/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "brushmanip.h" #include "gtkutil/widget.h" #include "gtkutil/menu.h" #include "gtkmisc.h" #include "brushnode.h" #include "map.h" #include "texwindow.h" #include "gtkdlgs.h" #include "commands.h" #include "mainframe.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "xywindow.h" #include "preferences.h" #include #include void Brush_ConstructCuboid(Brush &brush, const AABB &bounds, const char *shader, const TextureProjection &projection) { const unsigned char box[3][2] = {{0, 1}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}}; Vector3 mins(vector3_subtracted(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); Vector3 maxs(vector3_added(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); brush.clear(); brush.reserve(6); { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Vector3 planepts1(maxs); Vector3 planepts2(maxs); planepts2[box[i][0]] = mins[box[i][0]]; planepts1[box[i][1]] = mins[box[i][1]]; brush.addPlane(maxs, planepts1, planepts2, shader, projection); } } { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Vector3 planepts1(mins); Vector3 planepts2(mins); planepts1[box[i][0]] = maxs[box[i][0]]; planepts2[box[i][1]] = maxs[box[i][1]]; brush.addPlane(mins, planepts1, planepts2, shader, projection); } } } inline float max_extent(const Vector3 &extents) { return std::max(std::max(extents[0], extents[1]), extents[2]); } inline float max_extent_2d(const Vector3 &extents, int axis) { switch (axis) { case 0: return std::max(extents[1], extents[2]); case 1: return std::max(extents[0], extents[2]); default: return std::max(extents[0], extents[1]); } } const std::size_t c_brushPrism_minSides = 3; const std::size_t c_brushPrism_maxSides = c_brush_maxFaces - 2; const char *const c_brushPrism_name = "brushPrism"; void Brush_ConstructPrism(Brush &brush, const AABB &bounds, std::size_t sides, int axis, const char *shader, const TextureProjection &projection) { if (sides < c_brushPrism_minSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushPrism_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too few sides, minimum is " << Unsigned(c_brushPrism_minSides) << "\n"; return; } if (sides > c_brushPrism_maxSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushPrism_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too many sides, maximum is " << Unsigned(c_brushPrism_maxSides) << "\n"; return; } brush.clear(); brush.reserve(sides + 2); Vector3 mins(vector3_subtracted(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); Vector3 maxs(vector3_added(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); float radius = max_extent_2d(bounds.extents, axis); const Vector3 &mid = bounds.origin; Vector3 planepts[3]; planepts[2][(axis + 1) % 3] = mins[(axis + 1) % 3]; planepts[2][(axis + 2) % 3] = mins[(axis + 2) % 3]; planepts[2][axis] = maxs[axis]; planepts[1][(axis + 1) % 3] = maxs[(axis + 1) % 3]; planepts[1][(axis + 2) % 3] = mins[(axis + 2) % 3]; planepts[1][axis] = maxs[axis]; planepts[0][(axis + 1) % 3] = maxs[(axis + 1) % 3]; planepts[0][(axis + 2) % 3] = maxs[(axis + 2) % 3]; planepts[0][axis] = maxs[axis]; brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); planepts[0][(axis + 1) % 3] = mins[(axis + 1) % 3]; planepts[0][(axis + 2) % 3] = mins[(axis + 2) % 3]; planepts[0][axis] = mins[axis]; planepts[1][(axis + 1) % 3] = maxs[(axis + 1) % 3]; planepts[1][(axis + 2) % 3] = mins[(axis + 2) % 3]; planepts[1][axis] = mins[axis]; planepts[2][(axis + 1) % 3] = maxs[(axis + 1) % 3]; planepts[2][(axis + 2) % 3] = maxs[(axis + 2) % 3]; planepts[2][axis] = mins[axis]; brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sides; ++i) { double sv = sin(i * 3.14159265 * 2 / sides); double cv = cos(i * 3.14159265 * 2 / sides); planepts[0][(axis + 1) % 3] = static_cast( floor(mid[(axis + 1) % 3] + radius * cv + 0.5)); planepts[0][(axis + 2) % 3] = static_cast( floor(mid[(axis + 2) % 3] + radius * sv + 0.5)); planepts[0][axis] = mins[axis]; planepts[1][(axis + 1) % 3] = planepts[0][(axis + 1) % 3]; planepts[1][(axis + 2) % 3] = planepts[0][(axis + 2) % 3]; planepts[1][axis] = maxs[axis]; planepts[2][(axis + 1) % 3] = static_cast( floor(planepts[0][(axis + 1) % 3] - radius * sv + 0.5)); planepts[2][(axis + 2) % 3] = static_cast( floor(planepts[0][(axis + 2) % 3] + radius * cv + 0.5)); planepts[2][axis] = maxs[axis]; brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); } } const std::size_t c_brushCone_minSides = 3; const std::size_t c_brushCone_maxSides = 32; const char *const c_brushCone_name = "brushCone"; void Brush_ConstructCone(Brush &brush, const AABB &bounds, std::size_t sides, const char *shader, const TextureProjection &projection) { if (sides < c_brushCone_minSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushCone_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too few sides, minimum is " << Unsigned(c_brushCone_minSides) << "\n"; return; } if (sides > c_brushCone_maxSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushCone_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too many sides, maximum is " << Unsigned(c_brushCone_maxSides) << "\n"; return; } brush.clear(); brush.reserve(sides + 1); Vector3 mins(vector3_subtracted(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); Vector3 maxs(vector3_added(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); float radius = max_extent(bounds.extents); const Vector3 &mid = bounds.origin; Vector3 planepts[3]; planepts[0][0] = mins[0]; planepts[0][1] = mins[1]; planepts[0][2] = mins[2]; planepts[1][0] = maxs[0]; planepts[1][1] = mins[1]; planepts[1][2] = mins[2]; planepts[2][0] = maxs[0]; planepts[2][1] = maxs[1]; planepts[2][2] = mins[2]; brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sides; ++i) { double sv = sin(i * 3.14159265 * 2 / sides); double cv = cos(i * 3.14159265 * 2 / sides); planepts[0][0] = static_cast( floor(mid[0] + radius * cv + 0.5)); planepts[0][1] = static_cast( floor(mid[1] + radius * sv + 0.5)); planepts[0][2] = mins[2]; planepts[1][0] = mid[0]; planepts[1][1] = mid[1]; planepts[1][2] = maxs[2]; planepts[2][0] = static_cast( floor(planepts[0][0] - radius * sv + 0.5)); planepts[2][1] = static_cast( floor(planepts[0][1] + radius * cv + 0.5)); planepts[2][2] = maxs[2]; brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); } } const std::size_t c_brushSphere_minSides = 3; const std::size_t c_brushSphere_maxSides = 31; const char *const c_brushSphere_name = "brushSphere"; void Brush_ConstructSphere(Brush &brush, const AABB &bounds, std::size_t sides, const char *shader, const TextureProjection &projection) { if (sides < c_brushSphere_minSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushSphere_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too few sides, minimum is " << Unsigned(c_brushSphere_minSides) << "\n"; return; } if (sides > c_brushSphere_maxSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushSphere_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too many sides, maximum is " << Unsigned(c_brushSphere_maxSides) << "\n"; return; } brush.clear(); brush.reserve(sides * sides); float radius = max_extent(bounds.extents); const Vector3 &mid = bounds.origin; Vector3 planepts[3]; double dt = 2 * c_pi / sides; double dp = c_pi / sides; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sides; i++) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < sides - 1; j++) { double t = i * dt; double p = float(j * dp - c_pi / 2); planepts[0] = vector3_added(mid, vector3_scaled(vector3_for_spherical(t, p), radius)); planepts[1] = vector3_added(mid, vector3_scaled(vector3_for_spherical(t, p + dp), radius)); planepts[2] = vector3_added(mid, vector3_scaled(vector3_for_spherical(t + dt, p + dp), radius)); brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); } } { double p = (sides - 1) * dp - c_pi / 2; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sides; i++) { double t = i * dt; planepts[0] = vector3_added(mid, vector3_scaled(vector3_for_spherical(t, p), radius)); planepts[1] = vector3_added(mid, vector3_scaled(vector3_for_spherical(t + dt, p + dp), radius)); planepts[2] = vector3_added(mid, vector3_scaled(vector3_for_spherical(t + dt, p), radius)); brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); } } } const std::size_t c_brushRock_minSides = 10; const std::size_t c_brushRock_maxSides = 1000; const char *const c_brushRock_name = "brushRock"; void Brush_ConstructRock(Brush &brush, const AABB &bounds, std::size_t sides, const char *shader, const TextureProjection &projection) { if (sides < c_brushRock_minSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushRock_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too few sides, minimum is " << Unsigned(c_brushRock_minSides) << "\n"; return; } if (sides > c_brushRock_maxSides) { globalErrorStream() << c_brushRock_name << ": sides " << Unsigned(sides) << ": too many sides, maximum is " << Unsigned(c_brushRock_maxSides) << "\n"; return; } brush.clear(); brush.reserve(sides * sides); float radius = max_extent(bounds.extents); const Vector3 &mid = bounds.origin; Vector3 planepts[3]; for (std::size_t j = 0; j < sides; j++) { planepts[0][0] = rand() - (RAND_MAX / 2); planepts[0][1] = rand() - (RAND_MAX / 2); planepts[0][2] = rand() - (RAND_MAX / 2); vector3_normalise(planepts[0]); // find two vectors that are perpendicular to planepts[0] ComputeAxisBase(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2]); planepts[0] = vector3_added(mid, vector3_scaled(planepts[0], radius)); planepts[1] = vector3_added(planepts[0], vector3_scaled(planepts[1], radius)); planepts[2] = vector3_added(planepts[0], vector3_scaled(planepts[2], radius)); #if 0 // make sure the orientation is right if ( vector3_dot( vector3_subtracted( planepts[0], mid ), vector3_cross( vector3_subtracted( planepts[1], mid ), vector3_subtracted( planepts[2], mid ) ) ) > 0 ) { Vector3 h; h = planepts[1]; planepts[1] = planepts[2]; planepts[2] = h; globalOutputStream() << "flip\n"; } else{ globalOutputStream() << "no flip\n"; } #endif brush.addPlane(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], shader, projection); } } int GetViewAxis() { switch (GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType()) { case XY: return 2; case XZ: return 1; case YZ: return 0; } return 2; } void Brush_ConstructPrefab(Brush &brush, EBrushPrefab type, const AABB &bounds, std::size_t sides, const char *shader, const TextureProjection &projection) { switch (type) { case eBrushCuboid: { UndoableCommand undo("brushCuboid"); Brush_ConstructCuboid(brush, bounds, shader, projection); } break; case eBrushPrism: { int axis = GetViewAxis(); StringOutputStream command; command << c_brushPrism_name << " -sides " << Unsigned(sides) << " -axis " << axis; UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str()); Brush_ConstructPrism(brush, bounds, sides, axis, shader, projection); } break; case eBrushCone: { StringOutputStream command; command << c_brushCone_name << " -sides " << Unsigned(sides); UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str()); Brush_ConstructCone(brush, bounds, sides, shader, projection); } break; case eBrushSphere: { StringOutputStream command; command << c_brushSphere_name << " -sides " << Unsigned(sides); UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str()); Brush_ConstructSphere(brush, bounds, sides, shader, projection); } break; case eBrushRock: { StringOutputStream command; command << c_brushRock_name << " -sides " << Unsigned(sides); UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str()); Brush_ConstructRock(brush, bounds, sides, shader, projection); } break; } } void ConstructRegionBrushes(scene::Node *brushes[6], const Vector3 ®ion_mins, const Vector3 ®ion_maxs) { { // set mins Vector3 mins(region_mins[0] - 32, region_mins[1] - 32, region_mins[2] - 32); // vary maxs for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Vector3 maxs(region_maxs[0] + 32, region_maxs[1] + 32, region_maxs[2] + 32); maxs[i] = region_mins[i]; Brush_ConstructCuboid(*Node_getBrush(*brushes[i]), aabb_for_minmax(mins, maxs), texdef_name_default(), TextureProjection()); } } { // set maxs Vector3 maxs(region_maxs[0] + 32, region_maxs[1] + 32, region_maxs[2] + 32); // vary mins for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Vector3 mins(region_mins[0] - 32, region_mins[1] - 32, region_mins[2] - 32); mins[i] = region_maxs[i]; Brush_ConstructCuboid(*Node_getBrush(*brushes[i + 3]), aabb_for_minmax(mins, maxs), texdef_name_default(), TextureProjection()); } } } void Scene_BrushSetTexdef_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const TextureProjection &projection) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.SetTexdef(projection); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushSetTexdef_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const TextureProjection &projection) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.SetTexdef(projection); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushSetFlags_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const ContentsFlagsValue &flags) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.SetFlags(flags); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushSetFlags_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const ContentsFlagsValue &flags) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.SetFlags(flags); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushShiftTexdef_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float s, float t) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.ShiftTexdef(s, t); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushShiftTexdef_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float s, float t) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.ShiftTexdef(s, t); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushScaleTexdef_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float s, float t) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.ScaleTexdef(s, t); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushScaleTexdef_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float s, float t) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.ScaleTexdef(s, t); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushRotateTexdef_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float angle) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.RotateTexdef(angle); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushRotateTexdef_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float angle) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.RotateTexdef(angle); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushSetShader_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const char *name) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.SetShader(name); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushSetShader_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const char *name) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.SetShader(name); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushSetDetail_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, bool detail) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.setDetail(detail); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } bool Face_FindReplaceShader(Face &face, const char *find, const char *replace) { if (shader_equal(face.GetShader(), find)) { face.SetShader(replace); return true; } return false; } bool DoingSearch(const char *repl) { return (repl == NULL || (strcmp("textures/", repl) == 0)); } void Scene_BrushFindReplaceShader(scene::Graph &graph, const char *find, const char *replace) { if (DoingSearch(replace)) { Scene_ForEachBrush_ForEachFaceInstance(graph, [&](FaceInstance &faceinst) { if (shader_equal(faceinst.getFace().GetShader(), find)) { faceinst.setSelected(SelectionSystem::eFace, true); } }); } else { Scene_ForEachBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { Face_FindReplaceShader(face, find, replace); }); } } void Scene_BrushFindReplaceShader_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const char *find, const char *replace) { if (DoingSearch(replace)) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFaceInstance(graph, [&](FaceInstance &faceinst) { if (shader_equal(faceinst.getFace().GetShader(), find)) { faceinst.setSelected(SelectionSystem::eFace, true); } }); } else { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { Face_FindReplaceShader(face, find, replace); }); } } // TODO: find for components // d1223m: dont even know what they are... void Scene_BrushFindReplaceShader_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const char *find, const char *replace) { if (DoingSearch(replace)) { } else { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { Face_FindReplaceShader(face, find, replace); }); } } void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.FitTexture(s_repeat, t_repeat); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { face.FitTexture(s_repeat, t_repeat); }); SceneChangeNotify(); } TextureProjection g_defaultTextureProjection; const TextureProjection &TextureTransform_getDefault() { TexDef_Construct_Default(g_defaultTextureProjection); return g_defaultTextureProjection; } void Scene_BrushConstructPrefab(scene::Graph &graph, EBrushPrefab type, std::size_t sides, const char *shader) { if (GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0) { const scene::Path &path = GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(); Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0) { AABB bounds = brush->localAABB(); // copy bounds because the brush will be modified Brush_ConstructPrefab(*brush, type, bounds, sides, shader, TextureTransform_getDefault()); SceneChangeNotify(); } } } void Scene_BrushResize_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, const AABB &bounds, const char *shader) { if (GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0) { const scene::Path &path = GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(); Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0) { Brush_ConstructCuboid(*brush, bounds, shader, TextureTransform_getDefault()); SceneChangeNotify(); } } } bool Brush_hasShader(const Brush &brush, const char *name) { for (Brush::const_iterator i = brush.begin(); i != brush.end(); ++i) { if (shader_equal((*i)->GetShader(), name)) { return true; } } return false; } class BrushSelectByShaderWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker { const char *m_name; public: BrushSelectByShaderWalker(const char *name) : m_name(name) { } bool pre(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { if (path.top().get().visible()) { Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0 && Brush_hasShader(*brush, m_name)) { Instance_getSelectable(instance)->setSelected(true); } } return true; } }; void Scene_BrushSelectByShader(scene::Graph &graph, const char *name) { graph.traverse(BrushSelectByShaderWalker(name)); } void Scene_BrushSelectByShader_Component(scene::Graph &graph, const char *name) { Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFaceInstance(graph, [&](FaceInstance &face) { printf("checking %s = %s\n", face.getFace().GetShader(), name); if (shader_equal(face.getFace().GetShader(), name)) { face.setSelected(SelectionSystem::eFace, true); } }); } void Scene_BrushGetTexdef_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, TextureProjection &projection) { bool done = false; Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace(graph, [&](Face &face) { if (!done) { done = true; face.GetTexdef(projection); } }); } void Scene_BrushGetTexdef_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, TextureProjection &projection) { #if 1 if (!g_SelectedFaceInstances.empty()) { FaceInstance &faceInstance = g_SelectedFaceInstances.last(); faceInstance.getFace().GetTexdef(projection); } #else FaceGetTexdef visitor( projection ); Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace( graph, visitor ); #endif } void Scene_BrushGetShaderSize_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, size_t &width, size_t &height) { if (!g_SelectedFaceInstances.empty()) { FaceInstance &faceInstance = g_SelectedFaceInstances.last(); width = faceInstance.getFace().getShader().width(); height = faceInstance.getFace().getShader().height(); } } void Scene_BrushGetFlags_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, ContentsFlagsValue &flags) { #if 1 if (GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0) { BrushInstance *brush = Instance_getBrush(GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected()); if (brush != 0) { bool done = false; Brush_forEachFace(*brush, [&](Face &face) { if (!done) { done = true; face.GetFlags(flags); } }); } } #else Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace( graph, FaceGetFlags( flags ) ); #endif } void Scene_BrushGetFlags_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, ContentsFlagsValue &flags) { #if 1 if (!g_SelectedFaceInstances.empty()) { FaceInstance &faceInstance = g_SelectedFaceInstances.last(); faceInstance.getFace().GetFlags(flags); } #else Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace( graph, FaceGetFlags( flags ) ); #endif } void Scene_BrushGetShader_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, CopiedString &shader) { #if 1 if (GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0) { BrushInstance *brush = Instance_getBrush(GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected()); if (brush != 0) { bool done = false; Brush_forEachFace(*brush, [&](Face &face) { if (!done) { done = true; shader = face.GetShader(); } }); } } #else Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace( graph, FaceGetShader( shader ) ); #endif } void Scene_BrushGetShader_Component_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, CopiedString &shader) { #if 1 if (!g_SelectedFaceInstances.empty()) { FaceInstance &faceInstance = g_SelectedFaceInstances.last(); shader = faceInstance.getFace().GetShader(); } #else FaceGetShader visitor( shader ); Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace( graph, visitor ); #endif } class filter_face_shader : public FaceFilter { const char *m_shader; public: filter_face_shader(const char *shader) : m_shader(shader) { } bool filter(const Face &face) const { return shader_equal(face.GetShader(), m_shader); } }; class filter_face_shader_prefix : public FaceFilter { const char *m_prefix; public: filter_face_shader_prefix(const char *prefix) : m_prefix(prefix) { } bool filter(const Face &face) const { return shader_equal_n(face.GetShader(), m_prefix, strlen(m_prefix)); } }; class filter_face_flags : public FaceFilter { int m_flags; public: filter_face_flags(int flags) : m_flags(flags) { } bool filter(const Face &face) const { return (face.getShader().shaderFlags() & m_flags) != 0; } }; class filter_face_contents : public FaceFilter { int m_contents; public: filter_face_contents(int contents) : m_contents(contents) { } bool filter(const Face &face) const { return (face.getShader().m_flags.m_contentFlags & m_contents) != 0; } }; class filter_brush_any_face : public BrushFilter { FaceFilter *m_filter; public: filter_brush_any_face(FaceFilter *filter) : m_filter(filter) { } bool filter(const Brush &brush) const { bool filtered = false; Brush_forEachFace(brush, [&](Face &face) { if (m_filter->filter(face)) { filtered = true; } }); return filtered; } }; class filter_brush_all_faces : public BrushFilter { FaceFilter *m_filter; public: filter_brush_all_faces(FaceFilter *filter) : m_filter(filter) { } bool filter(const Brush &brush) const { bool filtered = true; Brush_forEachFace(brush, [&](Face &face) { if (!m_filter->filter(face)) { filtered = false; } }); return filtered; } }; filter_face_flags g_filter_face_clip(QER_CLIP); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_clip(&g_filter_face_clip); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_clip_q2("textures/clip"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_clip_q2(&g_filter_face_clip_q2); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_weapclip("textures/common/weapclip"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_weapclip(&g_filter_face_weapclip); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_commonclip("textures/common/clip"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_commonclip(&g_filter_face_commonclip); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_fullclip("textures/common/fullclip"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_fullclip(&g_filter_face_fullclip); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_botclip("textures/common/botclip"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_botclip(&g_filter_face_botclip); filter_face_shader_prefix g_filter_face_caulk("textures/common/caulk"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_caulk(&g_filter_face_caulk); filter_face_shader_prefix g_filter_face_caulk_ja("textures/system/caulk"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_caulk_ja(&g_filter_face_caulk_ja); filter_face_shader_prefix g_filter_face_liquids("textures/liquids/"); filter_brush_any_face g_filter_brush_liquids(&g_filter_face_liquids); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_hint("textures/common/hint"); filter_brush_any_face g_filter_brush_hint(&g_filter_face_hint); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_hint_q2("textures/hint"); filter_brush_any_face g_filter_brush_hint_q2(&g_filter_face_hint_q2); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_hint_ja("textures/system/hint"); filter_brush_any_face g_filter_brush_hint_ja(&g_filter_face_hint_ja); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_areaportal("textures/common/areaportal"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_areaportal(&g_filter_face_areaportal); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_visportal("textures/editor/visportal"); filter_brush_any_face g_filter_brush_visportal(&g_filter_face_visportal); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_clusterportal("textures/common/clusterportal"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_clusterportal(&g_filter_face_clusterportal); filter_face_shader g_filter_face_lightgrid("textures/common/lightgrid"); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_lightgrid(&g_filter_face_lightgrid); filter_face_flags g_filter_face_translucent(QER_TRANS); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_translucent(&g_filter_face_translucent); filter_face_contents g_filter_face_detail(BRUSH_DETAIL_MASK); filter_brush_all_faces g_filter_brush_detail(&g_filter_face_detail); filter_face_shader_prefix g_filter_face_decals("textures/decals/"); filter_brush_any_face g_filter_brush_decals(&g_filter_face_decals); void BrushFilters_construct() { add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_clip, EXCLUDE_CLIP); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_clip_q2, EXCLUDE_CLIP); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_weapclip, EXCLUDE_CLIP); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_fullclip, EXCLUDE_CLIP); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_commonclip, EXCLUDE_CLIP); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_botclip, EXCLUDE_BOTCLIP); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_caulk, EXCLUDE_CAULK); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_caulk_ja, EXCLUDE_CAULK); add_face_filter(g_filter_face_caulk, EXCLUDE_CAULK); add_face_filter(g_filter_face_caulk_ja, EXCLUDE_CAULK); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_liquids, EXCLUDE_LIQUIDS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_hint, EXCLUDE_HINTSSKIPS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_hint_q2, EXCLUDE_HINTSSKIPS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_hint_ja, EXCLUDE_HINTSSKIPS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_clusterportal, EXCLUDE_CLUSTERPORTALS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_visportal, EXCLUDE_VISPORTALS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_areaportal, EXCLUDE_AREAPORTALS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_translucent, EXCLUDE_TRANSLUCENT); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_detail, EXCLUDE_DETAILS); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_detail, EXCLUDE_STRUCTURAL, true); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_lightgrid, EXCLUDE_LIGHTGRID); add_brush_filter(g_filter_brush_decals, EXCLUDE_DECALS); } #if 0 void normalquantisation_draw(){ glPointSize( 1 ); glBegin( GL_POINTS ); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i <= c_quantise_normal; ++i ) { for ( std::size_t j = 0; j <= c_quantise_normal; ++j ) { Normal3f vertex( normal3f_normalised( Normal3f( static_cast( c_quantise_normal - j - i ), static_cast( i ), static_cast( j ) ) ) ); VectorScale( normal3f_to_array( vertex ), 64.f, normal3f_to_array( vertex ) ); glVertex3fv( normal3f_to_array( vertex ) ); vertex.x = -vertex.x; glVertex3fv( normal3f_to_array( vertex ) ); } } glEnd(); } class RenderableNormalQuantisation : public OpenGLRenderable { public: void render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { normalquantisation_draw(); } }; const float g_test_quantise_normal = 1.f / static_cast( 1 << 3 ); class TestNormalQuantisation { void check_normal( const Normal3f& normal, const Normal3f& other ){ spherical_t spherical = spherical_from_normal3f( normal ); double longditude = RAD2DEG( spherical.longditude ); double latitude = RAD2DEG( spherical.latitude ); double x = cos( spherical.longditude ) * sin( spherical.latitude ); double y = sin( spherical.longditude ) * sin( spherical.latitude ); double z = cos( spherical.latitude ); ASSERT_MESSAGE( normal3f_dot( normal, other ) > 0.99, "bleh" ); } void test_normal( const Normal3f& normal ){ Normal3f test = normal3f_from_spherical( spherical_from_normal3f( normal ) ); check_normal( normal, test ); EOctant octant = normal3f_classify_octant( normal ); Normal3f folded = normal3f_fold_octant( normal, octant ); ESextant sextant = normal3f_classify_sextant( folded ); folded = normal3f_fold_sextant( folded, sextant ); double scale = static_cast( c_quantise_normal ) / ( folded.x + folded.y + folded.z ); double zbits = folded.z * scale; double ybits = folded.y * scale; std::size_t zbits_q = static_cast( zbits ); std::size_t ybits_q = static_cast( ybits ); ASSERT_MESSAGE( zbits_q <= ( c_quantise_normal / 8 ) * 3, "bleh" ); ASSERT_MESSAGE( ybits_q <= ( c_quantise_normal / 2 ), "bleh" ); ASSERT_MESSAGE( zbits_q + ( ( c_quantise_normal / 2 ) - ybits_q ) <= ( c_quantise_normal / 2 ), "bleh" ); std::size_t y_t = ( zbits_q < ( c_quantise_normal / 4 ) ) ? ybits_q : ( c_quantise_normal / 2 ) - ybits_q; std::size_t z_t = ( zbits_q < ( c_quantise_normal / 4 ) ) ? zbits_q : ( c_quantise_normal / 2 ) - zbits_q; std::size_t index = ( c_quantise_normal / 4 ) * y_t + z_t; ASSERT_MESSAGE( index <= ( c_quantise_normal / 4 ) * ( c_quantise_normal / 2 ), "bleh" ); Normal3f tmp( c_quantise_normal - zbits_q - ybits_q, ybits_q, zbits_q ); tmp = normal3f_normalised( tmp ); Normal3f unfolded = normal3f_unfold_octant( normal3f_unfold_sextant( tmp, sextant ), octant ); check_normal( normal, unfolded ); double dot = normal3f_dot( normal, unfolded ); float length = VectorLength( normal3f_to_array( unfolded ) ); float inv_length = 1 / length; Normal3f quantised = normal3f_quantised( normal ); check_normal( normal, quantised ); } void test2( const Normal3f& normal, const Normal3f& other ){ if ( normal3f_quantised( normal ) != normal3f_quantised( other ) ) { int bleh = 0; } } static Normal3f normalise( float x, float y, float z ){ return normal3f_normalised( Normal3f( x, y, z ) ); } float vec_rand(){ return static_cast( rand() - ( RAND_MAX / 2 ) ); } Normal3f normal3f_rand(){ return normalise( vec_rand(), vec_rand(), vec_rand() ); } public: TestNormalQuantisation(){ for ( int i = 4096; i > 0; --i ) test_normal( normal3f_rand() ); test_normal( normalise( 1, 0, 0 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 0, 1, 0 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 0, 0, 1 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 1, 1, 0 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 1, 0, 1 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 0, 1, 1 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10000 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10001 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10002 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10010 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10020 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10030 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10100 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10101 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10102 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10200 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10201 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10202 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10203 ) ); test_normal( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10300 ) ); test2( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10000 ), normalise( 10000, 10000, 10001 ) ); test2( normalise( 10000, 10000, 10001 ), normalise( 10000, 10001, 10000 ) ); } }; TestNormalQuantisation g_testNormalQuantisation; #endif #if 0 class TestSelectableObserver : public observer_template { public: void notify( const Selectable& arguments ){ bool bleh = arguments.isSelected(); } }; inline void test_bleh(){ TestSelectableObserver test; ObservableSelectableInstance< SingleObservable< SelectionChangeCallback > > bleh; bleh.attach( test ); bleh.setSelected( true ); bleh.detach( test ); } class TestBleh { public: TestBleh(){ test_bleh(); } }; const TestBleh testbleh; #endif #if 0 class TestRefcountedString { public: TestRefcountedString(){ { // copy construct SmartString string1( "string1" ); SmartString string2( string1 ); SmartString string3( string2 ); } { // refcounted assignment SmartString string1( "string1" ); SmartString string2( "string2" ); string1 = string2; } { // copy assignment SmartString string1( "string1" ); SmartString string2( "string2" ); string1 = string2.c_str(); } { // self-assignment SmartString string1( "string1" ); string1 = string1; } { // self-assignment via another reference SmartString string1( "string1" ); SmartString string2( string1 ); string1 = string2; } } }; const TestRefcountedString g_testRefcountedString; #endif void Select_MakeDetail() { UndoableCommand undo("brushSetDetail"); Scene_BrushSetDetail_Selected(GlobalSceneGraph(), true); } void Select_MakeStructural() { UndoableCommand undo("brushClearDetail"); Scene_BrushSetDetail_Selected(GlobalSceneGraph(), false); } class BrushMakeSided { std::size_t m_count; public: BrushMakeSided(std::size_t count) : m_count(count) { } void set() { Scene_BrushConstructPrefab(GlobalSceneGraph(), eBrushPrism, m_count, TextureBrowser_GetSelectedShader(GlobalTextureBrowser())); } typedef MemberCaller SetCaller; }; BrushMakeSided g_brushmakesided3(3); BrushMakeSided g_brushmakesided4(4); BrushMakeSided g_brushmakesided5(5); BrushMakeSided g_brushmakesided6(6); BrushMakeSided g_brushmakesided7(7); BrushMakeSided g_brushmakesided8(8); BrushMakeSided g_brushmakesided9(9); inline int axis_for_viewtype(int viewtype) { switch (viewtype) { case XY: return 2; case XZ: return 1; case YZ: return 0; } return 2; } class BrushPrefab { EBrushPrefab m_type; public: BrushPrefab(EBrushPrefab type) : m_type(type) { } void set() { DoSides(m_type, axis_for_viewtype(GetViewAxis())); } typedef MemberCaller SetCaller; }; BrushPrefab g_brushprism(eBrushPrism); BrushPrefab g_brushcone(eBrushCone); BrushPrefab g_brushsphere(eBrushSphere); BrushPrefab g_brushrock(eBrushRock); void FlipClip(); void SplitClip(); void Clip(); void OnClipMode(bool enable); bool ClipMode(); void ClipSelected() { if (ClipMode()) { UndoableCommand undo("clipperClip"); Clip(); } } void SplitSelected() { if (ClipMode()) { UndoableCommand undo("clipperSplit"); SplitClip(); } } void FlipClipper() { FlipClip(); } Callback g_texture_lock_status_changed; ConstReferenceCaller &), PropertyImpl::Export> g_texdef_movelock_caller( g_brush_texturelock_enabled); ToggleItem g_texdef_movelock_item(g_texdef_movelock_caller); void Texdef_ToggleMoveLock() { g_brush_texturelock_enabled = !g_brush_texturelock_enabled; g_texdef_movelock_item.update(); g_texture_lock_status_changed(); } void Brush_registerCommands() { GlobalToggles_insert("TogTexLock", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ToggleMoveLock), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_texdef_movelock_item), Accelerator('T', (GdkModifierType) GDK_SHIFT_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("BrushPrism", BrushPrefab::SetCaller(g_brushprism)); GlobalCommands_insert("BrushCone", BrushPrefab::SetCaller(g_brushcone)); GlobalCommands_insert("BrushSphere", BrushPrefab::SetCaller(g_brushsphere)); GlobalCommands_insert("BrushRock", BrushPrefab::SetCaller(g_brushrock)); GlobalCommands_insert("Brush3Sided", BrushMakeSided::SetCaller(g_brushmakesided3), Accelerator('3', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("Brush4Sided", BrushMakeSided::SetCaller(g_brushmakesided4), Accelerator('4', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("Brush5Sided", BrushMakeSided::SetCaller(g_brushmakesided5), Accelerator('5', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("Brush6Sided", BrushMakeSided::SetCaller(g_brushmakesided6), Accelerator('6', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("Brush7Sided", BrushMakeSided::SetCaller(g_brushmakesided7), Accelerator('7', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("Brush8Sided", BrushMakeSided::SetCaller(g_brushmakesided8), Accelerator('8', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("Brush9Sided", BrushMakeSided::SetCaller(g_brushmakesided9), Accelerator('9', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("ClipSelected", makeCallbackF(ClipSelected), Accelerator(GDK_KEY_Return)); GlobalCommands_insert("SplitSelected", makeCallbackF(SplitSelected), Accelerator(GDK_KEY_Return, (GdkModifierType) GDK_SHIFT_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("FlipClip", makeCallbackF(FlipClipper), Accelerator(GDK_KEY_Return, (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("MakeDetail", makeCallbackF(Select_MakeDetail), Accelerator('M', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("MakeStructural", makeCallbackF(Select_MakeStructural), Accelerator('S', (GdkModifierType) (GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK))); } void Brush_constructMenu(ui::Menu menu) { create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Prism...", "BrushPrism"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Cone...", "BrushCone"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Sphere...", "BrushSphere"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Rock...", "BrushRock"); menu_separator(menu); { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic(menu, "CSG"); if (g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value) { menu_tearoff(menu_in_menu); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu_in_menu, "Make _Hollow", "CSGHollow"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu_in_menu, "CSG _Subtract", "CSGSubtract"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu_in_menu, "CSG _Merge", "CSGMerge"); } menu_separator(menu); { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic(menu, "Clipper"); if (g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value) { menu_tearoff(menu_in_menu); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu_in_menu, "Clip selection", "ClipSelected"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu_in_menu, "Split selection", "SplitSelected"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu_in_menu, "Flip Clip orientation", "FlipClip"); } menu_separator(menu); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Make detail", "MakeDetail"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Make structural", "MakeStructural"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Snap selection to _grid", "SnapToGrid"); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Texture Lock", "TogTexLock"); menu_separator(menu); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Copy Face Texture", "FaceCopyTexture"); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Paste Face Texture", "FacePasteTexture"); command_connect_accelerator("Brush3Sided"); command_connect_accelerator("Brush4Sided"); command_connect_accelerator("Brush5Sided"); command_connect_accelerator("Brush6Sided"); command_connect_accelerator("Brush7Sided"); command_connect_accelerator("Brush8Sided"); command_connect_accelerator("Brush9Sided"); }