#ifdef SVQC // reusing some fields havocbots declared .entity wp00, wp01, wp02, wp03; .float targetfactor, target2factor, target3factor, target4factor; .vector targetnormal, target2normal, target3normal, target4normal; vector func_vectormamamam_origin(entity o, float t) { vector v, p; float f; entity e; f = o.spawnflags; v = '0 0 0'; e = o.wp00; if(e) { p = e.origin + t * e.velocity; if(f & 1) v = v + (p * o.targetnormal) * o.targetnormal * o.targetfactor; else v = v + (p - (p * o.targetnormal) * o.targetnormal) * o.targetfactor; } e = o.wp01; if(e) { p = e.origin + t * e.velocity; if(f & 2) v = v + (p * o.target2normal) * o.target2normal * o.target2factor; else v = v + (p - (p * o.target2normal) * o.target2normal) * o.target2factor; } e = o.wp02; if(e) { p = e.origin + t * e.velocity; if(f & 4) v = v + (p * o.target3normal) * o.target3normal * o.target3factor; else v = v + (p - (p * o.target3normal) * o.target3normal) * o.target3factor; } e = o.wp03; if(e) { p = e.origin + t * e.velocity; if(f & 8) v = v + (p * o.target4normal) * o.target4normal * o.target4factor; else v = v + (p - (p * o.target4normal) * o.target4normal) * o.target4factor; } return v; } void func_vectormamamam_controller_think(entity this) { this.nextthink = time + 0.1; if(this.owner.active != ACTIVE_ACTIVE) { this.owner.velocity = '0 0 0'; return; } if(this.owner.classname == "func_vectormamamam") // don't brake stuff if the func_vectormamamam was killtarget'ed this.owner.velocity = (this.owner.destvec + func_vectormamamam_origin(this.owner, 0.1) - this.owner.origin) * 10; } void func_vectormamamam_findtarget(entity this) { if(this.target != "") this.wp00 = find(world, targetname, this.target); if(this.target2 != "") this.wp01 = find(world, targetname, this.target2); if(this.target3 != "") this.wp02 = find(world, targetname, this.target3); if(this.target4 != "") this.wp03 = find(world, targetname, this.target4); if(!this.wp00 && !this.wp01 && !this.wp02 && !this.wp03) objerror(this, "No reference entity found, so there is nothing to move. Aborting."); this.destvec = this.origin - func_vectormamamam_origin(this, 0); entity controller; controller = new(func_vectormamamam_controller); controller.owner = this; controller.nextthink = time + 1; setthink(controller, func_vectormamamam_controller_think); } spawnfunc(func_vectormamamam) { if (this.noise != "") { precache_sound(this.noise); soundto(MSG_INIT, this, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, this.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_IDLE); } if(!this.targetfactor) this.targetfactor = 1; if(!this.target2factor) this.target2factor = 1; if(!this.target3factor) this.target3factor = 1; if(!this.target4factor) this.target4factor = 1; if(vlen(this.targetnormal)) this.targetnormal = normalize(this.targetnormal); if(vlen(this.target2normal)) this.target2normal = normalize(this.target2normal); if(vlen(this.target3normal)) this.target3normal = normalize(this.target3normal); if(vlen(this.target4normal)) this.target4normal = normalize(this.target4normal); setblocked(this, generic_plat_blocked); if(this.dmg && (this.message == "")) this.message = " was squished"; if(this.dmg && (this.message == "")) this.message2 = "was squished by"; if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime)) this.dmgtime = 0.25; this.dmgtime2 = time; if(this.netname == "") this.netname = "1 0 0 0 1"; if (!InitMovingBrushTrigger(this)) return; // wait for targets to spawn this.SUB_NEXTTHINK = this.SUB_LTIME + 999999999; SUB_THINK(this, SUB_NullThink); // for PushMove // Savage: Reduce bandwith, critical on e.g. nexdm02 this.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; this.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; InitializeEntity(this, func_vectormamamam_findtarget, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); } #endif