3 #include <common/command/_mod.qh>
10 #define COMMON_COMMAND(id, description) \
11 CLASS(commoncommand_##id, Command) \
12 ATTRIB(commoncommand_##id, m_name, string, #id); \
13 ATTRIB(commoncommand_##id, m_description, string, description); \
14 ENDCLASS(commoncommand_##id) \
15 REGISTER(COMMON_COMMANDS, CMD_SV, id, m_id, NEW(commoncommand_##id)); \
16 METHOD(commoncommand_##id, m_invokecmd, void(commoncommand_##id this, int request, entity caller, int arguments, string command))
19 FOREACH(COMMON_COMMANDS, true, { localcmd(sprintf("alias %1$s \"%2$s %1$s ${* ?}\"\n", it.m_name, "qc_cmd_svcmd")); });
23 #include <common/monsters/sv_spawn.qh>
25 #include <common/command/_mod.qh>
27 // ============================================================
28 // Shared declarations for server commands, written by Samual
29 // Last updated: December 30th, 2011
30 // ============================================================
32 // client verification results
33 const float CLIENT_ACCEPTABLE = 1;
34 const float CLIENT_DOESNT_EXIST = -1;
35 const float CLIENT_NOT_REAL = -2;
36 const float CLIENT_NOT_BOT = -3;
38 // definitions for timeouts
39 const float TIMEOUT_INACTIVE = 0;
40 const float TIMEOUT_LEADTIME = 1;
41 const float TIMEOUT_ACTIVE = 2;
43 // timeout which pauses the game by setting the slowmo value extremely low.
44 const float TIMEOUT_SLOWMO_VALUE = 0.0001;
46 // global timeout information declarations
47 entity timeout_caller; // contains the entity of the player who started the last timeout
48 entity timeout_handler; // responsible for centerprinting the timeout countdowns and playing sounds
49 float sys_frametime; // gets initialised in worldspawn, saves the value from autocvar_sys_ticrate
50 float orig_slowmo; // contains the value of autocvar_slowmo so that, after timeout finished, it isn't set to slowmo 1 necessarily
51 float timeout_time; // contains the time in seconds that the active timeout has left
52 float timeout_leadtime; // contains the number of seconds left of the leadtime (before the timeout starts)
53 float timeout_status; // (values: 0, 1, 2) contains whether a timeout is not active (0), was called but still at leadtime (1) or is active (2)
54 .float allowed_timeouts; // contains the number of allowed timeouts for each player
55 .vector lastV_angle; // used when pausing the game in order to force the player to keep his old view angle fixed
57 // allow functions to be used in other code like g_world.qc and teamplay.qc
58 void timeout_handler_think(entity this);
60 // used by common/command/generic.qc:GenericCommand_dumpcommands to list all commands into a .txt file
61 void CommonCommand_macro_write_aliases(float fh);
63 // keep track of the next token to use for argc
66 // select the proper prefix for usage and other messages
67 string GetCommandPrefix(entity caller);
69 // if client return player nickname, or if server return admin nickname
70 string GetCallerName(entity caller);
72 // verify that the client provided is acceptable for kicking
73 float VerifyKickableEntity(entity client);
75 // verify that the client provided is acceptable for use
76 float VerifyClientEntity(entity client, float must_be_real, float must_be_bots);
78 // if the client is not acceptable, return a string to be used for error messages
79 string GetClientErrorString_color(float clienterror, string original_input, string col);
80 #define GetClientErrorString(clienterror, original_input) GetClientErrorString_color(clienterror, original_input, "^7")
82 // is this entity number even in the possible range of entities?
83 float VerifyClientNumber(float tmp_number);
85 entity GetIndexedEntity(int argc, float start_index);
87 // find a player which matches the input string, and return their entity
88 entity GetFilteredEntity(string input);
90 // same thing, but instead return their edict number
91 float GetFilteredNumber(string input);
93 // switch between sprint and print depending on whether the receiver is the server or a player
94 void print_to(entity to, string input);
96 // ==========================================
97 // Supporting functions for common commands
98 // ==========================================
100 // used by CommonCommand_timeout() and CommonCommand_timein() to handle game pausing and messaging and such.
101 void timeout_handler_reset(entity this);
103 void timeout_handler_think(entity this);
105 // ===================================================
106 // Common commands used in both sv_cmd.qc and cmd.qc
107 // ===================================================
109 void CommonCommand_cvar_changes(int request, entity caller);
111 void CommonCommand_cvar_purechanges(int request, entity caller);
113 void CommonCommand_editmob(int request, entity caller, int argc);
115 void CommonCommand_info(int request, entity caller, int argc);
117 void CommonCommand_ladder(int request, entity caller);
119 void CommonCommand_lsmaps(int request, entity caller);
121 void CommonCommand_printmaplist(int request, entity caller);
123 void CommonCommand_rankings(int request, entity caller);
125 void CommonCommand_records(int request, entity caller);
127 void CommonCommand_teamstatus(int request, entity caller);
129 void CommonCommand_time(int request, entity caller);
131 void CommonCommand_timein(int request, entity caller);
133 void CommonCommand_timeout(int request, entity caller);
135 void CommonCommand_who(int request, entity caller, int argc);
138 // ==================================
139 // Macro system for common commands
140 // ==================================
142 // Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;)
143 COMMON_COMMAND(cvar_changes, "Prints a list of all changed server cvars") { CommonCommand_cvar_changes(request, caller); }
144 COMMON_COMMAND(cvar_purechanges, "Prints a list of all changed gameplay cvars") { CommonCommand_cvar_purechanges(request, caller); }
145 COMMON_COMMAND(editmob, "Modifies a monster or all monsters") { CommonCommand_editmob(request, caller, arguments); }
146 COMMON_COMMAND(info, "Request for unique server information set up by admin") { CommonCommand_info(request, caller, arguments); }
147 COMMON_COMMAND(ladder, "Get information about top players if supported") { CommonCommand_ladder(request, caller); }
148 COMMON_COMMAND(lsmaps, "List maps which can be used with the current game mode") { CommonCommand_lsmaps(request, caller); }
149 COMMON_COMMAND(printmaplist, "Display full server maplist reply") { CommonCommand_printmaplist(request, caller); }
150 COMMON_COMMAND(rankings, "Print information about rankings") { CommonCommand_rankings(request, caller); }
151 COMMON_COMMAND(records, "List top 10 records for the current map") { CommonCommand_records(request, caller); }
152 COMMON_COMMAND(teamstatus, "Show information about player and team scores") { CommonCommand_teamstatus(request, caller); }
153 COMMON_COMMAND(time, "Print different formats/readouts of time") { CommonCommand_time(request, caller); }
154 COMMON_COMMAND(timein, "Resume the game from being paused with a timeout") { CommonCommand_timein(request, caller); }
155 COMMON_COMMAND(timeout, "Call a timeout which pauses the game for certain amount of time unless unpaused") { CommonCommand_timeout(request, caller); }
156 COMMON_COMMAND(vote, "Request an action to be voted upon by players") { VoteCommand(request, caller, arguments, command); }
157 COMMON_COMMAND(who, "Display detailed client information about all players") { CommonCommand_who(request, caller, arguments);}
159 void CommonCommand_macro_help(entity caller)
161 FOREACH(COMMON_COMMANDS, true, { print_to(caller, sprintf(" ^2%s^7: %s", it.m_name, it.m_description)); });
164 float CommonCommand_macro_command(int argc, entity caller, string command)
166 string c = strtolower(argv(0));
167 FOREACH(COMMON_COMMANDS, it.m_name == c, {
168 it.m_invokecmd(it, CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND, caller, argc, command);
174 float CommonCommand_macro_usage(int argc, entity caller)
176 string c = strtolower(argv(1));
177 FOREACH(COMMON_COMMANDS, it.m_name == c, {
178 it.m_invokecmd(it, CMD_REQUEST_USAGE, caller, argc, "");
184 void CommonCommand_macro_write_aliases(float fh)
186 FOREACH(COMMON_COMMANDS, true, { CMD_Write_Alias("qc_cmd_svcmd", it.m_name, it.m_description); });