/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "md2.h" #include "ifilesystem.h" #include "imodel.h" #include "imagelib.h" #include "bytestreamutils.h" #include "model.h" #include "ident.h" #include "mdlnormals.h" typedef unsigned char byte; /* ======================================================================== .MD2 triangle model file format ======================================================================== */ const int MD2_NUMVERTEXNORMALS = 162; const unsigned char MD2_IDENT[4] = {'I', 'D', 'P', '2',}; const int MD2_VERSION = 8; const int MD2_MAX_TRIANGLES = 4096; const int MD2_MAX_VERTS = 2048; const int MD2_MAX_FRAMES = 512; const int MD2_MAX_MD2SKINS = 32; const int MD2_MAX_SKINNAME = 64; typedef struct { short s; short t; } md2St_t; void istream_read_md2St(PointerInputStream &inputStream, md2St_t &st) { st.s = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); st.t = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); } typedef struct { short index_xyz[3]; short index_st[3]; } md2Triangle_t; void istream_read_md2Triangle(PointerInputStream &inputStream, md2Triangle_t &triangle) { triangle.index_xyz[0] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); triangle.index_xyz[1] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); triangle.index_xyz[2] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); triangle.index_st[0] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); triangle.index_st[1] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); triangle.index_st[2] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); } typedef struct { byte v[3]; // scaled byte to fit in frame mins/maxs byte lightnormalindex; } md2XyzNormal_t; void istream_read_md2XyzNormal(PointerInputStream &inputStream, md2XyzNormal_t &xyz) { inputStream.read(xyz.v, 3); inputStream.read(&xyz.lightnormalindex, 1); } const int MD2_XYZNORMAL_V0 = 0; const int MD2_XYZNORMAL_V1 = 1; const int MD2_XYZNORMAL_V2 = 2; const int MD2_XYZNORMAL_LNI = 3; const int MD2_XYZNORMAL_SIZE = 4; typedef struct { float scale[3]; // multiply byte verts by this float translate[3]; // then add this char name[16]; // frame name from grabbing md2XyzNormal_t verts[1]; // variable sized } md2Frame_t; void istream_read_md2Frame(PointerInputStream &inputStream, md2Frame_t &frame) { frame.scale[0] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); frame.scale[1] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); frame.scale[2] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); frame.translate[0] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); frame.translate[1] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); frame.translate[2] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast( frame.name ), 16); } // the glcmd format: // a positive integer starts a tristrip command, followed by that many // vertex structures. // a negative integer starts a trifan command, followed by -x vertexes // a zero indicates the end of the command list. // a vertex consists of a floating point s, a floating point t, // and an integer vertex index. typedef struct { unsigned char ident[4]; int version; int skinwidth; int skinheight; int framesize; // byte size of each frame int num_skins; int num_xyz; int num_st; // greater than num_xyz for seams int num_tris; int num_glcmds; // dwords in strip/fan command list int num_frames; int ofs_skins; // each skin is a MAX_SKINNAME string int ofs_st; // byte offset from start for md2St_t int ofs_tris; // offset for md2triangle_t int ofs_frames; // offset for first md2Frame_t int ofs_glcmds; int ofs_end; // end of file } md2Header_t; void istream_read_md2Header(PointerInputStream &inputStream, md2Header_t &header) { inputStream.read(header.ident, 4); header.version = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.skinwidth = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.skinheight = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.framesize = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.num_skins = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.num_xyz = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.num_st = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.num_tris = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.num_glcmds = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.num_frames = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofs_skins = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofs_st = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofs_tris = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofs_frames = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofs_glcmds = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofs_end = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); } ArbitraryMeshVertex MD2Vertex_construct(const md2Header_t *pHeader, const md2Frame_t *pFrame, const md2XyzNormal_t *xyz, const md2St_t *st) { return ArbitraryMeshVertex( Vertex3f( xyz->v[0] * pFrame->scale[0] + pFrame->translate[0], xyz->v[1] * pFrame->scale[1] + pFrame->translate[1], xyz->v[2] * pFrame->scale[2] + pFrame->translate[2] ), Normal3f( g_mdl_normals[xyz->lightnormalindex][0], g_mdl_normals[xyz->lightnormalindex][1], g_mdl_normals[xyz->lightnormalindex][2] ), TexCoord2f( (float) st->s / pHeader->skinwidth, (float) st->t / pHeader->skinheight ) ); } void MD2Surface_read(Model &model, const byte *buffer, ArchiveFile &file) { Surface &surface = model.newSurface(); md2Header_t header; { PointerInputStream inputStream(buffer); istream_read_md2Header(inputStream, header); } { md2Frame_t frame; PointerInputStream frameStream(buffer + header.ofs_frames); istream_read_md2Frame(frameStream, frame); surface.indices().reserve(header.num_tris * 3); Array md2Xyz(header.num_xyz); for (Array::iterator i = md2Xyz.begin(); i != md2Xyz.end(); ++i) { istream_read_md2XyzNormal(frameStream, *i); } Array md2St(header.num_st); PointerInputStream stStream(buffer + header.ofs_st); for (Array::iterator i = md2St.begin(); i != md2St.end(); ++i) { istream_read_md2St(stStream, *i); } UniqueVertexBuffer inserter(surface.vertices()); inserter.reserve(header.num_st); PointerInputStream triangleStream(buffer + header.ofs_tris); for (int i = 0; i < header.num_tris; ++i) { md2Triangle_t triangle; istream_read_md2Triangle(triangleStream, triangle); surface.indices().insert(inserter.insert( MD2Vertex_construct(&header, &frame, &md2Xyz[triangle.index_xyz[0]], &md2St[triangle.index_st[0]]))); surface.indices().insert(inserter.insert( MD2Vertex_construct(&header, &frame, &md2Xyz[triangle.index_xyz[1]], &md2St[triangle.index_st[1]]))); surface.indices().insert(inserter.insert( MD2Vertex_construct(&header, &frame, &md2Xyz[triangle.index_xyz[2]], &md2St[triangle.index_st[2]]))); } } char skinname[MD2_MAX_SKINNAME]; char skinnameRelative[MD2_MAX_SKINNAME]; char path[MD2_MAX_SKINNAME]; int i = MD2_MAX_SKINNAME; PointerInputStream inputStream(buffer + header.ofs_skins); inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast( skinnameRelative ), MD2_MAX_SKINNAME); // relative texture path - allows moving of models in game dir structure without changing the skinpath // e.g. used in ufo:ai if (skinnameRelative[0] == '.') { strncpy(path, file.getName(), MD2_MAX_SKINNAME); for (; i--;) { // skip filename if (path[i] == '/' || path[i] == '\\') { break; } path[i] = '\0'; } // globalErrorStream() << "modified skinname: " << path << " (path) and " << skinnameRelative << " (texture)" << "\n"; snprintf(skinname, MD2_MAX_SKINNAME, "%s%s", path, &skinnameRelative[1]); // globalErrorStream() << skinname << "\n"; } else { strcpy(skinname, skinnameRelative); } surface.setShader(skinname); surface.updateAABB(); } void MD2Model_read(Model &model, const byte *buffer, ArchiveFile &file) { MD2Surface_read(model, buffer, file); model.updateAABB(); } scene::Node &MD2Model_new(const byte *buffer, ArchiveFile &file) { ModelNode *modelNode = new ModelNode(); MD2Model_read(modelNode->model(), buffer, file); return modelNode->node(); } scene::Node &MD2Model_default() { ModelNode *modelNode = new ModelNode(); Model_constructNull(modelNode->model()); return modelNode->node(); } scene::Node &MD2Model_fromBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, ArchiveFile &file) { if (!ident_equal(buffer, MD2_IDENT)) { globalErrorStream() << "MD2 read error: incorrect ident\n"; return MD2Model_default(); } else { return MD2Model_new(buffer, file); } } scene::Node &loadMD2Model(ArchiveFile &file) { ScopedArchiveBuffer buffer(file); return MD2Model_fromBuffer(buffer.buffer, file); }