1 #include "cl_client.qh"
3 #include "anticheat.qh"
4 #include "cl_impulse.qh"
5 #include "cl_player.qh"
7 #include "miscfunctions.qh"
10 #include "playerdemo.qh"
11 #include "spawnpoints.qh"
12 #include "g_damage.qh"
14 #include "command/common.qh"
19 #include "campaign.qh"
20 #include "command/common.qh"
23 #include "bot/navigation.qh"
25 #include "../common/ent_cs.qh"
26 #include <common/state.qh>
28 #include <common/effects/qc/globalsound.qh>
30 #include "../common/triggers/teleporters.qh"
32 #include "../common/vehicles/all.qh"
34 #include "weapons/hitplot.qh"
35 #include "weapons/weaponsystem.qh"
37 #include "../common/net_notice.qh"
38 #include "../common/physics/player.qh"
40 #include "../common/items/all.qc"
42 #include "../common/mutators/mutator/waypoints/all.qh"
44 #include "../common/triggers/subs.qh"
45 #include "../common/triggers/triggers.qh"
46 #include "../common/triggers/trigger/secret.qh"
48 #include "../common/minigames/sv_minigames.qh"
50 #include "../common/items/inventory.qh"
52 #include "../common/monsters/sv_monsters.qh"
54 #include "../lib/warpzone/server.qh"
56 STATIC_METHOD(Client, Add, void(Client this, int _team))
59 TRANSMUTE(Player, this);
62 PutClientInServer(this);
65 void PutObserverInServer(entity this);
67 STATIC_METHOD(Client, Remove, void(Client this))
69 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this);
70 PutClientInServer(this);
71 ClientDisconnect(this);
74 void send_CSQC_teamnagger() {
78 bool ClientData_Send(entity this, entity to, int sf)
80 assert(to == this.owner, return false);
83 if (IS_SPEC(e)) e = e.enemy;
86 if (e.race_completed) sf |= 1; // forced scoreboard
87 if (to.spectatee_status) sf |= 2; // spectator ent number follows
88 if (e.zoomstate) sf |= 4; // zoomed
89 if (e.porto_v_angle_held) sf |= 8; // angles held
92 WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf);
96 WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, to.spectatee_status);
100 WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, e.v_angle.x);
101 WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, e.v_angle.y);
106 void ClientData_Attach(entity this)
108 Net_LinkEntity(this.clientdata = new_pure(clientdata), false, 0, ClientData_Send);
109 this.clientdata.drawonlytoclient = this;
110 this.clientdata.owner = this;
113 void ClientData_Detach(entity this)
115 remove(this.clientdata);
116 this.clientdata = NULL;
119 void ClientData_Touch(entity e)
121 e.clientdata.SendFlags = 1;
123 // make it spectatable
124 FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != e && IS_SPEC(it) && it.enemy == e, LAMBDA(it.clientdata.SendFlags = 1));
127 .string netname_previous;
129 void SetSpectatee(entity player, entity spectatee);
136 Checks if the argument string can be a valid playermodel.
137 Returns a valid one in doubt.
140 string FallbackPlayerModel;
141 string CheckPlayerModel(string plyermodel) {
142 if(FallbackPlayerModel != cvar_defstring("_cl_playermodel"))
144 // note: we cannot summon Don Strunzone here, some player may
145 // still have the model string set. In case anyone manages how
146 // to change a cvar default, we'll have a small leak here.
147 FallbackPlayerModel = strzone(cvar_defstring("_cl_playermodel"));
149 // only in right path
150 if( substring(plyermodel,0,14) != "models/player/")
151 return FallbackPlayerModel;
152 // only good file extensions
153 if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".zym")
154 if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".dpm")
155 if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".iqm")
156 if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".md3")
157 if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".psk")
158 return FallbackPlayerModel;
159 // forbid the LOD models
160 if(substring(plyermodel, -9,5) == "_lod1")
161 return FallbackPlayerModel;
162 if(substring(plyermodel, -9,5) == "_lod2")
163 return FallbackPlayerModel;
164 if(plyermodel != strtolower(plyermodel))
165 return FallbackPlayerModel;
166 // also, restrict to server models
167 if(autocvar_sv_servermodelsonly)
169 if(!fexists(plyermodel))
170 return FallbackPlayerModel;
175 void setplayermodel(entity e, string modelname)
177 precache_model(modelname);
178 _setmodel(e, modelname);
179 player_setupanimsformodel(e);
180 if(!autocvar_g_debug_globalsounds)
181 UpdatePlayerSounds(e);
184 void FixPlayermodel(entity player);
185 /** putting a client as observer in the server */
186 void PutObserverInServer(entity this)
188 bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MakePlayerObserver, this);
189 PlayerState_detach(this);
191 if (IS_PLAYER(this) && this.health >= 1) {
193 Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
197 entity spot = SelectSpawnPoint(this, true);
198 if (!spot) LOG_FATAL("No spawnpoints for observers?!?");
199 this.angles = spot.angles;
201 this.fixangle = true;
202 // offset it so that the spectator spawns higher off the ground, looks better this way
203 setorigin(this, spot.origin + STAT(PL_VIEW_OFS, NULL));
204 this.prevorigin = this.origin;
205 if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
208 WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW);
209 WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this);
211 // give the spectator some space between walls for MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY
212 // so that your view doesn't go into the ceiling with MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY, previously "PL_VIEW_OFS"
213 if(!autocvar_g_debug_globalsounds)
215 // needed for player sounds
217 FixPlayermodel(this);
219 setmodel(this, MDL_Null);
221 this.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
224 RemoveGrapplingHook(this);
225 Portal_ClearAll(this);
231 PS_GR_P_ADDVAL(this, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME, time - this.alivetime);
235 if (this.vehicle) vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE);
237 WaypointSprite_PlayerDead(this);
239 if (mutator_returnvalue) {
240 // mutator prevents resetting teams+score
242 this.team = -1; // move this as it is needed to log the player spectating in eventlog
243 this.frags = FRAGS_SPECTATOR;
244 PlayerScore_Clear(this); // clear scores when needed
247 if (this.killcount != FRAGS_SPECTATOR)
249 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_QUIT_SPECTATE, this.netname);
250 if(!intermission_running)
251 if(autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 1 || (!(warmup_stage || gameover) && autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 2))
254 if(this.just_joined == false) {
255 LogTeamchange(this.playerid, -1, 4);
257 this.just_joined = false;
260 accuracy_resend(this);
262 this.spectatortime = time;
263 this.bot_attack = false;
264 this.hud = HUD_NORMAL;
265 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this);
266 this.iscreature = false;
267 this.teleportable = TELEPORT_SIMPLE;
268 this.damagedbycontents = false;
269 this.health = FRAGS_SPECTATOR;
270 this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
271 this.solid = SOLID_NOT;
272 this.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY; // user preference is controlled by playerprethink
273 this.flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_NOTARGET;
274 this.armorvalue = 666;
276 this.armorvalue = autocvar_g_balance_armor_start;
277 this.pauserotarmor_finished = 0;
278 this.pauserothealth_finished = 0;
279 this.pauseregen_finished = 0;
280 this.damageforcescale = 0;
282 this.respawn_flags = 0;
283 this.respawn_time = 0;
284 this.stat_respawn_time = 0;
289 this.pain_finished = 0;
290 this.strength_finished = 0;
291 this.invincible_finished = 0;
292 this.superweapons_finished = 0;
295 setthink(this, func_null);
298 this.deadflag = DEAD_NO;
300 this.revival_time = 0;
303 this.weapons = '0 0 0';
304 this.drawonlytoclient = this;
306 this.weaponname = "";
307 this.weaponmodel = "";
308 for (int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
310 this.weaponentities[slot] = NULL;
312 this.exteriorweaponentity = NULL;
313 this.killcount = FRAGS_SPECTATOR;
314 this.velocity = '0 0 0';
315 this.avelocity = '0 0 0';
316 this.punchangle = '0 0 0';
317 this.punchvector = '0 0 0';
318 this.oldvelocity = this.velocity;
319 this.fire_endtime = -1;
320 this.event_damage = func_null;
323 int player_getspecies(entity this)
325 get_model_parameters(this.model, this.skin);
326 int s = get_model_parameters_species;
327 get_model_parameters(string_null, 0);
328 if (s < 0) return SPECIES_HUMAN;
332 .float model_randomizer;
333 void FixPlayermodel(entity player)
335 string defaultmodel = "";
337 if(autocvar_sv_defaultcharacter)
341 string s = Static_Team_ColorName_Lower(player.team);
344 defaultmodel = cvar_string(strcat("sv_defaultplayermodel_", s));
345 defaultskin = cvar(strcat("sv_defaultplayerskin_", s));
349 if(defaultmodel == "")
351 defaultmodel = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel;
352 defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin;
355 int n = tokenize_console(defaultmodel);
358 defaultmodel = argv(floor(n * player.model_randomizer));
359 // However, do NOT randomize if the player-selected model is in the list.
360 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
361 if ((argv(i) == player.playermodel && defaultskin == stof(player.playerskin)) || argv(i) == strcat(player.playermodel, ":", player.playerskin))
362 defaultmodel = argv(i);
365 int i = strstrofs(defaultmodel, ":", 0);
368 defaultskin = stof(substring(defaultmodel, i+1, -1));
369 defaultmodel = substring(defaultmodel, 0, i);
372 if(autocvar_sv_defaultcharacterskin && !defaultskin)
376 string s = Static_Team_ColorName_Lower(player.team);
378 defaultskin = cvar(strcat("sv_defaultplayerskin_", s));
382 defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin;
385 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FixPlayermodel, defaultmodel, defaultskin, player);
386 defaultmodel = M_ARGV(0, string);
387 defaultskin = M_ARGV(1, int);
391 if(defaultmodel != "")
393 if (defaultmodel != player.model)
395 vector m1 = player.mins;
396 vector m2 = player.maxs;
397 setplayermodel (player, defaultmodel);
398 setsize (player, m1, m2);
402 oldskin = player.skin;
403 player.skin = defaultskin;
405 if (player.playermodel != player.model || player.playermodel == "")
407 player.playermodel = CheckPlayerModel(player.playermodel); // this is never "", so no endless loop
408 vector m1 = player.mins;
409 vector m2 = player.maxs;
410 setplayermodel (player, player.playermodel);
411 setsize (player, m1, m2);
415 if(!autocvar_sv_defaultcharacterskin)
417 oldskin = player.skin;
418 player.skin = stof(player.playerskin);
422 oldskin = player.skin;
423 player.skin = defaultskin;
427 if(chmdl || oldskin != player.skin) // model or skin has changed
429 player.species = player_getspecies(player); // update species
430 if(!autocvar_g_debug_globalsounds)
431 UpdatePlayerSounds(player); // update skin sounds
435 if(strlen(autocvar_sv_defaultplayercolors))
436 if(player.clientcolors != stof(autocvar_sv_defaultplayercolors))
437 setcolor(player, stof(autocvar_sv_defaultplayercolors));
441 /** Called when a client spawns in the server */
442 void PutClientInServer(entity this)
444 if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this)) {
445 TRANSMUTE(Player, this);
446 } else if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) {
448 WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW);
449 WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this);
452 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this);
455 SetSpectatee(this, NULL);
460 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PutClientInServer, this);
462 if (IS_OBSERVER(this)) {
463 PutObserverInServer(this);
464 } else if (IS_PLAYER(this)) {
465 PlayerState_attach(this);
466 accuracy_resend(this);
469 JoinBestTeam(this, false, true);
471 entity spot = SelectSpawnPoint(this, false);
474 return; // spawn failed
477 TRANSMUTE(Player, this);
478 this.wasplayer = true;
479 this.iscreature = true;
480 this.teleportable = TELEPORT_NORMAL;
481 this.damagedbycontents = true;
482 this.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
483 this.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
484 this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_SOLID;
485 if (autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions)
486 this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP;
487 if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this) && autocvar_g_botclip_collisions)
488 this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP;
489 this.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER;
491 this.flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_PICKUPITEMS;
492 if (autocvar__notarget)
493 this.flags |= FL_NOTARGET;
494 this.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
499 this.ammo_shells = warmup_start_ammo_shells;
500 this.ammo_nails = warmup_start_ammo_nails;
501 this.ammo_rockets = warmup_start_ammo_rockets;
502 this.ammo_cells = warmup_start_ammo_cells;
503 this.ammo_plasma = warmup_start_ammo_plasma;
504 this.ammo_fuel = warmup_start_ammo_fuel;
505 this.health = warmup_start_health;
506 this.armorvalue = warmup_start_armorvalue;
507 this.weapons = WARMUP_START_WEAPONS;
509 this.ammo_shells = start_ammo_shells;
510 this.ammo_nails = start_ammo_nails;
511 this.ammo_rockets = start_ammo_rockets;
512 this.ammo_cells = start_ammo_cells;
513 this.ammo_plasma = start_ammo_plasma;
514 this.ammo_fuel = start_ammo_fuel;
515 this.health = start_health;
516 this.armorvalue = start_armorvalue;
517 this.weapons = start_weapons;
520 this.superweapons_finished = (this.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) ? time + autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time : 0;
522 this.items = start_items;
524 this.spawnshieldtime = time + autocvar_g_spawnshieldtime;
525 this.pauserotarmor_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn;
526 this.pauserothealth_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn;
527 this.pauserotfuel_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_rot_spawn;
528 this.pauseregen_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn;
529 // extend the pause of rotting if client was reset at the beginning of the countdown
530 if (!autocvar_sv_ready_restart_after_countdown && time < game_starttime) { // TODO why is this cvar NOTted?
531 float f = game_starttime - time;
532 this.spawnshieldtime += f;
533 this.pauserotarmor_finished += f;
534 this.pauserothealth_finished += f;
535 this.pauseregen_finished += f;
537 this.damageforcescale = 2;
539 this.respawn_flags = 0;
540 this.respawn_time = 0;
541 this.stat_respawn_time = 0;
542 this.scale = autocvar_sv_player_scale;
545 this.pain_finished = 0;
547 setthink(this, func_null); // players have no think function
550 this.ballistics_density = autocvar_g_ballistics_density_player;
552 this.deadflag = DEAD_NO;
554 this.angles = spot.angles;
555 this.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to
556 if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this))
557 this.v_angle = this.angles;
558 this.fixangle = true; // turn this way immediately
559 this.oldvelocity = this.velocity = '0 0 0';
560 this.avelocity = '0 0 0';
561 this.punchangle = '0 0 0';
562 this.punchvector = '0 0 0';
564 this.strength_finished = 0;
565 this.invincible_finished = 0;
566 this.fire_endtime = -1;
567 this.revival_time = 0;
568 this.air_finished = time + 12;
570 entity spawnevent = new_pure(spawnevent);
571 spawnevent.owner = this;
572 Net_LinkEntity(spawnevent, false, 0.5, SpawnEvent_Send);
574 // Cut off any still running player sounds.
575 stopsound(this, CH_PLAYER_SINGLE);
578 FixPlayermodel(this);
579 this.drawonlytoclient = NULL;
582 this.view_ofs = STAT(PL_VIEW_OFS, NULL);
583 setsize(this, STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL));
584 this.spawnorigin = spot.origin;
585 setorigin(this, spot.origin + '0 0 1' * (1 - this.mins.z - 24));
586 // don't reset back to last position, even if new position is stuck in solid
587 this.oldorigin = this.origin;
588 this.prevorigin = this.origin;
589 this.lastteleporttime = time; // prevent insane speeds due to changing origin
590 this.conveyor = NULL; // prevent conveyors at the previous location from moving a freshly spawned player
591 this.hud = HUD_NORMAL;
593 this.event_damage = PlayerDamage;
595 this.bot_attack = true;
596 this.monster_attack = true;
600 if (this.killcount == FRAGS_SPECTATOR) {
601 PlayerScore_Clear(this);
605 for (int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
607 CL_SpawnWeaponentity(this, weaponentities[slot]);
609 this.alpha = default_player_alpha;
610 this.colormod = '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_player_brightness;
611 this.exteriorweaponentity.alpha = default_weapon_alpha;
613 this.speedrunning = false;
615 target_voicescript_clear(this);
617 // reset fields the weapons may use
618 FOREACH(Weapons, true, LAMBDA(
619 it.wr_resetplayer(it, this);
620 // reload all reloadable weapons
621 if (it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE) {
622 this.weapon_load[it.m_id] = it.reloading_ammo;
627 string s = spot.target;
628 spot.target = string_null;
629 SUB_UseTargets(spot, this, NULL);
635 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerSpawn, this, spot);
637 if (autocvar_spawn_debug)
639 sprint(this, strcat("spawnpoint origin: ", vtos(spot.origin), "\n"));
640 remove(spot); // usefull for checking if there are spawnpoints, that let drop through the floor
643 PS(this).m_switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(this);
644 this.cnt = -1; // W_LastWeapon will not complain
645 PS(this).m_weapon = WEP_Null;
646 this.weaponname = "";
647 PS(this).m_switchingweapon = WEP_Null;
649 if (!warmup_stage && !this.alivetime)
650 this.alivetime = time;
652 antilag_clear(this, CS(this));
656 void ClientInit_misc(entity this);
658 .float ebouncefactor, ebouncestop; // electro's values
659 // TODO do we need all these fields, or should we stop autodetecting runtime
660 // changes and just have a console command to update this?
661 bool ClientInit_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, int sf)
666 // MSG_INIT replacement
667 // TODO: make easier to use
669 W_PROP_reload(MSG_ONE, to);
670 ClientInit_misc(this);
673 void ClientInit_misc(entity this)
675 int channel = MSG_ONE;
676 WriteHeader(channel, ENT_CLIENT_INIT);
677 WriteByte(channel, g_nexball_meter_period * 32);
678 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[0]));
679 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[1]));
680 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[2]));
681 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[3]));
682 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[0]));
683 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[1]));
684 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[2]));
685 WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[3]));
687 if(sv_foginterval && world.fog != "")
688 WriteString(channel, world.fog);
690 WriteString(channel, "");
691 WriteByte(channel, this.count * 255.0); // g_balance_armor_blockpercent
692 WriteByte(channel, serverflags); // client has to know if it should zoom or not
693 WriteCoord(channel, autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange);
696 void ClientInit_CheckUpdate(entity this)
698 this.nextthink = time;
699 if(this.count != autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent)
701 this.count = autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent;
706 void ClientInit_Spawn()
708 entity e = new_pure(clientinit);
709 setthink(e, ClientInit_CheckUpdate);
710 Net_LinkEntity(e, false, 0, ClientInit_SendEntity);
712 ClientInit_CheckUpdate(e);
722 // initialize parms for a new player
723 parm1 = -(86400 * 366);
733 void SetChangeParms (entity this)
735 // save parms for level change
736 parm1 = this.parm_idlesince - time;
738 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SetChangeParms);
746 void DecodeLevelParms(entity this)
749 this.parm_idlesince = parm1;
750 if (this.parm_idlesince == -(86400 * 366))
751 this.parm_idlesince = time;
753 // whatever happens, allow 60 seconds of idling directly after connect for map loading
754 this.parm_idlesince = max(this.parm_idlesince, time - sv_maxidle + 60);
756 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DecodeLevelParms);
763 Called when a client types 'kill' in the console
767 .float clientkill_nexttime;
768 void ClientKill_Now_TeamChange(entity this)
770 if(this.killindicator_teamchange == -1)
772 JoinBestTeam( this, false, true );
774 else if(this.killindicator_teamchange == -2)
777 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_SPECTATE_WARNING, autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime);
778 PutObserverInServer(this);
781 SV_ChangeTeam(this, this.killindicator_teamchange - 1);
782 this.killindicator_teamchange = 0;
785 void ClientKill_Now(entity this)
789 vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE);
790 if(!this.killindicator_teamchange)
792 this.vehicle_health = -1;
793 Damage(this, this, this, 1 , DEATH_KILL.m_id, this.origin, '0 0 0');
797 if(this.killindicator && !wasfreed(this.killindicator))
798 remove(this.killindicator);
800 this.killindicator = NULL;
802 if(this.killindicator_teamchange)
803 ClientKill_Now_TeamChange(this);
805 if(!IS_SPEC(this) && !IS_OBSERVER(this))
806 Damage(this, this, this, 100000, DEATH_KILL.m_id, this.origin, '0 0 0');
808 // now I am sure the player IS dead
810 void KillIndicator_Think(entity this)
814 this.owner.killindicator = NULL;
819 if (this.owner.alpha < 0 && !this.owner.vehicle)
821 this.owner.killindicator = NULL;
828 ClientKill_Now(this.owner);
831 else if(g_cts && this.health == 1) // health == 1 means that it's silent
833 this.nextthink = time + 1;
839 setmodel(this, MDL_NUM(this.cnt));
840 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this.owner))
843 { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this.owner, MSG_ANNCE, Announcer_PickNumber(CNT_KILL, this.cnt)); }
845 this.nextthink = time + 1;
850 float clientkilltime;
851 void ClientKill_TeamChange (entity this, float targetteam) // 0 = don't change, -1 = auto, -2 = spec
859 killtime = autocvar_g_balance_kill_delay;
861 if(g_race_qualifying || g_cts)
864 if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ClientKill, this, killtime))
867 this.killindicator_teamchange = targetteam;
869 if(!this.killindicator)
873 killtime = max(killtime, this.clientkill_nexttime - time);
874 this.clientkill_nexttime = time + killtime + autocvar_g_balance_kill_antispam;
877 if(killtime <= 0 || !IS_PLAYER(this) || IS_DEAD(this))
879 ClientKill_Now(this);
883 starttime = max(time, clientkilltime);
885 this.killindicator = spawn();
886 this.killindicator.owner = this;
887 this.killindicator.scale = 0.5;
888 setattachment(this.killindicator, this, "");
889 setorigin(this.killindicator, '0 0 52');
890 setthink(this.killindicator, KillIndicator_Think);
891 this.killindicator.nextthink = starttime + (this.lip) * 0.05;
892 clientkilltime = max(clientkilltime, this.killindicator.nextthink + 0.05);
893 this.killindicator.cnt = ceil(killtime);
894 this.killindicator.count = bound(0, ceil(killtime), 10);
895 //sprint(this, strcat("^1You'll be dead in ", ftos(this.killindicator.cnt), " seconds\n"));
897 FOREACH_ENTITY_ENT(enemy, this,
899 if(it.classname != "body")
901 it.killindicator = spawn();
902 it.killindicator.owner = it;
903 it.killindicator.scale = 0.5;
904 setattachment(it.killindicator, it, "");
905 setorigin(it.killindicator, '0 0 52');
906 setthink(it.killindicator, KillIndicator_Think);
907 it.killindicator.nextthink = starttime + (it.lip) * 0.05;
908 //clientkilltime = max(clientkilltime, it.killindicator.nextthink + 0.05);
909 it.killindicator.cnt = ceil(killtime);
914 if(this.killindicator)
916 if(targetteam == 0) // just die
918 this.killindicator.colormod = '0 0 0';
919 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
920 if(this.killindicator.cnt > 0)
921 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_SUICIDE, this.killindicator.cnt);
923 else if(targetteam == -1) // auto
925 this.killindicator.colormod = '0 1 0';
926 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
927 if(this.killindicator.cnt > 0)
928 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_AUTO, this.killindicator.cnt);
930 else if(targetteam == -2) // spectate
932 this.killindicator.colormod = '0.5 0.5 0.5';
933 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
934 if(this.killindicator.cnt > 0)
935 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_SPECTATE, this.killindicator.cnt);
939 this.killindicator.colormod = Team_ColorRGB(targetteam);
940 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
941 if(this.killindicator.cnt > 0)
942 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, APP_TEAM_NUM(targetteam, CENTER_TEAMCHANGE), this.killindicator.cnt);
948 void ClientKill (entity this)
951 if(this.player_blocked) return;
952 if(STAT(FROZEN, this)) return;
954 ClientKill_TeamChange(this, 0);
957 void FixClientCvars(entity e)
959 // send prediction settings to the client
960 stuffcmd(e, "\nin_bindmap 0 0\n");
961 if(autocvar_g_antilag == 3) // client side hitscan
962 stuffcmd(e, "cl_cmd settemp cl_prydoncursor_notrace 0\n");
963 if(autocvar_sv_gentle)
964 stuffcmd(e, "cl_cmd settemp cl_gentle 1\n");
966 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FixClientCvars, e);
969 float PlayerInIDList(entity p, string idlist)
974 // NOTE: we do NOT check crypto_idfp_signed here, an unsigned ID is fine too for this
978 // this function allows abbreviated player IDs too!
979 n = tokenize_console(idlist);
980 for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
983 if(s == substring(p.crypto_idfp, 0, strlen(s)))
995 Called once (not at each match start) when a client begins a connection to the server
998 void ClientPreConnect ()
1000 if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
1002 GameLogEcho(sprintf(":connect:%d:%d:%s",
1005 ((IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) ? this.netaddress : "bot")
1015 Called when a client connects to the server
1018 void ClientConnect(entity this)
1020 if (Ban_MaybeEnforceBanOnce(this)) return;
1021 assert(!IS_CLIENT(this), return);
1022 this.flags |= FL_CLIENT;
1023 assert(player_count >= 0, player_count = 0);
1028 this.version_nagtime = time + 10 + random() * 10;
1029 TRANSMUTE(Client, this);
1031 // identify the right forced team
1032 if (autocvar_g_campaign)
1034 if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) // only players, not bots
1036 switch (autocvar_g_campaign_forceteam)
1038 case 1: this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_1; break;
1039 case 2: this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_2; break;
1040 case 3: this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_3; break;
1041 case 4: this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_4; break;
1042 default: this.team_forced = 0;
1046 else if (PlayerInIDList(this, autocvar_g_forced_team_red)) this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_1;
1047 else if (PlayerInIDList(this, autocvar_g_forced_team_blue)) this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_2;
1048 else if (PlayerInIDList(this, autocvar_g_forced_team_yellow)) this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_3;
1049 else if (PlayerInIDList(this, autocvar_g_forced_team_pink)) this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_4;
1050 else switch (autocvar_g_forced_team_otherwise)
1052 default: this.team_forced = 0; break;
1053 case "red": this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_1; break;
1054 case "blue": this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_2; break;
1055 case "yellow": this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_3; break;
1056 case "pink": this.team_forced = NUM_TEAM_4; break;
1059 this.team_forced = -1;
1062 if (!teamplay && this.team_forced > 0) this.team_forced = 0;
1065 int id = this.playerid;
1066 this.playerid = 0; // silent
1067 JoinBestTeam(this, false, false); // if the team number is valid, keep it
1071 if (autocvar_sv_spectate || autocvar_g_campaign || this.team_forced < 0) {
1072 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this);
1074 if (!teamplay || autocvar_g_balance_teams) {
1075 TRANSMUTE(Player, this);
1076 campaign_bots_may_start = true;
1078 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); // do it anyway
1082 PlayerStats_GameReport_AddEvent(sprintf("kills-%d", this.playerid));
1084 // always track bots, don't ask for cl_allow_uidtracking
1085 if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this)) PlayerStats_GameReport_AddPlayer(this);
1087 if (autocvar_sv_eventlog)
1088 GameLogEcho(strcat(":join:", ftos(this.playerid), ":", ftos(etof(this)), ":", ((IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) ? this.netaddress : "bot"), ":", this.netname));
1090 LogTeamchange(this.playerid, this.team, 1);
1092 this.just_joined = true; // stop spamming the eventlog with additional lines when the client connects
1094 this.netname_previous = strzone(this.netname);
1096 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, ((teamplay && IS_PLAYER(this)) ? APP_TEAM_ENT(this, INFO_JOIN_CONNECT_TEAM) : INFO_JOIN_CONNECT), this.netname);
1098 stuffcmd(this, clientstuff, "\n");
1099 stuffcmd(this, "cl_particles_reloadeffects\n"); // TODO do we still need this?
1101 FixClientCvars(this);
1103 // get version info from player
1104 stuffcmd(this, "cmd clientversion $gameversion\n");
1106 // notify about available teams
1109 CheckAllowedTeams(this);
1111 if (c1 >= 0) t |= BIT(0);
1112 if (c2 >= 0) t |= BIT(1);
1113 if (c3 >= 0) t |= BIT(2);
1114 if (c4 >= 0) t |= BIT(3);
1115 stuffcmd(this, sprintf("set _teams_available %d\n", t));
1119 stuffcmd(this, "set _teams_available 0\n");
1122 bot_relinkplayerlist();
1124 this.spectatortime = time;
1125 if (blockSpectators)
1127 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_SPECTATE_WARNING, autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime);
1130 this.jointime = time;
1131 this.allowed_timeouts = autocvar_sv_timeout_number;
1133 if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
1135 if (!autocvar_g_campaign)
1137 this.motd_actived_time = -1;
1138 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_MOTD, getwelcomemessage(this));
1141 if (g_weaponarena_weapons == WEPSET(TUBA))
1142 stuffcmd(this, "cl_cmd settemp chase_active 1\n");
1145 if (!sv_foginterval && world.fog != "")
1146 stuffcmd(this, strcat("\nfog ", world.fog, "\nr_fog_exp2 0\nr_drawfog 1\n"));
1148 if (autocvar_sv_teamnagger && !(autocvar_bot_vs_human && (c3==-1 && c4==-1)))
1149 if (!g_ca && !g_cts && !g_race) // teamnagger is currently bad for ca, race & cts
1150 send_CSQC_teamnagger();
1154 this.model_randomizer = random();
1156 if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
1157 sv_notice_join(this);
1159 FOREACH_ENTITY_FLOAT(init_for_player_needed, true, {
1160 it.init_for_player(it, this);
1163 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ClientConnect, this);
1169 Called when a client disconnects from the server
1172 .entity chatbubbleentity;
1174 void ClientDisconnect(entity this)
1176 assert(IS_CLIENT(this), return);
1178 PlayerStats_GameReport_FinalizePlayer(this);
1179 if (this.vehicle) vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE);
1180 if (this.active_minigame) part_minigame(this);
1181 if (IS_PLAYER(this)) Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
1183 if (autocvar_sv_eventlog)
1184 GameLogEcho(strcat(":part:", ftos(this.playerid)));
1186 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_QUIT_DISCONNECT, this.netname);
1188 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ClientDisconnect, this);
1190 ClientState_detach(this);
1192 Portal_ClearAll(this);
1196 RemoveGrapplingHook(this);
1198 // Here, everything has been done that requires this player to be a client.
1200 this.flags &= ~FL_CLIENT;
1202 if (this.chatbubbleentity) remove(this.chatbubbleentity);
1203 if (this.killindicator) remove(this.killindicator);
1205 WaypointSprite_PlayerGone(this);
1207 bot_relinkplayerlist();
1209 if (this.netname_previous) strunzone(this.netname_previous);
1210 if (this.clientstatus) strunzone(this.clientstatus);
1211 if (this.weaponorder_byimpulse) strunzone(this.weaponorder_byimpulse);
1212 if (this.personal) remove(this.personal);
1216 if (vote_called && IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) VoteCount(false);
1219 void ChatBubbleThink(entity this)
1221 this.nextthink = time;
1222 if ((this.owner.alpha < 0) || this.owner.chatbubbleentity != this)
1224 if(this.owner) // but why can that ever be NULL?
1225 this.owner.chatbubbleentity = NULL;
1232 if ( !IS_DEAD(this.owner) && IS_PLAYER(this.owner) )
1234 if ( this.owner.active_minigame )
1235 this.mdl = "models/sprites/minigame_busy.iqm";
1236 else if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CHAT(this.owner))
1237 this.mdl = "models/misc/chatbubble.spr";
1240 if ( this.model != this.mdl )
1241 _setmodel(this, this.mdl);
1245 void UpdateChatBubble(entity this)
1249 // spawn a chatbubble entity if needed
1250 if (!this.chatbubbleentity)
1252 this.chatbubbleentity = new(chatbubbleentity);
1253 this.chatbubbleentity.owner = this;
1254 this.chatbubbleentity.exteriormodeltoclient = this;
1255 setthink(this.chatbubbleentity, ChatBubbleThink);
1256 this.chatbubbleentity.nextthink = time;
1257 setmodel(this.chatbubbleentity, MDL_CHAT); // precision set below
1258 //setorigin(this.chatbubbleentity, this.origin + '0 0 15' + this.maxs_z * '0 0 1');
1259 setorigin(this.chatbubbleentity, '0 0 15' + this.maxs_z * '0 0 1');
1260 setattachment(this.chatbubbleentity, this, ""); // sticks to moving player better, also conserves bandwidth
1261 this.chatbubbleentity.mdl = this.chatbubbleentity.model;
1262 //this.chatbubbleentity.model = "";
1263 this.chatbubbleentity.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
1268 // LordHavoc: this hack will be removed when proper _pants/_shirt layers are
1269 // added to the model skins
1270 /*void UpdateColorModHack()
1273 c = this.clientcolors & 15;
1274 // LordHavoc: only bothering to support white, green, red, yellow, blue
1275 if (!teamplay) this.colormod = '0 0 0';
1276 else if (c == 0) this.colormod = '1.00 1.00 1.00';
1277 else if (c == 3) this.colormod = '0.10 1.73 0.10';
1278 else if (c == 4) this.colormod = '1.73 0.10 0.10';
1279 else if (c == 12) this.colormod = '1.22 1.22 0.10';
1280 else if (c == 13) this.colormod = '0.10 0.10 1.73';
1281 else this.colormod = '1 1 1';
1284 void respawn(entity this)
1286 if(this.alpha >= 0 && autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts)
1288 this.solid = SOLID_NOT;
1289 this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
1290 this.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
1291 this.velocity = '0 0 1' * autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_speed;
1292 this.avelocity = randomvec() * autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_speed * 3 - randomvec() * autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_speed * 3;
1293 this.effects |= CSQCMODEL_EF_RESPAWNGHOST;
1294 Send_Effect(EFFECT_RESPAWN_GHOST, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
1295 if(autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime)
1296 SUB_SetFade (this, time + autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime / 2 + random () * (autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime - autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime / 2), 1.5);
1301 this.effects |= EF_NODRAW; // prevent another CopyBody
1302 PutClientInServer(this);
1305 void play_countdown(entity this, float finished, Sound samp)
1308 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
1309 if(floor(finished - time - frametime) != floor(finished - time))
1310 if(finished - time < 6)
1311 sound (this, CH_INFO, samp, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
1314 void player_powerups(entity this)
1316 // add a way to see what the items were BEFORE all of these checks for the mutator hook
1317 int items_prev = this.items;
1319 if((this.items & IT_USING_JETPACK) && !IS_DEAD(this) && !gameover)
1320 this.modelflags |= MF_ROCKET;
1322 this.modelflags &= ~MF_ROCKET;
1326 if((this.alpha < 0 || IS_DEAD(this)) && !this.vehicle) // don't apply the flags if the player is gibbed
1329 Fire_ApplyDamage(this);
1330 Fire_ApplyEffect(this);
1334 if (this.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid)
1336 play_countdown(this, this.strength_finished, SND_POWEROFF);
1337 this.effects = this.effects | (EF_BLUE | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT);
1338 if (time > this.strength_finished)
1340 this.items = this.items - (this.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid);
1341 //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERDOWN_STRENGTH, this.netname);
1347 if (time < this.strength_finished)
1349 this.items = this.items | ITEM_Strength.m_itemid;
1350 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERUP_STRENGTH, this.netname);
1354 if (this.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid)
1356 play_countdown(this, this.invincible_finished, SND_POWEROFF);
1357 this.effects = this.effects | (EF_RED | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT);
1358 if (time > this.invincible_finished)
1360 this.items = this.items - (this.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid);
1361 //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERDOWN_SHIELD, this.netname);
1367 if (time < this.invincible_finished)
1369 this.items = this.items | ITEM_Shield.m_itemid;
1370 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERUP_SHIELD, this.netname);
1374 if (this.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON)
1376 if (!(this.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS))
1378 this.superweapons_finished = 0;
1379 this.items = this.items - (this.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON);
1380 //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_SUPERWEAPON_LOST, this.netname);
1383 else if (this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS)
1385 // don't let them run out
1389 play_countdown(this, this.superweapons_finished, SND_POWEROFF);
1390 if (time > this.superweapons_finished)
1392 this.items = this.items - (this.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON);
1393 this.weapons &= ~WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS;
1394 //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_SUPERWEAPON_BROKEN, this.netname);
1399 else if(this.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS)
1401 if (time < this.superweapons_finished || (this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS))
1403 this.items = this.items | IT_SUPERWEAPON;
1404 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_SUPERWEAPON_PICKUP, this.netname);
1409 this.superweapons_finished = 0;
1410 this.weapons &= ~WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS;
1415 this.superweapons_finished = 0;
1419 if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers)
1420 this.effects = this.effects | EF_NODEPTHTEST;
1422 if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers)
1423 this.effects = this.effects | EF_FULLBRIGHT;
1425 if (time >= game_starttime)
1426 if (time < this.spawnshieldtime)
1427 this.effects = this.effects | (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT);
1429 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerPowerups, this, items_prev);
1432 float CalcRegen(float current, float stable, float regenfactor, float regenframetime)
1434 if(current > stable)
1436 else if(current > stable - 0.25) // when close enough, "snap"
1439 return min(stable, current + (stable - current) * regenfactor * regenframetime);
1442 float CalcRot(float current, float stable, float rotfactor, float rotframetime)
1444 if(current < stable)
1446 else if(current < stable + 0.25) // when close enough, "snap"
1449 return max(stable, current + (stable - current) * rotfactor * rotframetime);
1452 float CalcRotRegen(float current, float regenstable, float regenfactor, float regenlinear, float regenframetime, float rotstable, float rotfactor, float rotlinear, float rotframetime, float limit)
1454 if(current > rotstable)
1456 if(rotframetime > 0)
1458 current = CalcRot(current, rotstable, rotfactor, rotframetime);
1459 current = max(rotstable, current - rotlinear * rotframetime);
1462 else if(current < regenstable)
1464 if(regenframetime > 0)
1466 current = CalcRegen(current, regenstable, regenfactor, regenframetime);
1467 current = min(regenstable, current + regenlinear * regenframetime);
1477 void player_regen(entity this)
1479 float max_mod, regen_mod, rot_mod, limit_mod;
1480 max_mod = regen_mod = rot_mod = limit_mod = 1;
1482 float regen_health = autocvar_g_balance_health_regen;
1483 float regen_health_linear = autocvar_g_balance_health_regenlinear;
1484 float regen_health_rot = autocvar_g_balance_health_rot;
1485 float regen_health_rotlinear = autocvar_g_balance_health_rotlinear;
1486 float regen_health_stable = autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable;
1487 float regen_health_rotstable = autocvar_g_balance_health_rotstable;
1488 bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerRegen, this, max_mod, regen_mod, rot_mod, limit_mod, regen_health, regen_health_linear, regen_health_rot,
1489 regen_health_rotlinear, regen_health_stable, regen_health_rotstable);
1490 max_mod = M_ARGV(1, float);
1491 regen_mod = M_ARGV(2, float);
1492 rot_mod = M_ARGV(3, float);
1493 limit_mod = M_ARGV(4, float);
1494 regen_health = M_ARGV(5, float);
1495 regen_health_linear = M_ARGV(6, float);
1496 regen_health_rot = M_ARGV(7, float);
1497 regen_health_rotlinear = M_ARGV(8, float);
1498 regen_health_stable = M_ARGV(9, float);
1499 regen_health_rotstable = M_ARGV(10, float);
1502 if(!mutator_returnvalue)
1503 if(!STAT(FROZEN, this))
1505 float mina, maxa, limith, limita;
1506 maxa = autocvar_g_balance_armor_rotstable;
1507 mina = autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable;
1508 limith = autocvar_g_balance_health_limit;
1509 limita = autocvar_g_balance_armor_limit;
1511 regen_health_rotstable = regen_health_rotstable * max_mod;
1512 regen_health_stable = regen_health_stable * max_mod;
1513 limith = limith * limit_mod;
1514 limita = limita * limit_mod;
1516 this.armorvalue = CalcRotRegen(this.armorvalue, mina, autocvar_g_balance_armor_regen, autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenlinear, regen_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauseregen_finished), maxa, autocvar_g_balance_armor_rot, autocvar_g_balance_armor_rotlinear, rot_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauserotarmor_finished), limita);
1517 this.health = CalcRotRegen(this.health, regen_health_stable, regen_health, regen_health_linear, regen_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauseregen_finished), regen_health_rotstable, regen_health_rot, regen_health_rotlinear, rot_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauserothealth_finished), limith);
1520 // if player rotted to death... die!
1521 // check this outside above checks, as player may still be able to rot to death
1525 vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE);
1526 if(this.event_damage)
1527 this.event_damage(this, this, this, 1, DEATH_ROT.m_id, this.origin, '0 0 0');
1530 if (!(this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO))
1532 float minf, maxf, limitf;
1534 maxf = autocvar_g_balance_fuel_rotstable;
1535 minf = autocvar_g_balance_fuel_regenstable;
1536 limitf = autocvar_g_balance_fuel_limit;
1538 this.ammo_fuel = CalcRotRegen(this.ammo_fuel, minf, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_regen, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_regenlinear, frametime * (time > this.pauseregen_finished) * ((this.items & ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid) != 0), maxf, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_rot, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_rotlinear, frametime * (time > this.pauserotfuel_finished), limitf);
1543 void SetZoomState(entity this, float z)
1545 if(z != this.zoomstate)
1548 ClientData_Touch(this);
1550 zoomstate_set = true;
1553 void GetPressedKeys(entity this)
1555 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetPressedKeys, this);
1556 int keys = this.pressedkeys;
1557 keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_FORWARD, this.movement.x > 0);
1558 keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_BACKWARD, this.movement.x < 0);
1559 keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_RIGHT, this.movement.y > 0);
1560 keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_LEFT, this.movement.y < 0);
1562 keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_JUMP, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this));
1564 keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_ATCK, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this));
1565 keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_ATCK2, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this));
1566 this.pressedkeys = keys;
1570 ======================
1571 spectate mode routines
1572 ======================
1575 void SpectateCopy(entity this, entity spectatee)
1577 TC(Client, this); TC(Client, spectatee);
1579 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectateCopy, spectatee, this);
1580 PS(this) = PS(spectatee);
1581 this.armortype = spectatee.armortype;
1582 this.armorvalue = spectatee.armorvalue;
1583 this.ammo_cells = spectatee.ammo_cells;
1584 this.ammo_plasma = spectatee.ammo_plasma;
1585 this.ammo_shells = spectatee.ammo_shells;
1586 this.ammo_nails = spectatee.ammo_nails;
1587 this.ammo_rockets = spectatee.ammo_rockets;
1588 this.ammo_fuel = spectatee.ammo_fuel;
1589 this.clip_load = spectatee.clip_load;
1590 this.clip_size = spectatee.clip_size;
1591 this.effects = spectatee.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP; // eat performance
1592 this.health = spectatee.health;
1594 this.items = spectatee.items;
1595 this.last_pickup = spectatee.last_pickup;
1596 this.hit_time = spectatee.hit_time;
1597 this.strength_finished = spectatee.strength_finished;
1598 this.invincible_finished = spectatee.invincible_finished;
1599 this.pressedkeys = spectatee.pressedkeys;
1600 this.weapons = spectatee.weapons;
1601 this.vortex_charge = spectatee.vortex_charge;
1602 this.vortex_chargepool_ammo = spectatee.vortex_chargepool_ammo;
1603 this.hagar_load = spectatee.hagar_load;
1604 this.arc_heat_percent = spectatee.arc_heat_percent;
1605 this.minelayer_mines = spectatee.minelayer_mines;
1606 this.punchangle = spectatee.punchangle;
1607 this.view_ofs = spectatee.view_ofs;
1608 this.velocity = spectatee.velocity;
1609 this.dmg_take = spectatee.dmg_take;
1610 this.dmg_save = spectatee.dmg_save;
1611 this.dmg_inflictor = spectatee.dmg_inflictor;
1612 this.v_angle = spectatee.v_angle;
1613 this.angles = spectatee.v_angle;
1614 STAT(FROZEN, this) = STAT(FROZEN, spectatee);
1615 this.revive_progress = spectatee.revive_progress;
1616 if(!PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this))
1617 this.fixangle = true;
1618 setorigin(this, spectatee.origin);
1619 setsize(this, spectatee.mins, spectatee.maxs);
1620 SetZoomState(this, spectatee.zoomstate);
1622 anticheat_spectatecopy(this, spectatee);
1623 this.hud = spectatee.hud;
1624 if(spectatee.vehicle)
1626 this.angles = spectatee.v_angle;
1628 //this.fixangle = false;
1629 //this.velocity = spectatee.vehicle.velocity;
1630 this.vehicle_health = spectatee.vehicle_health;
1631 this.vehicle_shield = spectatee.vehicle_shield;
1632 this.vehicle_energy = spectatee.vehicle_energy;
1633 this.vehicle_ammo1 = spectatee.vehicle_ammo1;
1634 this.vehicle_ammo2 = spectatee.vehicle_ammo2;
1635 this.vehicle_reload1 = spectatee.vehicle_reload1;
1636 this.vehicle_reload2 = spectatee.vehicle_reload2;
1638 //msg_entity = this;
1641 //WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, spectatee.v_angle.x);
1642 // WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, spectatee.v_angle.y);
1643 // WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, spectatee.v_angle.z);
1645 //WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW);
1646 // WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this);
1647 //makevectors(spectatee.v_angle);
1648 //setorigin(this, spectatee.origin - v_forward * 400 + v_up * 300);*/
1652 bool SpectateUpdate(entity this)
1657 if(!IS_PLAYER(this.enemy) || this == this.enemy)
1659 SetSpectatee(this, NULL);
1663 SpectateCopy(this, this.enemy);
1668 bool SpectateSet(entity this)
1670 if(!IS_PLAYER(this.enemy))
1674 WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW);
1675 WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this.enemy);
1676 this.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
1677 accuracy_resend(this);
1679 if(!SpectateUpdate(this))
1680 PutObserverInServer(this);
1685 void SetSpectatee(entity this, entity spectatee)
1687 entity old_spectatee = this.enemy;
1689 this.enemy = spectatee;
1692 // these are required to fix the spectator bug with arc
1693 if(old_spectatee && old_spectatee.arc_beam) { old_spectatee.arc_beam.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_SETTINGS; }
1694 if(this.enemy && this.enemy.arc_beam) { this.enemy.arc_beam.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_SETTINGS; }
1697 bool Spectate(entity this, entity pl)
1699 if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectateSet, this, pl))
1701 pl = M_ARGV(1, entity);
1703 SetSpectatee(this, pl);
1704 return SpectateSet(this);
1707 bool SpectateNext(entity this)
1709 entity ent = find(this.enemy, classname, STR_PLAYER);
1711 if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectateNext, this, ent))
1712 ent = M_ARGV(1, entity);
1714 ent = find(ent, classname, STR_PLAYER);
1716 if(ent) { SetSpectatee(this, ent); }
1718 return SpectateSet(this);
1721 bool SpectatePrev(entity this)
1723 // NOTE: chain order is from the highest to the lower entnum (unlike find)
1724 entity ent = findchain(classname, STR_PLAYER);
1725 if (!ent) // no player
1729 // skip players until current spectated player
1731 while(ent && ent != this.enemy)
1734 switch (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectatePrev, this, ent, first))
1737 ent = M_ARGV(1, entity);
1752 SetSpectatee(this, ent);
1753 return SpectateSet(this);
1758 ShowRespawnCountdown()
1760 Update a respawn countdown display.
1763 void ShowRespawnCountdown(entity this)
1766 if(!IS_DEAD(this)) // just respawned?
1770 number = ceil(this.respawn_time - time);
1773 if(number <= this.respawn_countdown)
1775 this.respawn_countdown = number - 1;
1776 if(ceil(this.respawn_time - (time + 0.5)) == number) // only say it if it is the same number even in 0.5s; to prevent overlapping sounds
1777 { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_ANNCE, Announcer_PickNumber(CNT_RESPAWN, number)); }
1782 void LeaveSpectatorMode(entity this)
1786 if(nJoinAllowed(this, this))
1788 if(!teamplay || autocvar_g_campaign || autocvar_g_balance_teams || (this.wasplayer && autocvar_g_changeteam_banned) || this.team_forced > 0)
1790 TRANSMUTE(Player, this);
1792 if(autocvar_g_campaign || autocvar_g_balance_teams)
1793 { JoinBestTeam(this, false, true); }
1795 if(autocvar_g_campaign)
1796 { campaign_bots_may_start = true; }
1798 Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_PREVENT_JOIN);
1800 PutClientInServer(this);
1802 if(IS_PLAYER(this)) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, ((teamplay && this.team != -1) ? APP_TEAM_ENT(this, INFO_JOIN_PLAY_TEAM) : INFO_JOIN_PLAY), this.netname); }
1805 stuffcmd(this, "menu_showteamselect\n");
1809 // Player may not join because g_maxplayers is set
1815 * Determines whether the player is allowed to join. This depends on cvar
1816 * g_maxplayers, if it isn't used this function always return true, otherwise
1817 * it checks whether the number of currently playing players exceeds g_maxplayers.
1818 * @return int number of free slots for players, 0 if none
1820 bool nJoinAllowed(entity this, entity ignore)
1823 // this is called that way when checking if anyone may be able to join (to build qcstatus)
1824 // so report 0 free slots if restricted
1826 if(autocvar_g_forced_team_otherwise == "spectate")
1828 if(autocvar_g_forced_team_otherwise == "spectator")
1832 if(this.team_forced < 0)
1833 return false; // forced spectators can never join
1835 // TODO simplify this
1836 int totalClients = 0;
1837 int currentlyPlaying = 0;
1841 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it))
1842 if(IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer)
1846 if (!autocvar_g_maxplayers)
1847 return maxclients - totalClients;
1849 if(currentlyPlaying < autocvar_g_maxplayers)
1850 return min(maxclients - totalClients, autocvar_g_maxplayers - currentlyPlaying);
1856 * Checks whether the client is an observer or spectator, if so, he will get kicked after
1857 * g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime seconds
1859 void checkSpectatorBlock(entity this)
1861 if(IS_SPEC(this) || IS_OBSERVER(this))
1863 if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
1865 if( time > (this.spectatortime + autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime) ) {
1872 void PrintWelcomeMessage(entity this)
1874 if(this.motd_actived_time == 0)
1876 if (autocvar_g_campaign) {
1877 if ((IS_PLAYER(this) && PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) || (!IS_PLAYER(this))) {
1878 this.motd_actived_time = time;
1879 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_MOTD, campaign_message);
1882 if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) {
1883 this.motd_actived_time = time;
1884 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_MOTD, getwelcomemessage(this));
1888 else if(this.motd_actived_time > 0) // showing MOTD or campaign message
1890 if (autocvar_g_campaign) {
1891 if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this))
1892 this.motd_actived_time = time;
1893 else if ((time - this.motd_actived_time > 2) && IS_PLAYER(this)) { // hide it some seconds after BUTTON_INFO has been released
1894 this.motd_actived_time = 0;
1895 Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_MOTD);
1898 if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this))
1899 this.motd_actived_time = time;
1900 else if (time - this.motd_actived_time > 2) { // hide it some seconds after BUTTON_INFO has been released
1901 this.motd_actived_time = 0;
1902 Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_MOTD);
1906 else //if(this.motd_actived_time < 0) // just connected, motd is active
1908 if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) // BUTTON_INFO hides initial MOTD
1909 this.motd_actived_time = -2; // wait until BUTTON_INFO gets released
1910 else if(this.motd_actived_time == -2 || IS_PLAYER(this) || IS_SPEC(this))
1912 // instanctly hide MOTD
1913 this.motd_actived_time = 0;
1914 Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_MOTD);
1919 void ObserverThink(entity this)
1923 MinigameImpulse(this, this.impulse);
1926 float prefered_movetype;
1927 if (this.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) {
1928 if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) && !this.version_mismatch) {
1929 this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1930 this.flags |= FL_SPAWNING;
1931 } else if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) && !this.version_mismatch) {
1932 this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1933 if(SpectateNext(this)) {
1934 TRANSMUTE(Spectator, this);
1937 prefered_movetype = ((!PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this) ? this.cvar_cl_clippedspectating : !this.cvar_cl_clippedspectating) ? MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY : MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
1938 if (this.movetype != prefered_movetype)
1939 this.movetype = prefered_movetype;
1943 this.flags |= FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1944 if(this.flags & FL_SPAWNING)
1946 this.flags &= ~FL_SPAWNING;
1947 LeaveSpectatorMode(this);
1954 void SpectatorThink(entity this)
1958 if(MinigameImpulse(this, this.impulse))
1961 if (this.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) {
1962 if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) && !this.version_mismatch) {
1963 this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1964 this.flags |= FL_SPAWNING;
1965 } else if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || this.impulse == 10 || this.impulse == 15 || this.impulse == 18 || (this.impulse >= 200 && this.impulse <= 209)) {
1966 this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1967 if(SpectateNext(this)) {
1968 TRANSMUTE(Spectator, this);
1970 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this);
1971 PutClientInServer(this);
1974 } else if(this.impulse == 12 || this.impulse == 16 || this.impulse == 19 || (this.impulse >= 220 && this.impulse <= 229)) {
1975 this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1976 if(SpectatePrev(this)) {
1977 TRANSMUTE(Spectator, this);
1979 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this);
1980 PutClientInServer(this);
1983 } else if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this)) {
1984 this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1985 TRANSMUTE(Observer, this);
1986 PutClientInServer(this);
1988 if(!SpectateUpdate(this))
1989 PutObserverInServer(this);
1992 if (!(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this))) {
1993 this.flags |= FL_JUMPRELEASED;
1994 if(this.flags & FL_SPAWNING)
1996 this.flags &= ~FL_SPAWNING;
1997 LeaveSpectatorMode(this);
2001 if(!SpectateUpdate(this))
2002 PutObserverInServer(this);
2005 this.flags |= FL_CLIENT | FL_NOTARGET;
2008 void vehicles_enter (entity pl, entity veh);
2009 void PlayerUseKey(entity this)
2011 if (!IS_PLAYER(this))
2018 vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_NORMAL);
2022 else if(autocvar_g_vehicles_enter)
2024 if(!STAT(FROZEN, this))
2028 entity head, closest_target = NULL;
2029 head = WarpZone_FindRadius(this.origin, autocvar_g_vehicles_enter_radius, true);
2031 while(head) // find the closest acceptable target to enter
2033 if(IS_VEHICLE(head))
2035 if(!head.owner || ((head.vehicle_flags & VHF_MULTISLOT) && SAME_TEAM(head.owner, this)))
2036 if(head.takedamage != DAMAGE_NO)
2040 if(vlen2(this.origin - head.origin) < vlen2(this.origin - closest_target.origin))
2041 { closest_target = head; }
2043 else { closest_target = head; }
2049 if(closest_target) { vehicles_enter(this, closest_target); return; }
2053 // a use key was pressed; call handlers
2054 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerUseKey, this);
2062 Called every frame for each client before the physics are run
2065 .float usekeypressed;
2066 .float last_vehiclecheck;
2068 void PlayerPreThink (entity this)
2070 WarpZone_PlayerPhysics_FixVAngle(this);
2072 STAT(GAMESTARTTIME, this) = game_starttime;
2073 STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME, this) = round_starttime;
2074 STAT(ALLOW_OLDVORTEXBEAM, this) = autocvar_g_allow_oldvortexbeam;
2075 STAT(LEADLIMIT, this) = autocvar_leadlimit;
2077 STAT(WEAPONSINMAP, this) = weaponsInMap;
2080 // physics frames: update anticheat stuff
2081 anticheat_prethink(this);
2084 if (blockSpectators && frametime) {
2085 // WORKAROUND: only use dropclient in server frames (frametime set).
2086 // Never use it in cl_movement frames (frametime zero).
2087 checkSpectatorBlock(this);
2090 zoomstate_set = false;
2092 // Check for nameless players
2093 if (isInvisibleString(this.netname)) {
2094 this.netname = strzone(sprintf("Player#%d", this.playerid));
2095 // stuffcmd(this, strcat("name ", this.netname, "\n")); // maybe?
2097 if (this.netname != this.netname_previous) {
2098 if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) {
2099 GameLogEcho(strcat(":name:", ftos(this.playerid), ":", this.netname));
2101 if (this.netname_previous) strunzone(this.netname_previous);
2102 this.netname_previous = strzone(this.netname);
2106 if (this.version_nagtime && this.cvar_g_xonoticversion && time > this.version_nagtime) {
2107 this.version_nagtime = 0;
2108 if (strstrofs(this.cvar_g_xonoticversion, "git", 0) >= 0 || strstrofs(this.cvar_g_xonoticversion, "autobuild", 0) >= 0) {
2110 } else if (strstrofs(autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "git", 0) >= 0 || strstrofs(autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "autobuild", 0) >= 0) {
2112 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_VERSION_BETA, autocvar_g_xonoticversion, this.cvar_g_xonoticversion);
2114 int r = vercmp(this.cvar_g_xonoticversion, autocvar_g_xonoticversion);
2115 if (r < 0) { // old client
2116 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_VERSION_OUTDATED, autocvar_g_xonoticversion, this.cvar_g_xonoticversion);
2117 } else if (r > 0) { // old server
2118 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_VERSION_OLD, autocvar_g_xonoticversion, this.cvar_g_xonoticversion);
2124 if (!(this.flags & FL_GODMODE) && this.max_armorvalue)
2126 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_GODMODE_OFF, this.max_armorvalue);
2127 this.max_armorvalue = 0;
2130 if (STAT(FROZEN, this) == 2)
2132 this.revive_progress = bound(0, this.revive_progress + frametime * this.revive_speed, 1);
2133 this.health = max(1, this.revive_progress * start_health);
2134 this.iceblock.alpha = bound(0.2, 1 - this.revive_progress, 1);
2136 if (this.revive_progress >= 1)
2139 else if (STAT(FROZEN, this) == 3)
2141 this.revive_progress = bound(0, this.revive_progress - frametime * this.revive_speed, 1);
2142 this.health = max(0, autocvar_g_nades_ice_health + (start_health-autocvar_g_nades_ice_health) * this.revive_progress );
2144 if (this.health < 1)
2147 vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE);
2148 if(this.event_damage)
2149 this.event_damage(this, this, this.frozen_by, 1, DEATH_NADE_ICE_FREEZE.m_id, this.origin, '0 0 0');
2151 else if (this.revive_progress <= 0)
2155 MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerPreThink, this);
2157 if(autocvar_g_vehicles_enter && (time > this.last_vehiclecheck) && !gameover && !this.vehicle)
2158 if(IS_PLAYER(this) && !STAT(FROZEN, this) && !IS_DEAD(this))
2160 FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, autocvar_g_vehicles_enter_radius, IS_VEHICLE(it),
2162 if(!IS_DEAD(it) && it.takedamage != DAMAGE_NO)
2163 if((it.vehicle_flags & VHF_MULTISLOT) && SAME_TEAM(it.owner, this))
2169 if(!it.team || SAME_TEAM(this, it))
2170 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_VEHICLE_ENTER);
2171 else if(autocvar_g_vehicles_steal)
2176 this.last_vehiclecheck = time + 1;
2179 if(!this.cvar_cl_newusekeysupported) // FIXME remove this - it was a stupid idea to begin with, we can JUST use the button
2181 if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this) && !this.usekeypressed)
2183 this.usekeypressed = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this);
2186 if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
2187 PrintWelcomeMessage(this);
2189 if (IS_PLAYER(this)) {
2190 CheckRules_Player(this);
2192 if (intermission_running) {
2193 IntermissionThink(this);
2197 if (timeout_status == TIMEOUT_ACTIVE) {
2198 // don't allow the player to turn around while game is paused
2199 // FIXME turn this into CSQC stuff
2200 this.v_angle = this.lastV_angle;
2201 this.angles = this.lastV_angle;
2202 this.fixangle = true;
2205 if (frametime) player_powerups(this);
2207 if (IS_DEAD(this)) {
2208 if (this.personal && g_race_qualifying) {
2209 if (time > this.respawn_time) {
2210 STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = this.respawn_time = time + 1; // only retry once a second
2212 this.impulse = CHIMPULSE_SPEEDRUN.impulse;
2215 if (frametime) player_anim(this);
2218 switch(this.deadflag)
2222 if ((this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE) && !(this.respawn_time < this.respawn_time_max))
2223 this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING;
2224 else if (!button_pressed || (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE))
2225 this.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
2231 this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNABLE;
2232 else if (time >= this.respawn_time_max && (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE))
2233 this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING;
2238 if (!button_pressed || (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE))
2239 this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING;
2244 if (time > this.respawn_time)
2246 this.respawn_time = time + 1; // only retry once a second
2247 this.respawn_time_max = this.respawn_time;
2254 ShowRespawnCountdown(this);
2256 if (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_SILENT)
2257 STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = 0;
2258 else if ((this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE) && this.respawn_time < this.respawn_time_max)
2260 if (time < this.respawn_time)
2261 STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = this.respawn_time;
2262 else if (this.deadflag != DEAD_RESPAWNING)
2263 STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = -this.respawn_time_max;
2266 STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = this.respawn_time;
2269 // if respawning, invert stat_respawn_time to indicate this, the client translates it
2270 if (this.deadflag == DEAD_RESPAWNING && STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) > 0)
2271 STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) *= -1;
2276 this.prevorigin = this.origin;
2278 bool do_crouch = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(this);
2279 .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
2280 if (this.hook.state) {
2282 } else if (this.vehicle) {
2284 } else if (STAT(FROZEN, this)) {
2286 } else if ((PS(this).m_weapon == WEP_SHOTGUN || PS(this).m_weapon == WEP_SHOCKWAVE) && this.(weaponentity).wframe == WFRAME_FIRE2 && time < this.(weaponentity).weapon_nextthink) {
2287 // WEAPONTODO: predict
2294 this.view_ofs = STAT(PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS, this);
2295 setsize(this, STAT(PL_CROUCH_MIN, this), STAT(PL_CROUCH_MAX, this));
2296 // setanim(this, this.anim_duck, false, true, true); // this anim is BROKEN anyway
2298 } else if (this.crouch) {
2299 tracebox(this.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, this), STAT(PL_MAX, this), this.origin, false, this);
2300 if (!trace_startsolid) {
2301 this.crouch = false;
2302 this.view_ofs = STAT(PL_VIEW_OFS, this);
2303 setsize(this, STAT(PL_MIN, this), STAT(PL_MAX, this));
2307 FixPlayermodel(this);
2309 // LordHavoc: allow firing on move frames (sub-ticrate), this gives better timing on slow servers
2312 this.items &= ~this.items_added;
2314 W_WeaponFrame(this);
2316 this.items_added = 0;
2317 if (this.items & ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid && (this.items & ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid || this.ammo_fuel >= 0.01))
2318 this.items_added |= IT_FUEL;
2320 this.items |= this.items_added;
2325 // WEAPONTODO: Add a weapon request for this
2326 // rot vortex charge to the charge limit
2327 if (WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_rot_rate) && this.vortex_charge > WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_limit) && this.vortex_charge_rottime < time)
2328 this.vortex_charge = bound(WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_limit), this.vortex_charge - WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_rot_rate) * frametime / W_TICSPERFRAME, 1);
2330 if (frametime) player_anim(this);
2333 secrets_setstatus(this);
2336 monsters_setstatus(this);
2338 this.dmg_team = max(0, this.dmg_team - autocvar_g_teamdamage_resetspeed * frametime);
2340 else if (gameover) {
2341 if (intermission_running) IntermissionThink(this);
2344 else if (IS_OBSERVER(this)) {
2345 ObserverThink(this);
2347 else if (IS_SPEC(this)) {
2348 SpectatorThink(this);
2351 // WEAPONTODO: Add weapon request for this
2352 if (!zoomstate_set) {
2355 || (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) && PS(this).m_weapon == WEP_VORTEX)
2356 || (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) && PS(this).m_weapon == WEP_RIFLE && WEP_CVAR(rifle, secondary) == 0)
2360 int oldspectatee_status = this.spectatee_status;
2361 if (IS_SPEC(this)) {
2362 this.spectatee_status = etof(this.enemy);
2363 } else if (IS_OBSERVER(this)) {
2364 this.spectatee_status = etof(this);
2366 this.spectatee_status = 0;
2368 if (this.spectatee_status != oldspectatee_status) {
2369 ClientData_Touch(this);
2370 if (g_race || g_cts) race_InitSpectator();
2373 if (this.teamkill_soundtime && time > this.teamkill_soundtime)
2375 this.teamkill_soundtime = 0;
2377 entity e = this.teamkill_soundsource;
2378 entity oldpusher = e.pusher;
2380 PlayerSound(e, playersound_teamshoot, CH_VOICE, VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER_ONLY);
2381 e.pusher = oldpusher;
2384 if (this.taunt_soundtime && time > this.taunt_soundtime) {
2385 this.taunt_soundtime = 0;
2386 PlayerSound(this, playersound_taunt, CH_VOICE, VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT);
2389 target_voicescript_next(this);
2391 // WEAPONTODO: Move into weaponsystem somehow
2392 // if a player goes unarmed after holding a loaded weapon, empty his clip size and remove the crosshair ammo ring
2393 if (PS(this).m_weapon == WEP_Null)
2394 this.clip_load = this.clip_size = 0;
2397 void DrownPlayer(entity this)
2402 if (this.waterlevel != WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED || this.vehicle)
2404 if(this.air_finished < time)
2405 PlayerSound(this, playersound_gasp, CH_PLAYER, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND);
2406 this.air_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_contents_drowndelay;
2409 else if (this.air_finished < time)
2411 if (this.pain_finished < time)
2413 Damage (this, NULL, NULL, autocvar_g_balance_contents_playerdamage_drowning * autocvar_g_balance_contents_damagerate, DEATH_DROWN.m_id, this.origin, '0 0 0');
2414 this.pain_finished = time + 0.5;
2423 Called every frame for each client after the physics are run
2426 .float idlekick_lasttimeleft;
2427 void PlayerPostThink (entity this)
2430 if (frametime) // WORKAROUND: only use dropclient in server frames (frametime set). Never use it in cl_movement frames (frametime zero).
2431 if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this))
2432 if (IS_PLAYER(this) || sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidle)
2434 int totalClients = 0;
2435 if(sv_maxidle_slots > 0)
2437 FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) || sv_maxidle_slots_countbots,
2443 if (sv_maxidle_slots > 0 && (maxclients - totalClients) > sv_maxidle_slots)
2444 { /* do nothing */ }
2445 else if (time - this.parm_idlesince < 1) // instead of (time == this.parm_idlesince) to support sv_maxidle <= 10
2447 if (this.idlekick_lasttimeleft)
2449 this.idlekick_lasttimeleft = 0;
2450 Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_IDLING);
2455 float timeleft = ceil(sv_maxidle - (time - this.parm_idlesince));
2456 if (timeleft == min(10, sv_maxidle - 1)) { // - 1 to support sv_maxidle <= 10
2457 if (!this.idlekick_lasttimeleft)
2458 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DISCONNECT_IDLING, timeleft);
2460 if (timeleft <= 0) {
2461 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_QUIT_KICK_IDLING, this.netname);
2465 else if (timeleft <= 10) {
2466 if (timeleft != this.idlekick_lasttimeleft) {
2467 Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_ANNCE, Announcer_PickNumber(CNT_IDLE, timeleft));
2469 this.idlekick_lasttimeleft = timeleft;
2476 //CheckPlayerJump();
2478 if (IS_PLAYER(this)) {
2480 CheckRules_Player(this);
2481 UpdateChatBubble(this);
2482 if (this.impulse) ImpulseCommands(this);
2483 if (intermission_running) return; // intermission or finale
2484 GetPressedKeys(this);
2487 if (this.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier) {
2488 vector v = healtharmor_maxdamage(this.health, this.armorvalue, autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent, DEATH_WEAPON.m_id);
2489 WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(this.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, '1 0 0' * v);
2492 playerdemo_write(this);