#include "dialog_multiplayer_create.qh" #include "dialog_multiplayer_create_mapinfo.qh" #include "dialog_multiplayer_create_mutators.qh" #include "gametypelist.qh" #include "maplist.qh" #include #include "image.qh" #include "textslider.qh" #include "textlabel.qh" #include "slider.qh" #include "mainwindow.qh" #include "button.qh" #include "commandbutton.qh" #include "inputbox.qh" void GameType_ConfigureSliders(entity me, string pLabel, float pMin, float pMax, float pStep, string pCvar, string tCvar, string pTooltip) { int i; entity e = me.sliderFraglimit; entity l = me.labelFraglimit; e.configureXonoticTextSlider(e, pCvar, pTooltip); e.disabled = l.disabled = !pCvar; l.setText(l, pLabel); // clear old values for(i = 0; i < e.nValues; ++i); { strfree(e.(valueStrings[i])); strfree(e.(valueIdentifiers[i])); } e.clearValues(e); if(pCvar != "") { // set new values e.addValue(e, strzone(_("Default")), strzone("-1")); for(i = pMin; i <= pMax; i += pStep) { e.addValue(e, strzone(ftos(i)), strzone(ftos(i))); } e.addValue(e, strzone(_("Unlimited")), strzone("0")); } e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); entity t = me.sliderTeams; entity tl = me.labelTeams; t.configureXonoticTextSlider(t, tCvar, string_null); tl.disabled = t.disabled = !tCvar; t.nValues = (tCvar == "") ? 0 : 4; // instead of clearing / readding the very same values t.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(t); } void GameType_ConfigureSliders_for_CurrentGametype(entity me) { Gametype gt = MapInfo_CurrentGametype(); gt.m_configuremenu(gt, me, GameType_ConfigureSliders); } entity makeXonoticServerCreateTab() { entity me; me = NEW(XonoticServerCreateTab); me.configureDialog(me); return me; } .entity quitGameButton; void XonoticServerCreateTab_draw(entity me) { entity e = me.quitGameButton; e.disabled = !(gamestatus & (GAME_ISSERVER | GAME_CONNECTED)); if(cvar("g_campaign")) e.setText(e, _("Quit campaign")); else e.setText(e, _("Quit current game")); SUPER(XonoticServerCreateTab).draw(me); } void XonoticServerCreateTab_fill(entity me) { entity e, e0; // the left half begins here me.gotoRC(me, 0.5, 0); me.TD(me, 1, 3, makeXonoticHeaderLabel(_("Gametype"))); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 10.5, 3, e = makeXonoticGametypeList()); me.gotoRC(me, 12.5, 0); me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Time limit:"))); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextSlider_T("timelimit_override", _("Timelimit in minutes that when hit, will end the match"))); #define ADDVALUE_MINUTES(i) e.addValue(e, strzone(sprintf(_("%d minutes"), i)), #i) e.addValue(e, ZCTX(_("TIMLIM^Default")), "-1"); e.addValue(e, _("1 minute"), "1"); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(2); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(3); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(4); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(5); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(6); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(7); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(8); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(9); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(10); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(15); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(20); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(25); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(30); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(40); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(50); ADDVALUE_MINUTES(60); e.addValue(e, ZCTX(_("TIMLIM^Infinite")), "0"); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); #undef ADDVALUE_MINUTES me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 1, me.labelFraglimit = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Frag limit:"))); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = me.sliderFraglimit = makeXonoticTextSlider("fraglimit_override")); me.gotoRC(me, 15, 0); me.TD(me, 1, 1, me.labelTeams = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Teams:"))); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = me.sliderTeams = makeXonoticTextSlider(string_null)); e.addValue(e, _("Default"), "0"); e.addValue(e, _("2 teams"), "2"); e.addValue(e, _("3 teams"), "3"); e.addValue(e, _("4 teams"), "4"); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Player slots:"))); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticSlider_T(1, 32, 1, "menu_maxplayers", _("The maximum amount of players or bots that can be connected to your server at once"))); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Number of bots:"))); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticSlider_T(0, 9, 1, "bot_number", _("Amount of bots on your server"))); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Bot skill:"))); setDependent(e, "bot_number", 0, -1); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextSlider_T("skill", _("Specify how experienced the bots will be"))); e.addValue(e, _("Botlike"), "0"); e.addValue(e, _("Beginner"), "1"); e.addValue(e, _("You will win"), "2"); e.addValue(e, _("You can win"), "3"); e.addValue(e, _("You might win"), "4"); e.addValue(e, _("Advanced"), "5"); e.addValue(e, _("Expert"), "6"); e.addValue(e, _("Pro"), "7"); e.addValue(e, _("Assassin"), "8"); e.addValue(e, _("Unhuman"), "9"); e.addValue(e, _("Godlike"), "10"); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); setDependent(e, "bot_number", 0, -1); me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 3.8, 0); me.TD(me, 1, 3, e0 = makeXonoticTextLabel(0.5, string_null)); e0.textEntity = main.mutatorsDialog; e0.allowCut = 1; //e0.allowWrap = 1; // mapListBox is in the right column but the ref is needed for mutators dialog here me.mapListBox = makeXonoticMapList(); // here we use the following line instead of me.TR(me) for better visual spacing; // this decision was made in this poll: http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=5445 me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 2.5, 0); me.TDempty(me, 0.5); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticButton_T(_("Mutators..."), '0 0 0', _("Mutators and weapon arenas"))); e.onClick = DialogOpenButton_Click; e.onClickEntity = main.mutatorsDialog; main.mutatorsDialog.refilterEntity = me.mapListBox; // The right half begins here me.gotoRC(me, 0.5, 3.2); me.setFirstColumn(me, me.currentColumn); // the maplistbox me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticHeaderLabel(_("Maplist"))); makeCallback(e, me.mapListBox, me.mapListBox.refilterCallback); me.TR(me); // we use 5.8 here to visually match the bottom line of the component on the left (Bot Skill) me.TD(me, me.rows - 6.8, 3, me.mapListBox); me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 4.5, me.firstColumn); // string filter label and box me.TD(me, 1, 0.35, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(1, _("Filter:"))); me.mapListBox.stringFilterBox = makeXonoticInputBox_T(0, string_null, _("Click here or Ctrl-F to provide a keyword to narrow down the map list. Ctrl-Delete to clear; Enter when done.")); me.TD(me, 1, me.columns - me.firstColumn - 0.35, e = me.mapListBox.stringFilterBox); e.onChange = MapList_StringFilterBox_Change; e.keyDown = MapList_StringFilterBox_keyDown; e.onChangeEntity = me.mapListBox; me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 3.5, me.firstColumn); // the selection buttons me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.3, e = makeXonoticButton_T(_("Add shown"), '0 0 0', _("Add the maps shown in the list to your selection"))); e.onClick = MapList_Add_Shown; e.onClickEntity = me.mapListBox; me.TD(me, 1, 1.3, e = makeXonoticButton_T(_("Remove shown"), '0 0 0', _("Remove the maps shown in the list from your selection"))); e.onClick = MapList_Remove_Shown; e.onClickEntity = me.mapListBox; me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 2.5, me.firstColumn); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.3, e = makeXonoticButton_T(_("Add all"), '0 0 0', _("Add every available map to your selection"))); e.onClick = MapList_Add_All; e.onClickEntity = me.mapListBox; me.TD(me, 1, 1.3, e = makeXonoticButton_T(_("Remove all"), '0 0 0', _("Remove all the maps from your selection"))); e.onClick = MapList_Remove_All; e.onClickEntity = me.mapListBox; // bottom row me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 1, 0); me.TDempty(me, me.columns * 1/12); me.TD(me, 1, me.columns * 5/12, me.quitGameButton = makeXonoticCommandButton(string_null, '0 0 0', QUITGAME_CMD, 0)); me.TD(me, 1, me.columns * 5/12, e = makeXonoticButton(_("Start multiplayer!"), '0 0 0')); e.onClick = MapList_LoadMap; e.onClickEntity = me.mapListBox; me.mapListBox.startButton = e; GameType_ConfigureSliders_for_CurrentGametype(me); } void XonoticServerCreateTab_gameTypeChangeNotify(entity me) { GameType_ConfigureSliders_for_CurrentGametype(me); me.mapListBox.refilter(me.mapListBox); } void XonoticServerCreateTab_gameTypeSelectNotify(entity me) { me.setFocus(me, me.mapListBox); }