textures/terrain01x/blends-mars-rock01-ground01 { qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/blends/mars-rock01-ground01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 229 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 95 surfaceparm dust q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.95 ) { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars01.tga // Primary } { map textures/terrain01x/ground/mars01.tga // Secondary blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } textures/terrain01x/blends-mars-rock01-sand04 { qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/blends/mars-rock01-sand04.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 229 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 95 surfaceparm dust q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.95 ) { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars01.tga // Primary } { map textures/terrain01x/ground/sand04.tga // Secondary blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } textures/terrain01x/blends-mars-rock02-ground01 { qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/blends/mars-rock02-ground01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 226 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 95 surfaceparm dust q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.95 ) { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars02.tga // Primary } { map textures/terrain01x/ground/mars01.tga // Secondary blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } textures/terrain01x/blends-mars-rock01-ground01-projected { qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/blends/mars-rock01-ground01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 229 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 95 surfaceparm dust q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.95 ) q3map_tcGen ivector ( 1024 0 0 ) ( 0 1024 0 ) { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars01.tga // Primary } { map textures/terrain01x/ground/mars01.tga // Secondary blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } textures/terrain01x/blends-mars-rock01-sand04-projected { qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/blends/mars-rock01-sand04.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 229 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 95 surfaceparm dust q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.95 ) q3map_tcGen ivector ( 1024 0 0 ) ( 0 1024 0 ) { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars01.tga // Primary } { map textures/terrain01x/ground/sand04.tga // Secondary blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } textures/terrain01x/blends-mars-rock02-ground01-projected { qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/blends/mars-rock02-ground01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 226 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 95 surfaceparm dust q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.95 ) q3map_tcGen ivector ( 1024 0 0 ) ( 0 1024 0 ) { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars02.tga // Primary } { map textures/terrain01x/ground/mars01.tga // Secondary blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } textures/terrain01x/ground-barren01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/barren01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 112 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/barren01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-barren02 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/barren02.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 207 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/barren02.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-drylake01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/drylake01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 184 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/drylake01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-drylake02 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/drylake02.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 184 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/drylake02.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-goopit { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/goopit.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.75 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 72 dpglossintensitymod 1 dpglossexponentmod 2 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 4 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 90 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/goopit.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-gravel01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/gravel01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 202 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/gravel01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-ice01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/ice01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.75 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 254 dpglossintensitymod 1 dpglossexponentmod 2 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 4 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 15 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/ice01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-mars01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/mars01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 186 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/mars01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-mud01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/mud01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 210 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/mud01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-mud02 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/mud02.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 177 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/mud02.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-sand01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/sand01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 160 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/sand01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-sand02 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/sand02.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 197 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/sand02.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-sand03 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/sand03.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 188 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/sand03.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/ground-sand04 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/ground/sand04.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 228 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/ground/sand04.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/rock-mars01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/rock/mars01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 229 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/rock-mars02 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/rock/mars02.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 226 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/rock/mars02.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/rock-rock01 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/rock/rock01.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 174 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/rock/rock01.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/rock-rock02 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/rock/rock02.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 145 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/rock/rock02.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } } textures/terrain01x/rock-rock03 { xon_nowarn "We're intentionally using an alpha'd texture without using the alpha channel" qer_editorimage textures/terrain01x/rock/rock03.tga q3map_bounceScale 0.5 dpoffsetmapping - 2 match8 166 q3map_lightmapSampleOffset 8 q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeangle 45 { map textures/terrain01x/rock/rock03.tga } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter } }