/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if !defined(INCLUDED_BRUSH_H) #define INCLUDED_BRUSH_H /// \file /// \brief The brush primitive. /// /// A collection of planes that define a convex polyhedron. /// The Boundary-Representation of this primitive is a manifold polygonal mesh. /// Each face polygon is represented by a list of vertices in a \c Winding. /// Each vertex is associated with another face that is adjacent to the edge /// formed by itself and the next vertex in the winding. This information can /// be used to find edge-pairs and vertex-rings. #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include "itexdef.h" #include "iundo.h" #include "iselection.h" #include "irender.h" #include "imap.h" #include "ibrush.h" #include "igl.h" #include "ifilter.h" #include "nameable.h" #include "moduleobserver.h" #include #include "cullable.h" #include "renderable.h" #include "selectable.h" #include "editable.h" #include "mapfile.h" #include "math/frustum.h" #include "selectionlib.h" #include "render.h" #include "texturelib.h" #include "container/container.h" #include "generic/bitfield.h" #include "signal/signalfwd.h" #include "winding.h" #include "brush_primit.h" #define CONTENTS_DETAIL 0x8000000 enum EBrushType { eBrushTypeQuake, eBrushTypeQuake2, eBrushTypeQuake3, eBrushTypeQuake3BP, eBrushTypeDoom3, eBrushTypeQuake4, eBrushTypeHalfLife, }; #define BRUSH_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG 0 #define BRUSH_DEGENERATE_DEBUG 0 template inline TextOuputStreamType& ostream_write(TextOuputStreamType& ostream, const Matrix4& m) { return ostream << "(" << m[0] << " " << m[1] << " " << m[2] << " " << m[3] << ", " << m[4] << " " << m[5] << " " << m[6] << " " << m[7] << ", " << m[8] << " " << m[9] << " " << m[10] << " " << m[11] << ", " << m[12] << " " << m[13] << " " << m[14] << " " << m[15] << ")"; } inline void print_vector3(const Vector3& v) { globalOutputStream() << "( " << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " " << v.z() << " )\n"; } inline void print_3x3(const Matrix4& m) { globalOutputStream() << "( " << m.xx() << " " << m.xy() << " " << m.xz() << " ) " << "( " << m.yx() << " " << m.yy() << " " << m.yz() << " ) " << "( " << m.zx() << " " << m.zy() << " " << m.zz() << " )\n"; } inline bool texdef_sane(const texdef_t& texdef) { return fabs(texdef.shift[0]) < (1 << 16) && fabs(texdef.shift[1]) < (1 << 16); } inline void Winding_DrawWireframe(const Winding& winding) { glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->vertex); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, GLsizei(winding.numpoints)); } inline void Winding_Draw(const Winding& winding, const Vector3& normal, RenderStateFlags state) { glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->vertex); if((state & RENDER_BUMP) != 0) { Vector3 normals[c_brush_maxFaces]; typedef Vector3* Vector3Iter; for(Vector3Iter i = normals, end = normals + winding.numpoints; i != end; ++i) { *i = normal; } if(GlobalShaderCache().useShaderLanguage()) { glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vector3), normals); glVertexAttribPointerARB(c_attr_TexCoord0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->texcoord); glVertexAttribPointerARB(c_attr_Tangent, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->tangent); glVertexAttribPointerARB(c_attr_Binormal, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->bitangent); } else { glVertexAttribPointerARB(11, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(Vector3), normals); glVertexAttribPointerARB(8, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->texcoord); glVertexAttribPointerARB(9, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->tangent); glVertexAttribPointerARB(10, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->bitangent); } } else { if (state & RENDER_LIGHTING) { Vector3 normals[c_brush_maxFaces]; typedef Vector3* Vector3Iter; for(Vector3Iter i = normals, last = normals + winding.numpoints; i != last; ++i) { *i = normal; } glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vector3), normals); } if (state & RENDER_TEXTURE) { glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(WindingVertex), &winding.points.data()->texcoord); } } #if 0 if (state & RENDER_FILL) { glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, GLsizei(winding.numpoints)); } else { glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, GLsizei(winding.numpoints)); } #else glDrawArrays(GL_POLYGON, 0, GLsizei(winding.numpoints)); #endif #if 0 const Winding& winding = winding; if(state & RENDER_FILL) { glBegin(GL_POLYGON); } else { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); } if (state & RENDER_LIGHTING) glNormal3fv(normal); for(int i = 0; i < winding.numpoints; ++i) { if (state & RENDER_TEXTURE) glTexCoord2fv(&winding.points[i][3]); glVertex3fv(winding.points[i]); } glEnd(); #endif } const Colour4b colour_vertex(0, 255, 0, 255); #include "shaderlib.h" typedef DoubleVector3 PlanePoints[3]; inline bool planepts_equal(const PlanePoints planepts, const PlanePoints other) { return planepts[0] == other[0] && planepts[1] == other[1] && planepts[2] == other[2]; } inline void planepts_assign(PlanePoints planepts, const PlanePoints other) { planepts[0] = other[0]; planepts[1] = other[1]; planepts[2] = other[2]; } inline void planepts_quantise(PlanePoints planepts, double snap) { vector3_snap(planepts[0], snap); vector3_snap(planepts[1], snap); vector3_snap(planepts[2], snap); } inline float vector3_max_component(const Vector3& vec3) { return std::max(fabsf(vec3[0]), std::max(fabsf(vec3[1]), fabsf(vec3[2]))); } inline void edge_snap(Vector3& edge, double snap) { float scale = static_cast(ceil(fabs(snap / vector3_max_component(edge)))); if(scale > 0.0f) { vector3_scale(edge, scale); } vector3_snap(edge, snap); } inline void planepts_snap(PlanePoints planepts, double snap) { Vector3 edge01(vector3_subtracted(planepts[1], planepts[0])); Vector3 edge12(vector3_subtracted(planepts[2], planepts[1])); Vector3 edge20(vector3_subtracted(planepts[0], planepts[2])); double length_squared_01 = vector3_dot(edge01, edge01); double length_squared_12 = vector3_dot(edge12, edge12); double length_squared_20 = vector3_dot(edge20, edge20); vector3_snap(planepts[0], snap); if(length_squared_01 < length_squared_12) { if(length_squared_12 < length_squared_20) { edge_snap(edge01, snap); edge_snap(edge12, snap); planepts[1] = vector3_added(planepts[0], edge01); planepts[2] = vector3_added(planepts[1], edge12); } else { edge_snap(edge20, snap); edge_snap(edge01, snap); planepts[1] = vector3_added(planepts[0], edge20); planepts[2] = vector3_added(planepts[1], edge01); } } else { if(length_squared_01 < length_squared_20) { edge_snap(edge01, snap); edge_snap(edge12, snap); planepts[1] = vector3_added(planepts[0], edge01); planepts[2] = vector3_added(planepts[1], edge12); } else { edge_snap(edge12, snap); edge_snap(edge20, snap); planepts[1] = vector3_added(planepts[0], edge12); planepts[2] = vector3_added(planepts[1], edge20); } } } inline PointVertex pointvertex_for_planept(const DoubleVector3& point, const Colour4b& colour) { return PointVertex( Vertex3f( static_cast(point.x()), static_cast(point.y()), static_cast(point.z()) ), colour ); } inline PointVertex pointvertex_for_windingpoint(const Vector3& point, const Colour4b& colour) { return PointVertex( vertex3f_for_vector3(point), colour ); } inline bool check_plane_is_integer(const PlanePoints& planePoints) { return !float_is_integer(planePoints[0][0]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[0][1]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[0][2]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[1][0]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[1][1]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[1][2]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[2][0]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[2][1]) || !float_is_integer(planePoints[2][2]); } inline void brush_check_shader(const char* name) { if(!shader_valid(name)) { globalErrorStream() << "brush face has invalid texture name: '" << name << "'\n"; } } class FaceShaderObserver { public: virtual void realiseShader() = 0; virtual void unrealiseShader() = 0; }; class FaceShaderObserverRealise { public: void operator()(FaceShaderObserver& observer) const { observer.realiseShader(); } }; class FaceShaderObserverUnrealise { public: void operator()(FaceShaderObserver& observer) const { observer.unrealiseShader(); } }; typedef ReferencePair FaceShaderObserverPair; class ContentsFlagsValue { public: ContentsFlagsValue() { } ContentsFlagsValue(int surfaceFlags, int contentFlags, int value, bool specified) : m_surfaceFlags(surfaceFlags), m_contentFlags(contentFlags), m_value(value), m_specified(specified) { } int m_surfaceFlags; int m_contentFlags; int m_value; bool m_specified; }; inline void ContentsFlagsValue_assignMasked(ContentsFlagsValue& flags, const ContentsFlagsValue& other) { bool detail = bitfield_enabled(flags.m_contentFlags, CONTENTS_DETAIL); flags = other; if(detail) { flags.m_contentFlags = bitfield_enable(flags.m_contentFlags, CONTENTS_DETAIL); } else { flags.m_contentFlags = bitfield_disable(flags.m_contentFlags, CONTENTS_DETAIL); } } class FaceShader : public ModuleObserver { public: class SavedState { public: CopiedString m_shader; ContentsFlagsValue m_flags; SavedState(const FaceShader& faceShader) { m_shader = faceShader.getShader(); m_flags = faceShader.m_flags; } void exportState(FaceShader& faceShader) const { faceShader.setShader(m_shader.c_str()); faceShader.setFlags(m_flags); } }; CopiedString m_shader; Shader* m_state; ContentsFlagsValue m_flags; FaceShaderObserverPair m_observers; bool m_instanced; bool m_realised; FaceShader(const char* shader, const ContentsFlagsValue& flags = ContentsFlagsValue(0, 0, 0, false)) : m_shader(shader), m_state(0), m_flags(flags), m_instanced(false), m_realised(false) { captureShader(); } ~FaceShader() { releaseShader(); } // copy-construction not supported FaceShader(const FaceShader& other); void instanceAttach() { m_instanced = true; m_state->incrementUsed(); } void instanceDetach() { m_state->decrementUsed(); m_instanced = false; } void captureShader() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_state == 0, "shader cannot be captured"); brush_check_shader(m_shader.c_str()); m_state = GlobalShaderCache().capture(m_shader.c_str()); m_state->attach(*this); } void releaseShader() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_state != 0, "shader cannot be released"); m_state->detach(*this); GlobalShaderCache().release(m_shader.c_str()); m_state = 0; } void realise() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(!m_realised, "FaceTexdef::realise: already realised"); m_realised = true; m_observers.forEach(FaceShaderObserverRealise()); } void unrealise() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_realised, "FaceTexdef::unrealise: already unrealised"); m_observers.forEach(FaceShaderObserverUnrealise()); m_realised = false; } void attach(FaceShaderObserver& observer) { m_observers.attach(observer); if(m_realised) { observer.realiseShader(); } } void detach(FaceShaderObserver& observer) { if(m_realised) { observer.unrealiseShader(); } m_observers.detach(observer); } const char* getShader() const { return m_shader.c_str(); } void setShader(const char* name) { if(m_instanced) { m_state->decrementUsed(); } releaseShader(); m_shader = name; captureShader(); if(m_instanced) { m_state->incrementUsed(); } } ContentsFlagsValue getFlags() const { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_realised, "FaceShader::getFlags: flags not valid when unrealised"); if(!m_flags.m_specified) { return ContentsFlagsValue( m_state->getTexture().surfaceFlags, m_state->getTexture().contentFlags, m_state->getTexture().value, true ); } return m_flags; } void setFlags(const ContentsFlagsValue& flags) { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_realised, "FaceShader::setFlags: flags not valid when unrealised"); ContentsFlagsValue_assignMasked(m_flags, flags); } Shader* state() const { return m_state; } std::size_t width() const { if(m_realised) { return m_state->getTexture().width; } return 1; } std::size_t height() const { if(m_realised) { return m_state->getTexture().height; } return 1; } unsigned int shaderFlags() const { if(m_realised) { return m_state->getFlags(); } return 0; } }; class FaceTexdef : public FaceShaderObserver { // not copyable FaceTexdef(const FaceTexdef& other); // not assignable FaceTexdef& operator=(const FaceTexdef& other); public: class SavedState { public: TextureProjection m_projection; SavedState(const FaceTexdef& faceTexdef) { m_projection = faceTexdef.m_projection; } void exportState(FaceTexdef& faceTexdef) const { Texdef_Assign(faceTexdef.m_projection, m_projection); } }; FaceShader& m_shader; TextureProjection m_projection; bool m_projectionInitialised; bool m_scaleApplied; FaceTexdef( FaceShader& shader, const TextureProjection& projection, bool projectionInitialised = true ) : m_shader(shader), m_projection(projection), m_projectionInitialised(projectionInitialised), m_scaleApplied(false) { m_shader.attach(*this); } ~FaceTexdef() { m_shader.detach(*this); } void addScale() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(!m_scaleApplied, "texture scale aready added"); m_scaleApplied = true; m_projection.m_brushprimit_texdef.addScale(m_shader.width(), m_shader.height()); } void removeScale() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_scaleApplied, "texture scale aready removed"); m_scaleApplied = false; m_projection.m_brushprimit_texdef.removeScale(m_shader.width(), m_shader.height()); } void realiseShader() { if(m_projectionInitialised && !m_scaleApplied) { addScale(); } } void unrealiseShader() { if(m_projectionInitialised && m_scaleApplied) { removeScale(); } } void setTexdef(const TextureProjection& projection) { removeScale(); Texdef_Assign(m_projection, projection); addScale(); } void shift(float s, float t) { ASSERT_MESSAGE(texdef_sane(m_projection.m_texdef), "FaceTexdef::shift: bad texdef"); removeScale(); Texdef_Shift(m_projection, s, t); addScale(); } void scale(float s, float t) { removeScale(); Texdef_Scale(m_projection, s, t); addScale(); } void rotate(float angle) { removeScale(); Texdef_Rotate(m_projection, angle); addScale(); } void fit(const Vector3& normal, const Winding& winding, float s_repeat, float t_repeat) { Texdef_FitTexture(m_projection, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), normal, winding, s_repeat, t_repeat); } void emitTextureCoordinates(Winding& winding, const Vector3& normal, const Matrix4& localToWorld) { Texdef_EmitTextureCoordinates(m_projection, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), winding, normal, localToWorld); } void transform(const Plane3& plane, const Matrix4& matrix) { removeScale(); Texdef_transformLocked(m_projection, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), plane, matrix); addScale(); } TextureProjection normalised() const { brushprimit_texdef_t tmp(m_projection.m_brushprimit_texdef); tmp.removeScale(m_shader.width(), m_shader.height()); return TextureProjection(m_projection.m_texdef, tmp, m_projection.m_basis_s, m_projection.m_basis_t); } void setBasis(const Vector3& normal) { Matrix4 basis; Normal_GetTransform(normal, basis); m_projection.m_basis_s = Vector3(basis.xx(), basis.yx(), basis.zx()); m_projection.m_basis_t = Vector3(-basis.xy(), -basis.yy(), -basis.zy()); } }; inline void planepts_print(const PlanePoints& planePoints, TextOutputStream& ostream) { ostream << "( " << planePoints[0][0] << " " << planePoints[0][1] << " " << planePoints[0][2] << " ) " << "( " << planePoints[1][0] << " " << planePoints[1][1] << " " << planePoints[1][2] << " ) " << "( " << planePoints[2][0] << " " << planePoints[2][1] << " " << planePoints[2][2] << " )"; } inline Plane3 Plane3_applyTranslation(const Plane3& plane, const Vector3& translation) { Plane3 tmp(plane3_translated(Plane3(plane.normal(), -plane.dist()), translation)); return Plane3(tmp.normal(), -tmp.dist()); } inline Plane3 Plane3_applyTransform(const Plane3& plane, const Matrix4& matrix) { Plane3 tmp(plane3_transformed(Plane3(plane.normal(), -plane.dist()), matrix)); return Plane3(tmp.normal(), -tmp.dist()); } class FacePlane { PlanePoints m_planepts; Plane3 m_planeCached; Plane3 m_plane; public: Vector3 m_funcStaticOrigin; static EBrushType m_type; static bool isDoom3Plane() { return FacePlane::m_type == eBrushTypeDoom3 || FacePlane::m_type == eBrushTypeQuake4; } class SavedState { public: PlanePoints m_planepts; Plane3 m_plane; SavedState(const FacePlane& facePlane) { if(facePlane.isDoom3Plane()) { m_plane = facePlane.m_plane; } else { planepts_assign(m_planepts, facePlane.planePoints()); } } void exportState(FacePlane& facePlane) const { if(facePlane.isDoom3Plane()) { facePlane.m_plane = m_plane; facePlane.updateTranslated(); } else { planepts_assign(facePlane.planePoints(), m_planepts); facePlane.MakePlane(); } } }; FacePlane() : m_funcStaticOrigin(0, 0, 0) { } FacePlane(const FacePlane& other) : m_funcStaticOrigin(0, 0, 0) { if(!isDoom3Plane()) { planepts_assign(m_planepts, other.m_planepts); MakePlane(); } else { m_plane = other.m_plane; updateTranslated(); } } void MakePlane() { if(!isDoom3Plane()) { #if 0 if(check_plane_is_integer(m_planepts)) { globalErrorStream() << "non-integer planepts: "; planepts_print(m_planepts, globalErrorStream()); globalErrorStream() << "\n"; } #endif m_planeCached = plane3_for_points(m_planepts); } } void reverse() { if(!isDoom3Plane()) { vector3_swap(m_planepts[0], m_planepts[2]); MakePlane(); } else { m_planeCached = plane3_flipped(m_plane); updateSource(); } } void transform(const Matrix4& matrix, bool mirror) { if(!isDoom3Plane()) { #if 0 bool off = check_plane_is_integer(planePoints()); #endif matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_planepts[0]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_planepts[1]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_planepts[2]); if(mirror) { reverse(); } #if 0 if(check_plane_is_integer(planePoints())) { if(!off) { globalErrorStream() << "caused by transform\n"; } } #endif MakePlane(); } else { m_planeCached = Plane3_applyTransform(m_planeCached, matrix); updateSource(); } } void offset(float offset) { if(!isDoom3Plane()) { Vector3 move(vector3_scaled(m_planeCached.normal(), -offset)); vector3_subtract(m_planepts[0], move); vector3_subtract(m_planepts[1], move); vector3_subtract(m_planepts[2], move); MakePlane(); } else { m_planeCached.d += offset; updateSource(); } } void updateTranslated() { m_planeCached = Plane3_applyTranslation(m_plane, m_funcStaticOrigin); } void updateSource() { m_plane = Plane3_applyTranslation(m_planeCached, vector3_negated(m_funcStaticOrigin)); } PlanePoints& planePoints() { return m_planepts; } const PlanePoints& planePoints() const { return m_planepts; } const Plane3& plane3() const { return m_planeCached; } void setDoom3Plane(const Plane3& plane) { m_plane = plane; updateTranslated(); } const Plane3& getDoom3Plane() const { return m_plane; } void copy(const FacePlane& other) { if(!isDoom3Plane()) { planepts_assign(m_planepts, other.m_planepts); MakePlane(); } else { m_planeCached = other.m_plane; updateSource(); } } void copy(const Vector3& p0, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2) { if(!isDoom3Plane()) { m_planepts[0] = p0; m_planepts[1] = p1; m_planepts[2] = p2; MakePlane(); } else { m_planeCached = plane3_for_points(p2, p1, p0); updateSource(); } } }; inline void Winding_testSelect(Winding& winding, SelectionTest& test, SelectionIntersection& best) { test.TestPolygon(VertexPointer(reinterpret_cast(&winding.points.data()->vertex), sizeof(WindingVertex)), winding.numpoints, best); } const double GRID_MIN = 0.125; inline double quantiseInteger(double f) { return float_to_integer(f); } inline double quantiseFloating(double f) { return float_snapped(f, 1.f / (1 << 16)); } typedef double (*QuantiseFunc)(double f); class Face; class FaceFilter { public: virtual bool filter(const Face& face) const = 0; }; bool face_filtered(Face& face); void Brush_addTextureChangedCallback(const SignalHandler& callback); void Brush_textureChanged(); extern bool g_brush_texturelock_enabled; class FaceObserver { public: virtual void planeChanged() = 0; virtual void connectivityChanged() = 0; virtual void shaderChanged() = 0; virtual void evaluateTransform() = 0; }; class Face : public OpenGLRenderable, public Filterable, public Undoable, public FaceShaderObserver { std::size_t m_refcount; class SavedState : public UndoMemento { public: FacePlane::SavedState m_planeState; FaceTexdef::SavedState m_texdefState; FaceShader::SavedState m_shaderState; SavedState(const Face& face) : m_planeState(face.getPlane()), m_texdefState(face.getTexdef()), m_shaderState(face.getShader()) { } void exportState(Face& face) const { m_planeState.exportState(face.getPlane()); m_shaderState.exportState(face.getShader()); m_texdefState.exportState(face.getTexdef()); } void release() { delete this; } }; public: static QuantiseFunc m_quantise; static EBrushType m_type; PlanePoints m_move_planepts; PlanePoints m_move_planeptsTransformed; private: FacePlane m_plane; FacePlane m_planeTransformed; FaceShader m_shader; FaceTexdef m_texdef; TextureProjection m_texdefTransformed; Winding m_winding; Vector3 m_centroid; bool m_filtered; FaceObserver* m_observer; UndoObserver* m_undoable_observer; MapFile* m_map; // assignment not supported Face& operator=(const Face& other); // copy-construction not supported Face(const Face& other); public: Face(FaceObserver* observer) : m_refcount(0), m_shader(texdef_name_default()), m_texdef(m_shader, TextureProjection(), false), m_filtered(false), m_observer(observer), m_undoable_observer(0), m_map(0) { m_shader.attach(*this); m_plane.copy(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(64, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 64, 0)); m_texdef.setBasis(m_plane.plane3().normal()); planeChanged(); } Face( const Vector3& p0, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, const char* shader, const TextureProjection& projection, FaceObserver* observer ) : m_refcount(0), m_shader(shader), m_texdef(m_shader, projection), m_observer(observer), m_undoable_observer(0), m_map(0) { m_shader.attach(*this); m_plane.copy(p0, p1, p2); m_texdef.setBasis(m_plane.plane3().normal()); planeChanged(); updateFiltered(); } Face(const Face& other, FaceObserver* observer) : m_refcount(0), m_shader(other.m_shader.getShader(), other.m_shader.m_flags), m_texdef(m_shader, other.getTexdef().normalised()), m_observer(observer), m_undoable_observer(0), m_map(0) { m_shader.attach(*this); m_plane.copy(other.m_plane); planepts_assign(m_move_planepts, other.m_move_planepts); m_texdef.setBasis(m_plane.plane3().normal()); planeChanged(); updateFiltered(); } ~Face() { m_shader.detach(*this); } void planeChanged() { revertTransform(); m_observer->planeChanged(); } void realiseShader() { m_observer->shaderChanged(); } void unrealiseShader() { } void instanceAttach(MapFile* map) { m_shader.instanceAttach(); m_map = map; m_undoable_observer = GlobalUndoSystem().observer(this); GlobalFilterSystem().registerFilterable(*this); } void instanceDetach(MapFile* map) { GlobalFilterSystem().unregisterFilterable(*this); m_undoable_observer = 0; GlobalUndoSystem().release(this); m_map = 0; m_shader.instanceDetach(); } void render(RenderStateFlags state) const { Winding_Draw(m_winding, m_planeTransformed.plane3().normal(), state); } void updateFiltered() { m_filtered = face_filtered(*this); } bool isFiltered() const { return m_filtered; } void undoSave() { if(m_map != 0) { m_map->changed(); } if(m_undoable_observer != 0) { m_undoable_observer->save(this); } } // undoable UndoMemento* exportState() const { return new SavedState(*this); } void importState(const UndoMemento* data) { undoSave(); static_cast(data)->exportState(*this); planeChanged(); m_observer->connectivityChanged(); texdefChanged(); m_observer->shaderChanged(); updateFiltered(); } void IncRef() { ++m_refcount; } void DecRef() { if(--m_refcount == 0) delete this; } void flipWinding() { m_plane.reverse(); planeChanged(); } bool intersectVolume(const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { return volume.TestPlane(Plane3(plane3().normal(), -plane3().dist()), localToWorld); } void render(Renderer& renderer, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { renderer.SetState(m_shader.state(), Renderer::eFullMaterials); renderer.addRenderable(*this, localToWorld); } void transform(const Matrix4& matrix, bool mirror) { if(g_brush_texturelock_enabled) { Texdef_transformLocked(m_texdefTransformed, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), m_plane.plane3(), matrix); } m_planeTransformed.transform(matrix, mirror); #if 0 ASSERT_MESSAGE(projectionaxis_for_normal(normal) == projectionaxis_for_normal(plane3().normal()), "bleh"); #endif m_observer->planeChanged(); } void assign_planepts(const PlanePoints planepts) { m_planeTransformed.copy(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2]); m_observer->planeChanged(); } /// \brief Reverts the transformable state of the brush to identity. void revertTransform() { m_planeTransformed = m_plane; planepts_assign(m_move_planeptsTransformed, m_move_planepts); m_texdefTransformed = m_texdef.m_projection; } void freezeTransform() { undoSave(); m_plane = m_planeTransformed; planepts_assign(m_move_planepts, m_move_planeptsTransformed); m_texdef.m_projection = m_texdefTransformed; } void update_move_planepts_vertex(std::size_t index, PlanePoints planePoints) { std::size_t numpoints = getWinding().numpoints; ASSERT_MESSAGE(index < numpoints, "update_move_planepts_vertex: invalid index"); std::size_t opposite = Winding_Opposite(getWinding(), index); std::size_t adjacent = Winding_wrap(getWinding(), opposite+numpoints-1); planePoints[0] = getWinding()[opposite].vertex; planePoints[1] = getWinding()[index].vertex; planePoints[2] = getWinding()[adjacent].vertex; // winding points are very inaccurate, so they must be quantised before using them to generate the face-plane planepts_quantise(planePoints, GRID_MIN); } void snapto(float snap) { if(contributes()) { #if 0 ASSERT_MESSAGE(plane3_valid(m_plane.plane3()), "invalid plane before snap to grid"); planepts_snap(m_plane.planePoints(), snap); ASSERT_MESSAGE(plane3_valid(m_plane.plane3()), "invalid plane after snap to grid"); #else PlanePoints planePoints; update_move_planepts_vertex(0, planePoints); vector3_snap(planePoints[0], snap); vector3_snap(planePoints[1], snap); vector3_snap(planePoints[2], snap); assign_planepts(planePoints); freezeTransform(); #endif SceneChangeNotify(); if(!plane3_valid(m_plane.plane3())) { globalErrorStream() << "WARNING: invalid plane after snap to grid\n"; } } } void testSelect(SelectionTest& test, SelectionIntersection& best) { Winding_testSelect(m_winding, test, best); } void testSelect_centroid(SelectionTest& test, SelectionIntersection& best) { test.TestPoint(m_centroid, best); } void shaderChanged() { EmitTextureCoordinates(); Brush_textureChanged(); m_observer->shaderChanged(); updateFiltered(); SceneChangeNotify(); } const char* GetShader() const { return m_shader.getShader(); } void SetShader(const char* name) { undoSave(); m_shader.setShader(name); shaderChanged(); } void revertTexdef() { m_texdefTransformed = m_texdef.m_projection; } void texdefChanged() { revertTexdef(); EmitTextureCoordinates(); Brush_textureChanged(); } void GetTexdef(TextureProjection& projection) const { projection = m_texdef.normalised(); } void SetTexdef(const TextureProjection& projection) { undoSave(); m_texdef.setTexdef(projection); texdefChanged(); } void GetFlags(ContentsFlagsValue& flags) const { flags = m_shader.getFlags(); } void SetFlags(const ContentsFlagsValue& flags) { undoSave(); m_shader.setFlags(flags); m_observer->shaderChanged(); updateFiltered(); } void ShiftTexdef(float s, float t) { undoSave(); m_texdef.shift(s, t); texdefChanged(); } void ScaleTexdef(float s, float t) { undoSave(); m_texdef.scale(s, t); texdefChanged(); } void RotateTexdef(float angle) { undoSave(); m_texdef.rotate(angle); texdefChanged(); } void FitTexture(float s_repeat, float t_repeat) { undoSave(); m_texdef.fit(m_plane.plane3().normal(), m_winding, s_repeat, t_repeat); texdefChanged(); } void EmitTextureCoordinates() { Texdef_EmitTextureCoordinates(m_texdefTransformed, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), m_winding, plane3().normal(), g_matrix4_identity); } const Vector3& centroid() const { return m_centroid; } void construct_centroid() { Winding_Centroid(m_winding, plane3(), m_centroid); } const Winding& getWinding() const { return m_winding; } Winding& getWinding() { return m_winding; } const Plane3& plane3() const { m_observer->evaluateTransform(); return m_planeTransformed.plane3(); } FacePlane& getPlane() { return m_plane; } const FacePlane& getPlane() const { return m_plane; } FaceTexdef& getTexdef() { return m_texdef; } const FaceTexdef& getTexdef() const { return m_texdef; } FaceShader& getShader() { return m_shader; } const FaceShader& getShader() const { return m_shader; } bool isDetail() const { return (m_shader.m_flags.m_contentFlags & CONTENTS_DETAIL) != 0; } void setDetail(bool detail) { undoSave(); if(detail && !isDetail()) { m_shader.m_flags.m_contentFlags |= CONTENTS_DETAIL; } else if(!detail && isDetail()) { m_shader.m_flags.m_contentFlags &= ~CONTENTS_DETAIL; } m_observer->shaderChanged(); } bool contributes() const { return m_winding.numpoints > 2; } bool is_bounded() const { for(Winding::const_iterator i = m_winding.begin(); i != m_winding.end(); ++i) { if((*i).adjacent == c_brush_maxFaces) { return false; } } return true; } }; class FaceVertexId { std::size_t m_face; std::size_t m_vertex; public: FaceVertexId(std::size_t face, std::size_t vertex) : m_face(face), m_vertex(vertex) { } std::size_t getFace() const { return m_face; } std::size_t getVertex() const { return m_vertex; } }; typedef std::size_t faceIndex_t; struct EdgeRenderIndices { RenderIndex first; RenderIndex second; EdgeRenderIndices() : first(0), second(0) { } EdgeRenderIndices(const RenderIndex _first, const RenderIndex _second) : first(_first), second(_second) { } }; struct EdgeFaces { faceIndex_t first; faceIndex_t second; EdgeFaces() : first(c_brush_maxFaces), second(c_brush_maxFaces) { } EdgeFaces(const faceIndex_t _first, const faceIndex_t _second) : first(_first), second(_second) { } }; class RenderableWireframe : public OpenGLRenderable { public: void render(RenderStateFlags state) const { #if 1 glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(PointVertex), &m_vertices->colour); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(PointVertex), &m_vertices->vertex); glDrawElements(GL_LINES, GLsizei(m_size<<1), RenderIndexTypeID, m_faceVertex.data()); #else glBegin(GL_LINES); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) { glVertex3fv(&m_vertices[m_faceVertex[i].first].vertex.x); glVertex3fv(&m_vertices[m_faceVertex[i].second].vertex.x); } glEnd(); #endif } Array m_faceVertex; std::size_t m_size; const PointVertex* m_vertices; }; class Brush; typedef std::vector brush_vector_t; class BrushFilter { public: virtual bool filter(const Brush& brush) const = 0; }; bool brush_filtered(Brush& brush); void add_brush_filter(BrushFilter& filter, int mask, bool invert = false); /// \brief Returns true if 'self' takes priority when building brush b-rep. inline bool plane3_inside(const Plane3& self, const Plane3& other) { if(vector3_equal_epsilon(self.normal(), other.normal(), 0.001)) { return self.dist() < other.dist(); } return true; } typedef SmartPointer FaceSmartPointer; typedef std::vector Faces; /// \brief Returns the unique-id of the edge adjacent to \p faceVertex in the edge-pair for the set of \p faces. inline FaceVertexId next_edge(const Faces& faces, FaceVertexId faceVertex) { std::size_t adjacent_face = faces[faceVertex.getFace()]->getWinding()[faceVertex.getVertex()].adjacent; std::size_t adjacent_vertex = Winding_FindAdjacent(faces[adjacent_face]->getWinding(), faceVertex.getFace()); ASSERT_MESSAGE(adjacent_vertex != c_brush_maxFaces, "connectivity data invalid"); if(adjacent_vertex == c_brush_maxFaces) { return faceVertex; } return FaceVertexId(adjacent_face, adjacent_vertex); } /// \brief Returns the unique-id of the vertex adjacent to \p faceVertex in the vertex-ring for the set of \p faces. inline FaceVertexId next_vertex(const Faces& faces, FaceVertexId faceVertex) { FaceVertexId nextEdge = next_edge(faces, faceVertex); return FaceVertexId(nextEdge.getFace(), Winding_next(faces[nextEdge.getFace()]->getWinding(), nextEdge.getVertex())); } class SelectableEdge { Vector3 getEdge() const { const Winding& winding = getFace().getWinding(); return vector3_mid(winding[m_faceVertex.getVertex()].vertex, winding[Winding_next(winding, m_faceVertex.getVertex())].vertex); } public: Faces& m_faces; FaceVertexId m_faceVertex; SelectableEdge(Faces& faces, FaceVertexId faceVertex) : m_faces(faces), m_faceVertex(faceVertex) { } SelectableEdge& operator=(const SelectableEdge& other) { m_faceVertex = other.m_faceVertex; return *this; } Face& getFace() const { return *m_faces[m_faceVertex.getFace()]; } void testSelect(SelectionTest& test, SelectionIntersection& best) { test.TestPoint(getEdge(), best); } }; class SelectableVertex { Vector3 getVertex() const { return getFace().getWinding()[m_faceVertex.getVertex()].vertex; } public: Faces& m_faces; FaceVertexId m_faceVertex; SelectableVertex(Faces& faces, FaceVertexId faceVertex) : m_faces(faces), m_faceVertex(faceVertex) { } SelectableVertex& operator=(const SelectableVertex& other) { m_faceVertex = other.m_faceVertex; return *this; } Face& getFace() const { return *m_faces[m_faceVertex.getFace()]; } void testSelect(SelectionTest& test, SelectionIntersection& best) { test.TestPoint(getVertex(), best); } }; class BrushObserver { public: virtual void reserve(std::size_t size) = 0; virtual void clear() = 0; virtual void push_back(Face& face) = 0; virtual void pop_back() = 0; virtual void erase(std::size_t index) = 0; virtual void connectivityChanged() = 0; virtual void edge_clear() = 0; virtual void edge_push_back(SelectableEdge& edge) = 0; virtual void vertex_clear() = 0; virtual void vertex_push_back(SelectableVertex& vertex) = 0; virtual void DEBUG_verify() const = 0; }; class BrushVisitor { public: virtual void visit(Face& face) const = 0; }; class Brush : public TransformNode, public Bounded, public Cullable, public Snappable, public Undoable, public FaceObserver, public Filterable, public Nameable, public BrushDoom3 { private: scene::Node* m_node; typedef UniqueSet Observers; Observers m_observers; UndoObserver* m_undoable_observer; MapFile* m_map; // state Faces m_faces; // ---- // cached data compiled from state Array m_faceCentroidPoints; RenderablePointArray m_render_faces; Array m_uniqueVertexPoints; typedef std::vector SelectableVertices; SelectableVertices m_select_vertices; RenderablePointArray m_render_vertices; Array m_uniqueEdgePoints; typedef std::vector SelectableEdges; SelectableEdges m_select_edges; RenderablePointArray m_render_edges; Array m_edge_indices; Array m_edge_faces; AABB m_aabb_local; // ---- Callback m_evaluateTransform; Callback m_boundsChanged; mutable bool m_planeChanged; // b-rep evaluation required mutable bool m_transformChanged; // transform evaluation required // ---- public: STRING_CONSTANT(Name, "Brush"); Callback m_lightsChanged; // static data static Shader* m_state_point; // ---- static EBrushType m_type; static double m_maxWorldCoord; Brush(scene::Node& node, const Callback& evaluateTransform, const Callback& boundsChanged) : m_node(&node), m_undoable_observer(0), m_map(0), m_render_faces(m_faceCentroidPoints, GL_POINTS), m_render_vertices(m_uniqueVertexPoints, GL_POINTS), m_render_edges(m_uniqueEdgePoints, GL_POINTS), m_planeChanged(false), m_transformChanged(false), m_evaluateTransform(evaluateTransform), m_boundsChanged(boundsChanged) { planeChanged(); } Brush(const Brush& other, scene::Node& node, const Callback& evaluateTransform, const Callback& boundsChanged) : m_node(&node), m_undoable_observer(0), m_map(0), m_render_faces(m_faceCentroidPoints, GL_POINTS), m_render_vertices(m_uniqueVertexPoints, GL_POINTS), m_render_edges(m_uniqueEdgePoints, GL_POINTS), m_planeChanged(false), m_transformChanged(false), m_evaluateTransform(evaluateTransform), m_boundsChanged(boundsChanged) { copy(other); } Brush(const Brush& other) : TransformNode(other), Bounded(other), Cullable(other), Undoable(other), FaceObserver(other), Filterable(other), Nameable(other), BrushDoom3(other), m_node(0), m_undoable_observer(0), m_map(0), m_render_faces(m_faceCentroidPoints, GL_POINTS), m_render_vertices(m_uniqueVertexPoints, GL_POINTS), m_render_edges(m_uniqueEdgePoints, GL_POINTS), m_planeChanged(false), m_transformChanged(false) { copy(other); } ~Brush() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_observers.empty(), "Brush::~Brush: observers still attached"); } // assignment not supported Brush& operator=(const Brush& other); void setDoom3GroupOrigin(const Vector3& origin) { //globalOutputStream() << "func_static origin before: " << m_funcStaticOrigin << " after: " << origin << "\n"; for(Faces::iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { (*i)->getPlane().m_funcStaticOrigin = origin; (*i)->getPlane().updateTranslated(); (*i)->planeChanged(); } planeChanged(); } void attach(BrushObserver& observer) { for(Faces::iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { observer.push_back(*(*i)); } for(SelectableEdges::iterator i = m_select_edges.begin(); i !=m_select_edges.end(); ++i) { observer.edge_push_back(*i); } for(SelectableVertices::iterator i = m_select_vertices.begin(); i != m_select_vertices.end(); ++i) { observer.vertex_push_back(*i); } m_observers.insert(&observer); } void detach(BrushObserver& observer) { m_observers.erase(&observer); } void forEachFace(const BrushVisitor& visitor) const { for(Faces::const_iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { visitor.visit(*(*i)); } } void forEachFace_instanceAttach(MapFile* map) const { for(Faces::const_iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { (*i)->instanceAttach(map); } } void forEachFace_instanceDetach(MapFile* map) const { for(Faces::const_iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { (*i)->instanceDetach(map); } } InstanceCounter m_instanceCounter; void instanceAttach(const scene::Path& path) { if(++m_instanceCounter.m_count == 1) { m_map = path_find_mapfile(path.begin(), path.end()); m_undoable_observer = GlobalUndoSystem().observer(this); GlobalFilterSystem().registerFilterable(*this); forEachFace_instanceAttach(m_map); } else { ASSERT_MESSAGE(path_find_mapfile(path.begin(), path.end()) == m_map, "node is instanced across more than one file"); } } void instanceDetach(const scene::Path& path) { if(--m_instanceCounter.m_count == 0) { forEachFace_instanceDetach(m_map); GlobalFilterSystem().unregisterFilterable(*this); m_map = 0; m_undoable_observer = 0; GlobalUndoSystem().release(this); } } // nameable const char* name() const { return "brush"; } void attach(const NameCallback& callback) { } void detach(const NameCallback& callback) { } // filterable void updateFiltered() { if(m_node != 0) { if(brush_filtered(*this)) { m_node->enable(scene::Node::eFiltered); } else { m_node->disable(scene::Node::eFiltered); } } } // observer void planeChanged() { m_planeChanged = true; aabbChanged(); m_lightsChanged(); } void shaderChanged() { updateFiltered(); } void evaluateBRep() const { if(m_planeChanged) { m_planeChanged = false; const_cast(this)->buildBRep(); } } void transformChanged() { m_transformChanged = true; planeChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller TransformChangedCaller; void evaluateTransform() { if(m_transformChanged) { m_transformChanged = false; revertTransform(); m_evaluateTransform(); } } const Matrix4& localToParent() const { return g_matrix4_identity; } void aabbChanged() { m_boundsChanged(); } const AABB& localAABB() const { evaluateBRep(); return m_aabb_local; } VolumeIntersectionValue intersectVolume(const VolumeTest& test, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { return test.TestAABB(m_aabb_local, localToWorld); } void renderComponents(SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode, Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { switch(mode) { case SelectionSystem::eVertex: renderer.addRenderable(m_render_vertices, localToWorld); break; case SelectionSystem::eEdge: renderer.addRenderable(m_render_edges, localToWorld); break; case SelectionSystem::eFace: renderer.addRenderable(m_render_faces, localToWorld); break; default: break; } } void transform(const Matrix4& matrix) { bool mirror = matrix4_handedness(matrix) == MATRIX4_LEFTHANDED; for(Faces::iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { (*i)->transform(matrix, mirror); } } void snapto(float snap) { for(Faces::iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { (*i)->snapto(snap); } } void revertTransform() { for(Faces::iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { (*i)->revertTransform(); } } void freezeTransform() { for(Faces::iterator i = m_faces.begin(); i != m_faces.end(); ++i) { (*i)->freezeTransform(); } } /// \brief Returns the absolute index of the \p faceVertex. std::size_t absoluteIndex(FaceVertexId faceVertex) { std::size_t index = 0; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < faceVertex.getFace(); ++i) { index += m_faces[i]->getWinding().numpoints; } return index + faceVertex.getVertex(); } void appendFaces(const Faces& other) { clear(); for(Faces::const_iterator i = other.begin(); i != other.end(); ++i) { push_back(*i); } } /// \brief The undo memento for a brush stores only the list of face references - the faces are not copied. class BrushUndoMemento : public UndoMemento { public: BrushUndoMemento(const Faces& faces) : m_faces(faces) { } void release() { delete this; } Faces m_faces; }; void undoSave() { if(m_map != 0) { m_map->changed(); } if(m_undoable_observer != 0) { m_undoable_observer->save(this); } } UndoMemento* exportState() const { return new BrushUndoMemento(m_faces); } void importState(const UndoMemento* state) { undoSave(); appendFaces(static_cast(state)->m_faces); planeChanged(); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->DEBUG_verify(); } } bool isDetail() { return !m_faces.empty() && m_faces.front()->isDetail(); } /// \brief Appends a copy of \p face to the end of the face list. Face* addFace(const Face& face) { if(m_faces.size() == c_brush_maxFaces) { return 0; } undoSave(); push_back(FaceSmartPointer(new Face(face, this))); m_faces.back()->setDetail(isDetail()); planeChanged(); return m_faces.back(); } /// \brief Appends a new face constructed from the parameters to the end of the face list. Face* addPlane(const Vector3& p0, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, const char* shader, const TextureProjection& projection) { if(m_faces.size() == c_brush_maxFaces) { return 0; } undoSave(); push_back(FaceSmartPointer(new Face(p0, p1, p2, shader, projection, this))); m_faces.back()->setDetail(isDetail()); planeChanged(); return m_faces.back(); } static void constructStatic(EBrushType type) { m_type = type; Face::m_type = type; FacePlane::m_type = type; g_bp_globals.m_texdefTypeId = TEXDEFTYPEID_QUAKE; if(m_type == eBrushTypeQuake3BP || m_type == eBrushTypeDoom3 || m_type == eBrushTypeQuake4) { g_bp_globals.m_texdefTypeId = TEXDEFTYPEID_BRUSHPRIMITIVES; g_brush_texturelock_enabled = true; } else if(m_type == eBrushTypeHalfLife) { g_bp_globals.m_texdefTypeId = TEXDEFTYPEID_HALFLIFE; g_brush_texturelock_enabled = true; } Face::m_quantise = (m_type == eBrushTypeQuake) ? quantiseInteger : quantiseFloating; m_state_point = GlobalShaderCache().capture("$POINT"); } static void destroyStatic() { GlobalShaderCache().release("$POINT"); } std::size_t DEBUG_size() { return m_faces.size(); } typedef Faces::const_iterator const_iterator; const_iterator begin() const { return m_faces.begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return m_faces.end(); } Face* back() { return m_faces.back(); } const Face* back() const { return m_faces.back(); } void reserve(std::size_t count) { m_faces.reserve(count); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->reserve(count); } } void push_back(Faces::value_type face) { m_faces.push_back(face); if(m_instanceCounter.m_count != 0) { m_faces.back()->instanceAttach(m_map); } for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->push_back(*face); (*i)->DEBUG_verify(); } } void pop_back() { if(m_instanceCounter.m_count != 0) { m_faces.back()->instanceDetach(m_map); } m_faces.pop_back(); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->pop_back(); (*i)->DEBUG_verify(); } } void erase(std::size_t index) { if(m_instanceCounter.m_count != 0) { m_faces[index]->instanceDetach(m_map); } m_faces.erase(m_faces.begin() + index); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->erase(index); (*i)->DEBUG_verify(); } } void connectivityChanged() { for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->connectivityChanged(); } } void clear() { undoSave(); if(m_instanceCounter.m_count != 0) { forEachFace_instanceDetach(m_map); } m_faces.clear(); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->clear(); (*i)->DEBUG_verify(); } } std::size_t size() const { return m_faces.size(); } bool empty() const { return m_faces.empty(); } /// \brief Returns true if any face of the brush contributes to the final B-Rep. bool hasContributingFaces() const { for(const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { if((*i)->contributes()) { return true; } } return false; } /// \brief Removes faces that do not contribute to the brush. This is useful for cleaning up after CSG operations on the brush. /// Note: removal of empty faces is not performed during direct brush manipulations, because it would make a manipulation irreversible if it created an empty face. void removeEmptyFaces() { evaluateBRep(); { std::size_t i = 0; while(i < m_faces.size()) { if(!m_faces[i]->contributes()) { erase(i); planeChanged(); } else { ++i; } } } } /// \brief Constructs \p winding from the intersection of \p plane with the other planes of the brush. void windingForClipPlane(Winding& winding, const Plane3& plane) const { FixedWinding buffer[2]; bool swap = false; // get a poly that covers an effectively infinite area Winding_createInfinite(buffer[swap], plane, m_maxWorldCoord + 1); // chop the poly by all of the other faces { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i) { const Face& clip = *m_faces[i]; if(plane3_equal(clip.plane3(), plane) || !plane3_valid(clip.plane3()) || !plane_unique(i) || plane3_opposing(plane, clip.plane3())) { continue; } buffer[!swap].clear(); #if BRUSH_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "clip vs face: " << i << "\n"; #endif { // flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side Plane3 clipPlane(vector3_negated(clip.plane3().normal()), -clip.plane3().dist()); Winding_Clip(buffer[swap], plane, clipPlane, i, buffer[!swap]); } #if BRUSH_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG for(FixedWinding::Points::iterator k = buffer[!swap].points.begin(), j = buffer[!swap].points.end() - 1; k != buffer[!swap].points.end(); j = k, ++k) { if(vector3_length_squared(vector3_subtracted((*k).vertex, (*j).vertex)) < 1) { globalOutputStream() << "v: " << std::distance(buffer[!swap].points.begin(), j) << " tiny edge adjacent to face " << (*j).adjacent << "\n"; } } #endif //ASSERT_MESSAGE(buffer[!swap].numpoints != 1, "created single-point winding"); swap = !swap; } } Winding_forFixedWinding(winding, buffer[swap]); #if BRUSH_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG Winding_printConnectivity(winding); for(Winding::iterator i = winding.begin(), j = winding.end() - 1; i != winding.end(); j = i, ++i) { if(vector3_length_squared(vector3_subtracted((*i).vertex, (*j).vertex)) < 1) { globalOutputStream() << "v: " << std::distance(winding.begin(), j) << " tiny edge adjacent to face " << (*j).adjacent << "\n"; } } #endif } void update_wireframe(RenderableWireframe& wire, const bool* faces_visible) const { wire.m_faceVertex.resize(m_edge_indices.size()); wire.m_vertices = m_uniqueVertexPoints.data(); wire.m_size = 0; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_edge_faces.size(); ++i) { if(faces_visible[m_edge_faces[i].first] || faces_visible[m_edge_faces[i].second]) { wire.m_faceVertex[wire.m_size++] = m_edge_indices[i]; } } } void update_faces_wireframe(Array& wire, const bool* faces_visible) const { std::size_t count = 0; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faceCentroidPoints.size(); ++i) { if(faces_visible[i]) { ++count; } } wire.resize(count); Array::iterator p = wire.begin(); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faceCentroidPoints.size(); ++i) { if(faces_visible[i]) { *p++ = m_faceCentroidPoints[i]; } } } /// \brief Makes this brush a deep-copy of the \p other. void copy(const Brush& other) { for(Faces::const_iterator i = other.m_faces.begin(); i != other.m_faces.end(); ++i) { addFace(*(*i)); } planeChanged(); } private: void edge_push_back(FaceVertexId faceVertex) { m_select_edges.push_back(SelectableEdge(m_faces, faceVertex)); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->edge_push_back(m_select_edges.back()); } } void edge_clear() { m_select_edges.clear(); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->edge_clear(); } } void vertex_push_back(FaceVertexId faceVertex) { m_select_vertices.push_back(SelectableVertex(m_faces, faceVertex)); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->vertex_push_back(m_select_vertices.back()); } } void vertex_clear() { m_select_vertices.clear(); for(Observers::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->vertex_clear(); } } /// \brief Returns true if the face identified by \p index is preceded by another plane that takes priority over it. bool plane_unique(std::size_t index) const { // duplicate plane for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i) { if(index != i && !plane3_inside(m_faces[index]->plane3(), m_faces[i]->plane3())) { return false; } } return true; } /// \brief Removes edges that are smaller than the tolerance used when generating brush windings. void removeDegenerateEdges() { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i) { Winding& winding = m_faces[i]->getWinding(); for(Winding::iterator j = winding.begin(); j != winding.end();) { std::size_t index = std::distance(winding.begin(), j); std::size_t next = Winding_next(winding, index); if(Edge_isDegenerate(winding[index].vertex, winding[next].vertex)) { #if BRUSH_DEGENERATE_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "Brush::buildWindings: face " << i << ": degenerate edge adjacent to " << winding[index].adjacent << "\n"; #endif Winding& other = m_faces[winding[index].adjacent]->getWinding(); std::size_t adjacent = Winding_FindAdjacent(other, i); if(adjacent != c_brush_maxFaces) { other.erase(other.begin() + adjacent); } winding.erase(j); } else { ++j; } } } } /// \brief Invalidates faces that have only two vertices in their winding, while preserving edge-connectivity information. void removeDegenerateFaces() { // save adjacency info for degenerate faces for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i) { Winding& degen = m_faces[i]->getWinding(); if(degen.numpoints == 2) { #if BRUSH_DEGENERATE_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "Brush::buildWindings: face " << i << ": degenerate winding adjacent to " << degen[0].adjacent << ", " << degen[1].adjacent << "\n"; #endif // this is an "edge" face, where the plane touches the edge of the brush { Winding& winding = m_faces[degen[0].adjacent]->getWinding(); std::size_t index = Winding_FindAdjacent(winding, i); if(index != c_brush_maxFaces) { #if BRUSH_DEGENERATE_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "Brush::buildWindings: face " << degen[0].adjacent << ": remapping adjacent " << winding[index].adjacent << " to " << degen[1].adjacent << "\n"; #endif winding[index].adjacent = degen[1].adjacent; } } { Winding& winding = m_faces[degen[1].adjacent]->getWinding(); std::size_t index = Winding_FindAdjacent(winding, i); if(index != c_brush_maxFaces) { #if BRUSH_DEGENERATE_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "Brush::buildWindings: face " << degen[1].adjacent << ": remapping adjacent " << winding[index].adjacent << " to " << degen[0].adjacent << "\n"; #endif winding[index].adjacent = degen[0].adjacent; } } degen.resize(0); } } } /// \brief Removes edges that have the same adjacent-face as their immediate neighbour. void removeDuplicateEdges() { // verify face connectivity graph for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i) { //if(m_faces[i]->contributes()) { Winding& winding = m_faces[i]->getWinding(); for(std::size_t j = 0; j != winding.numpoints;) { std::size_t next = Winding_next(winding, j); if(winding[j].adjacent == winding[next].adjacent) { #if BRUSH_DEGENERATE_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "Brush::buildWindings: face " << i << ": removed duplicate edge adjacent to face " << winding[j].adjacent << "\n"; #endif winding.erase(winding.begin() + next); } else { ++j; } } } } } /// \brief Removes edges that do not have a matching pair in their adjacent-face. void verifyConnectivityGraph() { // verify face connectivity graph for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i) { //if(m_faces[i]->contributes()) { Winding& winding = m_faces[i]->getWinding(); for(Winding::iterator j = winding.begin(); j != winding.end();) { #if BRUSH_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "Brush::buildWindings: face " << i << ": adjacent to face " << (*j).adjacent << "\n"; #endif // remove unidirectional graph edges if((*j).adjacent == c_brush_maxFaces || Winding_FindAdjacent(m_faces[(*j).adjacent]->getWinding(), i) == c_brush_maxFaces) { #if BRUSH_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "Brush::buildWindings: face " << i << ": removing unidirectional connectivity graph edge adjacent to face " << (*j).adjacent << "\n"; #endif winding.erase(j); } else { ++j; } } } } } /// \brief Returns true if the brush is a finite volume. A brush without a finite volume extends past the maximum world bounds and is not valid. bool isBounded() { for(const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { if(!(*i)->is_bounded()) { return false; } } return true; } /// \brief Constructs the polygon windings for each face of the brush. Also updates the brush bounding-box and face texture-coordinates. bool buildWindings() { { m_aabb_local = AABB(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i) { Face& f = *m_faces[i]; if(!plane3_valid(f.plane3()) || !plane_unique(i)) { f.getWinding().resize(0); } else { #if BRUSH_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG globalOutputStream() << "face: " << i << "\n"; #endif windingForClipPlane(f.getWinding(), f.plane3()); // update brush bounds const Winding& winding = f.getWinding(); for(Winding::const_iterator i = winding.begin(); i != winding.end(); ++i) { aabb_extend_by_point_safe(m_aabb_local, (*i).vertex); } // update texture coordinates f.EmitTextureCoordinates(); } } } bool degenerate = !isBounded(); if(!degenerate) { // clean up connectivity information. // these cleanups must be applied in a specific order. removeDegenerateEdges(); removeDegenerateFaces(); removeDuplicateEdges(); verifyConnectivityGraph(); } return degenerate; } /// \brief Constructs the face windings and updates anything that depends on them. void buildBRep(); }; class FaceInstance; class FaceInstanceSet { typedef SelectionList FaceInstances; FaceInstances m_faceInstances; public: void insert(FaceInstance& faceInstance) { m_faceInstances.append(faceInstance); } void erase(FaceInstance& faceInstance) { m_faceInstances.erase(faceInstance); } template void foreach(Functor functor) { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { functor(*(*i)); } } bool empty() const { return m_faceInstances.empty(); } FaceInstance& last() const { return m_faceInstances.back(); } }; extern FaceInstanceSet g_SelectedFaceInstances; typedef std::list VertexSelection; inline VertexSelection::iterator VertexSelection_find(VertexSelection& self, std::size_t value) { return std::find(self.begin(), self.end(), value); } inline VertexSelection::const_iterator VertexSelection_find(const VertexSelection& self, std::size_t value) { return std::find(self.begin(), self.end(), value); } inline VertexSelection::iterator VertexSelection_insert(VertexSelection& self, std::size_t value) { VertexSelection::iterator i = VertexSelection_find(self, value); if(i == self.end()) { self.push_back(value); return --self.end(); } return i; } inline void VertexSelection_erase(VertexSelection& self, std::size_t value) { VertexSelection::iterator i = VertexSelection_find(self, value); if(i != self.end()) { self.erase(i); } } inline bool triangle_reversed(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t z) { return !((x < y && y < z) || (z < x && x < y) || (y < z && z < x)); } template inline Vector3 triangle_cross(const BasicVector3& x, const BasicVector3 y, const BasicVector3& z) { return vector3_cross(y - x, z - x); } template inline bool triangles_same_winding(const BasicVector3& x1, const BasicVector3 y1, const BasicVector3& z1, const BasicVector3& x2, const BasicVector3 y2, const BasicVector3& z2) { return vector3_dot(triangle_cross(x1, y1, z1), triangle_cross(x2, y2, z2)) > 0; } typedef const Plane3* PlanePointer; typedef PlanePointer* PlanesIterator; class VectorLightList : public LightList { typedef std::vector Lights; Lights m_lights; public: void addLight(const RendererLight& light) { m_lights.push_back(&light); } void clear() { m_lights.clear(); } void evaluateLights() const { } void lightsChanged() const { } void forEachLight(const RendererLightCallback& callback) const { for(Lights::const_iterator i = m_lights.begin(); i != m_lights.end(); ++i) { callback(*(*i)); } } }; class FaceInstance { Face* m_face; ObservedSelectable m_selectable; ObservedSelectable m_selectableVertices; ObservedSelectable m_selectableEdges; SelectionChangeCallback m_selectionChanged; VertexSelection m_vertexSelection; VertexSelection m_edgeSelection; public: mutable VectorLightList m_lights; FaceInstance(Face& face, const SelectionChangeCallback& observer) : m_face(&face), m_selectable(SelectedChangedCaller(*this)), m_selectableVertices(observer), m_selectableEdges(observer), m_selectionChanged(observer) { } FaceInstance(const FaceInstance& other) : m_face(other.m_face), m_selectable(SelectedChangedCaller(*this)), m_selectableVertices(other.m_selectableVertices), m_selectableEdges(other.m_selectableEdges), m_selectionChanged(other.m_selectionChanged) { } FaceInstance& operator=(const FaceInstance& other) { m_face = other.m_face; return *this; } Face& getFace() { return *m_face; } const Face& getFace() const { return *m_face; } void selectedChanged(const Selectable& selectable) { if(selectable.isSelected()) { g_SelectedFaceInstances.insert(*this); } else { g_SelectedFaceInstances.erase(*this); } m_selectionChanged(selectable); } typedef MemberCaller1 SelectedChangedCaller; bool selectedVertices() const { return !m_vertexSelection.empty(); } bool selectedEdges() const { return !m_edgeSelection.empty(); } bool isSelected() const { return m_selectable.isSelected(); } bool selectedComponents() const { return selectedVertices() || selectedEdges() || isSelected(); } bool selectedComponents(SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode) const { switch(mode) { case SelectionSystem::eVertex: return selectedVertices(); case SelectionSystem::eEdge: return selectedEdges(); case SelectionSystem::eFace: return isSelected(); default: return false; } } void setSelected(SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode, bool select) { switch(mode) { case SelectionSystem::eFace: m_selectable.setSelected(select); break; case SelectionSystem::eVertex: ASSERT_MESSAGE(!select, "select-all not supported"); m_vertexSelection.clear(); m_selectableVertices.setSelected(false); break; case SelectionSystem::eEdge: ASSERT_MESSAGE(!select, "select-all not supported"); m_edgeSelection.clear(); m_selectableEdges.setSelected(false); break; default: break; } } template void SelectedVertices_foreach(Functor functor) const { for(VertexSelection::const_iterator i = m_vertexSelection.begin(); i != m_vertexSelection.end(); ++i) { std::size_t index = Winding_FindAdjacent(getFace().getWinding(), *i); if(index != c_brush_maxFaces) { functor(getFace().getWinding()[index].vertex); } } } template void SelectedEdges_foreach(Functor functor) const { for(VertexSelection::const_iterator i = m_edgeSelection.begin(); i != m_edgeSelection.end(); ++i) { std::size_t index = Winding_FindAdjacent(getFace().getWinding(), *i); if(index != c_brush_maxFaces) { const Winding& winding = getFace().getWinding(); std::size_t adjacent = Winding_next(winding, index); functor(vector3_mid(winding[index].vertex, winding[adjacent].vertex)); } } } template void SelectedFaces_foreach(Functor functor) const { if(isSelected()) { functor(centroid()); } } template void SelectedComponents_foreach(Functor functor) const { SelectedVertices_foreach(functor); SelectedEdges_foreach(functor); SelectedFaces_foreach(functor); } void iterate_selected(AABB& aabb) const { SelectedComponents_foreach(AABBExtendByPoint(aabb)); } class RenderablePointVectorPushBack { RenderablePointVector& m_points; public: RenderablePointVectorPushBack(RenderablePointVector& points) : m_points(points) { } void operator()(const Vector3& point) const { const Colour4b colour_selected(0, 0, 255, 255); m_points.push_back(pointvertex_for_windingpoint(point, colour_selected)); } }; void iterate_selected(RenderablePointVector& points) const { SelectedComponents_foreach(RenderablePointVectorPushBack(points)); } bool intersectVolume(const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { return m_face->intersectVolume(volume, localToWorld); } void render(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { if(!m_face->isFiltered() && m_face->contributes() && intersectVolume(volume, localToWorld)) { renderer.PushState(); if(selectedComponents()) { renderer.Highlight(Renderer::eFace); } m_face->render(renderer, localToWorld); renderer.PopState(); } } void testSelect(SelectionTest& test, SelectionIntersection& best) { if(!m_face->isFiltered()) { m_face->testSelect(test, best); } } void testSelect(Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test) { SelectionIntersection best; testSelect(test, best); if(best.valid()) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable, best); } } void testSelect_centroid(Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test) { if(m_face->contributes() && !m_face->isFiltered()) { SelectionIntersection best; m_face->testSelect_centroid(test, best); if(best.valid()) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable, best); } } } void selectPlane(Selector& selector, const Line& line, PlanesIterator first, PlanesIterator last, const PlaneCallback& selectedPlaneCallback) { for(Winding::const_iterator i = getFace().getWinding().begin(); i != getFace().getWinding().end(); ++i) { Vector3 v(vector3_subtracted(line_closest_point(line, (*i).vertex), (*i).vertex)); double dot = vector3_dot(getFace().plane3().normal(), v); if(dot <= 0) { return; } } Selector_add(selector, m_selectable); selectedPlaneCallback(getFace().plane3()); } void selectReversedPlane(Selector& selector, const SelectedPlanes& selectedPlanes) { if(selectedPlanes.contains(plane3_flipped(getFace().plane3()))) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable); } } void transformComponents(const Matrix4& matrix) { if(isSelected()) { m_face->transform(matrix, false); } if(selectedVertices()) { if(m_vertexSelection.size() == 1) { matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[1]); m_face->assign_planepts(m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed); } else if(m_vertexSelection.size() == 2) { matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[1]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[2]); m_face->assign_planepts(m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed); } else if(m_vertexSelection.size() >= 3) { matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[0]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[1]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[2]); m_face->assign_planepts(m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed); } } if(selectedEdges()) { if(m_edgeSelection.size() == 1) { matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[0]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[1]); m_face->assign_planepts(m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed); } else if(m_edgeSelection.size() >= 2) { matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[0]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[1]); matrix4_transform_point(matrix, m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed[2]); m_face->assign_planepts(m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed); } } } void snapto(float snap) { m_face->snapto(snap); } void snapComponents(float snap) { if(isSelected()) { snapto(snap); } if(selectedVertices()) { vector3_snap(m_face->m_move_planepts[0], snap); vector3_snap(m_face->m_move_planepts[1], snap); vector3_snap(m_face->m_move_planepts[2], snap); m_face->assign_planepts(m_face->m_move_planepts); planepts_assign(m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed, m_face->m_move_planepts); m_face->freezeTransform(); } if(selectedEdges()) { vector3_snap(m_face->m_move_planepts[0], snap); vector3_snap(m_face->m_move_planepts[1], snap); vector3_snap(m_face->m_move_planepts[2], snap); m_face->assign_planepts(m_face->m_move_planepts); planepts_assign(m_face->m_move_planeptsTransformed, m_face->m_move_planepts); m_face->freezeTransform(); } } void update_move_planepts_vertex(std::size_t index) { m_face->update_move_planepts_vertex(index, m_face->m_move_planepts); } void update_move_planepts_vertex2(std::size_t index, std::size_t other) { const std::size_t numpoints = m_face->getWinding().numpoints; ASSERT_MESSAGE(index < numpoints, "select_vertex: invalid index"); const std::size_t opposite = Winding_Opposite(m_face->getWinding(), index, other); if(triangle_reversed(index, other, opposite)) { std::swap(index, other); } ASSERT_MESSAGE( triangles_same_winding( m_face->getWinding()[opposite].vertex, m_face->getWinding()[index].vertex, m_face->getWinding()[other].vertex, m_face->getWinding()[0].vertex, m_face->getWinding()[1].vertex, m_face->getWinding()[2].vertex ), "update_move_planepts_vertex2: error" ) m_face->m_move_planepts[0] = m_face->getWinding()[opposite].vertex; m_face->m_move_planepts[1] = m_face->getWinding()[index].vertex; m_face->m_move_planepts[2] = m_face->getWinding()[other].vertex; planepts_quantise(m_face->m_move_planepts, GRID_MIN); // winding points are very inaccurate } void update_selection_vertex() { if(m_vertexSelection.size() == 0) { m_selectableVertices.setSelected(false); } else { m_selectableVertices.setSelected(true); if(m_vertexSelection.size() == 1) { std::size_t index = Winding_FindAdjacent(getFace().getWinding(), *m_vertexSelection.begin()); if(index != c_brush_maxFaces) { update_move_planepts_vertex(index); } } else if(m_vertexSelection.size() == 2) { std::size_t index = Winding_FindAdjacent(getFace().getWinding(), *m_vertexSelection.begin()); std::size_t other = Winding_FindAdjacent(getFace().getWinding(), *(++m_vertexSelection.begin())); if(index != c_brush_maxFaces && other != c_brush_maxFaces) { update_move_planepts_vertex2(index, other); } } } } void select_vertex(std::size_t index, bool select) { if(select) { VertexSelection_insert(m_vertexSelection, getFace().getWinding()[index].adjacent); } else { VertexSelection_erase(m_vertexSelection, getFace().getWinding()[index].adjacent); } SceneChangeNotify(); update_selection_vertex(); } bool selected_vertex(std::size_t index) const { return VertexSelection_find(m_vertexSelection, getFace().getWinding()[index].adjacent) != m_vertexSelection.end(); } void update_move_planepts_edge(std::size_t index) { std::size_t numpoints = m_face->getWinding().numpoints; ASSERT_MESSAGE(index < numpoints, "select_edge: invalid index"); std::size_t adjacent = Winding_next(m_face->getWinding(), index); std::size_t opposite = Winding_Opposite(m_face->getWinding(), index); m_face->m_move_planepts[0] = m_face->getWinding()[index].vertex; m_face->m_move_planepts[1] = m_face->getWinding()[adjacent].vertex; m_face->m_move_planepts[2] = m_face->getWinding()[opposite].vertex; planepts_quantise(m_face->m_move_planepts, GRID_MIN); // winding points are very inaccurate } void update_selection_edge() { if(m_edgeSelection.size() == 0) { m_selectableEdges.setSelected(false); } else { m_selectableEdges.setSelected(true); if(m_edgeSelection.size() == 1) { std::size_t index = Winding_FindAdjacent(getFace().getWinding(), *m_edgeSelection.begin()); if(index != c_brush_maxFaces) { update_move_planepts_edge(index); } } } } void select_edge(std::size_t index, bool select) { if(select) { VertexSelection_insert(m_edgeSelection, getFace().getWinding()[index].adjacent); } else { VertexSelection_erase(m_edgeSelection, getFace().getWinding()[index].adjacent); } SceneChangeNotify(); update_selection_edge(); } bool selected_edge(std::size_t index) const { return VertexSelection_find(m_edgeSelection, getFace().getWinding()[index].adjacent) != m_edgeSelection.end(); } const Vector3& centroid() const { return m_face->centroid(); } void connectivityChanged() { // This occurs when a face is added or removed. // The current vertex and edge selections no longer valid and must be cleared. m_vertexSelection.clear(); m_selectableVertices.setSelected(false); m_edgeSelection.clear(); m_selectableEdges.setSelected(false); } }; class BrushClipPlane : public OpenGLRenderable { Plane3 m_plane; Winding m_winding; static Shader* m_state; public: static void constructStatic() { m_state = GlobalShaderCache().capture("$CLIPPER_OVERLAY"); } static void destroyStatic() { GlobalShaderCache().release("$CLIPPER_OVERLAY"); } void setPlane(const Brush& brush, const Plane3& plane) { m_plane = plane; if(plane3_valid(m_plane)) { brush.windingForClipPlane(m_winding, m_plane); } else { m_winding.resize(0); } } void render(RenderStateFlags state) const { if((state & RENDER_FILL) != 0) { Winding_Draw(m_winding, m_plane.normal(), state); } else { Winding_DrawWireframe(m_winding); } } void render(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { renderer.SetState(m_state, Renderer::eWireframeOnly); renderer.SetState(m_state, Renderer::eFullMaterials); renderer.addRenderable(*this, localToWorld); } }; inline void Face_addLight(const FaceInstance& face, const Matrix4& localToWorld, const RendererLight& light) { const Plane3& facePlane = face.getFace().plane3(); const Vector3& origin = light.aabb().origin; Plane3 tmp(plane3_transformed(Plane3(facePlane.normal(), -facePlane.dist()), localToWorld)); if(!plane3_test_point(tmp, origin) || !plane3_test_point(tmp, vector3_added(origin, light.offset()))) { face.m_lights.addLight(light); } } typedef std::vector FaceInstances; class EdgeInstance : public Selectable { FaceInstances& m_faceInstances; SelectableEdge* m_edge; void select_edge(bool select) { FaceVertexId faceVertex = m_edge->m_faceVertex; m_faceInstances[faceVertex.getFace()].select_edge(faceVertex.getVertex(), select); faceVertex = next_edge(m_edge->m_faces, faceVertex); m_faceInstances[faceVertex.getFace()].select_edge(faceVertex.getVertex(), select); } bool selected_edge() const { FaceVertexId faceVertex = m_edge->m_faceVertex; if(!m_faceInstances[faceVertex.getFace()].selected_edge(faceVertex.getVertex())) { return false; } faceVertex = next_edge(m_edge->m_faces, faceVertex); if(!m_faceInstances[faceVertex.getFace()].selected_edge(faceVertex.getVertex())) { return false; } return true; } public: EdgeInstance(FaceInstances& faceInstances, SelectableEdge& edge) : m_faceInstances(faceInstances), m_edge(&edge) { } EdgeInstance& operator=(const EdgeInstance& other) { m_edge = other.m_edge; return *this; } void setSelected(bool select) { select_edge(select); } bool isSelected() const { return selected_edge(); } void testSelect(Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test) { SelectionIntersection best; m_edge->testSelect(test, best); if(best.valid()) { Selector_add(selector, *this, best); } } }; class VertexInstance : public Selectable { FaceInstances& m_faceInstances; SelectableVertex* m_vertex; void select_vertex(bool select) { FaceVertexId faceVertex = m_vertex->m_faceVertex; do { m_faceInstances[faceVertex.getFace()].select_vertex(faceVertex.getVertex(), select); faceVertex = next_vertex(m_vertex->m_faces, faceVertex); } while(faceVertex.getFace() != m_vertex->m_faceVertex.getFace()); } bool selected_vertex() const { FaceVertexId faceVertex = m_vertex->m_faceVertex; do { if(!m_faceInstances[faceVertex.getFace()].selected_vertex(faceVertex.getVertex())) { return false; } faceVertex = next_vertex(m_vertex->m_faces, faceVertex); } while(faceVertex.getFace() != m_vertex->m_faceVertex.getFace()); return true; } public: VertexInstance(FaceInstances& faceInstances, SelectableVertex& vertex) : m_faceInstances(faceInstances), m_vertex(&vertex) { } VertexInstance& operator=(const VertexInstance& other) { m_vertex = other.m_vertex; return *this; } void setSelected(bool select) { select_vertex(select); } bool isSelected() const { return selected_vertex(); } void testSelect(Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test) { SelectionIntersection best; m_vertex->testSelect(test, best); if(best.valid()) { Selector_add(selector, *this, best); } } }; class BrushInstanceVisitor { public: virtual void visit(FaceInstance& face) const = 0; }; class BrushInstance : public BrushObserver, public scene::Instance, public Selectable, public Renderable, public SelectionTestable, public ComponentSelectionTestable, public ComponentEditable, public ComponentSnappable, public PlaneSelectable, public LightCullable { class TypeCasts { InstanceTypeCastTable m_casts; public: TypeCasts() { InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceContainedCast::install(m_casts); InstanceContainedCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceIdentityCast::install(m_casts); InstanceContainedCast::install(m_casts); } InstanceTypeCastTable& get() { return m_casts; } }; Brush& m_brush; FaceInstances m_faceInstances; typedef std::vector EdgeInstances; EdgeInstances m_edgeInstances; typedef std::vector VertexInstances; VertexInstances m_vertexInstances; ObservedSelectable m_selectable; mutable RenderableWireframe m_render_wireframe; mutable RenderablePointVector m_render_selected; mutable AABB m_aabb_component; mutable Array m_faceCentroidPointsCulled; RenderablePointArray m_render_faces_wireframe; mutable bool m_viewChanged; // requires re-evaluation of view-dependent cached data BrushClipPlane m_clipPlane; static Shader* m_state_selpoint; const LightList* m_lightList; TransformModifier m_transform; BrushInstance(const BrushInstance& other); // NOT COPYABLE BrushInstance& operator=(const BrushInstance& other); // NOT ASSIGNABLE public: static Counter* m_counter; typedef LazyStatic StaticTypeCasts; void lightsChanged() { m_lightList->lightsChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller LightsChangedCaller; STRING_CONSTANT(Name, "BrushInstance"); BrushInstance(const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance* parent, Brush& brush) : Instance(path, parent, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get()), m_brush(brush), m_selectable(SelectedChangedCaller(*this)), m_render_selected(GL_POINTS), m_render_faces_wireframe(m_faceCentroidPointsCulled, GL_POINTS), m_viewChanged(false), m_transform(Brush::TransformChangedCaller(m_brush), ApplyTransformCaller(*this)) { m_brush.instanceAttach(Instance::path()); m_brush.attach(*this); m_counter->increment(); m_lightList = &GlobalShaderCache().attach(*this); m_brush.m_lightsChanged = LightsChangedCaller(*this); ///\todo Make this work with instancing. Instance::setTransformChangedCallback(LightsChangedCaller(*this)); } ~BrushInstance() { Instance::setTransformChangedCallback(Callback()); m_brush.m_lightsChanged = Callback(); GlobalShaderCache().detach(*this); m_counter->decrement(); m_brush.detach(*this); m_brush.instanceDetach(Instance::path()); } Brush& getBrush() { return m_brush; } const Brush& getBrush() const { return m_brush; } Bounded& get(NullType) { return m_brush; } Cullable& get(NullType) { return m_brush; } Transformable& get(NullType) { return m_transform; } void selectedChanged(const Selectable& selectable) { GlobalSelectionSystem().getObserver(SelectionSystem::ePrimitive)(selectable); GlobalSelectionSystem().onSelectedChanged(*this, selectable); Instance::selectedChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 SelectedChangedCaller; void selectedChangedComponent(const Selectable& selectable) { GlobalSelectionSystem().getObserver(SelectionSystem::eComponent)(selectable); GlobalSelectionSystem().onComponentSelection(*this, selectable); } typedef MemberCaller1 SelectedChangedComponentCaller; const BrushInstanceVisitor& forEachFaceInstance(const BrushInstanceVisitor& visitor) { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { visitor.visit(*i); } return visitor; } static void constructStatic() { m_state_selpoint = GlobalShaderCache().capture("$SELPOINT"); } static void destroyStatic() { GlobalShaderCache().release("$SELPOINT"); } void clear() { m_faceInstances.clear(); } void reserve(std::size_t size) { m_faceInstances.reserve(size); } void push_back(Face& face) { m_faceInstances.push_back(FaceInstance(face, SelectedChangedComponentCaller(*this))); } void pop_back() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(!m_faceInstances.empty(), "erasing invalid element"); m_faceInstances.pop_back(); } void erase(std::size_t index) { ASSERT_MESSAGE(index < m_faceInstances.size(), "erasing invalid element"); m_faceInstances.erase(m_faceInstances.begin() + index); } void connectivityChanged() { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).connectivityChanged(); } } void edge_clear() { m_edgeInstances.clear(); } void edge_push_back(SelectableEdge& edge) { m_edgeInstances.push_back(EdgeInstance(m_faceInstances, edge)); } void vertex_clear() { m_vertexInstances.clear(); } void vertex_push_back(SelectableVertex& vertex) { m_vertexInstances.push_back(VertexInstance(m_faceInstances, vertex)); } void DEBUG_verify() const { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_faceInstances.size() == m_brush.DEBUG_size(), "FATAL: mismatch"); } bool isSelected() const { return m_selectable.isSelected(); } void setSelected(bool select) { m_selectable.setSelected(select); } void update_selected() const { m_render_selected.clear(); for(FaceInstances::const_iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { if((*i).getFace().contributes()) { (*i).iterate_selected(m_render_selected); } } } void evaluateViewDependent(const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { if(m_viewChanged) { m_viewChanged = false; bool faces_visible[c_brush_maxFaces]; { bool* j = faces_visible; for(FaceInstances::const_iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i, ++j) { *j = (*i).intersectVolume(volume, localToWorld); } } m_brush.update_wireframe(m_render_wireframe, faces_visible); m_brush.update_faces_wireframe(m_faceCentroidPointsCulled, faces_visible); } } void renderComponentsSelected(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { m_brush.evaluateBRep(); update_selected(); if(!m_render_selected.empty()) { renderer.Highlight(Renderer::ePrimitive, false); renderer.SetState(m_state_selpoint, Renderer::eWireframeOnly); renderer.SetState(m_state_selpoint, Renderer::eFullMaterials); renderer.addRenderable(m_render_selected, localToWorld); } } void renderComponents(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume) const { m_brush.evaluateBRep(); const Matrix4& localToWorld = Instance::localToWorld(); renderer.SetState(m_brush.m_state_point, Renderer::eWireframeOnly); renderer.SetState(m_brush.m_state_point, Renderer::eFullMaterials); if(volume.fill() && GlobalSelectionSystem().ComponentMode() == SelectionSystem::eFace) { evaluateViewDependent(volume, localToWorld); renderer.addRenderable(m_render_faces_wireframe, localToWorld); } else { m_brush.renderComponents(GlobalSelectionSystem().ComponentMode(), renderer, volume, localToWorld); } } void renderClipPlane(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume) const { if(GlobalSelectionSystem().ManipulatorMode() == SelectionSystem::eClip && isSelected()) { m_clipPlane.render(renderer, volume, localToWorld()); } } void renderCommon(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume) const { bool componentMode = GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent; if(componentMode && isSelected()) { renderComponents(renderer, volume); } if(parentSelected()) { if(!componentMode) { renderer.Highlight(Renderer::eFace); } renderer.Highlight(Renderer::ePrimitive); } } void renderSolid(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { //renderCommon(renderer, volume); m_lightList->evaluateLights(); for(FaceInstances::const_iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { renderer.setLights((*i).m_lights); (*i).render(renderer, volume, localToWorld); } renderComponentsSelected(renderer, volume, localToWorld); } void renderWireframe(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld) const { //renderCommon(renderer, volume); evaluateViewDependent(volume, localToWorld); if(m_render_wireframe.m_size != 0) { renderer.addRenderable(m_render_wireframe, localToWorld); } renderComponentsSelected(renderer, volume, localToWorld); } void renderSolid(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume) const { m_brush.evaluateBRep(); renderClipPlane(renderer, volume); renderSolid(renderer, volume, localToWorld()); } void renderWireframe(Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume) const { m_brush.evaluateBRep(); renderClipPlane(renderer, volume); renderWireframe(renderer, volume, localToWorld()); } void viewChanged() const { m_viewChanged = true; } void testSelect(Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test) { test.BeginMesh(localToWorld()); SelectionIntersection best; for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).testSelect(test, best); } if(best.valid()) { selector.addIntersection(best); } } bool isSelectedComponents() const { for(FaceInstances::const_iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { if((*i).selectedComponents()) { return true; } } return false; } void setSelectedComponents(bool select, SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode) { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).setSelected(mode, select); } } void testSelectComponents(Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode) { test.BeginMesh(localToWorld()); switch(mode) { case SelectionSystem::eVertex: { for(VertexInstances::iterator i = m_vertexInstances.begin(); i != m_vertexInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).testSelect(selector, test); } } break; case SelectionSystem::eEdge: { for(EdgeInstances::iterator i = m_edgeInstances.begin(); i != m_edgeInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).testSelect(selector, test); } } break; case SelectionSystem::eFace: { if(test.getVolume().fill()) { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).testSelect(selector, test); } } else { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).testSelect_centroid(selector, test); } } } break; default: break; } } void selectPlanes(Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, const PlaneCallback& selectedPlaneCallback) { test.BeginMesh(localToWorld()); PlanePointer brushPlanes[c_brush_maxFaces]; PlanesIterator j = brushPlanes; for(Brush::const_iterator i = m_brush.begin(); i != m_brush.end(); ++i) { *j++ = &(*i)->plane3(); } for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).selectPlane(selector, Line(test.getNear(), test.getFar()), brushPlanes, j, selectedPlaneCallback); } } void selectReversedPlanes(Selector& selector, const SelectedPlanes& selectedPlanes) { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).selectReversedPlane(selector, selectedPlanes); } } void transformComponents(const Matrix4& matrix) { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).transformComponents(matrix); } } const AABB& getSelectedComponentsBounds() const { m_aabb_component = AABB(); for(FaceInstances::const_iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).iterate_selected(m_aabb_component); } return m_aabb_component; } void snapComponents(float snap) { for(FaceInstances::iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).snapComponents(snap); } } void evaluateTransform() { Matrix4 matrix(m_transform.calculateTransform()); //globalOutputStream() << "matrix: " << matrix << "\n"; if(m_transform.getType() == TRANSFORM_PRIMITIVE) { m_brush.transform(matrix); } else { transformComponents(matrix); } } void applyTransform() { m_brush.revertTransform(); evaluateTransform(); m_brush.freezeTransform(); } typedef MemberCaller ApplyTransformCaller; void setClipPlane(const Plane3& plane) { m_clipPlane.setPlane(m_brush, plane); } bool testLight(const RendererLight& light) const { return light.testAABB(worldAABB()); } void insertLight(const RendererLight& light) { const Matrix4& localToWorld = Instance::localToWorld(); for(FaceInstances::const_iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { Face_addLight(*i, localToWorld, light); } } void clearLights() { for(FaceInstances::const_iterator i = m_faceInstances.begin(); i != m_faceInstances.end(); ++i) { (*i).m_lights.clear(); } } }; inline BrushInstance* Instance_getBrush(scene::Instance& instance) { return InstanceTypeCast::cast(instance); } template class BrushSelectedVisitor : public SelectionSystem::Visitor { const Functor& m_functor; public: BrushSelectedVisitor(const Functor& functor) : m_functor(functor) { } void visit(scene::Instance& instance) const { BrushInstance* brush = Instance_getBrush(instance); if(brush != 0) { m_functor(*brush); } } }; template inline const Functor& Scene_forEachSelectedBrush(const Functor& functor) { GlobalSelectionSystem().foreachSelected(BrushSelectedVisitor(functor)); return functor; } template class BrushVisibleSelectedVisitor : public SelectionSystem::Visitor { const Functor& m_functor; public: BrushVisibleSelectedVisitor(const Functor& functor) : m_functor(functor) { } void visit(scene::Instance& instance) const { BrushInstance* brush = Instance_getBrush(instance); if(brush != 0 && instance.path().top().get().visible()) { m_functor(*brush); } } }; template inline const Functor& Scene_forEachVisibleSelectedBrush(const Functor& functor) { GlobalSelectionSystem().foreachSelected(BrushVisibleSelectedVisitor(functor)); return functor; } class BrushForEachFace { const BrushInstanceVisitor& m_visitor; public: BrushForEachFace(const BrushInstanceVisitor& visitor) : m_visitor(visitor) { } void operator()(BrushInstance& brush) const { brush.forEachFaceInstance(m_visitor); } }; template class FaceInstanceVisitFace : public BrushInstanceVisitor { const Functor& functor; public: FaceInstanceVisitFace(const Functor& functor) : functor(functor) { } void visit(FaceInstance& face) const { functor(face.getFace()); } }; template inline const Functor& Brush_forEachFace(BrushInstance& brush, const Functor& functor) { brush.forEachFaceInstance(FaceInstanceVisitFace(functor)); return functor; } template class FaceVisitAll : public BrushVisitor { const Functor& functor; public: FaceVisitAll(const Functor& functor) : functor(functor) { } void visit(Face& face) const { functor(face); } }; template inline const Functor& Brush_forEachFace(const Brush& brush, const Functor& functor) { brush.forEachFace(FaceVisitAll(functor)); return functor; } template inline const Functor& Brush_forEachFace(Brush& brush, const Functor& functor) { brush.forEachFace(FaceVisitAll(functor)); return functor; } template class FaceInstanceVisitAll : public BrushInstanceVisitor { const Functor& functor; public: FaceInstanceVisitAll(const Functor& functor) : functor(functor) { } void visit(FaceInstance& face) const { functor(face); } }; template inline const Functor& Brush_ForEachFaceInstance(BrushInstance& brush, const Functor& functor) { brush.forEachFaceInstance(FaceInstanceVisitAll(functor)); return functor; } template inline const Functor& Scene_forEachBrush(scene::Graph& graph, const Functor& functor) { graph.traverse(InstanceWalker< InstanceApply >(functor)); return functor; } template class InstanceIfVisible : public Functor { public: InstanceIfVisible(const Functor& functor) : Functor(functor) { } void operator()(scene::Instance& instance) { if(instance.path().top().get().visible()) { Functor::operator()(instance); } } }; template class BrushVisibleWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker { const Functor& m_functor; public: BrushVisibleWalker(const Functor& functor) : m_functor(functor) { } bool pre(const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance) const { if(path.top().get().visible()) { BrushInstance* brush = Instance_getBrush(instance); if(brush != 0) { m_functor(*brush); } } return true; } }; template inline const Functor& Scene_forEachVisibleBrush(scene::Graph& graph, const Functor& functor) { graph.traverse(BrushVisibleWalker(functor)); return functor; } template inline const Functor& Scene_ForEachBrush_ForEachFace(scene::Graph& graph, const Functor& functor) { Scene_forEachBrush(graph, BrushForEachFace(FaceInstanceVisitFace(functor))); return functor; } template inline const Functor& Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(scene::Graph& graph, const Functor& functor) { Scene_forEachSelectedBrush(BrushForEachFace(FaceInstanceVisitFace(functor))); return functor; } template inline const Functor& Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFaceInstance(scene::Graph& graph, const Functor& functor) { Scene_forEachSelectedBrush(BrushForEachFace(FaceInstanceVisitAll(functor))); return functor; } template class FaceVisitorWrapper { const Functor& functor; public: FaceVisitorWrapper(const Functor& functor) : functor(functor) { } void operator()(FaceInstance& faceInstance) const { functor(faceInstance.getFace()); } }; template inline const Functor& Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(scene::Graph& graph, const Functor& functor) { g_SelectedFaceInstances.foreach(FaceVisitorWrapper(functor)); return functor; } #endif