<%inherit file="base.mako"/> <%namespace file="navlinks.mako" import="navlinks" /> <%block name="title"> Rank Index - ${parent.title()} % if not ranks:

Sorry, no ranks yet. Get some buddies together and start playing!

% else:

% if game_type_cd == 'dm': Deathmatch % elif game_type_cd == 'duel': Duel % elif game_type_cd == 'tdm': Team Deathmatch % elif game_type_cd == 'ctf': Capture The Flag % endif Rank Index

<% i = 1 %> % for rank in ranks: <% i += 1 %> % endfor
Rank Nick Elo
${rank.rank} ${rank.nick_html_colors()|n} ${round(rank.elo, 3)}
${navlinks("rank_index", ranks.page, ranks.last_page, game_type_cd=game_type_cd)} % endif