/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // XY Window // // Leonardo Zide (leo@lokigames.com) // #include "xywindow.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include "ientity.h" #include "igl.h" #include "ibrush.h" #include "iundo.h" #include #include #include "generic/callback.h" #include "string/string.h" #include "stream/stringstream.h" #include "scenelib.h" #include "eclasslib.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "moduleobserver.h" #include "gtkutil/menu.h" #include "gtkutil/container.h" #include "gtkutil/widget.h" #include "gtkutil/glwidget.h" #include "gtkmisc.h" #include "select.h" #include "csg.h" #include "brushmanip.h" #include "selection.h" #include "entity.h" #include "camwindow.h" #include "texwindow.h" #include "mainframe.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "commands.h" #include "feedback.h" #include "grid.h" #include "windowobservers.h" //!\todo Rewrite. class ClipPoint { public: Vector3 m_ptClip; // the 3d point bool m_bSet; ClipPoint() { Reset(); }; void Reset() { m_ptClip[0] = m_ptClip[1] = m_ptClip[2] = 0.0; m_bSet = false; } bool Set() { return m_bSet; } void Set(bool b) { m_bSet = b; } operator Vector3&() { return m_ptClip; }; /*! Draw clip/path point with rasterized number label */ void Draw(int num, float scale); /*! Draw clip/path point with rasterized string label */ void Draw(const char *label, float scale); }; VIEWTYPE g_clip_viewtype; bool g_bSwitch = true; bool g_clip_useCaulk = false; ClipPoint g_Clip1; ClipPoint g_Clip2; ClipPoint g_Clip3; ClipPoint* g_pMovingClip = 0; /* Drawing clip points */ void ClipPoint::Draw(int num, float scale) { StringOutputStream label(4); label << num; Draw(label.c_str(), scale); } void ClipPoint::Draw(const char *label, float scale) { // draw point glPointSize (4); glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper)); glBegin (GL_POINTS); glVertex3fv(vector3_to_array(m_ptClip)); glEnd(); glPointSize (1); float offset = 2.0f / scale; // draw label glRasterPos3f (m_ptClip[0] + offset, m_ptClip[1] + offset, m_ptClip[2] + offset); glCallLists (GLsizei(strlen(label)), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, label); } float fDiff(float f1, float f2) { if (f1 > f2) return f1 - f2; else return f2 - f1; } inline double ClipPoint_Intersect(const ClipPoint& clip, const Vector3& point, VIEWTYPE viewtype, float scale) { int nDim1 = (viewtype == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (viewtype == XY) ? 1 : 2; double screenDistanceSquared(vector2_length_squared(Vector2(fDiff(clip.m_ptClip[nDim1], point[nDim1]) * scale, fDiff(clip.m_ptClip[nDim2], point[nDim2]) * scale))); if(screenDistanceSquared < 8*8) { return screenDistanceSquared; } return FLT_MAX; } inline void ClipPoint_testSelect(ClipPoint& clip, const Vector3& point, VIEWTYPE viewtype, float scale, double& bestDistance, ClipPoint*& bestClip) { if(clip.Set()) { double distance = ClipPoint_Intersect(clip, point, viewtype, scale); if(distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; bestClip = &clip; } } } inline ClipPoint* GlobalClipPoints_Find(const Vector3& point, VIEWTYPE viewtype, float scale) { double bestDistance = FLT_MAX; ClipPoint* bestClip = 0; ClipPoint_testSelect(g_Clip1, point, viewtype, scale, bestDistance, bestClip); ClipPoint_testSelect(g_Clip2, point, viewtype, scale, bestDistance, bestClip); ClipPoint_testSelect(g_Clip3, point, viewtype, scale, bestDistance, bestClip); return bestClip; } inline void GlobalClipPoints_Draw(float scale) { // Draw clip points if (g_Clip1.Set()) g_Clip1.Draw(1, scale); if (g_Clip2.Set()) g_Clip2.Draw(2, scale); if (g_Clip3.Set()) g_Clip3.Draw(3, scale); } inline bool GlobalClipPoints_valid() { return g_Clip1.Set() && g_Clip2.Set(); } void PlanePointsFromClipPoints(Vector3 planepts[3], const AABB& bounds, int viewtype) { ASSERT_MESSAGE(GlobalClipPoints_valid(), "clipper points not initialised"); planepts[0] = g_Clip1.m_ptClip; planepts[1] = g_Clip2.m_ptClip; planepts[2] = g_Clip3.m_ptClip; Vector3 maxs(vector3_added(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); Vector3 mins(vector3_subtracted(bounds.origin, bounds.extents)); if(!g_Clip3.Set()) { int n = (viewtype == XY) ? 2 : (viewtype == YZ) ? 0 : 1; int x = (n == 0) ? 1 : 0; int y = (n == 2) ? 1 : 2; if (n == 1) // on viewtype XZ, flip clip points { planepts[0][n] = maxs[n]; planepts[1][n] = maxs[n]; planepts[2][x] = g_Clip1.m_ptClip[x]; planepts[2][y] = g_Clip1.m_ptClip[y]; planepts[2][n] = mins[n]; } else { planepts[0][n] = mins[n]; planepts[1][n] = mins[n]; planepts[2][x] = g_Clip1.m_ptClip[x]; planepts[2][y] = g_Clip1.m_ptClip[y]; planepts[2][n] = maxs[n]; } } } void Clip_Update() { Vector3 planepts[3]; if(!GlobalClipPoints_valid()) { planepts[0] = Vector3(0, 0, 0); planepts[1] = Vector3(0, 0, 0); planepts[2] = Vector3(0, 0, 0); Scene_BrushSetClipPlane(GlobalSceneGraph(), Plane3(0, 0, 0, 0)); } else { AABB bounds(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(64, 64, 64)); PlanePointsFromClipPoints(planepts, bounds, g_clip_viewtype); if(g_bSwitch) { std::swap(planepts[0], planepts[1]); } Scene_BrushSetClipPlane(GlobalSceneGraph(), plane3_for_points(planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2])); } ClipperChangeNotify(); } const char* Clip_getShader() { return g_clip_useCaulk ? "textures/common/caulk" : TextureBrowser_GetSelectedShader(GlobalTextureBrowser()); } void Clip() { if (ClipMode() && GlobalClipPoints_valid()) { Vector3 planepts[3]; AABB bounds(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(64, 64, 64)); PlanePointsFromClipPoints(planepts, bounds, g_clip_viewtype); Scene_BrushSplitByPlane(GlobalSceneGraph(), planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], Clip_getShader(), (!g_bSwitch) ? eFront : eBack); g_Clip1.Reset(); g_Clip2.Reset(); g_Clip3.Reset(); Clip_Update(); ClipperChangeNotify(); } } void SplitClip() { if (ClipMode() && GlobalClipPoints_valid()) { Vector3 planepts[3]; AABB bounds(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(64, 64, 64)); PlanePointsFromClipPoints(planepts, bounds, g_clip_viewtype); Scene_BrushSplitByPlane(GlobalSceneGraph(), planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2], Clip_getShader(), eFrontAndBack); g_Clip1.Reset(); g_Clip2.Reset(); g_Clip3.Reset(); Clip_Update(); ClipperChangeNotify(); } } void FlipClip() { g_bSwitch = !g_bSwitch; Clip_Update(); ClipperChangeNotify(); } void OnClipMode(bool enabled) { g_Clip1.Reset(); g_Clip2.Reset(); g_Clip3.Reset(); if(!enabled && g_pMovingClip) { g_pMovingClip = 0; } Clip_Update(); ClipperChangeNotify(); } bool ClipMode() { return GlobalSelectionSystem().ManipulatorMode() == SelectionSystem::eClip; } void NewClipPoint(const Vector3& point) { if (g_Clip1.Set() == false) { g_Clip1.m_ptClip = point; g_Clip1.Set(true); } else if (g_Clip2.Set() == false) { g_Clip2.m_ptClip = point; g_Clip2.Set(true); } else if (g_Clip3.Set() == false) { g_Clip3.m_ptClip = point; g_Clip3.Set(true); } else { g_Clip1.Reset(); g_Clip2.Reset(); g_Clip3.Reset(); g_Clip1.m_ptClip = point; g_Clip1.Set(true); } Clip_Update(); ClipperChangeNotify(); } struct xywindow_globals_private_t { bool d_showgrid; // these are in the View > Show menu with Show coordinates bool show_names; bool show_coordinates; bool show_angles; bool show_outline; bool show_axis; bool d_show_work; bool show_blocks; int blockSize; bool m_bCamXYUpdate; bool m_bChaseMouse; bool m_bSizePaint; xywindow_globals_private_t() : d_showgrid(true), show_names(false), show_coordinates(true), show_angles(true), show_outline(false), show_axis(true), d_show_work(false), show_blocks(false), m_bCamXYUpdate(true), m_bChaseMouse(true), m_bSizePaint(false) { } }; xywindow_globals_t g_xywindow_globals; xywindow_globals_private_t g_xywindow_globals_private; const unsigned int RAD_NONE = 0x00; const unsigned int RAD_SHIFT = 0x01; const unsigned int RAD_ALT = 0x02; const unsigned int RAD_CONTROL = 0x04; const unsigned int RAD_PRESS = 0x08; const unsigned int RAD_LBUTTON = 0x10; const unsigned int RAD_MBUTTON = 0x20; const unsigned int RAD_RBUTTON = 0x40; inline ButtonIdentifier button_for_flags(unsigned int flags) { if(flags & RAD_LBUTTON) return c_buttonLeft; if(flags & RAD_RBUTTON) return c_buttonRight; if(flags & RAD_MBUTTON) return c_buttonMiddle; return c_buttonInvalid; } inline ModifierFlags modifiers_for_flags(unsigned int flags) { ModifierFlags modifiers = c_modifierNone; if(flags & RAD_SHIFT) modifiers |= c_modifierShift; if(flags & RAD_CONTROL) modifiers |= c_modifierControl; if(flags & RAD_ALT) modifiers |= c_modifierAlt; return modifiers; } inline unsigned int buttons_for_event_button(GdkEventButton* event) { unsigned int flags = 0; switch (event->button) { case 1: flags |= RAD_LBUTTON; break; case 2: flags |= RAD_MBUTTON; break; case 3: flags |= RAD_RBUTTON; break; } if ((event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_CONTROL; if ((event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_SHIFT; if((event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_ALT; return flags; } inline unsigned int buttons_for_state(guint state) { unsigned int flags = 0; if ((state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_LBUTTON; if ((state & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_MBUTTON; if ((state & GDK_BUTTON3_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_RBUTTON; if ((state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_CONTROL; if ((state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_SHIFT; if ((state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) != 0) flags |= RAD_ALT; return flags; } void XYWnd::SetScale(float f) { m_fScale = f; updateModelview(); XYWnd_Update(*this); } void XYWnd_ZoomIn(XYWnd* xy) { float max_scale = 64; float scale = xy->Scale() * 5.0f / 4.0f; if(scale > max_scale) { if(xy->Scale() != max_scale) { xy->SetScale (max_scale); } } else { xy->SetScale(scale); } } // NOTE: the zoom out factor is 4/5, we could think about customizing it // we don't go below a zoom factor corresponding to 10% of the max world size // (this has to be computed against the window size) void XYWnd_ZoomOut(XYWnd* xy) { float min_scale = MIN(xy->Width(),xy->Height()) / ( 1.1f * (g_MaxWorldCoord-g_MinWorldCoord)); float scale = xy->Scale() * 4.0f / 5.0f; if(scale < min_scale) { if(xy->Scale() != min_scale) { xy->SetScale (min_scale); } } else { xy->SetScale(scale); } } VIEWTYPE GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() { ASSERT_NOTNULL(g_pParentWnd); ASSERT_NOTNULL(g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()); return g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->GetViewType(); } // ============================================================================= // variables bool g_bCrossHairs = false; GtkMenu* XYWnd::m_mnuDrop = 0; // this is disabled, and broken // http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=394 #if 0 void WXY_Print() { long width, height; width = g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->Width(); height = g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->Height(); unsigned char* img; const char* filename; filename = file_dialog(GTK_WIDGET(MainFrame_getWindow()), FALSE, "Save Image", 0, FILTER_BMP); if (!filename) return; g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->MakeCurrent(); img = (unsigned char*)malloc (width*height*3); glReadPixels (0,0,width,height,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,img); FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (fp) { unsigned short bits; unsigned long cmap, bfSize; bits = 24; cmap = 0; bfSize = 54 + width*height*3; long byteswritten = 0; long pixoff = 54 + cmap*4; short res = 0; char m1 ='B', m2 ='M'; fwrite(&m1, 1, 1, fp); byteswritten++; // B fwrite(&m2, 1, 1, fp); byteswritten++; // M fwrite(&bfSize, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// bfSize fwrite(&res, 2, 1, fp); byteswritten+=2;// bfReserved1 fwrite(&res, 2, 1, fp); byteswritten+=2;// bfReserved2 fwrite(&pixoff, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// bfOffBits unsigned long biSize = 40, compress = 0, size = 0; long pixels = 0; unsigned short planes = 1; fwrite(&biSize, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biSize fwrite(&width, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biWidth fwrite(&height, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biHeight fwrite(&planes, 2, 1, fp); byteswritten+=2;// biPlanes fwrite(&bits, 2, 1, fp); byteswritten+=2;// biBitCount fwrite(&compress, 4, 1, fp);byteswritten+=4;// biCompression fwrite(&size, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biSizeImage fwrite(&pixels, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biXPelsPerMeter fwrite(&pixels, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biYPelsPerMeter fwrite(&cmap, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biClrUsed fwrite(&cmap, 4, 1, fp); byteswritten+=4;// biClrImportant unsigned long widthDW = (((width*24) + 31) / 32 * 4); long row, row_size = width*3; for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { unsigned char* buf = img+row*row_size; // write a row int col; for (col = 0; col < row_size; col += 3) { putc(buf[col+2], fp); putc(buf[col+1], fp); putc(buf[col], fp); } byteswritten += row_size; unsigned long count; for (count = row_size; count < widthDW; count++) { putc(0, fp); // dummy byteswritten++; } } fclose(fp); } free (img); } #endif #include "timer.h" Timer g_chasemouse_timer; void XYWnd::ChaseMouse() { float multiplier = g_chasemouse_timer.elapsed_msec() / 10.0f; Scroll(float_to_integer(multiplier * m_chasemouse_delta_x), float_to_integer(multiplier * -m_chasemouse_delta_y)); //globalOutputStream() << "chasemouse: multiplier=" << multiplier << " x=" << m_chasemouse_delta_x << " y=" << m_chasemouse_delta_y << '\n'; XY_MouseMoved(m_chasemouse_current_x, m_chasemouse_current_y , getButtonState()); g_chasemouse_timer.start(); } gboolean xywnd_chasemouse(gpointer data) { reinterpret_cast(data)->ChaseMouse(); return TRUE; } inline const int& min_int(const int& left, const int& right) { return std::min(left, right); } bool XYWnd::chaseMouseMotion(int pointx, int pointy) { m_chasemouse_delta_x = 0; m_chasemouse_delta_y = 0; if (g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bChaseMouse && getButtonState() == RAD_LBUTTON) { const int epsilon = 16; if (pointx < epsilon) { m_chasemouse_delta_x = std::max(pointx, 0) - epsilon; } else if ((pointx - m_nWidth) > -epsilon) { m_chasemouse_delta_x = min_int((pointx - m_nWidth), 0) + epsilon; } if (pointy < epsilon) { m_chasemouse_delta_y = std::max(pointy, 0) - epsilon; } else if ((pointy - m_nHeight) > -epsilon) { m_chasemouse_delta_y = min_int((pointy - m_nHeight), 0) + epsilon; } if(m_chasemouse_delta_y != 0 || m_chasemouse_delta_x != 0) { //globalOutputStream() << "chasemouse motion: x=" << pointx << " y=" << pointy << "... "; m_chasemouse_current_x = pointx; m_chasemouse_current_y = pointy; if(m_chasemouse_handler == 0) { //globalOutputStream() << "chasemouse timer start... "; g_chasemouse_timer.start(); m_chasemouse_handler = g_idle_add(xywnd_chasemouse, this); } return true; } else { if(m_chasemouse_handler != 0) { //globalOutputStream() << "chasemouse cancel\n"; g_source_remove(m_chasemouse_handler); m_chasemouse_handler = 0; } } } else { if(m_chasemouse_handler != 0) { //globalOutputStream() << "chasemouse cancel\n"; g_source_remove(m_chasemouse_handler); m_chasemouse_handler = 0; } } return false; } // ============================================================================= // XYWnd class Shader* XYWnd::m_state_selected = 0; void xy_update_xor_rectangle(XYWnd& self, rect_t area) { if(GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(self.GetWidget())) { self.m_XORRectangle.set(rectangle_from_area(area.min, area.max, self.Width(), self.Height())); } } gboolean xywnd_button_press(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* event, XYWnd* xywnd) { if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { xywnd->XY_MouseDown(static_cast(event->x), static_cast(event->y), buttons_for_event_button(event)); } return FALSE; } gboolean xywnd_button_release(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* event, XYWnd* xywnd) { if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) { xywnd->XY_MouseUp(static_cast(event->x), static_cast(event->y), buttons_for_event_button(event)); } return FALSE; } void xywnd_motion(gdouble x, gdouble y, guint state, void* data) { if(reinterpret_cast(data)->chaseMouseMotion(static_cast(x), static_cast(y))) { return; } reinterpret_cast(data)->XY_MouseMoved(static_cast(x), static_cast(y), buttons_for_state(state)); } gboolean xywnd_wheel_scroll(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventScroll* event, XYWnd* xywnd) { if(event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) { XYWnd_ZoomIn(xywnd); } else if(event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN) { XYWnd_ZoomOut(xywnd); } return FALSE; } gboolean xywnd_size_allocate(GtkWidget* widget, GtkAllocation* allocation, XYWnd* xywnd) { xywnd->m_nWidth = allocation->width; xywnd->m_nHeight = allocation->height; xywnd->updateProjection(); xywnd->m_window_observer->onSizeChanged(xywnd->Width(), xywnd->Height()); return FALSE; } gboolean xywnd_expose(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event, XYWnd* xywnd) { if(glwidget_make_current(xywnd->GetWidget()) != FALSE) { if(Map_Valid(g_map) && ScreenUpdates_Enabled()) { GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); xywnd->XY_Draw(); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); xywnd->m_XORRectangle.set(rectangle_t()); } glwidget_swap_buffers(xywnd->GetWidget()); } return FALSE; } void XYWnd_CameraMoved(XYWnd& xywnd) { if(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bCamXYUpdate) { XYWnd_Update(xywnd); } } XYWnd::XYWnd() : m_gl_widget(glwidget_new(FALSE)), m_deferredDraw(WidgetQueueDrawCaller(*m_gl_widget)), m_deferred_motion(xywnd_motion, this), m_parent(0), m_window_observer(NewWindowObserver()), m_XORRectangle(m_gl_widget), m_chasemouse_handler(0) { m_bActive = false; m_buttonstate = 0; m_bNewBrushDrag = false; m_move_started = false; m_zoom_started = false; m_nWidth = 0; m_nHeight = 0; m_vOrigin[0] = 0; m_vOrigin[1] = 20; m_vOrigin[2] = 46; m_fScale = 1; m_viewType = XY; m_entityCreate = false; m_mnuDrop = 0; GlobalWindowObservers_add(m_window_observer); GlobalWindowObservers_connectWidget(m_gl_widget); m_window_observer->setRectangleDrawCallback(ReferenceCaller1(*this)); m_window_observer->setView(m_view); gtk_widget_ref(m_gl_widget); gtk_widget_set_events(m_gl_widget, GDK_DESTROY | GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_SCROLL_MASK); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(m_gl_widget, GTK_CAN_FOCUS); m_sizeHandler = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "size_allocate", G_CALLBACK(xywnd_size_allocate), this); m_exposeHandler = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(xywnd_expose), this); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(xywnd_button_press), this); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "button_release_event", G_CALLBACK(xywnd_button_release), this); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "motion_notify_event", G_CALLBACK(DeferredMotion::gtk_motion), &m_deferred_motion); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "scroll_event", G_CALLBACK(xywnd_wheel_scroll), this); Map_addValidCallback(g_map, DeferredDrawOnMapValidChangedCaller(m_deferredDraw)); updateModelview(); AddSceneChangeCallback(ReferenceCaller(*this)); AddCameraMovedCallback(ReferenceCaller(*this)); PressedButtons_connect(g_pressedButtons, m_gl_widget); } XYWnd::~XYWnd() { if(m_mnuDrop != 0) { gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(m_mnuDrop)); m_mnuDrop = 0; } g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), m_sizeHandler); g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), m_exposeHandler); gtk_widget_unref(m_gl_widget); m_window_observer->release(); } void XYWnd::captureStates() { m_state_selected = GlobalShaderCache().capture("$XY_OVERLAY"); } void XYWnd::releaseStates() { GlobalShaderCache().release("$XY_OVERLAY"); } const Vector3& XYWnd::GetOrigin() { return m_vOrigin; } void XYWnd::SetOrigin(const Vector3& origin) { m_vOrigin = origin; updateModelview(); } void XYWnd::Scroll(int x, int y) { int nDim1 = (m_viewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_viewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; m_vOrigin[nDim1] += x / m_fScale; m_vOrigin[nDim2] += y / m_fScale; updateModelview(); queueDraw(); } unsigned int Clipper_buttons() { return RAD_LBUTTON; } void XYWnd::DropClipPoint(int pointx, int pointy) { Vector3 point; XY_ToPoint(pointx, pointy, point); Vector3 mid; Select_GetMid(mid); g_clip_viewtype = static_cast(GetViewType()); int nDim = (g_clip_viewtype == YZ ) ? nDim = 0 : ( (g_clip_viewtype == XZ) ? nDim = 1 : nDim = 2 ); point[nDim] = mid[nDim]; vector3_snap(point, GetGridSize()); NewClipPoint(point); } void XYWnd::Clipper_OnLButtonDown(int x, int y) { Vector3 mousePosition; XY_ToPoint(x, y , mousePosition); g_pMovingClip = GlobalClipPoints_Find(mousePosition, (VIEWTYPE)m_viewType, m_fScale); if(!g_pMovingClip) { DropClipPoint(x, y); } } void XYWnd::Clipper_OnLButtonUp(int x, int y) { if (g_pMovingClip) { g_pMovingClip = 0; } } void XYWnd::Clipper_OnMouseMoved(int x, int y) { if (g_pMovingClip) { XY_ToPoint(x, y , g_pMovingClip->m_ptClip); XY_SnapToGrid(g_pMovingClip->m_ptClip); Clip_Update(); ClipperChangeNotify(); } } void XYWnd::Clipper_Crosshair_OnMouseMoved(int x, int y) { Vector3 mousePosition; XY_ToPoint(x, y , mousePosition); if(ClipMode() && GlobalClipPoints_Find(mousePosition, (VIEWTYPE)m_viewType, m_fScale) != 0) { GdkCursor *cursor; cursor = gdk_cursor_new (GDK_CROSSHAIR); gdk_window_set_cursor (m_gl_widget->window, cursor); gdk_cursor_unref (cursor); } else { gdk_window_set_cursor (m_gl_widget->window, 0); } } unsigned int MoveCamera_buttons() { return RAD_CONTROL | (g_glwindow_globals.m_nMouseType == ETwoButton ? RAD_RBUTTON : RAD_MBUTTON); } void XYWnd_PositionCamera(XYWnd* xywnd, int x, int y, CamWnd& camwnd) { Vector3 origin(Camera_getOrigin(camwnd)); xywnd->XY_ToPoint(x, y, origin); xywnd->XY_SnapToGrid(origin); Camera_setOrigin(camwnd, origin); } unsigned int OrientCamera_buttons() { if(g_glwindow_globals.m_nMouseType == ETwoButton) return RAD_RBUTTON | RAD_SHIFT | RAD_CONTROL; return RAD_MBUTTON; } void XYWnd_OrientCamera(XYWnd* xywnd, int x, int y, CamWnd& camwnd) { Vector3 point = g_vector3_identity; xywnd->XY_ToPoint(x, y, point); xywnd->XY_SnapToGrid(point); vector3_subtract(point, Camera_getOrigin(camwnd)); int n1 = (xywnd->GetViewType() == XY) ? 1 : 2; int n2 = (xywnd->GetViewType() == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nAngle = (xywnd->GetViewType() == XY) ? CAMERA_YAW : CAMERA_PITCH; if (point[n1] || point[n2]) { Vector3 angles(Camera_getAngles(camwnd)); angles[nAngle] = static_cast(radians_to_degrees(atan2 (point[n1], point[n2]))); Camera_setAngles(camwnd, angles); } } /* ============== NewBrushDrag ============== */ unsigned int NewBrushDrag_buttons() { return RAD_LBUTTON; } void XYWnd::NewBrushDrag_Begin(int x, int y) { m_NewBrushDrag = 0; m_nNewBrushPressx = x; m_nNewBrushPressy = y; m_bNewBrushDrag = true; GlobalUndoSystem().start(); } void XYWnd::NewBrushDrag_End(int x, int y) { if(m_NewBrushDrag != 0) { GlobalUndoSystem().finish("brushDragNew"); } } void XYWnd::NewBrushDrag(int x, int y) { Vector3 mins, maxs; XY_ToPoint(m_nNewBrushPressx, m_nNewBrushPressy, mins); XY_SnapToGrid(mins); XY_ToPoint(x, y, maxs); XY_SnapToGrid(maxs); int nDim = (m_viewType == XY) ? 2 : (m_viewType == YZ) ? 0 : 1; mins[nDim] = float_snapped(Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min[nDim], GetGridSize()); maxs[nDim] = float_snapped(Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max[nDim], GetGridSize()); if (maxs[nDim] <= mins[nDim]) maxs[nDim] = mins[nDim] + GetGridSize(); for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (mins[i] == maxs[i]) return; // don't create a degenerate brush if (mins[i] > maxs[i]) { float temp = mins[i]; mins[i] = maxs[i]; maxs[i] = temp; } } if(m_NewBrushDrag == 0) { NodeSmartReference node(GlobalBrushCreator().createBrush()); Node_getTraversable(Map_FindOrInsertWorldspawn(g_map))->insert(node); scene::Path brushpath(makeReference(GlobalSceneGraph().root())); brushpath.push(makeReference(*Map_GetWorldspawn(g_map))); brushpath.push(makeReference(node.get())); selectPath(brushpath, true); m_NewBrushDrag = node.get_pointer(); } Scene_BrushResize_Selected(GlobalSceneGraph(), aabb_for_minmax(mins, maxs), TextureBrowser_GetSelectedShader(GlobalTextureBrowser())); } void entitycreate_activated(GtkWidget* item) { g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->OnEntityCreate(gtk_label_get_text(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(item)->child))); } void EntityClassMenu_addItem(GtkMenu* menu, const char* name) { GtkMenuItem* item = GTK_MENU_ITEM(gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(name)); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(entitycreate_activated), item); gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(item)); menu_add_item(menu, item); } class EntityClassMenuInserter : public EntityClassVisitor { typedef std::pair MenuPair; typedef std::vector MenuStack; MenuStack m_stack; CopiedString m_previous; public: EntityClassMenuInserter(GtkMenu* menu) { m_stack.reserve(2); m_stack.push_back(MenuPair(menu, "")); } ~EntityClassMenuInserter() { if(!string_empty(m_previous.c_str())) { addItem(m_previous.c_str(), ""); } } void visit(EntityClass* e) { ASSERT_MESSAGE(!string_empty(e->name()), "entity-class has no name"); if(!string_empty(m_previous.c_str())) { addItem(m_previous.c_str(), e->name()); } m_previous = e->name(); } void pushMenu(const CopiedString& name) { GtkMenuItem* item = GTK_MENU_ITEM(gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(name.c_str())); gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(item)); container_add_widget(GTK_CONTAINER(m_stack.back().first), GTK_WIDGET(item)); GtkMenu* submenu = GTK_MENU(gtk_menu_new()); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(item, GTK_WIDGET(submenu)); m_stack.push_back(MenuPair(submenu, name)); } void popMenu() { m_stack.pop_back(); } void addItem(const char* name, const char* next) { const char* underscore = strchr(name, '_'); if(underscore != 0 && underscore != name) { bool nextEqual = string_equal_n(name, next, (underscore + 1) - name); const char* parent = m_stack.back().second.c_str(); if(!string_empty(parent) && string_length(parent) == std::size_t(underscore - name) && string_equal_n(name, parent, underscore - name)) // this is a child { } else if(nextEqual) { if(m_stack.size() == 2) { popMenu(); } pushMenu(CopiedString(name, underscore)); } else if(m_stack.size() == 2) { popMenu(); } } else if(m_stack.size() == 2) { popMenu(); } EntityClassMenu_addItem(m_stack.back().first, name); } }; void XYWnd::OnContextMenu() { if (g_xywindow_globals.m_bRightClick == false) return; if (m_mnuDrop == 0) // first time, load it up { GtkMenu* menu = m_mnuDrop = GTK_MENU(gtk_menu_new()); EntityClassMenuInserter inserter(menu); GlobalEntityClassManager().forEach(inserter); } gtk_menu_popup(m_mnuDrop, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, GDK_CURRENT_TIME); } FreezePointer g_xywnd_freezePointer; unsigned int Move_buttons() { return RAD_RBUTTON; } void XYWnd_moveDelta(int x, int y, unsigned int state, void* data) { reinterpret_cast(data)->EntityCreate_MouseMove(x, y); reinterpret_cast(data)->Scroll(-x, y); } gboolean XYWnd_Move_focusOut(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventFocus* event, XYWnd* xywnd) { xywnd->Move_End(); return FALSE; } void XYWnd::Move_Begin() { if(m_move_started) { Move_End(); } m_move_started = true; g_xywnd_freezePointer.freeze_pointer(m_parent != 0 ? m_parent : MainFrame_getWindow(), XYWnd_moveDelta, this); m_move_focusOut = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(XYWnd_Move_focusOut), this); } void XYWnd::Move_End() { m_move_started = false; g_xywnd_freezePointer.unfreeze_pointer(m_parent != 0 ? m_parent : MainFrame_getWindow()); g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), m_move_focusOut); } unsigned int Zoom_buttons() { return RAD_RBUTTON | RAD_SHIFT; } int g_dragZoom = 0; void XYWnd_zoomDelta(int x, int y, unsigned int state, void* data) { if(y != 0) { g_dragZoom += y; while(abs(g_dragZoom) > 8) { if(g_dragZoom > 0) { XYWnd_ZoomOut(reinterpret_cast(data)); g_dragZoom -= 8; } else { XYWnd_ZoomIn(reinterpret_cast(data)); g_dragZoom += 8; } } } } gboolean XYWnd_Zoom_focusOut(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventFocus* event, XYWnd* xywnd) { xywnd->Zoom_End(); return FALSE; } void XYWnd::Zoom_Begin() { if(m_zoom_started) { Zoom_End(); } m_zoom_started = true; g_dragZoom = 0; g_xywnd_freezePointer.freeze_pointer(m_parent != 0 ? m_parent : MainFrame_getWindow(), XYWnd_zoomDelta, this); m_zoom_focusOut = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(XYWnd_Zoom_focusOut), this); } void XYWnd::Zoom_End() { m_zoom_started = false; g_xywnd_freezePointer.unfreeze_pointer(m_parent != 0 ? m_parent : MainFrame_getWindow()); g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(m_gl_widget), m_zoom_focusOut); } // makes sure the selected brush or camera is in view void XYWnd::PositionView(const Vector3& position) { int nDim1 = (m_viewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_viewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; m_vOrigin[nDim1] = position[nDim1]; m_vOrigin[nDim2] = position[nDim2]; updateModelview(); XYWnd_Update(*this); } void XYWnd::SetViewType(VIEWTYPE viewType) { m_viewType = viewType; updateModelview(); if(m_parent != 0) { gtk_window_set_title(m_parent, ViewType_getTitle(m_viewType)); } } inline WindowVector WindowVector_forInteger(int x, int y) { return WindowVector(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)); } void XYWnd::XY_MouseDown (int x, int y, unsigned int buttons) { g_pParentWnd->SetActiveXY(this); ButtonState_onMouseDown(buttons); if(buttons == Move_buttons()) { Move_Begin(); EntityCreate_MouseDown(x, y); } else if(buttons == Zoom_buttons()) { Zoom_Begin(); } else if(ClipMode() && buttons == Clipper_buttons()) { Clipper_OnLButtonDown(x, y); } else if(buttons == NewBrushDrag_buttons() && GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() == 0) { NewBrushDrag_Begin(x, y); } // control mbutton = move camera else if (buttons == MoveCamera_buttons()) { XYWnd_PositionCamera(this, x, y, *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd()); } // mbutton = angle camera else if(buttons == OrientCamera_buttons()) { XYWnd_OrientCamera(this, x, y, *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd()); } else { m_window_observer->onMouseDown(WindowVector_forInteger(x, y), button_for_flags(buttons), modifiers_for_flags(buttons)); } } void XYWnd::XY_MouseUp(int x, int y, unsigned int buttons) { if(m_move_started) { Move_End(); EntityCreate_MouseUp(x, y); } else if(m_zoom_started) { Zoom_End(); } else if (ClipMode() && buttons == Clipper_buttons()) { Clipper_OnLButtonUp(x, y); } else if (m_bNewBrushDrag) { m_bNewBrushDrag = false; NewBrushDrag_End(x, y); } else { m_window_observer->onMouseUp(WindowVector_forInteger(x, y), button_for_flags(buttons), modifiers_for_flags(buttons)); } ButtonState_onMouseUp(buttons); } void XYWnd::XY_MouseMoved (int x, int y, unsigned int buttons) { // rbutton = drag xy origin if(m_move_started) { } // zoom in/out else if(m_zoom_started) { } else if (ClipMode() && g_pMovingClip != 0) { Clipper_OnMouseMoved(x, y); } // lbutton without selection = drag new brush else if (m_bNewBrushDrag) { NewBrushDrag(x, y); } // control mbutton = move camera else if (getButtonState() == MoveCamera_buttons()) { XYWnd_PositionCamera(this, x, y, *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd()); } // mbutton = angle camera else if (getButtonState() == OrientCamera_buttons()) { XYWnd_OrientCamera(this, x, y, *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd()); } else { m_window_observer->onMouseMotion(WindowVector_forInteger(x, y), modifiers_for_flags(buttons)); m_mousePosition[0] = m_mousePosition[1] = m_mousePosition[2] = 0.0; XY_ToPoint(x, y , m_mousePosition); XY_SnapToGrid(m_mousePosition); StringOutputStream status(64); status << "x:: " << FloatFormat(m_mousePosition[0], 6, 1) << " y:: " << FloatFormat(m_mousePosition[1], 6, 1) << " z:: " << FloatFormat(m_mousePosition[2], 6, 1); g_pParentWnd->SetStatusText(g_pParentWnd->m_position_status, status.c_str()); if (g_bCrossHairs) { XYWnd_Update(*this); } Clipper_Crosshair_OnMouseMoved(x, y); } } void XYWnd::EntityCreate_MouseDown(int x, int y) { m_entityCreate = true; m_entityCreate_x = x; m_entityCreate_y = y; } void XYWnd::EntityCreate_MouseMove(int x, int y) { if(m_entityCreate && (m_entityCreate_x != x || m_entityCreate_y != y)) { m_entityCreate = false; } } void XYWnd::EntityCreate_MouseUp(int x, int y) { if(m_entityCreate) { m_entityCreate = false; OnContextMenu(); } } inline float screen_normalised(int pos, unsigned int size) { return ((2.0f * pos) / size) - 1.0f; } inline float normalised_to_world(float normalised, float world_origin, float normalised2world_scale) { return world_origin + normalised * normalised2world_scale; } // TTimo: watch it, this doesn't init one of the 3 coords void XYWnd::XY_ToPoint (int x, int y, Vector3& point) { float normalised2world_scale_x = m_nWidth / 2 / m_fScale; float normalised2world_scale_y = m_nHeight / 2 / m_fScale; if (m_viewType == XY) { point[0] = normalised_to_world(screen_normalised(x, m_nWidth), m_vOrigin[0], normalised2world_scale_x); point[1] = normalised_to_world(-screen_normalised(y, m_nHeight), m_vOrigin[1], normalised2world_scale_y); } else if (m_viewType == YZ) { point[1] = normalised_to_world(screen_normalised(x, m_nWidth), m_vOrigin[1], normalised2world_scale_x); point[2] = normalised_to_world(-screen_normalised(y, m_nHeight), m_vOrigin[2], normalised2world_scale_y); } else { point[0] = normalised_to_world(screen_normalised(x, m_nWidth), m_vOrigin[0], normalised2world_scale_x); point[2] = normalised_to_world(-screen_normalised(y, m_nHeight), m_vOrigin[2], normalised2world_scale_y); } } void XYWnd::XY_SnapToGrid(Vector3& point) { if (m_viewType == XY) { point[0] = float_snapped(point[0], GetGridSize()); point[1] = float_snapped(point[1], GetGridSize()); } else if (m_viewType == YZ) { point[1] = float_snapped(point[1], GetGridSize()); point[2] = float_snapped(point[2], GetGridSize()); } else { point[0] = float_snapped(point[0], GetGridSize()); point[2] = float_snapped(point[2], GetGridSize()); } } /* ============================================================================ DRAWING ============================================================================ */ /* ============== XY_DrawGrid ============== */ double two_to_the_power(int power) { return pow(2.0f, power); } void XYWnd::XY_DrawGrid() { float x, y, xb, xe, yb, ye; float w, h; char text[32]; float step, minor_step, stepx, stepy; step = minor_step = stepx = stepy = GetGridSize(); int minor_power = Grid_getPower(); int mask; while((minor_step * m_fScale) <= 4.0f) // make sure minor grid spacing is at least 4 pixels on the screen { ++minor_power; minor_step *= 2; } int power = minor_power; while((power % 3) != 0 || (step * m_fScale) <= 32.0f) // make sure major grid spacing is at least 32 pixels on the screen { ++power; step = float(two_to_the_power(power)); } mask = (1 << (power - minor_power)) - 1; while ((stepx * m_fScale) <= 32.0f) // text step x must be at least 32 stepx *= 2; while ((stepy * m_fScale) <= 32.0f) // text step y must be at least 32 stepy *= 2; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_1D); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glLineWidth(1); w = (m_nWidth / 2 / m_fScale); h = (m_nHeight / 2 / m_fScale); int nDim1 = (m_viewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_viewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; xb = m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w; if (xb < region_mins[nDim1]) xb = region_mins[nDim1]; xb = step * floor (xb/step); xe = m_vOrigin[nDim1] + w; if (xe > region_maxs[nDim1]) xe = region_maxs[nDim1]; xe = step * ceil (xe/step); yb = m_vOrigin[nDim2] - h; if (yb < region_mins[nDim2]) yb = region_mins[nDim2]; yb = step * floor (yb/step); ye = m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h; if (ye > region_maxs[nDim2]) ye = region_maxs[nDim2]; ye = step * ceil (ye/step); #define COLORS_DIFFER(a,b) \ ((a)[0] != (b)[0] || \ (a)[1] != (b)[1] || \ (a)[2] != (b)[2]) // djbob // draw minor blocks if (g_xywindow_globals_private.d_showgrid) { if (COLORS_DIFFER(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor, g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback)) { glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor)); glBegin (GL_LINES); int i = 0; for (x = xb ; x < xe ; x += minor_step, ++i) { if((i & mask) != 0) { glVertex2f (x, yb); glVertex2f (x, ye); } } i = 0; for (y = yb ; y < ye ; y += minor_step, ++i) { if((i & mask) != 0) { glVertex2f (xb, y); glVertex2f (xe, y); } } glEnd(); } // draw major blocks if (COLORS_DIFFER(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor, g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback)) { glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor)); glBegin (GL_LINES); for (x=xb ; x<=xe ; x+=step) { glVertex2f (x, yb); glVertex2f (x, ye); } for (y=yb ; y<=ye ; y+=step) { glVertex2f (xb, y); glVertex2f (xe, y); } glEnd(); } } // draw coordinate text if needed if ( g_xywindow_globals_private.show_coordinates) { glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext)); float offx = m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 6 / m_fScale, offy = m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 1 / m_fScale; for (x = xb - fmod(xb, stepx); x <= xe ; x += stepx) { glRasterPos2f (x, offx); sprintf (text, "%g", x); GlobalOpenGL().drawString(text); } for (y = yb - fmod(yb, stepy); y <= ye ; y += stepy) { glRasterPos2f (offy, y); sprintf (text, "%g", y); GlobalOpenGL().drawString(text); } if (Active()) glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname)); // we do this part (the old way) only if show_axis is disabled if (!g_xywindow_globals_private.show_axis) { glRasterPos2f ( m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 35 / m_fScale, m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 20 / m_fScale ); GlobalOpenGL().drawString(ViewType_getTitle(m_viewType)); } } if ( g_xywindow_globals_private.show_axis) { const char g_AxisName[3] = { 'X', 'Y', 'Z' }; const Vector3& colourX = (m_viewType == YZ) ? g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorY : g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorX; const Vector3& colourY = (m_viewType == XY) ? g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorY : g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorZ; // draw two lines with corresponding axis colors to highlight current view // horizontal line: nDim1 color glLineWidth(2); glBegin( GL_LINES ); glColor3fv (vector3_to_array(colourX)); glVertex2f( m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 40 / m_fScale, m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 45 / m_fScale ); glVertex2f( m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 65 / m_fScale, m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 45 / m_fScale ); glVertex2f( 0, 0 ); glVertex2f( 32 / m_fScale, 0 ); glColor3fv (vector3_to_array(colourY)); glVertex2f( m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 40 / m_fScale, m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 45 / m_fScale ); glVertex2f( m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 40 / m_fScale, m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 20 / m_fScale ); glVertex2f( 0, 0 ); glVertex2f( 0, 32 / m_fScale ); glEnd(); glLineWidth(1); // now print axis symbols glColor3fv (vector3_to_array(colourX)); glRasterPos2f ( m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 55 / m_fScale, m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 55 / m_fScale ); GlobalOpenGL().drawChar(g_AxisName[nDim1]); glRasterPos2f (28 / m_fScale, -10 / m_fScale ); GlobalOpenGL().drawChar(g_AxisName[nDim1]); glColor3fv (vector3_to_array(colourY)); glRasterPos2f ( m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 25 / m_fScale, m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 30 / m_fScale ); GlobalOpenGL().drawChar(g_AxisName[nDim2]); glRasterPos2f ( -10 / m_fScale, 28 / m_fScale ); GlobalOpenGL().drawChar(g_AxisName[nDim2]); } // show current work zone? // the work zone is used to place dropped points and brushes if (g_xywindow_globals_private.d_show_work) { glColor3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); glBegin( GL_LINES ); glVertex2f( xb, Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min[nDim2] ); glVertex2f( xe, Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min[nDim2] ); glVertex2f( xb, Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max[nDim2] ); glVertex2f( xe, Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max[nDim2] ); glVertex2f( Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min[nDim1], yb ); glVertex2f( Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min[nDim1], ye ); glVertex2f( Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max[nDim1], yb ); glVertex2f( Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max[nDim1], ye ); glEnd(); } } /* ============== XY_DrawBlockGrid ============== */ void XYWnd::XY_DrawBlockGrid() { if(Map_FindWorldspawn(g_map) == 0) { return; } const char *value = Node_getEntity(*Map_GetWorldspawn(g_map))->getKeyValue("_blocksize" ); if (strlen(value)) sscanf( value, "%i", &g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize ); if (!g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize || g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize > 65536 || g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize < 1024) // don't use custom blocksize if it is less than the default, or greater than the maximum world coordinate g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize = 1024; float x, y, xb, xe, yb, ye; float w, h; char text[32]; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_1D); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); w = (m_nWidth / 2 / m_fScale); h = (m_nHeight / 2 / m_fScale); int nDim1 = (m_viewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_viewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; xb = m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w; if (xb < region_mins[nDim1]) xb = region_mins[nDim1]; xb = static_cast(g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize * floor (xb/g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize)); xe = m_vOrigin[nDim1] + w; if (xe > region_maxs[nDim1]) xe = region_maxs[nDim1]; xe = static_cast(g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize * ceil (xe/g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize)); yb = m_vOrigin[nDim2] - h; if (yb < region_mins[nDim2]) yb = region_mins[nDim2]; yb = static_cast(g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize * floor (yb/g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize)); ye = m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h; if (ye > region_maxs[nDim2]) ye = region_maxs[nDim2]; ye = static_cast(g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize * ceil (ye/g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize)); // draw major blocks glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock)); glLineWidth (2); glBegin (GL_LINES); for (x=xb ; x<=xe ; x+=g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize) { glVertex2f (x, yb); glVertex2f (x, ye); } if (m_viewType == XY) { for (y=yb ; y<=ye ; y+=g_xywindow_globals_private.blockSize) { glVertex2f (xb, y); glVertex2f (xe, y); } } glEnd(); glLineWidth (1); // draw coordinate text if needed if (m_viewType == XY && m_fScale > .1) { for (x=xb ; x(fov*cos(a+c_pi/4)), y + static_cast(fov*sin(a+c_pi/4)), 0); glVertex3f (x, y, 0); glVertex3f (x + static_cast(fov*cos(a-c_pi/4)), y + static_cast(fov*sin(a-c_pi/4)), 0); glEnd(); } float Betwixt(float f1, float f2) { if (f1 > f2) return f2 + ((f1 - f2) / 2); else return f1 + ((f2 - f1) / 2); } // can be greatly simplified but per usual i am in a hurry // which is not an excuse, just a fact void XYWnd::PaintSizeInfo(int nDim1, int nDim2, Vector3& vMinBounds, Vector3& vMaxBounds) { if(vector3_equal(vMinBounds, vMaxBounds)) { return; } const char* g_pDimStrings[] = {"x:", "y:", "z:"}; typedef const char* OrgStrings[2]; const OrgStrings g_pOrgStrings[] = { { "x:", "y:", }, { "x:", "z:", }, { "y:", "z:", } }; Vector3 vSize(vector3_subtracted(vMaxBounds, vMinBounds)); glColor3f(g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes[0] * .65f, g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes[1] * .65f, g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes[2] * .65f); StringOutputStream dimensions(16); if (m_viewType == XY) { glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3f(vMinBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 6.0f / m_fScale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMinBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMinBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 6.0f / m_fScale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 6.0f / m_fScale, vMinBounds[nDim2], 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMinBounds[nDim2], 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMinBounds[nDim2], 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMaxBounds[nDim2], 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 6.0f / m_fScale, vMaxBounds[nDim2], 0.0f); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMaxBounds[nDim2], 0.0f); glEnd(); glRasterPos3f (Betwixt(vMinBounds[nDim1], vMaxBounds[nDim1]), vMinBounds[nDim2] - 20.0f / m_fScale, 0.0f); dimensions << g_pDimStrings[nDim1] << vSize[nDim1]; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); dimensions.clear(); glRasterPos3f (vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 16.0f / m_fScale, Betwixt(vMinBounds[nDim2], vMaxBounds[nDim2]), 0.0f); dimensions << g_pDimStrings[nDim2] << vSize[nDim2]; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); dimensions.clear(); glRasterPos3f (vMinBounds[nDim1] + 4, vMaxBounds[nDim2] + 8 / m_fScale, 0.0f); dimensions << "(" << g_pOrgStrings[0][0] << vMinBounds[nDim1] << " " << g_pOrgStrings[0][1] << vMaxBounds[nDim2] << ")"; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); } else if (m_viewType == XZ) { glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3f(vMinBounds[nDim1], 0, vMinBounds[nDim2] - 6.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(vMinBounds[nDim1], 0, vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(vMinBounds[nDim1], 0,vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1], 0,vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1], 0,vMinBounds[nDim2] - 6.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1], 0,vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 6.0f / m_fScale, 0,vMinBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, 0,vMinBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, 0,vMinBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, 0,vMaxBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 6.0f / m_fScale, 0,vMaxBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, 0,vMaxBounds[nDim2]); glEnd(); glRasterPos3f (Betwixt(vMinBounds[nDim1], vMaxBounds[nDim1]), 0, vMinBounds[nDim2] - 20.0f / m_fScale); dimensions << g_pDimStrings[nDim1] << vSize[nDim1]; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); dimensions.clear(); glRasterPos3f (vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 16.0f / m_fScale, 0, Betwixt(vMinBounds[nDim2], vMaxBounds[nDim2])); dimensions << g_pDimStrings[nDim2] << vSize[nDim2]; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); dimensions.clear(); glRasterPos3f (vMinBounds[nDim1] + 4, 0, vMaxBounds[nDim2] + 8 / m_fScale); dimensions << "(" << g_pOrgStrings[1][0] << vMinBounds[nDim1] << " " << g_pOrgStrings[1][1] << vMaxBounds[nDim2] << ")"; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); } else { glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3f(0, vMinBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 6.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(0, vMinBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(0, vMinBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 6.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1], vMinBounds[nDim2] - 10.0f / m_fScale); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 6.0f / m_fScale, vMinBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMinBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMinBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMaxBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 6.0f / m_fScale, vMaxBounds[nDim2]); glVertex3f(0, vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 10.0f / m_fScale, vMaxBounds[nDim2]); glEnd(); glRasterPos3f (0, Betwixt(vMinBounds[nDim1], vMaxBounds[nDim1]), vMinBounds[nDim2] - 20.0f / m_fScale); dimensions << g_pDimStrings[nDim1] << vSize[nDim1]; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); dimensions.clear(); glRasterPos3f (0, vMaxBounds[nDim1] + 16.0f / m_fScale, Betwixt(vMinBounds[nDim2], vMaxBounds[nDim2])); dimensions << g_pDimStrings[nDim2] << vSize[nDim2]; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); dimensions.clear(); glRasterPos3f (0, vMinBounds[nDim1] + 4.0f, vMaxBounds[nDim2] + 8 / m_fScale); dimensions << "(" << g_pOrgStrings[2][0] << vMinBounds[nDim1] << " " << g_pOrgStrings[2][1] << vMaxBounds[nDim2] << ")"; GlobalOpenGL().drawString(dimensions.c_str()); } } class XYRenderer: public Renderer { struct state_type { state_type() : m_highlight(0), m_state(0) { } unsigned int m_highlight; Shader* m_state; }; public: XYRenderer(RenderStateFlags globalstate, Shader* selected) : m_globalstate(globalstate), m_state_selected(selected) { ASSERT_NOTNULL(selected); m_state_stack.push_back(state_type()); } void SetState(Shader* state, EStyle style) { ASSERT_NOTNULL(state); if(style == eWireframeOnly) m_state_stack.back().m_state = state; } const EStyle getStyle() const { return eWireframeOnly; } void PushState() { m_state_stack.push_back(m_state_stack.back()); } void PopState() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(!m_state_stack.empty(), "popping empty stack"); m_state_stack.pop_back(); } void Highlight(EHighlightMode mode, bool bEnable = true) { (bEnable) ? m_state_stack.back().m_highlight |= mode : m_state_stack.back().m_highlight &= ~mode; } void addRenderable(const OpenGLRenderable& renderable, const Matrix4& localToWorld) { if(m_state_stack.back().m_highlight & ePrimitive) { m_state_selected->addRenderable(renderable, localToWorld); } else { m_state_stack.back().m_state->addRenderable(renderable, localToWorld); } } void render(const Matrix4& modelview, const Matrix4& projection) { GlobalShaderCache().render(m_globalstate, modelview, projection); } private: std::vector m_state_stack; RenderStateFlags m_globalstate; Shader* m_state_selected; }; void XYWnd::updateProjection() { m_projection[0] = 1.0f / static_cast(m_nWidth / 2); m_projection[5] = 1.0f / static_cast(m_nHeight / 2); m_projection[10] = 1.0f / g_MaxWorldCoord; m_projection[12] = 0.0f; m_projection[13] = 0.0f; m_projection[14] = -1.0f; m_projection[1] = m_projection[2] = m_projection[3] = m_projection[4] = m_projection[6] = m_projection[7] = m_projection[8] = m_projection[9] = m_projection[11] = 0.0f; m_projection[15] = 1.0f; m_view.Construct(m_projection, m_modelview, m_nWidth, m_nHeight); } void XYWnd::updateModelview() { int nDim1 = (m_viewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_viewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; // translation m_modelview[12] = -m_vOrigin[nDim1] * m_fScale; m_modelview[13] = -m_vOrigin[nDim2] * m_fScale; m_modelview[14] = static_cast(g_MaxWorldCoord); // axis base switch(m_viewType) { case XY: m_modelview[0] = m_fScale; m_modelview[1] = 0; m_modelview[2] = 0; m_modelview[4] = 0; m_modelview[5] = m_fScale; m_modelview[6] = 0; m_modelview[8] = 0; m_modelview[9] = 0; m_modelview[10] = -1.0; break; case XZ: m_modelview[0] = m_fScale; m_modelview[1] = 0; m_modelview[2] = 0; m_modelview[4] = 0; m_modelview[5] = 0; m_modelview[6] = 1.0; m_modelview[8] = 0; m_modelview[9] = m_fScale; m_modelview[10] = 0; break; case YZ: m_modelview[0] = 0; m_modelview[1] = 0; m_modelview[2] = -1.0; m_modelview[4] = m_fScale; m_modelview[5] = 0; m_modelview[6] = 0; m_modelview[8] = 0; m_modelview[9] = m_fScale; m_modelview[10] = 0; break; } m_modelview[3] = m_modelview[7] = m_modelview[11] = 0; m_modelview[15] = 1; m_view.Construct(m_projection, m_modelview, m_nWidth, m_nHeight); } /* ============== XY_Draw ============== */ //#define DBG_SCENEDUMP void XYWnd::XY_Draw() { // // clear // glViewport(0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight); glClearColor (g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback[0], g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback[1], g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback[2],0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // // set up viewpoint // glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadMatrixf(reinterpret_cast(&m_projection)); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glScalef(m_fScale, m_fScale, 1); int nDim1 = (m_viewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_viewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; glTranslatef(-m_vOrigin[nDim1], -m_vOrigin[nDim2], 0); glDisable (GL_LINE_STIPPLE); glLineWidth(1); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); XY_DrawGrid(); if ( g_xywindow_globals_private.show_blocks) XY_DrawBlockGrid(); glLoadMatrixf(reinterpret_cast(&m_modelview)); unsigned int globalstate = RENDER_COLOUR | RENDER_COLOURWRITE; if(!g_xywindow_globals.m_bNoStipple) { globalstate |= RENDER_LINESTIPPLE; } { XYRenderer renderer(globalstate, m_state_selected); Scene_Render(renderer, m_view); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); renderer.render(m_modelview, m_projection); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); } glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glLoadMatrixf(reinterpret_cast(&m_modelview)); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glLineWidth(1); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); if(GlobalOpenGL().GL_1_3()) { glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); } glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); // size info if(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint && GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0) { Vector3 min, max; Select_GetBounds(min, max); PaintSizeInfo(nDim1, nDim2, min, max); } if (g_bCrossHairs) { glColor4f(0.2f, 0.9f, 0.2f, 0.8f); glBegin (GL_LINES); if (m_viewType == XY) { glVertex2f(2.0f * g_MinWorldCoord, m_mousePosition[1]); glVertex2f(2.0f * g_MaxWorldCoord, m_mousePosition[1]); glVertex2f(m_mousePosition[0], 2.0f * g_MinWorldCoord); glVertex2f(m_mousePosition[0], 2.0f * g_MaxWorldCoord); } else if (m_viewType == YZ) { glVertex3f(m_mousePosition[0], 2.0f * g_MinWorldCoord, m_mousePosition[2]); glVertex3f(m_mousePosition[0], 2.0f * g_MaxWorldCoord, m_mousePosition[2]); glVertex3f(m_mousePosition[0], m_mousePosition[1], 2.0f * g_MinWorldCoord); glVertex3f(m_mousePosition[0], m_mousePosition[1], 2.0f * g_MaxWorldCoord); } else { glVertex3f (2.0f * g_MinWorldCoord, m_mousePosition[1], m_mousePosition[2]); glVertex3f (2.0f * g_MaxWorldCoord, m_mousePosition[1], m_mousePosition[2]); glVertex3f(m_mousePosition[0], m_mousePosition[1], 2.0f * g_MinWorldCoord); glVertex3f(m_mousePosition[0], m_mousePosition[1], 2.0f * g_MaxWorldCoord); } glEnd(); } if (ClipMode()) { GlobalClipPoints_Draw(m_fScale); } GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); // reset modelview glLoadIdentity(); glScalef(m_fScale, m_fScale, 1); glTranslatef(-m_vOrigin[nDim1], -m_vOrigin[nDim2], 0); DrawCameraIcon (Camera_getOrigin(*g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd()), Camera_getAngles(*g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd())); Feedback_draw2D( m_viewType ); if (g_xywindow_globals_private.show_outline) { if (Active()) { glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho (0, m_nWidth, 0, m_nHeight, 0, 1); glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); // four view mode doesn't colorize if (g_pParentWnd->CurrentStyle() == MainFrame::eSplit) glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname)); else { switch(m_viewType) { case YZ: glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorX)); break; case XZ: glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorY)); break; case XY: glColor3fv(vector3_to_array(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorZ)); break; } } glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2i (0, 0); glVertex2i (m_nWidth-1, 0); glVertex2i (m_nWidth-1, m_nHeight-1); glVertex2i (0, m_nHeight-1); glEnd(); } } GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); glFinish(); } void XYWnd_MouseToPoint(XYWnd* xywnd, int x, int y, Vector3& point) { xywnd->XY_ToPoint(x, y, point); xywnd->XY_SnapToGrid(point); int nDim = (xywnd->GetViewType() == XY) ? 2 : (xywnd->GetViewType() == YZ) ? 0 : 1; float fWorkMid = float_mid(Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min[nDim], Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max[nDim]); point[nDim] = float_snapped(fWorkMid, GetGridSize()); } void XYWnd::OnEntityCreate (const char* item) { StringOutputStream command; command << "entityCreate -class " << item; UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str()); Vector3 point; XYWnd_MouseToPoint(this, m_entityCreate_x, m_entityCreate_y, point); Entity_createFromSelection(item, point); } void GetFocusPosition(Vector3& position) { if(GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0) { Select_GetMid(position); } else { position = Camera_getOrigin(*g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd()); } } void XYWnd_Focus(XYWnd* xywnd) { Vector3 position; GetFocusPosition(position); xywnd->PositionView(position); } void XY_Split_Focus() { Vector3 position; GetFocusPosition(position); g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()->PositionView(position); g_pParentWnd->GetXZWnd()->PositionView(position); g_pParentWnd->GetYZWnd()->PositionView(position); } void XY_Focus() { XYWnd* xywnd = g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd(); XYWnd_Focus(xywnd); } void XY_Top() { XYWnd* xywnd = g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd(); xywnd->SetViewType(XY); XYWnd_Focus(xywnd); } void XY_Side() { XYWnd* xywnd = g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd(); xywnd->SetViewType(XZ); XYWnd_Focus(xywnd); } void XY_Front() { g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()->SetViewType(YZ); XYWnd_Focus(g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()); } void XY_Next() { XYWnd* xywnd = g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd(); if (xywnd->GetViewType() == XY) xywnd->SetViewType(XZ); else if (xywnd->GetViewType() == XZ) xywnd->SetViewType(YZ); else xywnd->SetViewType(XY); XYWnd_Focus(xywnd); } void XY_Zoom100() { if (g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()) g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()->SetScale(1); if (g_pParentWnd->GetXZWnd()) g_pParentWnd->GetXZWnd()->SetScale(1); if (g_pParentWnd->GetYZWnd()) g_pParentWnd->GetYZWnd()->SetScale(1); } void XY_ZoomIn() { XYWnd_ZoomIn(g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()); } // NOTE: the zoom out factor is 4/5, we could think about customizing it // we don't go below a zoom factor corresponding to 10% of the max world size // (this has to be computed against the window size) void XY_ZoomOut() { XYWnd_ZoomOut(g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()); } void ToggleShowCrosshair() { g_bCrossHairs ^= 1; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } void ToggleShowSizeInfo() { g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint = !g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } void ToggleShowGrid() { g_xywindow_globals_private.d_showgrid = !g_xywindow_globals_private.d_showgrid; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } ToggleShown g_xy_top_shown(true); void XY_Top_Shown_Construct(GtkWindow* parent) { g_xy_top_shown.connect(GTK_WIDGET(parent)); } ToggleShown g_yz_side_shown(false); void YZ_Side_Shown_Construct(GtkWindow* parent) { g_yz_side_shown.connect(GTK_WIDGET(parent)); } ToggleShown g_xz_front_shown(false); void XZ_Front_Shown_Construct(GtkWindow* parent) { g_xz_front_shown.connect(GTK_WIDGET(parent)); } class EntityClassMenu : public ModuleObserver { std::size_t m_unrealised; public: EntityClassMenu() : m_unrealised(1) { } void realise() { if(--m_unrealised == 0) { } } void unrealise() { if(++m_unrealised == 1) { if(XYWnd::m_mnuDrop != 0) { gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(XYWnd::m_mnuDrop)); XYWnd::m_mnuDrop = 0; } } } }; EntityClassMenu g_EntityClassMenu; void ShowNamesToggle() { GlobalEntityCreator().setShowNames(!GlobalEntityCreator().getShowNames()); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef FreeCaller ShowNamesToggleCaller; void ShowNamesExport(const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(GlobalEntityCreator().getShowNames()); } typedef FreeCaller1 ShowNamesExportCaller; void ShowAnglesToggle() { GlobalEntityCreator().setShowAngles(!GlobalEntityCreator().getShowAngles()); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef FreeCaller ShowAnglesToggleCaller; void ShowAnglesExport(const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(GlobalEntityCreator().getShowAngles()); } typedef FreeCaller1 ShowAnglesExportCaller; void ShowBlocksToggle() { g_xywindow_globals_private.show_blocks ^= 1; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef FreeCaller ShowBlocksToggleCaller; void ShowBlocksExport(const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_blocks); } typedef FreeCaller1 ShowBlocksExportCaller; void ShowCoordinatesToggle() { g_xywindow_globals_private.show_coordinates ^= 1; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef FreeCaller ShowCoordinatesToggleCaller; void ShowCoordinatesExport(const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_coordinates); } typedef FreeCaller1 ShowCoordinatesExportCaller; void ShowOutlineToggle() { g_xywindow_globals_private.show_outline ^= 1; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef FreeCaller ShowOutlineToggleCaller; void ShowOutlineExport(const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_outline); } typedef FreeCaller1 ShowOutlineExportCaller; void ShowAxesToggle() { g_xywindow_globals_private.show_axis ^= 1; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef FreeCaller ShowAxesToggleCaller; void ShowAxesExport(const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_axis); } typedef FreeCaller1 ShowAxesExportCaller; void ShowWorkzoneToggle() { g_xywindow_globals_private.d_show_work ^= 1; XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef FreeCaller ShowWorkzoneToggleCaller; void ShowWorkzoneExport(const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(g_xywindow_globals_private.d_show_work); } typedef FreeCaller1 ShowWorkzoneExportCaller; ShowNamesExportCaller g_show_names_caller; BoolExportCallback g_show_names_callback(g_show_names_caller); ToggleItem g_show_names(g_show_names_callback); ShowAnglesExportCaller g_show_angles_caller; BoolExportCallback g_show_angles_callback(g_show_angles_caller); ToggleItem g_show_angles(g_show_angles_callback); ShowBlocksExportCaller g_show_blocks_caller; BoolExportCallback g_show_blocks_callback(g_show_blocks_caller); ToggleItem g_show_blocks(g_show_blocks_callback); ShowCoordinatesExportCaller g_show_coordinates_caller; BoolExportCallback g_show_coordinates_callback(g_show_coordinates_caller); ToggleItem g_show_coordinates(g_show_coordinates_callback); ShowOutlineExportCaller g_show_outline_caller; BoolExportCallback g_show_outline_callback(g_show_outline_caller); ToggleItem g_show_outline(g_show_outline_callback); ShowAxesExportCaller g_show_axes_caller; BoolExportCallback g_show_axes_callback(g_show_axes_caller); ToggleItem g_show_axes(g_show_axes_callback); ShowWorkzoneExportCaller g_show_workzone_caller; BoolExportCallback g_show_workzone_callback(g_show_workzone_caller); ToggleItem g_show_workzone(g_show_workzone_callback); void XYShow_registerCommands() { GlobalToggles_insert("ShowAngles", ShowAnglesToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_show_angles)); GlobalToggles_insert("ShowNames", ShowNamesToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_show_names)); GlobalToggles_insert("ShowBlocks", ShowBlocksToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_show_blocks)); GlobalToggles_insert("ShowCoordinates", ShowCoordinatesToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_show_coordinates)); GlobalToggles_insert("ShowWindowOutline", ShowOutlineToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_show_outline)); GlobalToggles_insert("ShowAxes", ShowAxesToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_show_axes)); GlobalToggles_insert("ShowWorkzone", ShowWorkzoneToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_show_workzone)); } void XYWnd_registerShortcuts() { command_connect_accelerator("ToggleCrosshairs"); command_connect_accelerator("ToggleSizePaint"); } void Orthographic_constructPreferences(PreferencesPage& page) { page.appendCheckBox("", "Solid selection boxes", g_xywindow_globals.m_bNoStipple); page.appendCheckBox("", "Display size info", g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint); page.appendCheckBox("", "Chase mouse during drags", g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bChaseMouse); page.appendCheckBox("", "Update views on camera move", g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bCamXYUpdate); } void Orthographic_constructPage(PreferenceGroup& group) { PreferencesPage page(group.createPage("Orthographic", "Orthographic View Preferences")); Orthographic_constructPreferences(page); } void Orthographic_registerPreferencesPage() { PreferencesDialog_addSettingsPage(FreeCaller1()); } void Clipper_constructPreferences(PreferencesPage& page) { page.appendCheckBox("", "Clipper tool uses caulk", g_clip_useCaulk); } void Clipper_constructPage(PreferenceGroup& group) { PreferencesPage page(group.createPage("Clipper", "Clipper Tool Settings")); Clipper_constructPreferences(page); } void Clipper_registerPreferencesPage() { PreferencesDialog_addSettingsPage(FreeCaller1()); } #include "preferencesystem.h" #include "stringio.h" void ToggleShown_importBool(ToggleShown& self, bool value) { self.set(value); } typedef ReferenceCaller1 ToggleShownImportBoolCaller; void ToggleShown_exportBool(const ToggleShown& self, const BoolImportCallback& importer) { importer(self.active()); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller1 ToggleShownExportBoolCaller; void XYWindow_Construct() { GlobalCommands_insert("ToggleCrosshairs", FreeCaller(), Accelerator('X', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("ToggleSizePaint", FreeCaller(), Accelerator('J')); GlobalCommands_insert("ToggleGrid", FreeCaller(), Accelerator('0')); GlobalToggles_insert("ToggleView", ToggleShown::ToggleCaller(g_xy_top_shown), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_xy_top_shown.m_item), Accelerator('V', (GdkModifierType)(GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_CONTROL_MASK))); GlobalToggles_insert("ToggleSideView", ToggleShown::ToggleCaller(g_yz_side_shown), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_yz_side_shown.m_item)); GlobalToggles_insert("ToggleFrontView", ToggleShown::ToggleCaller(g_xz_front_shown), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller(g_xz_front_shown.m_item)); GlobalCommands_insert("NextView", FreeCaller(), Accelerator(GDK_Tab, (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK)); GlobalCommands_insert("ZoomIn", FreeCaller(), Accelerator(GDK_Delete)); GlobalCommands_insert("ZoomOut", FreeCaller(), Accelerator(GDK_Insert)); GlobalCommands_insert("ViewTop", FreeCaller()); GlobalCommands_insert("ViewSide", FreeCaller()); GlobalCommands_insert("ViewFront", FreeCaller()); GlobalCommands_insert("Zoom100", FreeCaller()); GlobalCommands_insert("CenterXYViews", FreeCaller(), Accelerator(GDK_Tab, (GdkModifierType)(GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_CONTROL_MASK))); GlobalCommands_insert("CenterXYView", FreeCaller(), Accelerator(GDK_Tab, (GdkModifierType)(GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_CONTROL_MASK))); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("ClipCaulk", BoolImportStringCaller(g_clip_useCaulk), BoolExportStringCaller(g_clip_useCaulk)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("NewRightClick", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.m_bRightClick), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.m_bRightClick)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("ChaseMouse", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bChaseMouse), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bChaseMouse)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SizePainting", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bSizePaint)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("NoStipple", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.m_bNoStipple), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.m_bNoStipple)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_ShowCoords", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_coordinates), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_coordinates)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_ShowOutlines", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_outline), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_outline)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_ShowAxis", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_axis), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.show_axis)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("CamXYUpdate", BoolImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bCamXYUpdate), BoolExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals_private.m_bCamXYUpdate)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_AxisColors0", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorX), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorX)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_AxisColors1", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorY), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorY)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_AxisColors2", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorZ), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.AxisColorZ)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors1", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors2", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors3", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors6", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors7", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors8", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors9", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors10", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors11", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors13", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor_alt), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor_alt)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("SI_Colors14", Vector3ImportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor_alt), Vector3ExportStringCaller(g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor_alt)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("XZVIS", makeBoolStringImportCallback(ToggleShownImportBoolCaller(g_xz_front_shown)), makeBoolStringExportCallback(ToggleShownExportBoolCaller(g_xz_front_shown))); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("YZVIS", makeBoolStringImportCallback(ToggleShownImportBoolCaller(g_yz_side_shown)), makeBoolStringExportCallback(ToggleShownExportBoolCaller(g_yz_side_shown))); Orthographic_registerPreferencesPage(); Clipper_registerPreferencesPage(); XYWnd::captureStates(); GlobalEntityClassManager().attach(g_EntityClassMenu); } void XYWindow_Destroy() { GlobalEntityClassManager().detach(g_EntityClassMenu); XYWnd::releaseStates(); }