/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _ENTITYMODEL_H_ #define _ENTITYMODEL_H_ #include "plugin.h" /*! simulates misc_model entity behaviours for rendering/selection/editing */ class CEntityMiscModel : public IRender, public ISelect, public IEdit { public: CEntityMiscModel (entity_t *e); virtual ~CEntityMiscModel (); void IncRef() { refCount++; } void DecRef() { if(--refCount == 0) delete this; } // IRender void Draw(int state, int rflags) const; const aabb_t *GetAABB() const { return &m_BBox; } // ISelect bool TestRay(const ray_t *ray, vec_t *dist) const; //bool TestBox(const aabb_t aabb) const; // ITransform void Translate(const vec3_t translation); void Rotate(const vec3_t pivot, const vec3_t rotation); const vec_t *GetTranslation() const { return m_translate; } const vec_t *GetRotation() const { return m_euler; } void OnKeyValueChanged(entity_t *e, const char *key, const char* value); void SetName(const char *name); private: void BuildCacheRequestString(const char *name); /*! updates the AABB and transformation matrix */ void UpdateCachedData(); entity_interfaces_t *m_model; entity_t *m_entity; int refCount; string_t m_version; Str m_cachereq; /*! AABB in local space */ aabb_t m_BBox; /*! worldspace-to-localspace translation */ vec3_t m_translate; /*! worldspace-to-localspace euler rotation angles */ vec3_t m_euler; /*! worldspace-to-localspace scale */ vec3_t m_scale; /*! localspace origin, effectively rotation & scale pivot point */ vec3_t m_pivot; /*! worldspace-to-localspace transform, generated from translate/euler/scale/pivot */ m4x4_t m_transform; /*! localspace-to-worldspace transform */ m4x4_t m_inverse_transform; }; /*! simulates eclass-model entity behaviours for rendering/selection/editing */ class CEntityEclassModel : public IRender, public ISelect, public IEdit { public: CEntityEclassModel (); virtual ~CEntityEclassModel (); void IncRef() { refCount++; } void DecRef() { if(--refCount == 0) delete this; } // IRender void Draw(int state, int rflags) const; const aabb_t *GetAABB() const { return &m_BBox; } // ISelect bool TestRay(const ray_t *ray, vec_t *dist) const; //bool TestBox(const aabb_t aabb) const; // ITransform void Translate(const vec3_t translation); void Rotate(const vec3_t pivot, const vec3_t rotation); const vec_t *GetTranslation() const { return m_translate; } const vec_t *GetRotation() const { return m_euler; } void OnKeyValueChanged(entity_t *e, const char *key, const char* value); void SetName(const char *name); void SetEclass(const eclass_t* eclass); private: /*! updates the AABB and transformation matrix */ void UpdateCachedData(); entity_interfaces_t *m_model; int refCount; string_t m_name; string_t m_version; const eclass_t *m_eclass; /*! AABB in local space */ aabb_t m_BBox; /*! worldspace-to-localspace translation */ vec3_t m_translate; /*! worldspace-to-localspace euler rotation angles */ vec3_t m_euler; /*! worldspace-to-localspace scale */ vec3_t m_scale; /*! localspace origin, effectively rotation & scale pivot point */ vec3_t m_pivot; /*! worldspace-to-localspace transform, generated from translate/euler/scale/pivot */ m4x4_t m_transform; /*! localspace-to-worldspace transform */ m4x4_t m_inverse_transform; }; void pivot_draw(const vec3_t pivot); void Entity_UpdateClass(entity_t *e, const char* value); #endif /* _ENTITYMODEL_H_ */