// This code isn't #ifdef/#define protectable, don't try. while (1) { st++; if (++profile > 1000000) // LordHavoc: increased runaway loop limit 10x { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error ("runaway loop error"); } #if PRTRACE PR_PrintStatement (st); #endif switch (st->op) { case OP_ADD_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float + OPB->_float; break; case OP_ADD_V: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] + OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] + OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] + OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_SUB_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float - OPB->_float; break; case OP_SUB_V: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] - OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] - OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] - OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_MUL_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float * OPB->_float; break; case OP_MUL_V: OPC->_float = OPA->vector[0]*OPB->vector[0] + OPA->vector[1]*OPB->vector[1] + OPA->vector[2]*OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_MUL_FV: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->_float * OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->_float * OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->_float * OPB->vector[2]; break; case OP_MUL_VF: OPC->vector[0] = OPB->_float * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPB->_float * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPB->_float * OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_DIV_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float / OPB->_float; break; case OP_BITAND: OPC->_float = (int)OPA->_float & (int)OPB->_float; break; case OP_BITOR: OPC->_float = (int)OPA->_float | (int)OPB->_float; break; case OP_GE: OPC->_float = OPA->_float >= OPB->_float; break; case OP_LE: OPC->_float = OPA->_float <= OPB->_float; break; case OP_GT: OPC->_float = OPA->_float > OPB->_float; break; case OP_LT: OPC->_float = OPA->_float < OPB->_float; break; case OP_AND: OPC->_float = OPA->_float && OPB->_float; break; case OP_OR: OPC->_float = OPA->_float || OPB->_float; break; case OP_NOT_F: OPC->_float = !OPA->_float; break; case OP_NOT_V: OPC->_float = !OPA->vector[0] && !OPA->vector[1] && !OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_NOT_S: OPC->_float = !OPA->string || !*PR_GetString(OPA->string); break; case OP_NOT_FNC: OPC->_float = !OPA->function; break; case OP_NOT_ENT: OPC->_float = (OPA->edict == 0); break; case OP_EQ_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float == OPB->_float; break; case OP_EQ_V: OPC->_float = (OPA->vector[0] == OPB->vector[0]) && (OPA->vector[1] == OPB->vector[1]) && (OPA->vector[2] == OPB->vector[2]); break; case OP_EQ_S: OPC->_float = !strcmp(PR_GetString(OPA->string),PR_GetString(OPB->string)); break; case OP_EQ_E: OPC->_float = OPA->_int == OPB->_int; break; case OP_EQ_FNC: OPC->_float = OPA->function == OPB->function; break; case OP_NE_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float != OPB->_float; break; case OP_NE_V: OPC->_float = (OPA->vector[0] != OPB->vector[0]) || (OPA->vector[1] != OPB->vector[1]) || (OPA->vector[2] != OPB->vector[2]); break; case OP_NE_S: OPC->_float = strcmp(PR_GetString(OPA->string),PR_GetString(OPB->string)); break; case OP_NE_E: OPC->_float = OPA->_int != OPB->_int; break; case OP_NE_FNC: OPC->_float = OPA->function != OPB->function; break; //================== case OP_STORE_F: case OP_STORE_ENT: case OP_STORE_FLD: // integers case OP_STORE_S: case OP_STORE_FNC: // pointers OPB->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_STORE_V: OPB->ivector[0] = OPA->ivector[0]; OPB->ivector[1] = OPA->ivector[1]; OPB->ivector[2] = OPA->ivector[2]; break; case OP_STOREP_F: case OP_STOREP_ENT: case OP_STOREP_FLD: // integers case OP_STOREP_S: case OP_STOREP_FNC: // pointers #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 4 > pr_edictareasize) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to write to an out of bounds edict (%i)\n", OPB->_int); return; } #endif ptr = (eval_t *)((qbyte *)sv.edictsfields + OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_STOREP_V: #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 12 > pr_edictareasize) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to write to an out of bounds edict (%i)\n", OPB->_int); return; } #endif ptr = (eval_t *)((qbyte *)sv.edictsfields + OPB->_int); ptr->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0]; ptr->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1]; ptr->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_ADDRESS: pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if ((unsigned int)(OPB->_int) >= (unsigned int)(progs->entityfields)) { Host_Error("Progs attempted to address an invalid field (%i) in an edict\n", OPB->_int); return; } #endif if (OPA->edict == 0 && sv.state == ss_active) { Host_Error ("assignment to world entity"); return; } ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); OPC->_int = (qbyte *)((int *)ed->v + OPB->_int) - (qbyte *)sv.edictsfields; break; case OP_LOAD_F: case OP_LOAD_FLD: case OP_LOAD_ENT: case OP_LOAD_S: case OP_LOAD_FNC: pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if ((unsigned int)(OPB->_int) >= (unsigned int)(progs->entityfields)) { Host_Error("Progs attempted to read an invalid field in an edict (%i)\n", OPB->_int); return; } #endif ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); OPC->_int = ((eval_t *)((int *)ed->v + OPB->_int))->_int; break; case OP_LOAD_V: pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 2 >= progs->entityfields) { Host_Error("Progs attempted to read an invalid field in an edict (%i)\n", OPB->_int); return; } #endif ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); OPC->vector[0] = ((eval_t *)((int *)ed->v + OPB->_int))->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = ((eval_t *)((int *)ed->v + OPB->_int))->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = ((eval_t *)((int *)ed->v + OPB->_int))->vector[2]; break; //================== case OP_IFNOT: if (!OPA->_int) st += st->b - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_IF: if (OPA->_int) st += st->b - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_GOTO: st += st->a - 1; // offset the s++ break; case OP_CALL0: case OP_CALL1: case OP_CALL2: case OP_CALL3: case OP_CALL4: case OP_CALL5: case OP_CALL6: case OP_CALL7: case OP_CALL8: pr_xfunction->profile += profile - startprofile; startprofile = profile; pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; pr_argc = st->op - OP_CALL0; if (!OPA->function) Host_Error ("NULL function"); newf = &pr_functions[OPA->function]; if (newf->first_statement < 0) { // negative statements are built in functions int builtinnumber = -newf->first_statement; pr_xfunction->builtinsprofile++; if (builtinnumber < pr_numbuiltins && pr_builtins[builtinnumber]) pr_builtins[builtinnumber] (); else Host_Error ("No such builtin #%i", builtinnumber); } else st = pr_statements + PR_EnterFunction(newf); break; case OP_DONE: case OP_RETURN: pr_globals[OFS_RETURN] = pr_globals[(unsigned short) st->a]; pr_globals[OFS_RETURN+1] = pr_globals[(unsigned short) st->a+1]; pr_globals[OFS_RETURN+2] = pr_globals[(unsigned short) st->a+2]; st = pr_statements + PR_LeaveFunction(); if (pr_depth <= exitdepth) return; // all done if (pr_trace != cachedpr_trace) goto chooseexecprogram; break; case OP_STATE: ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); ed->v->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time + 0.1; ed->v->frame = OPA->_float; ed->v->think = OPB->function; break; // LordHavoc: to be enabled when Progs version 7 (or whatever it will be numbered) is finalized /* case OP_ADD_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int + OPB->_int; break; case OP_ADD_IF: OPC->_int = OPA->_int + (int) OPB->_float; break; case OP_ADD_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float + (float) OPB->_int; break; case OP_SUB_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int - OPB->_int; break; case OP_SUB_IF: OPC->_int = OPA->_int - (int) OPB->_float; break; case OP_SUB_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float - (float) OPB->_int; break; case OP_MUL_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int * OPB->_int; break; case OP_MUL_IF: OPC->_int = OPA->_int * (int) OPB->_float; break; case OP_MUL_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float * (float) OPB->_int; break; case OP_MUL_VI: OPC->vector[0] = (float) OPB->_int * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = (float) OPB->_int * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = (float) OPB->_int * OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_DIV_VF: { float temp = 1.0f / OPB->_float; OPC->vector[0] = temp * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = temp * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = temp * OPA->vector[2]; } break; case OP_DIV_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int / OPB->_int; break; case OP_DIV_IF: OPC->_int = OPA->_int / (int) OPB->_float; break; case OP_DIV_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float / (float) OPB->_int; break; case OP_CONV_IF: OPC->_float = OPA->_int; break; case OP_CONV_FI: OPC->_int = OPA->_float; break; case OP_BITAND_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int & OPB->_int; break; case OP_BITOR_I: OPC->_int = OPA->_int | OPB->_int; break; case OP_BITAND_IF: OPC->_int = OPA->_int & (int)OPB->_float; break; case OP_BITOR_IF: OPC->_int = OPA->_int | (int)OPB->_float; break; case OP_BITAND_FI: OPC->_float = (int)OPA->_float & OPB->_int; break; case OP_BITOR_FI: OPC->_float = (int)OPA->_float | OPB->_int; break; case OP_GE_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int >= OPB->_int; break; case OP_LE_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int <= OPB->_int; break; case OP_GT_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int > OPB->_int; break; case OP_LT_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int < OPB->_int; break; case OP_AND_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int && OPB->_int; break; case OP_OR_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int || OPB->_int; break; case OP_GE_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int >= OPB->_float; break; case OP_LE_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int <= OPB->_float; break; case OP_GT_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int > OPB->_float; break; case OP_LT_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int < OPB->_float; break; case OP_AND_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int && OPB->_float; break; case OP_OR_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int || OPB->_float; break; case OP_GE_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float >= (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_LE_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float <= (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_GT_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float > (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_LT_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float < (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_AND_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float && (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_OR_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float || (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_NOT_I: OPC->_float = !OPA->_int; break; case OP_EQ_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int == OPB->_int; break; case OP_EQ_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int == OPB->_float; break; case OP_EQ_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float == (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_NE_I: OPC->_float = OPA->_int != OPB->_int; break; case OP_NE_IF: OPC->_float = (float)OPA->_int != OPB->_float; break; case OP_NE_FI: OPC->_float = OPA->_float != (float)OPB->_int; break; case OP_STORE_I: OPB->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_STOREP_I: #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 4 > pr_edictareasize) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to write to an out of bounds edict\n"); return; } #endif ptr = (eval_t *)((qbyte *)sv.edictsfields + OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; break; case OP_LOAD_I: #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPA->edict < 0 || OPA->edict >= pr_edictareasize) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to read an out of bounds edict number\n"); return; } if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int >= progs->entityfields) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to read an invalid field in an edict\n"); return; } #endif ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); OPC->_int = ((eval_t *)((int *)ed->v + OPB->_int))->_int; break; case OP_GSTOREP_I: case OP_GSTOREP_F: case OP_GSTOREP_ENT: case OP_GSTOREP_FLD: // integers case OP_GSTOREP_S: case OP_GSTOREP_FNC: // pointers #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int >= pr_globaldefs) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to write to an invalid indexed global\n"); return; } #endif pr_globals[OPB->_int] = OPA->_float; break; case OP_GSTOREP_V: #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 2 >= pr_globaldefs) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to write to an invalid indexed global\n"); return; } #endif pr_globals[OPB->_int ] = OPA->vector[0]; pr_globals[OPB->_int+1] = OPA->vector[1]; pr_globals[OPB->_int+2] = OPA->vector[2]; break; case OP_GADDRESS: i = OPA->_int + (int) OPB->_float; #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (i < 0 || i >= pr_globaldefs) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to address an out of bounds global\n"); return; } #endif OPC->_float = pr_globals[i]; break; case OP_GLOAD_I: case OP_GLOAD_F: case OP_GLOAD_FLD: case OP_GLOAD_ENT: case OP_GLOAD_S: case OP_GLOAD_FNC: #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPA->_int < 0 || OPA->_int >= pr_globaldefs) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to read an invalid indexed global\n"); return; } #endif OPC->_float = pr_globals[OPA->_int]; break; case OP_GLOAD_V: #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPA->_int < 0 || OPA->_int + 2 >= pr_globaldefs) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs attempted to read an invalid indexed global\n"); return; } #endif OPC->vector[0] = pr_globals[OPA->_int ]; OPC->vector[1] = pr_globals[OPA->_int+1]; OPC->vector[2] = pr_globals[OPA->_int+2]; break; case OP_BOUNDCHECK: if (OPA->_int < 0 || OPA->_int >= st->b) { pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error("Progs boundcheck failed at line number %d, value is < 0 or >= %d\n", st->b, st->c); return; } break; */ default: pr_xstatement = st - pr_statements; Host_Error ("Bad opcode %i", st->op); } }