#ifndef SCREENSHOTLIST_H #define SCREENSHOTLIST_H #include "listbox.qc" CLASS(XonoticScreenshotList, XonoticListBox) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, configureXonoticScreenshotList, void(entity)); ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, rowsPerItem, float, 1) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, setSelected, void(entity, float)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, draw, void(entity)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, getScreenshots, void(entity)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, previewScreenshot, void(entity)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, startScreenshot, void(entity)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, screenshotName, string(entity, float)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, doubleClickListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, destroy, void(entity)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, showNotify, void(entity)); ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, listScreenshot, float, -1) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, realFontSize, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, columnNameOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, columnNameSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, realUpperMargin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, origin, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, itemAbsSize, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, filterString, string, string_null) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, filterBox, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, filterTime, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, newScreenshotTime, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, newSlideShowScreenshotTime, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, screenshotBrowserDialog, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, screenshotPreview, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotList, screenshotViewerDialog, entity, NULL) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, goScreenshot, void(entity, float)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, startSlideShow, void(entity)); METHOD(XonoticScreenshotList, stopSlideShow, void(entity)); ENDCLASS(XonoticScreenshotList) entity makeXonoticScreenshotList(); void StartScreenshot_Click(entity btn, entity me); void ScreenshotList_Refresh_Click(entity btn, entity me); void ScreenshotList_Filter_Would_Change(entity box, entity me); void ScreenshotList_Filter_Change(entity box, entity me); #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION entity makeXonoticScreenshotList() { entity me; me = NEW(XonoticScreenshotList); me.configureXonoticScreenshotList(me); return me; } void XonoticScreenshotList_configureXonoticScreenshotList(entity me) { me.configureXonoticListBox(me); me.getScreenshots(me); } string XonoticScreenshotList_screenshotName(entity me, float i) { string s; s = bufstr_get(me.listScreenshot, i); if(substring(s, 0, 1) == "/") s = substring(s, 1, strlen(s) - 1); // remove the first forward slash return s; } // if subdir is true look in subdirectories too (1 level) void getScreenshots_for_ext(entity me, string ext, float subdir) { string s; if (subdir) s="screenshots/*/"; else s="screenshots/"; if(me.filterString) s=strcat(s, me.filterString, ext); else s=strcat(s, "*", ext); float list, i, n; list = search_begin(s, false, true); if(list >= 0) { n = search_getsize(list); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { s = search_getfilename(list, i); // get initial full file name s = substring(s, 12, (strlen(s) - 12 - 4)); // remove "screenshots/" prefix and "." suffix s = strdecolorize(s); // remove any pre-existing colors if(subdir) { s = strreplace("/", "^7/", s); // clear colors at the forward slash s = strcat("/", rgb_to_hexcolor(SKINCOLOR_SCREENSHOTLIST_SUBDIR), s); // add a forward slash for sorting, then color bufstr_add(me.listScreenshot, s, true); } else { bufstr_add(me.listScreenshot, s, true); } } search_end(list); } if (subdir) getScreenshots_for_ext(me, ext, false); } void XonoticScreenshotList_getScreenshots(entity me) { if (me.listScreenshot >= 0) buf_del(me.listScreenshot); me.listScreenshot = buf_create(); if (me.listScreenshot < 0) { me.nItems = 0; return; } getScreenshots_for_ext(me, ".jpg", true); getScreenshots_for_ext(me, ".tga", true); getScreenshots_for_ext(me, ".png", true); me.nItems = buf_getsize(me.listScreenshot); if(me.nItems > 0) buf_sort(me.listScreenshot, 128, false); } void XonoticScreenshotList_destroy(entity me) { if(me.nItems > 0) buf_del(me.listScreenshot); } void XonoticScreenshotList_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize) { me.itemAbsSize = '0 0 0'; SUPER(XonoticScreenshotList).resizeNotify(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize); me.realFontSize_y = me.fontSize / (me.itemAbsSize_y = (absSize.y * me.itemHeight)); me.realFontSize_x = me.fontSize / (me.itemAbsSize_x = (absSize.x * (1 - me.controlWidth))); me.realUpperMargin = 0.5 * (1 - me.realFontSize.y); me.columnNameOrigin = me.realFontSize.x; me.columnNameSize = 1 - 2 * me.realFontSize.x; } void XonoticScreenshotList_setSelected(entity me, float i) { if (me.newSlideShowScreenshotTime) me.startSlideShow(me); float selectedItem_save = me.selectedItem; SUPER(XonoticScreenshotList).setSelected(me, i); if (me.pressed && me.selectedItem != selectedItem_save) { // avoid immediate image loading on quick repeated selection changes me.newScreenshotTime = time + 0.22; } else if (time > me.newScreenshotTime) { me.newScreenshotTime = 0; me.previewScreenshot(me); // load the preview on selection change } } void XonoticScreenshotList_drawListBoxItem(entity me, int i, vector absSize, bool isSelected, bool isFocused) { string s; if(isSelected) draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_SELECTED, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_SELECTED); else if(isFocused) { me.focusedItemAlpha = getFadedAlpha(me.focusedItemAlpha, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, SKINFADEALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED); draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, me.focusedItemAlpha); } s = me.screenshotName(me,i); s = draw_TextShortenToWidth(s, me.columnNameSize, 0, me.realFontSize); draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + (me.columnNameOrigin + 0.00 * (me.columnNameSize - draw_TextWidth(s, 0, me.realFontSize))) * eX, s, me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', SKINALPHA_TEXT, 1); } void XonoticScreenshotList_showNotify(entity me) { me.getScreenshots(me); me.previewScreenshot(me); } void ScreenshotList_Refresh_Click(entity btn, entity me) { me.getScreenshots(me); me.setSelected(me, 0); //always select the first element after a list update } void ScreenshotList_Filter_Change(entity box, entity me) { if(me.filterString) strunzone(me.filterString); if(box.text != "") { if (strstrofs(box.text, "*", 0) >= 0 || strstrofs(box.text, "?", 0) >= 0) me.filterString = strzone(box.text); else me.filterString = strzone(strcat("*", box.text, "*")); } else me.filterString = string_null; ScreenshotList_Refresh_Click(NULL, me); } void ScreenshotList_Filter_Would_Change(entity box, entity me) { me.filterBox = box; me.filterTime = time + 0.5; } void XonoticScreenshotList_draw(entity me) { if (me.filterTime && time > me.filterTime) { ScreenshotList_Filter_Change(me.filterBox, me); me.filterTime = 0; } if (me.newScreenshotTime && time > me.newScreenshotTime) { me.previewScreenshot(me); me.newScreenshotTime = 0; } else if (me.newSlideShowScreenshotTime && time > me.newSlideShowScreenshotTime) { if (me.selectedItem == me.nItems - 1) //last screenshot? { // restart from the first screenshot me.setSelected(me, 0); me.goScreenshot(me, +0); } else me.goScreenshot(me, +1); } SUPER(XonoticScreenshotList).draw(me); } void XonoticScreenshotList_startSlideShow(entity me) { me.newSlideShowScreenshotTime = time + 3; } void XonoticScreenshotList_stopSlideShow(entity me) { me.newSlideShowScreenshotTime = 0; } void XonoticScreenshotList_goScreenshot(entity me, float d) { if(!me.screenshotViewerDialog) return; me.setSelected(me, me.selectedItem + d); me.screenshotViewerDialog.loadScreenshot(me.screenshotViewerDialog, strcat("/screenshots/", strdecolorize(me.screenshotName(me,me.selectedItem)))); } void XonoticScreenshotList_startScreenshot(entity me) { me.screenshotViewerDialog.loadScreenshot(me.screenshotViewerDialog, strcat("/screenshots/", strdecolorize(me.screenshotName(me,me.selectedItem)))); // pop up screenshot DialogOpenButton_Click_withCoords(NULL, me.screenshotViewerDialog, me.origin + eX * (me.columnNameOrigin * me.size.x) + eY * ((me.itemHeight * me.selectedItem - me.scrollPos) * me.size.y), eY * me.itemAbsSize.y + eX * (me.itemAbsSize.x * me.columnNameSize)); } void XonoticScreenshotList_previewScreenshot(entity me) { if(!me.screenshotBrowserDialog) return; if (me.nItems <= 0) me.screenshotBrowserDialog.loadPreviewScreenshot(me.screenshotBrowserDialog, ""); else me.screenshotBrowserDialog.loadPreviewScreenshot(me.screenshotBrowserDialog, strcat("/screenshots/", strdecolorize(me.screenshotName(me,me.selectedItem)))); } void StartScreenshot_Click(entity btn, entity me) { me.startScreenshot(me); } void XonoticScreenshotList_doubleClickListBoxItem(entity me, float i, vector where) { me.startScreenshot(me); } float XonoticScreenshotList_keyDown(entity me, float scan, float ascii, float shift) { if(scan == K_ENTER || scan == K_KP_ENTER || scan == K_MOUSE2 || scan == K_SPACE) { me.startScreenshot(me); return 1; } return SUPER(XonoticScreenshotList).keyDown(me, scan, ascii, shift); } #endif