int k, char ascii) { switch (k) { case K_ESCAPE: M_Menu_LanConfig_f(); break; case K_SPACE: Net_Slist_f(); break; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav", true); slist_cursor--; if (slist_cursor < 0) slist_cursor = hostCacheCount - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav", true); slist_cursor++; if (slist_cursor >= hostCacheCount) slist_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: S_LocalSound("misc/menu2.wav", true); Cbuf_AddText(va("connect \"%s\"\n", hostcache[slist_cursor].cname)); break; default: break; } } //============================================================================= /* Menu Subsystem */ void M_Keydown(int key, char ascii); void M_Draw(void); void M_ToggleMenu_f(void); void M_Shutdown(void); void M_Init (void) { menu_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("Menu"); menuplyr_load = true; menuplyr_pixels = NULL; Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_main", M_Menu_Main_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_singleplayer", M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_load", M_Menu_Load_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_save", M_Menu_Save_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_multiplayer", M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_setup", M_Menu_Setup_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_options", M_Menu_Options_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_options_effects", M_Menu_Options_Effects_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_options_colorcontrol", M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_keys", M_Menu_Keys_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_video", M_Menu_Video_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("help", M_Menu_Help_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_quit", M_Menu_Quit_f); if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION) { numcommands = sizeof(transfusionbindnames) / sizeof(transfusionbindnames[0]); bindnames = transfusionbindnames; } else if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2) { numcommands = sizeof(goodvsbad2bindnames) / sizeof(goodvsbad2bindnames[0]); bindnames = goodvsbad2bindnames; } else { numcommands = sizeof(quakebindnames) / sizeof(quakebindnames[0]); bindnames = quakebindnames; } // Make sure "keys_cursor" doesn't start on a section in the binding list keys_cursor = 0; while (bindnames[keys_cursor][0][0] == '\0') { keys_cursor++; // Only sections? There may be a problem somewhere... if (keys_cursor >= numcommands) Sys_Error ("M_Init: The key binding list only contains sections"); } if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { if (FS_FileExists("maps/neh1m4.bsp")) { if (FS_FileExists("hearing.dem")) { Con_Print("Nehahra movie and game detected.\n"); NehGameType = TYPE_BOTH; } else { Con_Print("Nehahra game detected.\n"); NehGameType = TYPE_GAME; } } else { if (FS_FileExists("hearing.dem")) { Con_Print("Nehahra movie detected.\n"); NehGameType = TYPE_DEMO; } else { Con_Print("Nehahra not found.\n"); NehGameType = TYPE_GAME; // could just complain, but... } } } } void M_Draw (void) { if (key_dest != key_menu) m_state = m_none; if (m_state == m_none) return; switch (m_state) { case m_none: break; case m_main: M_Main_Draw (); break; case m_demo: M_Demo_Draw (); break; case m_singleplayer: M_SinglePlayer_Draw (); break; case m_load: M_Load_Draw (); break; case m_save: M_Save_Draw (); break; case m_multiplayer: M_MultiPlayer_Draw (); break; case m_setup: M_Setup_Draw (); break; case m_options: M_Options_Draw (); break; case m_options_effects: M_Options_Effects_Draw (); break; case m_options_colorcontrol: M_Options_ColorControl_Draw (); break; case m_keys: M_Keys_Draw (); break; case m_video: M_Video_Draw (); break; case m_help: M_Help_Draw (); break; case m_quit: M_Quit_Draw (); break; case m_lanconfig: M_LanConfig_Draw (); break; case m_gameoptions: M_GameOptions_Draw (); break; case m_slist: M_ServerList_Draw (); break; } if (m_entersound) { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav", true); m_entersound = false; } S_ExtraUpdate (); } void M_Keydown (int key, char ascii) { switch (m_state) { case m_none: return; case m_main: M_Main_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_demo: M_Demo_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_singleplayer: M_SinglePlayer_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_load: M_Load_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_save: M_Save_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_multiplayer: M_MultiPlayer_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_setup: M_Setup_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_options: M_Options_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_options_effects: M_Options_Effects_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_options_colorcontrol: M_Options_ColorControl_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_keys: M_Keys_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_video: M_Video_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_help: M_Help_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_quit: M_Quit_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_lanconfig: M_LanConfig_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_gameoptions: M_GameOptions_Key (key, ascii); return; case m_slist: M_ServerList_Key (key, ascii); return; } } void M_Shutdown(void) { // reset key_dest key_dest = key_game; } void M_Restart(void) { } //============================================================================ // Menu prog handling mfunction_t *PRVM_ED_FindFunction(const char *); #define M_F_INIT "m_init" #define M_F_KEYDOWN "m_keydown" #define M_F_DRAW "m_draw" // ng_menu function names #define M_F_DISPLAY "m_display" #define M_F_HIDE "m_hide" // normal menu names (rest) #define M_F_TOGGLE "m_toggle" #define M_F_SHUTDOWN "m_shutdown" static char *m_required_func[] = { M_F_INIT, M_F_KEYDOWN, M_F_DRAW, #ifdef NG_MENU M_F_DISPLAY, M_F_HIDE, #else M_F_TOGGLE, #endif M_F_SHUTDOWN, }; #ifdef NG_MENU qboolean m_displayed; #endif static int m_numrequiredfunc = sizeof(m_required_func) / sizeof(char*); static func_t m_draw, m_keydown; void MR_SetRouting (qboolean forceold); void MP_Error(void) { // fall back to the normal menu // say it Con_Print("Falling back to normal menu\n"); key_dest = key_game; //PRVM_ResetProg(); // init the normal menu now -> this will also correct the menu router pointers MR_SetRouting (TRUE); } void MP_Keydown (int key, char ascii) { PRVM_Begin; PRVM_SetProg(PRVM_MENUPROG); // set time *prog->time = realtime; // pass key prog->globals[OFS_PARM0] = (float) key; prog->globals[OFS_PARM1] = (float) ascii; PRVM_ExecuteProgram(m_keydown, M_F_KEYDOWN"(float key, float ascii) required\n"); PRVM_End; } void MP_Draw (void) { PRVM_Begin; PRVM_SetProg(PRVM_MENUPROG); // set time *prog->time = realtime; PRVM_ExecuteProgram(m_draw,""); PRVM_End; } void MP_ToggleMenu_f (void) { PRVM_Begin; PRVM_SetProg(PRVM_MENUPROG); // set time *prog->time = realtime; #ifdef NG_MENU m_displayed = !m_displayed; if( m_displayed ) PRVM_ExecuteProgram((func_t) (PRVM_ED_FindFunction(M_F_DISPLAY) - prog->functions),""); else PRVM_ExecuteProgram((func_t) (PRVM_ED_FindFunction(M_F_HIDE) - prog->functions),""); #else PRVM_ExecuteProgram((func_t) (PRVM_ED_FindFunction(M_F_TOGGLE) - prog->functions),""); #endif PRVM_End; } void MP_Shutdown (void) { PRVM_Begin; PRVM_SetProg(PRVM_MENUPROG); // set time *prog->time = realtime; PRVM_ExecuteProgram((func_t) (PRVM_ED_FindFunction(M_F_SHUTDOWN) - prog->functions),""); // reset key_dest key_dest = key_game; // AK not using this cause Im not sure whether this is useful at all instead : PRVM_ResetProg(); PRVM_End; } void MP_Init (void) { PRVM_Begin; PRVM_InitProg(PRVM_MENUPROG); prog->crc = M_PROGHEADER_CRC; prog->edictprivate_size = 0; // no private struct used prog->name = M_NAME; prog->limit_edicts = M_MAX_EDICTS; prog->extensionstring = vm_m_extensions; prog->builtins = vm_m_builtins; prog->numbuiltins = vm_m_numbuiltins; prog->init_cmd = VM_M_Cmd_Init; prog->reset_cmd = VM_M_Cmd_Reset; prog->error_cmd = MP_Error; // allocate the mempools prog->edicts_mempool = Mem_AllocPool(M_NAME " edicts mempool"); prog->edictstring_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( M_NAME " edict string mempool"); prog->progs_mempool = Mem_AllocPool(M_PROG_FILENAME); PRVM_LoadProgs(M_PROG_FILENAME, m_numrequiredfunc, m_required_func); // set m_draw and m_keydown m_draw = (func_t) (PRVM_ED_FindFunction(M_F_DRAW) - prog->functions); m_keydown = (func_t) (PRVM_ED_FindFunction(M_F_KEYDOWN) - prog->functions); #ifdef NG_MENU m_displayed = false; #endif // set time *prog->time = realtime; // call the prog init PRVM_ExecuteProgram((func_t) (PRVM_ED_FindFunction(M_F_INIT) - prog->functions),""); PRVM_End; } void MP_Restart(void) { MP_Init(); } //============================================================================ // Menu router static cvar_t forceqmenu = { 0, "forceqmenu", "0" }; void MR_SetRouting(qboolean forceold) { static qboolean m_init = FALSE, mp_init = FALSE; // if the menu prog isnt available or forceqmenu ist set, use the old menu if(!FS_FileExists(M_PROG_FILENAME) || forceqmenu.integer || forceold) { // set menu router function pointers MR_Keydown = M_Keydown; MR_Draw = M_Draw; MR_ToggleMenu_f = M_ToggleMenu_f; MR_Shutdown = M_Shutdown; // init if(!m_init) { M_Init(); m_init = TRUE; } else M_Restart(); } else { // set menu router function pointers MR_Keydown = MP_Keydown; MR_Draw = MP_Draw; MR_ToggleMenu_f = MP_ToggleMenu_f; MR_Shutdown = MP_Shutdown; if(!mp_init) { MP_Init(); mp_init = TRUE; } else MP_Restart(); } } void MR_Restart(void) { MR_Shutdown (); MR_SetRouting (FALSE); } void Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f(void) { if(MR_ToggleMenu_f) MR_ToggleMenu_f(); } void MR_Init() { // set router console commands Cvar_RegisterVariable (&forceqmenu); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_restart",MR_Restart); Cmd_AddCommand ("togglemenu", Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f); // use -forceqmenu to use always the normal quake menu (it sets forceqmenu to 1) if(COM_CheckParm("-forceqmenu")) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&forceqmenu,1); // use -useqmenu for debugging proposes, cause it starts // the normal quake menu only the first time else if(COM_CheckParm("-useqmenu")) MR_SetRouting (TRUE); MR_SetRouting (FALSE); }