#!/bin/sh #these are stupid flags ... i.e to inhibit warnings that are just stupid FLAGS_STUPID="\ -redef \ -noeffect \ -nullderef \ -usedef \ -type \ -mustfreeonly \ -nullstate \ -varuse \ -mustfreefresh \ -compdestroy \ -compmempass \ -nullpass \ -onlytrans \ -predboolint \ -boolops \ -exportlocal \ -retvalint \ -nullret \ -predboolothers \ -globstate \ -dependenttrans \ -branchstate \ -compdef \ -temptrans \ -usereleased \ -warnposix" #flags that have no place anywhere else #mostly stupid FLAGS_OTHERS="\ -shiftimplementation \ +charindex \ -kepttrans \ -unqualifiedtrans \ +matchanyintegral \ -bufferoverflowhigh \ +voidabstract" #these are flags that MAYBE shouldn't be required # -nullassign should be surpressed in code with /*@null*/ # (although that might be odd?) FLAGS_MAYBE="\ -nullassign \ -unrecog \ -casebreak \ -retvalbool \ -retvalother \ -mayaliasunique \ -realcompare \ -observertrans \ -noret \ -shiftnegative \ -exitarg \ -freshtrans \ -abstract \ -statictrans" #these are flags that shouldn't be required. I.e tofix in code so that #these don't need to be here to onhibit the warning # remove one flag from here at a time while fixing the code so that FLAGS_TOFIX="\ -boolcompare \ -incondefs \ -initallelements \ -macroredef \ -castfcnptr \ -evalorder" splint $FLAGS_STUPID $FLAGS_MAYBE $FLAGS_TOFIX $FLAGS_OTHERS *.c *.h