<%inherit file="base.mako"/> <%namespace name="nav" file="nav.mako" /> <%namespace file="navlinks.mako" import="navlinks" /> <%block name="navigation"> ${nav.nav('maps')} <%block name="title"> % if gmap: Map Information % endif ${parent.title()} <%block name="css"> ${parent.css()} % if gmap is None:

Sorry, that map wasn't found!

% else:


Added ${gmap.fuzzy_date()}

Top Scoring Players

<% i = 1 %> % for (score_player_id, score_nick, score_value) in top_scorers: % if score_player_id != '-': % else: % endif <% i = i+1 %> % endfor
# Nick Score

Most Active Players

<% i = 1 %> % for (player_id, nick, alivetime) in top_players: % if player_id != '-': % else: % endif <% i = i+1 %> % endfor
# Nick Playing Time

Most Active Servers

<% i = 1 %> % for (server_id, name, times_played) in top_servers: <% i = i+1 %> % endfor
# Name # Games
${i} ${name} ${times_played}

*Most active stats are from the past 7 days

% if len(captimes) > 0:

Best Flag Capture Times

% for c in captimes: % endfor
Nick Captime
% if c.player_id > 2: ${c.nick_html_colors|n} % else: ${c.nick_html_colors|n} % endif ${round(float(c.fastest_cap.seconds) + (c.fastest_cap.microseconds/1000000.0), 2)}
% endif % if len(recent_games) > 0:

Most Recent Games

% for rg in recent_games: % endfor
Type Server Time Winner
View ${rg.server_name} ${rg.fuzzy_date} % if rg.player_id > 2: ${rg.nick_html_colors|n} % else: ${rg.nick_html_colors|n} % endif


% endif % endif