<%inherit file="base.mako"/> <%namespace name="nav" file="nav.mako" /> <%namespace file="accuracy.mako" import="accuracy" /> <%block name="navigation"> ${nav.nav('players')} <%block name="title"> Player Information % if player is None:

This player is so good we couldn't find him!

Seriously though, he probably doesn't exist...just a figment of your imagination. Carry on then!

% else:


Member Since: ${player.create_dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y at %I:%M %p')}
Last Seen: ${recent_games[0][1].fuzzy_date()}
Playing Time: ${game_stats['total_alivetime']}
Games Played: ${game_stats['total_games_played']}
Average Rank: ${game_stats['avg_rank']}

% endif % if game_stats:

Overall Game Stats

Score Carrier Kills Kills Collects Deaths Destroys Suicides Destroys (with key) Captures Pushes Pickups Pushed Drops Returns
${game_stats['total_score']} ${game_stats['total_carrier_frags']} ${game_stats['total_kills']} ${game_stats['total_collects']} ${game_stats['total_deaths']} ${game_stats['total_destroys']} ${game_stats['total_suicides']} ${game_stats['total_destroys']} ${game_stats['total_captures']} ${game_stats['total_pushes']} ${game_stats['total_pickups']} ${game_stats['total_pushed']} ${game_stats['total_drops']} ${game_stats['total_returns']}
% endif
% if weapon_stats:

Overall Accuracy

% endif ##### RECENT GAMES (v2) #### % if recent_games:

Recent Games

% for (gamestat, game, server, map) in recent_games: % endfor
Game Type Map Result Played Permalink
${game.game_type_cd} ${map.name} % if gamestat.team != None and gamestat.team == game.winner: Won (#${gamestat.rank}) % elif gamestat.team != None and gamestat.team != game.winner: Lost (#${gamestat.rank}) % else: #${gamestat.rank} % endif ${game.fuzzy_date()} View
% if game_stats['total_games_played'] > 10: More games played by ${player.nick_html_colors()|n}... % endif
% endif