#include "cmd.qh" #include #include #include #include "common.qh" #include "vote.qh" #include "../bot/api.qh" #include "../campaign.qh" #include "../cheats.qh" #include "../client.qh" #include "../clientkill.qh" #include "../player.qh" #include "../ipban.qh" #include "../mapvoting.qh" #include "../scores.qh" #include "../teamplay.qh" #include #include #ifdef SVQC #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ========================================================= // Server side networked commands code, reworked by Samual // Last updated: December 28th, 2011 // ========================================================= bool SV_ParseClientCommand_floodcheck(entity this) { entity store = IS_CLIENT(this) ? CS(this) : this; // unfortunately, we need to store these on the client initially if (!timeout_status) // not while paused { if (time <= (store.cmd_floodtime + autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_time)) { store.cmd_floodcount += 1; if (store.cmd_floodcount > autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_count) return false; // too much spam, halt } else { store.cmd_floodtime = time; store.cmd_floodcount = 1; } } return true; // continue, as we're not flooding yet } // ======================= // Command Sub-Functions // ======================= void ClientCommand_autoswitch(entity caller, int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { CS(caller).autoswitch = InterpretBoolean(argv(1)); sprint(caller, strcat("^1autoswitch is currently turned ", (CS(caller).autoswitch ? "on" : "off"), ".\n")); return; } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2autoswitch^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd autoswitch selection\n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'selection' controls if autoswitch is on or off.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_clientversion(entity caller, int request, int argc) // internal command, used only by code { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { if (IS_CLIENT(caller)) { CS(caller).version = ((argv(1) == "$gameversion") ? 1 : stof(argv(1))); if (CS(caller).version < autocvar_gameversion_min || CS(caller).version > autocvar_gameversion_max) { CS(caller).version_mismatch = true; ClientKill_TeamChange(caller, -2); // observe } else if (autocvar_g_campaign || autocvar_g_balance_teams) { // JoinBestTeam(caller, false, true); } else if (teamplay && !autocvar_sv_spectate && !(Player_GetForcedTeamIndex(caller) > 0)) { TRANSMUTE(Observer, caller); // really? stuffcmd(caller, "menu_showteamselect\n"); } } return; } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2clientversion^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd clientversion version\n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'version' is the game version reported by caller.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_mv_getpicture(entity caller, int request, int argc) // internal command, used only by code { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { if (intermission_running) MapVote_SendPicture(caller, stof(argv(1))); return; } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2mv_getpicture^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd mv_getpicture mapid\n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'mapid' is the id number of the map to request an image of on the map vote selection menu.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_wpeditor(entity caller, int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!autocvar_g_waypointeditor) { sprint(caller, "ERROR: this command works only if the waypoint editor is on\n"); return; } if (argv(1) != "") { if (argv(1) == "spawn") { string s = argv(2); if (!IS_PLAYER(caller)) sprint(caller, "ERROR: this command works only if you are player\n"); else waypoint_spawn_fromeditor(caller, (s == "crosshair"), (s == "jump"), (s == "crouch"), (s == "support")); return; } else if (argv(1) == "remove") { if (!IS_PLAYER(caller)) sprint(caller, "ERROR: this command works only if you are player\n"); else waypoint_remove_fromeditor(caller); return; } else if (argv(1) == "hardwire") { string s = argv(2); waypoint_start_hardwiredlink(caller, (s == "crosshair")); return; } else if (argv(1) == "lock") { waypoint_lock(caller); return; } else if (argv(1) == "unreachable") { if (!IS_PLAYER(caller)) sprint(caller, "ERROR: this command works only if you are player\n"); else waypoint_unreachable(caller); return; } else if (argv(1) == "saveall") { waypoint_saveall(); return; } else if (argv(1) == "relinkall") { waypoint_schedulerelinkall(); return; } else if (argv(1) == "symaxis") { if (argv(2) == "set" || argv(2) == "get") { waypoint_getSymmetricalAxis_cmd(caller, (argv(2) == "set"), 3); return; } } else if (argv(1) == "symorigin") { if (argv(2) == "set" || argv(2) == "get") { waypoint_getSymmetricalOrigin_cmd(caller, (argv(2) == "set"), 3); return; } } } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2wpeditor^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd wpeditor action\n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'action' can be:\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5spawn^7: spawns a waypoint at player's position\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5remove^7: remove player's nearest waypoint\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5unreachable^7: useful to reveal waypoints and items unreachable from the current position and spawnpoints without a nearest waypoint\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5saveall^7: saves all waypoints and links to file\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5relinkall^7: relink all waypoints as if they were respawned\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5spawn crosshair^7: spawns a waypoint at crosshair's position (in general useful to create special and hardwired links with ease from existing waypoints, in particular it's the only way to create custom jumppad waypoints (spawn another waypoint to create destination))\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5spawn jump^7: spawns a jump waypoint (spawn another waypoint to create destination)\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5spawn crouch^7: spawns a crouch waypoint\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5spawn support^7: spawns a support waypoint (spawn another waypoint to create destination from which all incoming links are removed), useful to replace links to preblematic jumppad/teleport waypoints\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5hardwire^7: marks the nearest waypoint as origin of a new hardwired link (spawn another waypoint over an existing one to create destination)\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5hardwire crosshair^7: marks the waypoint at crosshair instead of the nearest waypoint\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5lock^7: locks link display of the aimed waypoint (unlocks if no waypoint is found at crosshair's position)\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5symorigin get|set\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5symorigin get|set p1 p2 ... pX\n"); sprint(caller, " ^5symaxis get|set p1 p2\n"); sprint(caller, " ^7 where p1 p2 ... pX are positions (\"x y z\", z can be omitted) that you know are perfectly symmetrical"); sprint(caller, " ^7 so you can determine origin/axis of symmetry of maps without ctf flags or where flags aren't perfectly symmetrical\n"); sprint(caller, " See 'wpeditor_menu' for a selectable list of various commands and useful settings to edit waypoints.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_join(entity caller, int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!game_stopped) if (IS_CLIENT(caller) && !IS_PLAYER(caller)) if (joinAllowed(caller)) Join(caller); return; // never fall through to usage } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd join\n"); sprint(caller, " No arguments required.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_kill(entity caller, int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if(IS_SPEC(caller) || IS_OBSERVER(caller)) return; // no point warning about this, command does nothing if(GetResource(caller, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) { sprint(caller, "Can't die - you are already dead!\n"); return; } ClientKill(caller); return; // never fall through to usage } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd kill\n"); sprint(caller, " No arguments required.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_physics(entity caller, int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { string command = strtolower(argv(1)); if (!autocvar_g_physics_clientselect) { sprint(caller, "Client physics selection is currently disabled.\n"); return; } if (command == "list" || command == "help") { sprint(caller, strcat("Available physics sets: \n\n", autocvar_g_physics_clientselect_options, " default\n")); return; } if (Physics_Valid(command) || command == "default") { stuffcmd(caller, strcat("\nseta cl_physics ", command, "\nsendcvar cl_physics\n")); sprint(caller, strcat("^2Physics set successfully changed to ^3", command, "\n")); return; } } default: sprint(caller, strcat("Current physics set: ^3", CS(caller).cvar_cl_physics, "\n")); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd physics \n"); sprint(caller, " See 'cmd physics list' for available physics sets.\n"); sprint(caller, " Argument 'default' resets to standard physics.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_ready(entity caller, int request) // todo: anti-spam for toggling readyness { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (IS_CLIENT(caller)) { if (warmup_stage || sv_ready_restart || g_race_qualifying == 2) { if (!readyrestart_happened || sv_ready_restart_repeatable) { if (time < game_starttime) // game is already restarting return; if (caller.ready) // toggle { caller.ready = false; if(IS_PLAYER(caller) || caller.caplayer == 1) bprint(playername(caller, false), "^2 is ^1NOT^2 ready\n"); } else { caller.ready = true; if(IS_PLAYER(caller) || caller.caplayer == 1) bprint(playername(caller, false), "^2 is ready\n"); } // cannot reset the game while a timeout is active! if (!timeout_status) ReadyCount(); } else { sprint(caller, "^1Game has already been restarted\n"); } } } return; // never fall through to usage } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd ready\n"); sprint(caller, " No arguments required.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_say(entity caller, int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 2) Say(caller, false, NULL, substring(command, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1)), 1); return; // never fall through to usage } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd say \n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'message' is the string of text to say.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_say_team(entity caller, int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 2) Say(caller, true, NULL, substring(command, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1)), 1); return; // never fall through to usage } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd say_team \n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'message' is the string of text to say.\n"); return; } } } .bool team_selected; void ClientCommand_selectteam(entity caller, int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) == "") { return; } if (!IS_CLIENT(caller)) { return; } if (!teamplay) { sprint(caller, "^7selectteam can only be used in teamgames\n"); return; } if (Player_GetForcedTeamIndex(caller) > 0) { sprint(caller, "^7selectteam can not be used as your team is forced\n"); return; } if (lockteams) { sprint(caller, "^7The game has already begun, you must wait until the next map to be able to join a team.\n"); return; } float selection; switch (argv(1)) { case "red": { selection = NUM_TEAM_1; break; } case "blue": { selection = NUM_TEAM_2; break; } case "yellow": { selection = NUM_TEAM_3; break; } case "pink": { selection = NUM_TEAM_4; break; } case "auto": { selection = (-1); break; } default: { return; } } if (caller.team == selection && selection != -1 && !IS_DEAD(caller)) { sprint(caller, "^7You already are on that team.\n"); return; } if (CS(caller).wasplayer && autocvar_g_changeteam_banned) { sprint(caller, "^1You cannot change team, forbidden by the server.\n"); return; } if ((selection != -1) && autocvar_g_balance_teams && autocvar_g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance) { entity balance = TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(caller); TeamBalance_GetTeamCounts(balance, caller); if ((Team_IndexToBit(Team_TeamToIndex(selection)) & TeamBalance_FindBestTeams(balance, caller, false)) == 0) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, caller, MSG_INFO, INFO_TEAMCHANGE_LARGERTEAM); TeamBalance_Destroy(balance); return; } TeamBalance_Destroy(balance); } ClientKill_TeamChange(caller, selection); if (!IS_PLAYER(caller)) { caller.team_selected = true; // avoids asking again for team selection on join } return; } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2selectteam^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd selectteam team\n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'team' is the prefered team to try and join.\n"); sprint(caller, " Full list of options here: \"red, blue, yellow, pink, auto\"\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_selfstuff(entity caller, int request, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { stuffcmd(caller, substring(command, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1))); return; } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2selfstuff^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd selfstuff \n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'command' is the string to be stuffed to your client.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_sentcvar(entity caller, int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { // float tokens; string s; if (argc == 2) // undefined cvar: use the default value on the server then { s = strcat(substring(command, argv_start_index(0), argv_end_index(1) - argv_start_index(0)), " \"", cvar_defstring(argv(1)), "\""); tokenize_console(s); } GetCvars(caller, CS(caller), 1); return; } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2sentcvar^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd sentcvar \n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'cvar' is the cvar plus arguments to send to the server.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_spectate(entity caller, int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!intermission_running && IS_CLIENT(caller)) { if((IS_SPEC(caller) || IS_OBSERVER(caller)) && argv(1) != "") { entity client = GetFilteredEntity(argv(1)); int spec_accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, false, false); if(spec_accepted > 0 && IS_PLAYER(client)) { if(Spectate(caller, client)) return; // fall back to regular handling } } int mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ClientCommand_Spectate, caller); if (mutator_returnvalue == MUT_SPECCMD_RETURN) return; if ((IS_PLAYER(caller) || mutator_returnvalue == MUT_SPECCMD_FORCE)) if (autocvar_sv_spectate == 1) ClientKill_TeamChange(caller, -2); // observe } return; // never fall through to usage } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd spectate \n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'client' can be the player to spectate.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_suggestmap(entity caller, int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { sprint(caller, strcat(MapVote_Suggest(caller, argv(1)), "\n")); return; } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2suggestmap^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd suggestmap map\n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'map' is the name of the map to suggest.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_tell(entity caller, int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 3) { if(!IS_CLIENT(caller) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(caller)) // connecting { print_to(caller, "You can't ^2tell^7 a message while connecting."); return; } entity tell_to = GetIndexedEntity(argc, 1); float tell_accepted = VerifyClientEntity(tell_to, true, false); if (tell_accepted > 0) // the target is a real client { if (tell_to != caller) // and we're allowed to send to them :D { // workaround for argv indexes indexing ascii chars instead of utf8 chars // In this case when the player name contains utf8 chars // the message gets partially trimmed in the beginning. // Potentially this bug affects any substring call that uses // argv_start_index and argv_end_index. string utf8_enable_save = cvar_string("utf8_enable"); cvar_set("utf8_enable", "0"); string msg = substring(command, argv_start_index(next_token), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(next_token)); cvar_set("utf8_enable", utf8_enable_save); Say(caller, false, tell_to, msg, true); return; } else { print_to(caller, "You can't ^2tell^7 a message to yourself."); return; } } else if (argv(1) == "#0") { trigger_magicear_processmessage_forallears(caller, -1, NULL, substring(command, argv_start_index(next_token), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(next_token))); return; } else { print_to(caller, strcat("tell: ", GetClientErrorString(tell_accepted, argv(1)), ".")); return; } } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2tell^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd tell client \n"); sprint(caller, " Where 'client' is the entity number or name of the player to send 'message' to.\n"); return; } } } void ClientCommand_voice(entity caller, int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { entity e = GetVoiceMessage(argv(1)); if (!e) { sprint(caller, sprintf("Invalid voice. Use one of: %s\n", allvoicesamples)); return; } string msg = ""; if (argc >= 3) msg = substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2)); VoiceMessage(caller, e, msg); return; } } default: sprint(caller, "Incorrect parameters for ^2voice^7\n"); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd voice messagetype \n"); sprint(caller, " 'messagetype' is the type of broadcast to do, like team only or such,\n"); sprint(caller, " and 'soundname' is the string/filename of the sound/voice message to play.\n"); return; } } } /* use this when creating a new command, making sure to place it in alphabetical order... also, ** ADD ALL NEW COMMANDS TO commands.cfg WITH PROPER ALIASES IN THE SAME FASHION! void ClientCommand_(entity caller, int request) { switch(request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { return; // never fall through to usage } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { sprint(caller, "\nUsage:^3 cmd \n"); sprint(caller, " No arguments required.\n"); return; } } } */ // ===================================== // Macro system for networked commands // ===================================== // Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;) #define CLIENT_COMMANDS(ent, request, arguments, command) \ CLIENT_COMMAND("autoswitch", ClientCommand_autoswitch(ent, request, arguments), "Whether or not to switch automatically when getting a better weapon") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("clientversion", ClientCommand_clientversion(ent, request, arguments), "Release version of the game") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("join", ClientCommand_join(ent, request), "Become a player in the game") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("kill", ClientCommand_kill(ent, request), "Become a member of the dead") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("minigame", ClientCommand_minigame(ent, request, arguments, command), "Start a minigame") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("mv_getpicture", ClientCommand_mv_getpicture(ent, request, arguments), "Retrieve mapshot picture from the server") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("physics", ClientCommand_physics(ent, request, arguments), "Change physics set") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("ready", ClientCommand_ready(ent, request), "Qualify as ready to end warmup stage (or restart server if allowed)") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("say", ClientCommand_say(ent, request, arguments, command), "Print a message to chat to all players") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("say_team", ClientCommand_say_team(ent, request, arguments, command), "Print a message to chat to all team mates") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("selectteam", ClientCommand_selectteam(ent, request, arguments), "Attempt to choose a team to join into") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("selfstuff", ClientCommand_selfstuff(ent, request, command), "Stuffcmd a command to your own client") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("sentcvar", ClientCommand_sentcvar(ent, request, arguments, command), "New system for sending a client cvar to the server") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("spectate", ClientCommand_spectate(ent, request), "Become an observer") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("suggestmap", ClientCommand_suggestmap(ent, request, arguments), "Suggest a map to the mapvote at match end") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("tell", ClientCommand_tell(ent, request, arguments, command), "Send a message directly to a player") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("voice", ClientCommand_voice(ent, request, arguments, command), "Send voice message via sound") \ CLIENT_COMMAND("wpeditor", ClientCommand_wpeditor(ent, request, arguments), "Waypoint editor commands") \ /* nothing */ void ClientCommand_macro_help(entity caller) { #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { sprint(caller, " ^2", name, "^7: ", description, "\n"); } CLIENT_COMMANDS(NULL, 0, 0, ""); #undef CLIENT_COMMAND } float ClientCommand_macro_command(int argc, entity caller, string command) { #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { if (name == strtolower(argv(0))) { function; return true; } } CLIENT_COMMANDS(caller, CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND, argc, command); #undef CLIENT_COMMAND return false; } float ClientCommand_macro_usage(int argc, entity caller) { #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { if (name == strtolower(argv(1))) { function; return true; } } CLIENT_COMMANDS(caller, CMD_REQUEST_USAGE, argc, ""); #undef CLIENT_COMMAND return false; } void ClientCommand_macro_write_aliases(float fh) { #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { CMD_Write_Alias("qc_cmd_cmd", name, description); } CLIENT_COMMANDS(NULL, 0, 0, ""); #undef CLIENT_COMMAND } // ====================================== // Main Function Called By Engine (cmd) // ====================================== // If this function exists, server game code parses clientcommand before the engine code gets it. void SV_ParseClientCommand(entity this, string command) { // If invalid UTF-8, don't even parse it string command2 = ""; float len = strlen(command); float i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) command2 = strcat(command2, chr2str(str2chr(command, i))); if (command != command2) return; // if we're banned, don't even parse the command if (Ban_MaybeEnforceBanOnce(this)) return; int argc = tokenize_console(command); // Guide for working with argc arguments by example: // argc: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 // argv: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 // cmd vote - master - login - password // for floodcheck switch (strtolower(argv(0))) { // exempt commands which are not subject to floodcheck case "begin": break; // handled by engine in host_cmd.c case "download": break; // handled by engine in cl_parse.c case "mv_getpicture": break; // handled by server in this file case "wpeditor": break; // handled by server in this file case "pause": break; // handled by engine in host_cmd.c case "prespawn": break; // handled by engine in host_cmd.c case "sentcvar": break; // handled by server in this file case "spawn": break; // handled by engine in host_cmd.c case "c2s": Net_ClientCommand(this, command); return; // handled by net.qh default: if (SV_ParseClientCommand_floodcheck(this)) break; // "true": continue, as we're not flooding yet else return; // "false": not allowed to continue, halt // print("^1ERROR: ^7ANTISPAM CAUGHT: ", command, ".\n"); } /* NOTE: should this be disabled? It can be spammy perhaps, but hopefully it's okay for now */ if (argv(0) == "help") { if (argc == 1) { sprint(this, "\nClient networked commands:\n"); ClientCommand_macro_help(this); sprint(this, "\nCommon networked commands:\n"); CommonCommand_macro_help(this); sprint(this, "\nUsage:^3 cmd COMMAND...^7, where possible commands are listed above.\n"); sprint(this, "For help about a specific command, type cmd help COMMAND\n"); return; } else if (CommonCommand_macro_usage(argc, this)) // Instead of trying to call a command, we're going to see detailed information about it { return; } else if (ClientCommand_macro_usage(argc, this)) // same, but for normal commands now { return; } } else if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SV_ParseClientCommand, this, strtolower(argv(0)), argc, command)) { return; // handled by a mutator } else if (CheatCommand(this, argc)) { return; // handled by server/cheats.qc } else if (CommonCommand_macro_command(argc, this, command)) { return; // handled by server/command/common.qc } else if (ClientCommand_macro_command(argc, this, command)) // continue as usual and scan for normal commands { return; // handled by one of the above ClientCommand_* functions } else { clientcommand(this, command); } }