]> de.git.xonotic.org Git - xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git/blob - qcsrc/qc-client.cbp
After the MOTD self-expired normally, when joining the game it was shown again quickl...
[xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git] / qcsrc / qc-client.cbp
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
2 <CodeBlocks_project_file>
3         <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
4         <Project>
5                 <Option title="qc-client" />
6                 <Option makefile="client" />
7                 <Option makefile_is_custom="1" />
8                 <Option pch_mode="2" />
9                 <Option compiler="fteqcc" />
10                 <MakeCommands>
11                         <Build command="$make -src $makefile" />
12                         <CompileFile command="$make -src $makefile" />
13                         <Clean command="$make -src $makefile" />
14 <<<<<<< HEAD
15                         <DistClean command="$make -f $makefile distclean$target" />
16 =======
17                         <DistClean command="" />
18 >>>>>>> origin/master
19                         <AskRebuildNeeded command="" />
20                         <SilentBuild command="$make -src $makefile" />
21                 </MakeCommands>
22                 <Build>
23                         <Target title="Debug">
24                                 <Option output="bin\Debug\qc-server" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
25                                 <Option object_output="obj\Debug\" />
26                                 <Option type="1" />
27                                 <Option compiler="fteqcc" />
28                                 <Compiler>
29                                         <Add option="-g" />
30                                 </Compiler>
31                                 <MakeCommands>
32                                         <Build command="$make -src $makefile" />
33                                         <CompileFile command="$make -src $makefile" />
34                                         <Clean command="$make -src $makefile" />
35                                         <DistClean command="" />
36                                         <AskRebuildNeeded command="" />
37                                         <SilentBuild command="$make -src $makefile" />
38                                 </MakeCommands>
39                         </Target>
40                         <Target title="Release">
41                                 <Option output="bin\Release\qc-server" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
42                                 <Option object_output="obj\Release\" />
43                                 <Option type="1" />
44                                 <Option compiler="fteqcc" />
45                                 <Compiler>
46                                         <Add option="-O2" />
47                                 </Compiler>
48                                 <Linker>
49                                         <Add option="-s" />
50                                 </Linker>
51                                 <MakeCommands>
52 <<<<<<< HEAD
53                                         <Build command="$make -src $makefile" />
54                                         <CompileFile command="$make -src $makefile" />
55                                         <Clean command="$make -src $makefile" />
56                                         <DistClean command="" />
57                                         <AskRebuildNeeded command="" />
58                                         <SilentBuild command="$make -src $makefile" />
59 =======
60                                         <Build command="$make -DRELEASE -src $makefile" />
61                                         <CompileFile command="$make -DRELEASE -src $makefile" />
62                                         <Clean command="$make -DRELEASE -src $makefile" />
63                                         <DistClean command="" />
64                                         <AskRebuildNeeded command="" />
65                                         <SilentBuild command="$make -DRELEASE -src $makefile" />
66 >>>>>>> origin/master
67                                 </MakeCommands>
68                         </Target>
69                 </Build>
70                 <Compiler>
71                         <Add option="-g" />
72                 </Compiler>
73                 <Unit filename="client\Defs.qc" />
74                 <Unit filename="client\Main.qc" />
75                 <Unit filename="client\View.qc" />
76                 <Unit filename="client\autocvars.qh" />
77                 <Unit filename="client\bgmscript.qc" />
78                 <Unit filename="client\bgmscript.qh" />
79                 <Unit filename="client\casings.qc" />
80                 <Unit filename="client\csqc_builtins.qc" />
81                 <Unit filename="client\csqc_constants.qc" />
82                 <Unit filename="client\ctf.qc" />
83                 <Unit filename="client\damage.qc" />
84                 <Unit filename="client\effects.qc" />
85                 <Unit filename="client\gibs.qc" />
86                 <Unit filename="client\hook.qc" />
87                 <Unit filename="client\hud.qc" />
88                 <Unit filename="client\hud.qh" />
89                 <Unit filename="client\hud_config.qc" />
90                 <Unit filename="client\interpolate.qc" />
91                 <Unit filename="client\interpolate.qh" />
92                 <Unit filename="client\laser.qc" />
93                 <Unit filename="client\main.qh" />
94                 <Unit filename="client\mapvoting.qc" />
95                 <Unit filename="client\miscfunctions.qc" />
96                 <Unit filename="client\modeleffects.qc" />
97                 <Unit filename="client\movetypes.qc" />
98                 <Unit filename="client\movetypes.qh" />
99                 <Unit filename="client\noise.qc" />
100                 <Unit filename="client\noise.qh" />
101                 <Unit filename="client\particles.qc" />
102                 <Unit filename="client\prandom.qc" />
103                 <Unit filename="client\prandom.qh" />
104                 <Unit filename="client\pre.qh" />
105                 <Unit filename="client\progs.src" />
106                 <Unit filename="client\progs.src.BASE.src" />
107                 <Unit filename="client\progs.src.LOCAL.src" />
108                 <Unit filename="client\progs.src.REMOTE.src" />
109                 <Unit filename="client\projectile.qc" />
110                 <Unit filename="client\rubble.qc" />
111 <<<<<<< HEAD
112                 <Unit filename="client\scoreboard.qc" />
113                 <Unit filename="client\scoreboard.qh" />
114                 <Unit filename="client\shownames.qc" />
115                 <Unit filename="client\shownames.qh" />
116 =======
117 >>>>>>> origin/master
118                 <Unit filename="client\sortlist.qc" />
119                 <Unit filename="client\target_music.qc" />
120                 <Unit filename="client\teamplay.qc" />
121                 <Unit filename="client\teamplay.qh" />
122                 <Unit filename="client\teamradar.qc" />
123                 <Unit filename="client\teamradar.qh" />
124                 <Unit filename="client\tturrets.qc" />
125                 <Unit filename="client\tturrets.qh" />
126                 <Unit filename="client\tuba.qc" />
127                 <Unit filename="client\vehicles\vehicles.qc" />
128                 <Unit filename="client\vehicles\vehicles.qh" />
129                 <Unit filename="client\wall.qc" />
130                 <Unit filename="client\waypointsprites.qc" />
131                 <Unit filename="client\waypointsprites.qh" />
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134                         <debugger />
135                 </Extensions>
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137 </CodeBlocks_project_file>