#ifndef VEHICLE_RAPTOR #define VEHICLE_RAPTOR #include "raptor.qh" #include "raptor_weapons.qh" CLASS(Raptor, Vehicle) /* spawnflags */ ATTRIB(Raptor, spawnflags, int, VHF_DMGSHAKE | VHF_DMGROLL); /* mins */ ATTRIB(Raptor, mins, vector, '-80 -80 0'); /* maxs */ ATTRIB(Raptor, maxs, vector, '80 80 70'); /* view offset*/ ATTRIB(Raptor, view_ofs, vector, '0 0 160'); /* view dist */ ATTRIB(Raptor, height, float, 200); /* model */ ATTRIB(Raptor, mdl, string, "models/vehicles/raptor.dpm"); /* model */ ATTRIB(Raptor, model, string, "models/vehicles/raptor.dpm"); /* head_model */ ATTRIB(Raptor, head_model, string, ""); /* hud_model */ ATTRIB(Raptor, hud_model, string, "models/vehicles/raptor_cockpit.dpm"); /* tags */ ATTRIB(Raptor, tag_head, string, ""); /* tags */ ATTRIB(Raptor, tag_hud, string, "tag_hud"); /* tags */ ATTRIB(Raptor, tag_view, string, "tag_camera"); /* netname */ ATTRIB(Raptor, netname, string, "raptor"); /* fullname */ ATTRIB(Raptor, vehicle_name, string, _("Raptor")); /* icon */ ATTRIB(Raptor, m_icon, string, "vehicle_raptor"); ENDCLASS(Raptor) REGISTER_VEHICLE(RAPTOR, NEW(Raptor)); #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION #ifdef SVQC bool autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor = true; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_respawntime = 40; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_takeofftime = 1.5; // 0: go where player aims, +forward etc relative to aim angles // 1: ignore aim for up/down movement. +forward always moved forward, +jump always moves up int autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_movestyle = 1; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_turnspeed = 200; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchspeed = 50; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit = 45; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_forward = 1700; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_strafe = 900; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_up = 1700; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_down = 1700; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_friction = 2; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnspeed = 120; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnlimit = 20; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_up = 12; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_down = 32; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locktarget = 0; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locking_time = 0.2; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locking_releasetime = 0.45; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locked_time = 1; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_predicttarget = 1; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy = 100; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen = 25; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen_pause = 0.25; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health = 150; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen = 0; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen_pause = 0; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield = 75; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen = 25; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen_pause = 1.5; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncefactor = 0.2; float autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncestop = 0; vector autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncepain = '1 4 1000'; .entity bomb1; .entity bomb2; float raptor_altitude(float amax) {SELFPARAM(); tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin - ('0 0 1' * amax), MOVE_WORLDONLY, self); return vlen(self.origin - trace_endpos); } void raptor_land() {SELFPARAM(); float hgt; hgt = raptor_altitude(512); self.velocity = (self.velocity * 0.9) + ('0 0 -1800' * (hgt / 256) * sys_frametime); self.angles_x *= 0.95; self.angles_z *= 0.95; if(hgt < 128) if(hgt > 0) self.frame = (hgt / 128) * 25; self.bomb1.gun1.avelocity_y = 90 + ((self.frame / 25) * 2000); self.bomb1.gun2.avelocity_y = -self.bomb1.gun1.avelocity_y; if(hgt < 16) { self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; self.think = vehicles_think; self.frame = 0; } self.nextthink = time; CSQCMODEL_AUTOUPDATE(self); } void raptor_exit(float eject) {SELFPARAM(); vector spot; self.tur_head.exteriormodeltoclient = world; if(!IS_DEAD(self)) { self.think = raptor_land; self.nextthink = time; } if(!self.owner) return; makevectors(self.angles); if(eject) { spot = self.origin + v_forward * 100 + '0 0 64'; spot = vehicles_findgoodexit(spot); setorigin(self.owner , spot); self.owner.velocity = (v_up + v_forward * 0.25) * 750; self.owner.oldvelocity = self.owner.velocity; } else { if(vdist(self.velocity, >, 2 * autocvar_sv_maxairspeed)) { self.owner.velocity = normalize(self.velocity) * autocvar_sv_maxairspeed * 2; self.owner.velocity_z += 200; spot = self.origin + v_forward * 32 + '0 0 64'; spot = vehicles_findgoodexit(spot); } else { self.owner.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5; self.owner.velocity_z += 10; spot = self.origin - v_forward * 200 + '0 0 64'; spot = vehicles_findgoodexit(spot); } self.owner.oldvelocity = self.owner.velocity; setorigin(self.owner , spot); } antilag_clear(self.owner, CS(self.owner)); self.owner = world; } bool raptor_frame(entity this) { entity vehic = this.vehicle; return = true; if(intermission_running) { vehic.velocity = '0 0 0'; vehic.avelocity = '0 0 0'; return; } vehicles_frame(vehic, this); float ftmp = 0; /* ftmp = vlen(vehic.velocity); if(ftmp > autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_forward) ftmp = 1; else ftmp = ftmp / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_forward; */ if(vehic.sound_nexttime < time) { vehic.sound_nexttime = time + 7.955812; //sound (vehic.tur_head, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, SND_VEH_RAPTOR_FLY, 1 - ftmp, ATTEN_NORM ); sound (vehic, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, SND_VEH_RAPTOR_SPEED, 1, ATTEN_NORM); vehic.wait = ftmp; } /* else if(fabs(ftmp - vehic.wait) > 0.2) { sound (vehic.tur_head, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, SND_Null, 1 - ftmp, ATTEN_NORM ); sound (vehic, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, SND_Null, ftmp, ATTEN_NORM); vehic.wait = ftmp; } */ if(IS_DEAD(vehic)) { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) = false; return; } crosshair_trace(this); //if(time - vehic.lastteleporttime < 1) //{ if(vehic.angles_z > 50 || vehic.angles_z < -50) { if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this)) { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(this) = true; PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) = false; } } //} vector vang; vang = vehic.angles; vector df = vectoangles(normalize(trace_endpos - vehic.origin + '0 0 32')); vang_x *= -1; df_x *= -1; if(df_x > 180) df_x -= 360; if(df_x < -180) df_x += 360; if(df_y > 180) df_y -= 360; if(df_y < -180) df_y += 360; ftmp = shortangle_f(this.v_angle_y - vang_y, vang_y); if(ftmp > 180) ftmp -= 360; if(ftmp < -180) ftmp += 360; vehic.avelocity_y = bound(-autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_turnspeed, ftmp + vehic.avelocity_y * 0.9, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_turnspeed); // Pitch ftmp = 0; if(this.movement_x > 0 && vang_x < autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit) ftmp = 5; else if(this.movement_x < 0 && vang_x > -autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit) ftmp = -20; df_x = bound(-autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit, df_x , autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit); ftmp = vang_x - bound(-autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit, df_x + ftmp, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit); vehic.avelocity_x = bound(-autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchspeed, ftmp + vehic.avelocity_x * 0.9, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_pitchspeed); vehic.angles_x = anglemods(vehic.angles_x); vehic.angles_y = anglemods(vehic.angles_y); vehic.angles_z = anglemods(vehic.angles_z); if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_movestyle == 1) makevectors('0 1 0' * vehic.angles_y); else makevectors(this.v_angle); df = vehic.velocity * -autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_friction; if(this.movement_x != 0) { if(this.movement_x > 0) df += v_forward * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_forward; else if(this.movement_x < 0) df -= v_forward * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_forward; } if(this.movement_y != 0) { if(this.movement_y < 0) df -= v_right * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_strafe; else if(this.movement_y > 0) df += v_right * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_strafe; vehic.angles_z = bound(-30,vehic.angles_z + (this.movement_y / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_strafe),30); } else { vehic.angles_z *= 0.95; if(vehic.angles_z >= -1 && vehic.angles_z <= -1) vehic.angles_z = 0; } if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(this)) df -= v_up * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_down; else if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this)) df += v_up * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_speed_up; vehic.velocity += df * frametime; this.velocity = this.movement = vehic.velocity; setorigin(this, vehic.origin + '0 0 32'); this.vehicle_weapon2mode = vehic.vehicle_weapon2mode; vector vf, ad; // Target lock & predict if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locktarget == 2) { if(vehic.gun1.lock_time < time || IS_DEAD(vehic.gun1.enemy) || STAT(FROZEN, vehic.gun1.enemy)) vehic.gun1.enemy = world; if(trace_ent) if(trace_ent.movetype) if(trace_ent.takedamage) if(!IS_DEAD(trace_ent) && !STAT(FROZEN, trace_ent)) { if(teamplay) { if(trace_ent.team != this.team) { vehic.gun1.enemy = trace_ent; vehic.gun1.lock_time = time + 5; } } else { vehic.gun1.enemy = trace_ent; vehic.gun1.lock_time = time + 0.5; } } if(vehic.gun1.enemy) { float distance, impact_time; vf = real_origin(vehic.gun1.enemy); UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(this, vf, '1 0 0', 1); vector _vel = vehic.gun1.enemy.velocity; if(vehic.gun1.enemy.movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK) _vel_z *= 0.1; if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_predicttarget) { ad = vf; distance = vlen(ad - this.origin); impact_time = distance / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_speed; ad = vf + _vel * impact_time; trace_endpos = ad; } else trace_endpos = vf; } } else if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locktarget == 1) { vehicles_locktarget(vehic, (1 / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locking_time) * frametime, (1 / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locking_releasetime) * frametime, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locked_time); if(vehic.lock_target != world) if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_predicttarget) if(vehic.lock_strength == 1) { float i, distance, impact_time; vf = real_origin(vehic.lock_target); ad = vf; for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { distance = vlen(ad - vehic.origin); impact_time = distance / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_speed; ad = vf + vehic.lock_target.velocity * impact_time; } trace_endpos = ad; } if(vehic.lock_target) { if(vehic.lock_strength == 1) UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(this, real_origin(vehic.lock_target), '1 0 0', 1); else if(vehic.lock_strength > 0.5) UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(this, real_origin(vehic.lock_target), '0 1 0', 1); else if(vehic.lock_strength < 0.5) UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(this, real_origin(vehic.lock_target), '0 0 1', 1); } } vehicle_aimturret(vehic, trace_endpos, vehic.gun1, "fire1", autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_down * -1, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_up, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnlimit * -1, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnlimit, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnspeed); vehicle_aimturret(vehic, trace_endpos, vehic.gun2, "fire1", autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_down * -1, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_up, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnlimit * -1, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnlimit, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnspeed); /* ad = ad * 0.5; v_forward = vf * 0.5; traceline(ad, ad + v_forward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, vehic); UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(this, trace_endpos, '0 1 0', 0); */ // TODO: fix wr_checkammo and its use of self! setself(vehic); Weapon wep1 = WEP_RAPTOR; if(!forbidWeaponUse(this)) if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this)) if (wep1.wr_checkammo1(wep1)) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; wep1.wr_think(wep1, vehic, weaponentity, 1); } if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_SHIELDREGEN) vehicles_regen(vehic, vehic.dmg_time, vehicle_shield, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen, frametime, true); if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_HEALTHREGEN) vehicles_regen(vehic, vehic.dmg_time, vehicle_health, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen, frametime, false); if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_ENERGYREGEN) vehicles_regen(vehic, vehic.cnt, vehicle_energy, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen, frametime, false); Weapon wep2a = WEP_RAPTOR_BOMB; if(!forbidWeaponUse(this)) if(vehic.vehicle_weapon2mode == RSM_BOMB) { if(time > vehic.lip + autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bombs_refire) if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this)) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[1]; wep2a.wr_think(wep2a, vehic, weaponentity, 2); vehic.delay = time + autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bombs_refire; vehic.lip = time; } } else { Weapon wep2b = WEP_RAPTOR_FLARE; if(time > vehic.lip + autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_flare_refire) if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this)) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[1]; wep2b.wr_think(wep2b, vehic, weaponentity, 2); vehic.delay = time + autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_flare_refire; vehic.lip = time; } } setself(this); vehic.bomb1.alpha = vehic.bomb2.alpha = (time - vehic.lip) / (vehic.delay - vehic.lip); this.vehicle_reload2 = bound(0, vehic.bomb1.alpha * 100, 100); this.vehicle_ammo2 = (this.vehicle_reload2 == 100) ? 100 : 0; if(vehic.bomb1.cnt < time) { entity _missile = findchainentity(enemy, vehic); float _incomming = 0; while(_missile) { if(_missile.flags & FL_PROJECTILE) if(MISSILE_IS_TRACKING(_missile)) if(vdist(vehic.origin - _missile.origin, <, 2 * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_flare_range)) ++_incomming; _missile = _missile.chain; } if(_incomming) sound(vehic, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, SND_VEH_MISSILE_ALARM, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE); vehic.bomb1.cnt = time + 1; } VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(this, vehic, health, raptor); VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(this, vehic, energy, raptor); if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_HASSHIELD) VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(this, vehic, shield, raptor); PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(this) = false; } bool raptor_takeoff(entity this) { entity vehic = this.vehicle; return = true; vehic.nextthink = time; CSQCMODEL_AUTOUPDATE(vehic); vehic.nextthink = 0; // will this work? if(vehic.sound_nexttime < time) { vehic.sound_nexttime = time + 7.955812; //soundlength("vehicles/raptor_fly.wav"); sound (vehic, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, SND_VEH_RAPTOR_SPEED, VOL_VEHICLEENGINE, ATTEN_NORM); } // Takeoff sequense if(vehic.frame < 25) { vehic.frame += 25 / (autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_takeofftime / sys_frametime); vehic.velocity_z = min(vehic.velocity_z * 1.5, 256); vehic.bomb1.gun1.avelocity_y = 90 + ((vehic.frame / 25) * 25000); vehic.bomb1.gun2.avelocity_y = -vehic.bomb1.gun1.avelocity_y; PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(this) = false; setorigin(this, vehic.origin + '0 0 32'); } else this.PlayerPhysplug = raptor_frame; if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_SHIELDREGEN) vehicles_regen(vehic, vehic.dmg_time, vehicle_shield, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen, frametime, true); if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_HEALTHREGEN) vehicles_regen(vehic, vehic.dmg_time, vehicle_health, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen, frametime, false); if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_ENERGYREGEN) vehicles_regen(vehic, vehic.cnt, vehicle_energy, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen, frametime, false); vehic.bomb1.alpha = vehic.bomb2.alpha = (time - vehic.lip) / (vehic.delay - vehic.lip); this.vehicle_reload2 = bound(0, vehic.bomb1.alpha * 100, 100); this.vehicle_ammo2 = (this.vehicle_reload2 == 100) ? 100 : 0; VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(this, vehic, health, raptor); VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(this, vehic, energy, raptor); if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_HASSHIELD) VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(this, vehic, shield, raptor); PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(this) = false; } void raptor_blowup() {SELFPARAM(); self.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; self.vehicle_exit(VHEF_NORMAL); RadiusDamage (self, self.enemy, 250, 15, 250, world, world, 250, DEATH_VH_RAPT_DEATH.m_id, world); self.alpha = -1; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.effects = EF_NODRAW; self.colormod = '0 0 0'; self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.velocity = '0 0 0'; setorigin(self, self.pos1); self.touch = func_null; self.nextthink = 0; } void raptor_diethink() {SELFPARAM(); if(time >= self.wait) self.think = raptor_blowup; if(random() < 0.05) { sound (self, CH_SHOTS, SND_ROCKET_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); Send_Effect(EFFECT_EXPLOSION_SMALL, randomvec() * 80 + (self.origin + '0 0 100'), '0 0 0', 1); } self.nextthink = time; CSQCMODEL_AUTOUPDATE(self); } // If we dont do this ever now and then, the raptors rotors // stop working, presumably due to angle overflow. cute. void raptor_rotor_anglefix() {SELFPARAM(); self.gun1.angles_y = anglemods(self.gun1.angles_y); self.gun2.angles_y = anglemods(self.gun2.angles_y); self.nextthink = time + 15; } float raptor_impulse(float _imp) {SELFPARAM(); switch(_imp) { case IMP_weapon_group_1.impulse: self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode = RSM_BOMB; CSQCVehicleSetup(self, 0); return true; case IMP_weapon_group_2.impulse: self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode = RSM_FLARE; CSQCVehicleSetup(self, 0); return true; case IMP_weapon_next_byid.impulse: case IMP_weapon_next_bypriority.impulse: case IMP_weapon_next_bygroup.impulse: self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode += 1; if(self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode > RSM_LAST) self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode = RSM_FIRST; CSQCVehicleSetup(self, 0); return true; case IMP_weapon_last.impulse: case IMP_weapon_prev_byid.impulse: case IMP_weapon_prev_bypriority.impulse: case IMP_weapon_prev_bygroup.impulse: self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode -= 1; if(self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode < RSM_FIRST) self.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode = RSM_LAST; CSQCVehicleSetup(self, 0); return true; /* case IMP_weapon_drop.impulse: // toss gun, could be used to exit? break; case IMP_weapon_reload.impulse: // Manual minigun reload? break; */ } return false; } spawnfunc(vehicle_raptor) { if(!autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor) { remove(self); return; } if(!vehicle_initialize(VEH_RAPTOR, false)) { remove(self); return; } } METHOD(Raptor, vr_impact, void(Raptor thisveh, entity instance)) { if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncepain) vehicles_impact(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncepain_x, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncepain_y, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncepain_z); } METHOD(Raptor, vr_enter, void(Raptor thisveh, entity instance)) { SELFPARAM(); self.vehicle_weapon2mode = RSM_BOMB; self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = raptor_takeoff; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.owner.vehicle_health = (self.vehicle_health / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health) * 100; self.owner.vehicle_shield = (self.vehicle_shield / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield) * 100; self.velocity_z = 1; // Nudge upwards to takeoff sequense can work. self.tur_head.exteriormodeltoclient = self.owner; self.delay = time + autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bombs_refire; self.lip = time; if(self.owner.flagcarried) setorigin(self.owner.flagcarried, '-20 0 96'); CSQCVehicleSetup(self.owner, 0); } METHOD(Raptor, vr_death, void(Raptor thisveh, entity instance)) { instance.health = 0; instance.event_damage = func_null; instance.solid = SOLID_CORPSE; instance.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; instance.deadflag = DEAD_DYING; instance.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; instance.think = raptor_diethink; instance.nextthink = time; instance.wait = time + 5 + (random() * 5); Send_Effect(EFFECT_EXPLOSION_MEDIUM, findbetterlocation (instance.origin, 16), '0 0 0', 1); instance.velocity_z += 600; instance.avelocity = '0 0.5 1' * (random() * 400); instance.avelocity -= '0 0.5 1' * (random() * 400); instance.colormod = '-0.5 -0.5 -0.5'; instance.touch = raptor_blowup; } METHOD(Raptor, vr_spawn, void(Raptor thisveh, entity instance)) { SELFPARAM(); if(!self.gun1) { entity spinner; vector ofs; //FIXME: Camera is in a bad place in HUD model. //setorigin(self.vehicle_viewport, '25 0 5'); self.vehicles_impulse = raptor_impulse; self.frame = 0; self.bomb1 = new(raptor_bomb); self.bomb2 = new(raptor_bomb); self.gun1 = new(raptor_gun); self.gun2 = new(raptor_gun); setmodel(self.bomb1, MDL_VEH_RAPTOR_CB_FOLDED); setmodel(self.bomb2, MDL_VEH_RAPTOR_CB_FOLDED); setmodel(self.gun1, MDL_VEH_RAPTOR_GUN); setmodel(self.gun2, MDL_VEH_RAPTOR_GUN); setmodel(self.tur_head, MDL_VEH_RAPTOR_TAIL); setattachment(self.bomb1, self, "bombmount_left"); setattachment(self.bomb2, self, "bombmount_right"); setattachment(self.tur_head, self,"root"); // FIXMODEL Guns mounts to angled bones self.bomb1.angles = self.angles; self.angles = '0 0 0'; // This messes up gun-aim, so work arround it. //setattachment(self.gun1, self, "gunmount_left"); ofs = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, "gunmount_left")); ofs -= self.origin; setattachment(self.gun1, self, ""); setorigin(self.gun1, ofs); //setattachment(self.gun2, self, "gunmount_right"); ofs = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, "gunmount_right")); ofs -= self.origin; setattachment(self.gun2, self, ""); setorigin(self.gun2, ofs); self.angles = self.bomb1.angles; self.bomb1.angles = '0 0 0'; spinner = new(raptor_spinner); spinner.owner = self; setmodel(spinner, MDL_VEH_RAPTOR_PROP); setattachment(spinner, self, "engine_left"); spinner.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; spinner.avelocity = '0 90 0'; self.bomb1.gun1 = spinner; spinner = new(raptor_spinner); spinner.owner = self; setmodel(spinner, MDL_VEH_RAPTOR_PROP); setattachment(spinner, self, "engine_right"); spinner.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; spinner.avelocity = '0 -90 0'; self.bomb1.gun2 = spinner; // Sigh. self.bomb1.think = raptor_rotor_anglefix; self.bomb1.nextthink = time; self.mass = 1 ; } self.frame = 0; self.vehicle_health = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health; self.vehicle_shield = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.vehicle_energy = 1; self.PlayerPhysplug = raptor_frame; self.bomb1.gun1.avelocity_y = 90; self.bomb1.gun2.avelocity_y = -90; self.delay = time; self.bouncefactor = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncefactor; self.bouncestop = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bouncestop; self.damageforcescale = 0.25; self.vehicle_health = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health; self.vehicle_shield = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield; } METHOD(Raptor, vr_setup, void(Raptor thisveh, entity instance)) { SELFPARAM(); if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield) self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_HASSHIELD; if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen) self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_SHIELDREGEN; if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen) self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_HEALTHREGEN; if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen) self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_ENERGYREGEN; self.vehicle_exit = raptor_exit; self.respawntime = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_respawntime; self.vehicle_health = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health; self.vehicle_shield = autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield; self.max_health = self.vehicle_health; } #endif #ifdef CSQC METHOD(Raptor, vr_hud, void(Raptor thisveh)) { Vehicles_drawHUD(VEH_RAPTOR.m_icon, "vehicle_raptor_weapon1", "vehicle_raptor_weapon2", "vehicle_icon_ammo1", autocvar_hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo1_color, "vehicle_icon_ammo2", autocvar_hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo2_color); } METHOD(Raptor, vr_crosshair, void(Raptor thisveh)) { SELFPARAM(); string crosshair; switch(weapon2mode) { case RSM_FLARE: crosshair = vCROSS_RAIN; break; case RSM_BOMB: crosshair = vCROSS_BURST; break; default: crosshair = vCROSS_BURST; } vector tmpSize = '0 0 0'; if(weapon2mode != RSM_FLARE) { vector where; if(!dropmark) { dropmark = spawn(); dropmark.owner = self; dropmark.gravity = 1; } float reload2 = STAT(VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD2) * 0.01; if(reload2 == 1) { setorigin(dropmark, pmove_org); dropmark.velocity = pmove_vel; tracetoss(dropmark, self); where = project_3d_to_2d(trace_endpos); setorigin(dropmark, trace_endpos); tmpSize = draw_getimagesize(vCROSS_DROP) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_crosshair_size; if (!(where.z < 0 || where.x < 0 || where.y < 0 || where.x > vid_conwidth || where.y > vid_conheight)) { where.x -= tmpSize.x * 0.5; where.y -= tmpSize.y * 0.5; where.z = 0; drawpic(where, vCROSS_DROP, tmpSize, '0 1 0', autocvar_crosshair_alpha * 0.9, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawpic(where, vCROSS_DROP, tmpSize, '0 1 0', autocvar_crosshair_alpha * 0.6, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Ensure visibility against bright bg } dropmark.cnt = time + 5; } else { if(dropmark.cnt > time) { where = project_3d_to_2d(dropmark.origin); tmpSize = draw_getimagesize(vCROSS_DROP) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_crosshair_size * 1.25; if (!(where.z < 0 || where.x < 0 || where.y < 0 || where.x > vid_conwidth || where.y > vid_conheight)) { where.x -= tmpSize.x * 0.5; where.y -= tmpSize.y * 0.5; where.z = 0; drawpic(where, vCROSS_DROP, tmpSize, '1 0 0', autocvar_crosshair_alpha * 0.9, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawpic(where, vCROSS_DROP, tmpSize, '1 0 0', autocvar_crosshair_alpha * 0.6, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Ensure visibility against bright bg } } } } Vehicles_drawCrosshair(crosshair); } METHOD(Raptor, vr_setup, void(Raptor thisveh, entity instance)) { AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_image = vCROSS_LOCK; } #endif #endif